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Will County Federal Census
1850 Index

Will, IL 1850 Federal Census     INDEX (File 2 of 15)

This Census was transcribed by Lana Magiera and proofread by Amanda Magiera

for the USGenWeb Census Project,

Copyright 2001 by Lana Magiera


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Formatted for the USGenWeb Census Project by File Manager Ellen Horner, August 2001

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Pg#  Ln#  Last Name      First Name       Age   Birth Place       Filename


208B  30  Babcock        Adelia F.        2/12  Ill               pg0204A.txt

208b  30  Babcock        Adelia F.        2/12  Ill               pg0204a.txt

208B  29  Babcock        Nancy A.         22    O                 pg0204A.txt

208b  29  Babcock        Nancy A.         22    O                 pg0204a.txt

208b  28  Babcock        Theodore         26    O                 pg0204a.txt

208B  28  Babcock        Theodore         26    O                 pg0204A.txt

162b  10  Bachelder      Annette          13    Vt                pg0162a.txt

11a   5   Backus         Catherine        16    Belgium           pg0010a.txt

9b    30  Backus         Catherine        13    Germany           pg0001a.txt

12a   38  Backus         Christian        64    NY                pg0010a.txt

9b    28  Backus         Henry            8     Germany           pg0001a.txt

9b    26  Backus         Henry            12    Germany           pg0001a.txt

9b    29  Backus         Joseph           5     Germany           pg0001a.txt

9b    25  Backus         Josephine        40    Germany           pg0001a.txt

12a   40  Backus         Mary             30    NY                pg0010a.txt

9b    27  Backus         Michael          10    Germany           pg0001a.txt

9b    24  Backus         Nicholas         58    Germany           pg0001a.txt

12a   39  Backus         Polly            58    NY                pg0010a.txt

201a  13  Bagen          Catherine        12    NY                pg0197a.txt

201a  11  Bagen          John             35    NY                pg0197a.txt

201a  15  Bagen          Louisa           1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

201a  14  Bagen          Sarah            9     Ill               pg0197a.txt

201a  12  Bagen          Sarah            34    NY                pg0197a.txt

107b  17  Bailey         Alex             7     Ill               pg0102a.txt

40b   32  Bailey         Betsey           72    NH                pg0038a.txt

107b  18  Bailey         Calvan           1     Ill               pg0102a.txt

107b  12  Bailey         Daniel           38    Pa                pg0102a.txt

73b   33  Bailey         Emma B.          1/12  Ill               pg0073a.txt

35a   27  Bailey         Frances          27    Pa                pg0029a.txt

73b   38  Bailey         Francis M.       2     Ill               pg0073a.txt

73b   35  Bailey         James            1/12  Ill               pg0073a.txt

35a   30  Bailey         Lorin            3     Ill               pg0029a.txt

35a   29  Bailey         Lucetta          6     Ill               pg0029a.txt

35a   31  Bailey         Ludlow           1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

73b   36  Bailey         Martin           31    NY                pg0073a.txt

73b   31  Bailey         Mary             26    NY                pg0073a.txt

73b   37  Bailey         Mary A.          21    Vt                pg0073a.txt

73b   30  Bailey         Morrison         24    NY                pg0073a.txt

73b   32  Bailey         Oliver J.        4     NY                pg0073a.txt

73b   34  Bailey         Patty            65    Ct                pg0073a.txt

97b   32  Bailey         Solon            21    Ia                pg0095a.txt

107b  13  Bailey         Susan            28    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

35a   26  Bailey         Wm.              28    Ky                pg0029a.txt

207a  19  Baily          Briley           1     Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  19  Baily          Briley           1     Canada            pg0204A.txt

207A  17  Baily          Catherine        8     Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  17  Baily          Catherine        8     Canada            pg0204a.txt

207a  14  Baily          Justina          35    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  14  Baily          Justina          35    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  18  Baily          Samuel           5     Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  18  Baily          Samuel           5     Canada            pg0204A.txt

207A  16  Baily          Thomas           12    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  16  Baily          Thomas           12    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207a  13  Baily          Wm.              35    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  13  Baily          Wm.              35    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207A  15  Baily          Wm.              16    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  15  Baily          Wm.              16    Canada            pg0204a.txt

100b  9   Baingridge     Susannah         22    Va                pg0095a.txt

66a   19  Bairns         Henry            29    Germany           pg0063a.txt

17b   42  Baker          Adelia H.        23    NY                pg0010a.txt

1b    16  Baker          Almira           45    Conn              pg0001a.txt

148b  41  Baker          Amelia           20    Ia                pg0141a.txt

59b   38  Baker          Anna             23    Germany           pg0055a.txt

148b  40  Baker          Austin           24    Ia                pg0141a.txt

131b  6   Baker          Caroline         4     Germany           pg0126a.txt

188a  16  Baker          Caroline         25    Canada            pg0188a.txt

131b  5   Baker          Catherine        7     Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  42  Baker          Catherine        4     Germany           pg0126a.txt

172b  22  Baker          Chauncy H.       19    O                 pg0171a.txt

149a  31  Baker          Clement          5     Ill               pg0141a.txt

37a   25  Baker          Cyrus            5     Ill               pg0029a.txt

172b  24  Baker          D. A.            7     Ill               pg0171a.txt

131a  41  Baker          Darrel           40    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131b  1   Baker          Daybold          18    Germany           pg0126a.txt

172b  20  Baker          Dercas           45    NY                pg0171a.txt

37a   22  Baker          Dolly            30    NY                pg0029a.txt

148b  39  Baker          E. S.            2     Ia                pg0141a.txt

37a   26  Baker          Edwin            1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

38a   23  Baker          Elijah           38    Vt                pg0038a.txt

131b  7   Baker          Elizabeth        1     Germany           pg0126a.txt

149a  28  Baker          Ellen            13    Ill               pg0141a.txt

13b   11  Baker          Emeline          20    O                 pg0010a.txt

172b  19  Baker          Emerson          50    NH                pg0171a.txt

18a   2   Baker          Enoch E.         1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

29b   26  Baker          Ezra             1/12  Ill               pg0029a.txt

29b   27  Baker          Ezra, Sen.       63    Mass              pg0029a.txt

172b  23  Baker          Frances A.       11    Ill               pg0171a.txt

149a  30  Baker          Francis          9     Ill               pg0141a.txt

131b  3   Baker          Frederick        12    Germany           pg0126a.txt

164a  9   Baker          George           28    NY                pg0162a.txt

172b  25  Baker          George C.        5     Ill               pg0171a.txt

18a   1   Baker          H. D.            5     Ill               pg0010a.txt

38a   25  Baker          Harriet          16    Ohio              pg0038a.txt

149a  26  Baker          Isaac            18    Ia                pg0141a.txt

131b  4   Baker          Jacob            12    Germany           pg0126a.txt

17b   41  Baker          James S.         34    NY                pg0010a.txt

29b   23  Baker          Jane             22    NY                pg0029a.txt

164a  10  Baker          Jerrett          17    NY                pg0162a.txt

1b    15  Baker          John             57    Maryland          pg0001a.txt

190a  2   Baker          John             20    England           pg0188a.txt

148b  36  Baker          Joseph           26    Ia                pg0141a.txt

13b   10  Baker          Josiah           29    O                 pg0010a.txt

29b   25  Baker          Julia            4     Wisc.             pg0029a.txt

149a  27  Baker          Louisa           15    Ill               pg0141a.txt

29b   24  Baker          Louisa C.        6     NY                pg0029a.txt

38a   26  Baker          Lucy             13    Ohio              pg0038a.txt

148b  42  Baker          Lyman A.         30    Ia                pg0141a.txt

38a   24  Baker          Mary             56    NH                pg0038a.txt

149a  29  Baker          Mary             12    Ill               pg0141a.txt

148b  38  Baker          Mary J.          8/12  Ill               pg0141a.txt

172b  21  Baker          Menard           22    NY                pg0171a.txt

37a   21  Baker          Nelson           34    Vt                pg0029a.txt

13b   12  Baker          Oliver           *     Ill               pg0010a.txt

131b  2   Baker          Philipine        16    Germany           pg0126a.txt

29b   22  Baker          Reuben           28    NY                pg0029a.txt

53b   25  Baker          Sarah            45    Vt                pg0046a.txt

148b  37  Baker          Sarah A.         26    Ia                pg0141a.txt

37a   24  Baker          Sarah J.         8     Ill               pg0029a.txt

37a   23  Baker          Seth             12    Ill               pg0029a.txt

149a  25  Baker          Wm.              53    RI                pg0141a.txt

197b  26  Baldwin        A.               119   Ct                pg0197a.txt

7a    40  Baldwin        D.C.             40    Conn              pg0001a.txt

197b  24  Baldwin        E. V.            43    Vt                pg0197a.txt

197b  25  Baldwin        Harvey P.        21    Ct                pg0197a.txt

122a  19  Baldwin        Jane             23    NY                pg0119a.txt

197b  23  Baldwin        John H.          45    Ct                pg0197a.txt

122a  17  Baldwin        Juliana          62    NY                pg0119a.txt

122a  18  Baldwin        L. Y.            33    NY                pg0119a.txt

191b  37  Baldwin        Olive            19    Conn              pg0188a.txt

197b  27  Baldwin        Olive J.         18    Ct                pg0197a.txt

122a  16  Baldwin        Samuel L.        69    NY                pg0119a.txt

122a  20  Baldwin        Tucker           2     Ill               pg0119a.txt

122a  21  Baldwin        Yates            4/12  Ill               pg0119a.txt

10b   28  Baldy          Alexander        15    Pa                pg0010a.txt

10b   30  Baldy          Amelia           20    Pa                pg0010a.txt

10b   23  Baldy          Christian        58    Pa                pg0010a.txt

10b   27  Baldy          Edward           19    Pa                pg0010a.txt

8a    42  Baldy          Edward           18    Pa                pg0001a.txt

10b   32  Baldy          Emma             19    Pa                pg0010a.txt

10b   29  Baldy          Galen            13    Mich              pg0010a.txt

10b   26  Baldy          George           22    Pa                pg0010a.txt

64b   22  Baldy          John             48    England           pg0063a.txt

10b   24  Baldy          Mary             50    Pa                pg0010a.txt

64b   23  Baldy          Mary A.          39    England           pg0063a.txt

10b   31  Baldy          Sarah            10    Mich              pg0010a.txt

10b   25  Baldy          Wm.              28    Pa                pg0010a.txt

32a   28  Ball           Catherine        46    NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   30  Ball           Christian        12    NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   31  Ball           David  E.        8     NY                pg0029a.txt

8a    16  Ball           John J.          20    O                 pg0001a.txt

32a   32  Ball           L.               5     Ill               pg0029a.txt

32a   29  Ball           Lucy Ann         14    NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   27  Ball           S. A.            50    Vt                pg0029a.txt

30b   25  Ball           Zach.            23    NY                pg0029a.txt

126a  18  Ballard        Amos B.          21    NY                pg0126a.txt

126a  19  Ballard        Dailler P.       17    NY                pg0126a.txt

126a  15  Ballard        Elzer            41    Conn              pg0126a.txt

126a  17  Ballard        Hanson L.        22    NY                pg0126a.txt

126a  23  Ballard        Henry D.         7     NY                pg0126a.txt

182a  3   Ballard        Ivennea          24    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

39b   41  Ballard        James            36    Mass              pg0038a.txt

40a   2   Ballard        James J.         2     Ill               pg0038a.txt

182a  4   Ballard        John             1     Conn              pg0180a.txt

126a  25  Ballard        Martha J.        4     Ill               pg0126a.txt

126a  20  Ballard        Mary C.          15    NY                pg0126a.txt

126a  14  Ballard        Moses H.         49    Mass              pg0126a.txt

126a  16  Ballard        Russel W.        23    NY                pg0126a.txt

126a  26  Ballard        Ruth A.          2     Ill               pg0126a.txt

39b   42  Ballard        Sally A.         23    NY                pg0038a.txt

126a  21  Ballard        Samuel A.        14    NY                pg0126a.txt

126a  24  Ballard        Sarah E.         6     NY                pg0126a.txt

126a  22  Ballard        Volney O.        11    NY                pg0126a.txt

182a  2   Ballard        Wm.              25    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

135a  18  Ballen         Eliza            25    NY                pg0135a.txt

135a  19  Ballen         Lucilia          9     NY                pg0135a.txt

135a  20  Ballen         Mary J.          7     NY                pg0135a.txt

135a  21  Ballen         Oscar            5     Ill               pg0135a.txt

135a  22  Ballen         Squire           1     Ill               pg0135a.txt

135a  17  Ballen         Wm. G.           33    NY                pg0135a.txt

152a  33  Ballow         Alexis           30    Canada            pg0150a.txt

147b  35  Bamm           Camilla          8     Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  34  Bamm           Edward           10    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  37  Bamm           Madeline         5/12  Ill               pg0141a.txt

147b  36  Bamm           Mary             4     Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  33  Bamm           Mary             30    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  32  Bamm           Russel           35    Canada            pg0141a.txt

149a  36  Bandells       Eliza A.         28    Canada            pg0141a.txt

149a  38  Bandells       George           5     Ill               pg0141a.txt

149a  35  Bandells       Lewis            34    NY                pg0141a.txt

149a  37  Bandells       Wm. H.           8     Ill               pg0141a.txt

98a   32  Bandle         Hiram            25    NY                pg0095a.txt

98a   33  Bandle         Jane             18    O                 pg0095a.txt

98a   18  Bandle         S. B.            26    Conn              pg0095a.txt

98a   19  Bandle         T.               22    O                 pg0095a.txt

151b  35  Baniens        Francis          6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  33  Baniens        Francis          35    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  36  Baniens        Mary             4     Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  34  Baniens        Mary             23    Canada            pg0150a.txt

93b   27  Banker         Caleb            32    NY                pg0091a.txt

93b   29  Banker         Charles          8     NY                pg0091a.txt

93b   28  Banker         Nancy            30    NY                pg0091a.txt

24a   26  Banker         R.               54    Vt                pg0021a.txt

198b  15  Bannon         Bridget          34    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

199b  37  Bannon         Catherine        6     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199b  39  Bannon         Daniel           2     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199b  38  Bannon         Edward           5     Ill               pg0197a.txt

197b  17  Bannon         Francis B.       10/12 Ill               pg0197a.txt

198b  19  Bannon         H. P.            6     Ill               pg0197a.txt

198b  16  Bannon         John             13    Ia                pg0197a.txt

199b  34  Bannon         M. W.            38    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

199b  36  Bannon         Margaret         9     Ill               pg0197a.txt

197b  16  Bannon         Margaret         26    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

198b  18  Bannon         Maria            8     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199b  35  Bannon         Maria            36    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

198b  20  Bannon         Mathew           1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

198b  17  Bannon         Michael          11    Ill               pg0197a.txt

197b  15  Bannon         Michael C.       36    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

198b  14  Bannon         Patrick          40    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

3a    25  Bannon         Sarah            25    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

4b    36  Bannon         Sarah            22    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

197b  19  Barber         Ellen E.         25    NY                pg0197a.txt

57b   2   Barber         Emma             55    Mass              pg0055a.txt

57b   4   Barber         Francis          14    Ill               pg0055a.txt

57b   3   Barber         Franklin         14    Ill               pg0055a.txt

68a   14  Barber         James            18    NY                pg0063a.txt

197b  21  Barber         Jane E.          17    Vt                pg0197a.txt

57b   1   Barber         John             54    Vt                pg0055a.txt

197b  18  Barber         R. E.            27    Vt                pg0197a.txt

73a   8   Bargun         Esther           30    Ireland           pg0073a.txt

73a   11  Bargun         John             6     Ireland           pg0073a.txt

73a   7   Bargun         Martin           45    Ireland           pg0073a.txt

73a   10  Bargun         Mary             8     Ireland           pg0073a.txt

73a   9   Bargun         Michael          10    Ireland           pg0073a.txt

73a   12  Bargun         Nicholas         3     Ireland           pg0073a.txt

73a   13  Bargun         Wm.              3/12  Ill               pg0073a.txt

103a  1   Barhyte        Nicholas         26    NY                pg0102a.txt

68a   34  Barker         Burns            30    Unknown           pg0063a.txt

105b  16  Barker         Joseph           45    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

107a  8   Barkshire      W. F.            10    Ia                pg0102a.txt

14a   3   Barman         Betsy            13    NY                pg0010a.txt

163b  23  Barmons        Cynthia F.       5/12  Ill               pg0162a.txt

163b  21  Barmons        Frederick J.     28    Ia                pg0162a.txt

163b  24  Barmons        Oliver           32    NY                pg0162a.txt

163b  22  Barmons        Priscilla        20    I                 pg0162a.txt

13a   28  Barnes         Buel             68    Conn              pg0010a.txt

13a   27  Barnes         Buel             6     Ill               pg0010a.txt

13a   23  Barnes         Dorcas           32    O                 pg0010a.txt

13a   22  Barnes         Elijah           41    Vt                pg0010a.txt

67b   12  Barnes         James            25    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

14a   26  Barnes         James            11    Ill               pg0010a.txt

14a   27  Barnes         Jenette          5     O                 pg0010a.txt

7b    8   Barnes         Lorenzo          20    NY                pg0001a.txt

14a   24  Barnes         Lorenzo          18    Ill               pg0010a.txt

14a   22  Barnes         Margaret         45    Vermont           pg0010a.txt

14a   25  Barnes         Margaret         15    Ill               pg0010a.txt

13a   26  Barnes         MArtha A.        8     Ill               pg0010a.txt

13a   25  Barnes         Mary J.          12    Ill               pg0010a.txt

14a   21  Barnes         Wm.              52    Vermont           pg0010a.txt

41b   3   Barnet         Harriet          9/12  NY                pg0038a.txt

41b   2   Barnet         Jane             2     NY                pg0038a.txt

41b   1   Barnet         Wm.              5     NY                pg0038a.txt

162b  14  Barnett        Alfred H.        6     Ill               pg0162a.txt

66b   9   Barnett        Ann              35    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

66b   11  Barnett        Ann              11    Ill               pg0063a.txt

162b  16  Barnett        Blanchard C.     1     Ill               pg0162a.txt

162b  15  Barnett        Cornelia S.      4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

66b   6   Barnett        Elspet           76    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

66b   8   Barnett        George           48    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

66b   14  Barnett        George           4     Ill               pg0063a.txt

66b   13  Barnett        Georgiann        6     Canada            pg0063a.txt

66b   12  Barnett        Henrietta        8     Canada            pg0063a.txt

66b   15  Barnett        Henry            1     Ill               pg0063a.txt

66a   22  Barnett        Jenette          15    Canada            pg0063a.txt

186a  39  Barnett        John W.          22    Pa                pg0180a.txt

66b   5   Barnett        Lewis            77    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

66b   10  Barnett        Louisa           13    Canada            pg0063a.txt

162b  13  Barnett        Lovina           25    NY                pg0162a.txt

162b  12  Barnett        Orinn D.         32    NY                pg0162a.txt

102a  36  Barney         Aurelius         18    Pa                pg0102a.txt

102a  39  Barney         Caroline         4     Mich              pg0102a.txt

88a   39  Barney         Clarissa         21    Vt                pg0083a.txt

141a  8   Barney         Dominik          20    Canada            pg0141a.txt

102a  37  Barney         George           14    NY                pg0102a.txt

102a  38  Barney         Juliett          6     Mich              pg0102a.txt

102a  35  Barney         Mary             36    Pa                pg0102a.txt

88a   38  Barney         Vincent          27    NY                pg0083a.txt

102a  34  Barney         W. W.            39    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

199b  9   Barnhardt      Catherine        30    Germany           pg0197a.txt

199b  10  Barnhardt      Elizabeth        6     Ia                pg0197a.txt

199b  11  Barnhardt      Wm.              9/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

199b  8   Barnhardt      Wm.              35    Germany           pg0197a.txt

164a  33  Barns          Mr.              57    Conn              pg0162a.txt

96a   5   Barnum         L. W.            33    NY                pg0095a.txt

80a   27  Barnyeau       Charlotte        24    Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   28  Barnyeau       Diagene          10    Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   31  Barnyeau       John             5     Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   32  Barnyeau       Joseph           3     Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   26  Barnyeau       Louis            37    Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   29  Barnyeau       Louisa           9     Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   30  Barnyeau       Napoleonetta     6     Canada            pg0076a.txt

176a  22  Barr           Mary J.          14    Ia                pg0174a.txt

165b  11  Barres         Henry            18    Germany           pg0162a.txt

167a  14  Barrett        Ann E.           10    Ill               pg0162a.txt

207A  1   Barrett        Benjm.           30    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  1   Barrett        Benjm.           30    Canada            pg0204a.txt

191a  19  Barrett        Charity M.       1     Canada            pg0188a.txt

191a  16  Barrett        Clemena          25    NY                pg0188a.txt

207b  8   Barrett        Daniel           3     Canada            pg0204a.txt

207B  8   Barrett        Daniel           3     Canada            pg0204A.txt

167a  17  Barrett        Dorothy J.       4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

167a  12  Barrett        E. C.            34    Canada            pg0162a.txt

170b  12  Barrett        Elvira           18    NY                pg0162a.txt

167a  13  Barrett        Ester A.         35    NY                pg0162a.txt

167a  18  Barrett        Francis C.       9/12  Ill               pg0162a.txt

167a  16  Barrett        Henry M.         6     Ill               pg0162a.txt

170b  11  Barrett        Herman           30    NY                pg0162a.txt

207b  3   Barrett        Jesse            36    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207B  3   Barrett        Jesse            36    Canada            pg0204A.txt

167a  15  Barrett        Mary E.          8     Ill               pg0162a.txt

207B  7   Barrett        Miles            7     Canada            pg0204A.txt

207b  7   Barrett        Miles            7     Canada            pg0204a.txt

207b  5   Barrett        Nancy            15    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207B  5   Barrett        Nancy            15    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  2   Barrett        Phoebe           23    NY                pg0204a.txt

207A  2   Barrett        Phoebe           23    NY                pg0204A.txt

207b  4   Barrett        Rachel           36    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207B  4   Barrett        Rachel           36    Canada            pg0204A.txt

191a  18  Barrett        Sarah E.         3     Mich              pg0188a.txt

207b  6   Barrett        Wm.              10    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207B  6   Barrett        Wm.              10    Canada            pg0204A.txt

191a  15  Barrett        Wm. F.           35    Mass              pg0188a.txt

180b  21  Barry          Patrick          9     Ill               pg0180a.txt

36b   16  Barter         Wm.              20    England           pg0029a.txt

31b   32  Bartlett       A.               5     Ill               pg0029a.txt

10b   13  Bartlett       Alvin            23    NY                pg0010a.txt

31b   5   Bartlett       D. M.            2     Ill               pg0029a.txt

31b   1   Bartlett       E. L.            24    NH                pg0029a.txt

208a  21  Bartlett       Levi S.          28    NY                pg0204a.txt

208A  21  Bartlett       Levi S.          28    NY                pg0204A.txt

31b   33  Bartlett       M.               1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

208A  22  Bartlett       Minerva          19    Va                pg0204A.txt

208a  22  Bartlett       Minerva          19    Va                pg0204a.txt

31b   4   Bartlett       N. B.            4     Ill               pg0029a.txt

31b   2   Bartlett       R. A.            25    NY                pg0029a.txt

31b   30  Bartlett       R. F.            32    NY                pg0029a.txt

31b   31  Bartlett       R. L.            27    NY                pg0029a.txt

31b   34  Bartlett       Wm.              34    NY                pg0029a.txt

39b   36  Bartolph       Wm.              22    NY                pg0038a.txt

37a   20  Barton         Ann Eliza        21    Vt                pg0029a.txt

150a  36  Bashaw         John             20    Canada            pg0150a.txt

150a  35  Bashaw         Joseph           21    Canada            pg0150a.txt

206a  15  Bashelder      Ann M.           4     Vt                pg0204a.txt

206A  15  Bashelder      Ann M.           4     Vt                pg0204A.txt

206A  13  Bashelder      J. A.            33    Vt                pg0204A.txt

206a  13  Bashelder      J. A.            33    Vt                pg0204a.txt

206a  16  Bashelder      J. K.            3     Vt                pg0204a.txt

206A  16  Bashelder      J. K.            3     Vt                pg0204A.txt

206a  14  Bashelder      Maria            35    Miss              pg0204a.txt

206A  14  Bashelder      Maria            35    Miss              pg0204A.txt

151a  6   Bashem         Alois            51    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  8   Bashem         John B.          15    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  9   Bashem         Louis            13    Ill               pg0150a.txt

151a  7   Bashem         Lucy             50    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  10  Bashem         Prosper          8     Ill               pg0150a.txt

156a  16  Bass           Achilla          4     Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  17  Bass           Artemesia        2     Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  9   Bass           Christie         37    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  19  Bass           David            5/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

156a  13  Bass           Fanny            10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  8   Bass           Francis          37    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  12  Bass           Francis          12    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  14  Bass           Louis            8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  18  Bass           Louis            23    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  10  Bass           Philip           19    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  11  Bass           Sarah            17    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  15  Bass           Thomas           5     Canada            pg0150a.txt

96b   10  Baum           John             40    Pa                pg0095a.txt

194b  8   Baumgardner    Ann              22    Switzerland       pg0188a.txt

194b  3   Baumgardner    Elizabeth        26    Switzerland       pg0188a.txt

194b  5   Baumgardner    Jacob            18    Switzerland       pg0188a.txt

194b  7   Baumgardner    John             27    Switzerland       pg0188a.txt

134a  19  Baush          Barbara          50    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134a  20  Baush          Jacob            19    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134a  18  Baush          John             52    Germany           pg0126a.txt

175a  14  Baxter         amanda           1     I                 pg0174a.txt

110b  32  Baxter         Andrew           8     MA                pg0110a.txt

110b  31  Baxter         Ellen            9     MA                pg0110a.txt

110b  28  Baxter         Ellen            43    England           pg0110a.txt

110b  29  Baxter         James            17    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

110b  33  Baxter         John             5     MA                pg0110a.txt

175a  13  Baxter         Mary             33    Va                pg0174a.txt

110b  34  Baxter         Mary             3     MA                pg0110a.txt

110b  27  Baxter         Wm.              45    England           pg0110a.txt

110b  30  Baxter         Wm.              11    Pa                pg0110a.txt

169a  37  Bayes          Helen            50    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169a  38  Bayes          Helen A.         21    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169a  40  Bayes          Henry            18    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169a  39  Bayes          John             21    Germany           pg0162a.txt

162b  18  Beach          Dorothy          39    Canada            pg0162a.txt

162b  17  Beach          Eben W.          39    NY                pg0162a.txt

68b   42  Beals          Austin           12    England           pg0063a.txt

69a   6   Beals          Benj.            60    England           pg0063a.txt

68b   41  Beals          Betsy            40    England           pg0063a.txt

69a   5   Beals          Geo.             20    England           pg0063a.txt

69a   7   Beals          Jessy            62    England           pg0063a.txt

69a   1   Beals          Jessy            10    England           pg0063a.txt

69a   4   Beals          Joseph J.        23    England           pg0063a.txt

69a   3   Beals          Robt. K.         5     England           pg0063a.txt

69a   2   Beals          Sarah A.         8     England           pg0063a.txt

68b   40  Beals          Wm.              35    England           pg0063a.txt

195b  16  Bean           Betsy H.         29    Vt                pg0188a.txt

128b  12  Bean           Catherine        5     Ill               pg0126a.txt

195b  15  Bean           Derrin           33    NH                pg0188a.txt

128b  14  Bean           Edward B.        4     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128b  10  Bean           Ellen            38    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

128b  15  Bean           Ellen J.         2     Ill               pg0126a.txt

195b  17  Bean           Geo. W.          9     NY                pg0188a.txt

195b  19  Bean           Helen F.         2     NH                pg0188a.txt

128b  9   Bean           John             41    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

207A  3   Bean           John             40    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  3   Bean           John             40    Canada            pg0204a.txt

128b  13  Bean           John R.          6     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128b  16  Bean           Margaret         1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128b  11  Bean           Mary Ann         9     Ill               pg0126a.txt

195b  18  Bean           Susan C.         4     NH                pg0188a.txt

145b  26  Bean (Beau)    Alfred           7     Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  24  Bean (Beau)    Caroline         16    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  25  Bean (Beau)    Edward           15    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  23  Bean (Beau)    Mechmie          18    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  22  Bean (Beau)    Syona            36    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  21  Bean (Beau)    Tedore           48    Canada            pg0141a.txt

31a   12  Beane          C. B.            2     Ill               pg0029a.txt

31a   10  Beane          E.               25    ENgland           pg0029a.txt

31a   13  Beane          E. B.            1/12  Ill               pg0029a.txt

31a   9   Beane          R. B.            26    England           pg0029a.txt

31a   11  Beane          W. J.            3     Ill               pg0029a.txt

44a   33  Beard          Abram            64    Ct                pg0043a.txt

124b  37  Beard          Amanda           8     Ill               pg0119a.txt

124b  38  Beard          Madusa           14    Ill               pg0119a.txt

124b  35  Beard          Michael          36    Ia                pg0119a.txt

124b  36  Beard          Sarah            35    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

102b  21  Beardsley      J. J.            25    Conn              pg0102a.txt

102b  20  Beardsley      Joanna           59    Conn              pg0102a.txt

102b  22  Beardsley      Wm. W.           33    Conn              pg0102a.txt

171b  23  Bearman        Augustin         6     Ill               pg0171a.txt

171b  18  Bearman        Caroline         58    Germany           pg0171a.txt

171b  24  Bearman        Charles          5     Ill               pg0171a.txt

171b  17  Bearman        Christian        65    Germany           pg0171a.txt

171b  26  Bearman        Derastin         2     Ill               pg0171a.txt

171b  19  Bearman        Frederick        28    Germany           pg0171a.txt

171b  20  Bearman        Henry            16    Germany           pg0171a.txt

171b  21  Bearman        Lewis            13    Ill               pg0171a.txt

171b  25  Bearman        Mary             7     Ill               pg0171a.txt

171b  22  Bearman        William          9     Ill               pg0171a.txt

135a  10  Beaumon        Daubuch          34    Germany           pg0135a.txt

135a  15  Beaumon        Deidrich         2     Germany           pg0135a.txt

135a  12  Beaumon        Harriet          6     Germany           pg0135a.txt

135a  14  Beaumon        Helen            4     Germany           pg0135a.txt

135a  11  Beaumon        Nicholine        31    Germany           pg0135a.txt

135a  13  Beaumon        Peter            4     Germany           pg0135a.txt

192a  7   Beaumont       Elizabeth        47    NY                pg0188a.txt

192a  6   Beaumont       Josiag           48    NY                pg0188a.txt

192a  8   Beaumont       Manetta          22    NY                pg0188a.txt

95a   7   Bebee          Samuel           26    Vt                pg0095a.txt

100a  31  Beber          Agnes M.         5     Ill               pg0095a.txt

85b   4   Beber          Albert           8     Ill               pg0083a.txt

100a  35  Beber          Albert           6     Ill               pg0095a.txt

100a  30  Beber          Almond M.        7     Ill               pg0095a.txt

100a  34  Beber          Clarinda H.      8     Ill               pg0095a.txt

100a  28  Beber          Daniel           38    Vt                pg0095a.txt

100a  33  Beber          Harriet          30    Vt                pg0095a.txt

100a  29  Beber          Nancy            30    Vt                pg0095a.txt

85b   3   Beber          Phebe            34    NY                pg0083a.txt

100a  32  Beber          Renillo          30    Vt                pg0095a.txt

85b   5   Beber          Wayne            2     Ill               pg0083a.txt

85b   2   Beber          Wm.              35    Vt                pg0083a.txt

121b  9   Beck           John             17    Germany           pg0119a.txt

39a   18  Becker         Catherine        63    NY                pg0038a.txt

39a   22  Becker         Frederick        12    NY                pg0038a.txt

39a   19  Becker         Jacob P.         25    NY                pg0038a.txt

39a   17  Becker         John             64    NY                pg0038a.txt

39a   20  Becker         Sarah            18    NY                pg0038a.txt

39a   21  Becker         Sophronia        18    NY                pg0038a.txt

51a   16  Beckwith       Albert           34    NY                pg0046a.txt

32b   18  Beckwith       Dudley           65    NH                pg0029a.txt

117a  40  Beckwith       Guy              10    Ill               pg0110a.txt

117a  41  Beckwith       Hannah           6     Ill               pg0110a.txt

117a  39  Beckwith       Harriet A.       11    Ill               pg0110a.txt

51a   18  Beckwith       Jane A.          4     Ill               pg0046a.txt

51a   17  Beckwith       Louisa           28    NY                pg0046a.txt

32b   19  Beckwith       Worthy           64    NH                pg0029a.txt

68a   23  Bede           Aurelia M.       13    NY                pg0063a.txt

68a   18  Bede           Austin D.        25    NY                pg0063a.txt

68a   21  Bede           Chas. W.         18    Vt                pg0063a.txt

68a   16  Bede           Daniel           51    Vt                pg0063a.txt

68a   25  Bede           Fanny E.         7     NY                pg0063a.txt

68a   24  Bede           Henry            10    NY                pg0063a.txt

68a   19  Bede           Langdon J.       23    Vt                pg0063a.txt

68a   22  Bede           Nathan S.        16    NY                pg0063a.txt

68a   17  Bede           Sarah            52    NH                pg0063a.txt

68a   20  Bede           Sarah L.         21    Vt                pg0063a.txt

162b  19  Beebe          Asa              21    NY                pg0162a.txt

162b  21  Beebe          Congdon D.       16    NY                pg0162a.txt

150a  5   Beebe          Dudley           71    Conn              pg0150a.txt

162b  24  Beebe          Eugene           3     Ill               pg0162a.txt

150a  6   Beebe          Joanna           16    Vt                pg0150a.txt

162b  20  Beebe          Mack             18    NY                pg0162a.txt

162b  23  Beebe          Sarah C.         9     Ill               pg0162a.txt

162b  22  Beebe          Warren N.        10    Ill               pg0162a.txt

150a  7   Beebe          Wm.              `9    Vt                pg0150a.txt

106b  3   Beecher        Daniel           23    NY                pg0102a.txt

65b   1   Beelfelt       Christian        25    Germany           pg0063a.txt

55a   41  Begin          Ann              15    Canada            pg0055a.txt

55a   39  Begin          Bridget          25    Ireland           pg0055a.txt

55b   1   Begin          Catherine        10    Ill               pg0055a.txt

55a   40  Begin          Francis          12    Ill               pg0055a.txt

55b   3   Begin          James            4     Ill               pg0055a.txt

55a   38  Begin          Patrick          42    Ireland           pg0055a.txt

55a   42  Begin          Phil             9     Ill               pg0055a.txt

55b   2   Begin          Rosanna          7     Ill               pg0055a.txt

145a  3   Begoness       Alne             9/12  Ill               pg0141a.txt

144b  36  Begoness       Batista          46    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  40  Begoness       Cordele          12    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  41  Begoness       Demmen           11    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  42  Begoness       Derala           8     Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  37  Begoness       Dermalre         34    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145a  1   Begoness       Margueer         6     Canada            pg0141a.txt

145a  2   Begoness       Napolean         3     Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  39  Begoness       Octavian         13    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  38  Begoness       Philomena        18    Canada            pg0141a.txt

1a    41  Behan          Michael          18    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

158b  22  Belange        Delmere          16    Canada            pg0150a.txt

158b  25  Belange        Edward           8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

158b  24  Belange        Henry            10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

158b  19  Belange        John             55    Canada            pg0150a.txt

158b  20  Belange        Margaret         50    Canada            pg0150a.txt

158b  26  Belange        Matilda          5     Ill               pg0150a.txt

158b  23  Belange        Moses            11    Canada            pg0150a.txt

158b  21  Belange        Narcissus        21    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  6   Beleal         Adeline          17    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  10  Beleal         Alexis           8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  8   Beleal         Joseph           15    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  5   Beleal         Julius           18    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  7   Beleal         Louis            16    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  4   Beleal         Percer           40    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  9   Beleal         Serena           14    Canada            pg0150a.txt

159b  37  Beleander      Ambrose          45    Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  42  Beleander      Joseph           4     Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  41  Beleander      Madore           6     Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  40  Beleander      Mary             9     Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  39  Beleander      Philomena        12    Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  38  Beleander      Rautte           36    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  26  Beleau         Joseph           15    Canada            pg0159a.txt

144b  5   Belgard        Ameronsen        15    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  1   Belgard        Augustus         54    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  3   Belgard        Caroline         18    Canada            pg0141a.txt

143a  13  Belgard        Henry            12    Canada            pg0141a.txt

143a  14  Belgard        Julia            7     Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  2   Belgard        Mary             51    Canada            pg0141a.txt

143a  10  Belgard        Melen            44    Canada            pg0141a.txt

143a  11  Belgard        Peter            19    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  6   Belgard        Philomena        11    Canada            pg0141a.txt

143a  12  Belgard        Susan            15    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  4   Belgard        Virginia         16    Canada            pg0141a.txt

121a  28  Belknap        Anna             46    NY                pg0119a.txt

121a  29  Belknap        Chas. W.         20    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

121a  36  Belknap        Flora            7     Mich              pg0119a.txt

121a  30  Belknap        J. N.            17    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

121a  33  Belknap        Lafaette         12    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

121a  35  Belknap        Lewis            8     Mich              pg0119a.txt

121a  32  Belknap        Marrilla         13    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

121a  31  Belknap        Martha A.        15    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

121a  27  Belknap        Orin             51    NY                pg0119a.txt

121a  34  Belknap        Orin             10    Mich              pg0119a.txt

110a  36  Bell           David            36    Scotland          pg0110a.txt

69a   37  Bell           Joshua           6     Ill               pg0063a.txt

8a    38  Bell           M.               30    Scotland          pg0001a.txt

110a  38  Bell           Mary             7     Ill               pg0110a.txt

110a  37  Bell           Sarah            33    NY                pg0110a.txt

110a  39  Bell           Wm.              4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

158b  8   Belonge        Aurelia          22    Canada            pg0150a.txt

158b  9   Belonge        Eliza            6/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

158b  7   Belonge        John B.          26    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153a  1   Belonier       Mary             20    Canada            pg0150a.txt

152b  42  Belonier       Zavier           24    Canada            pg0150a.txt

176b  25  Belshar        Anne M.          6/12  Ill               pg0174a.txt

176b  22  Belshar        Henry            30    Ill               pg0174a.txt

176b  23  Belshar        Mary             25    Ia                pg0174a.txt

176b  24  Belshar        Mary E.          5     Ia                pg0174a.txt

107a  24  Belstand       Madison          31    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

28a   3   Beltz          John             28    Germany           pg0021a.txt

119b  32  Bement         Miranda          20    NY                pg0119a.txt

74a   37  Bemis          Edwin            26    NY                pg0073a.txt

75b   29  Bemis          Eleline          20    NY                pg0073a.txt

74a   38  Bemis          Elvira           19    NY                pg0073a.txt

74b   9   Bemis          Ephraim          35    Unknown           pg0073a.txt

75b   28  Bemis          James A.         24    NY                pg0073a.txt

75b   27  Bemis          Maria            53    Mass              pg0073a.txt

74b   11  Bemis          Maria            3     Mich              pg0073a.txt

75b   26  Bemis          Simeon           56    Vt                pg0073a.txt

75b   30  Bemis          Simeon           1/12  Ill               pg0073a.txt

74b   10  Bemis          Sybil            30    Unknown           pg0073a.txt

147b  4   Bemwa          Adess            1     Ill               pg0141a.txt

147b  2   Bemwa          Julia            26    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  5   Bemwa          Matilda          9/12  Ill               pg0141a.txt

147b  1   Bemwa          Thomas           28    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  3   Bemwa          Thos.            3     Canada            pg0141a.txt

190b  4   Benagan        Cordelia         5     Ill               pg0188a.txt

190b  5   Benagan        James            4     Ill               pg0188a.txt

190b  6   Benagan        Julia            2     Ill               pg0188a.txt

190b  3   Benagan        Mary             7     Ill               pg0188a.txt

160b  13  Beneusen       Rose             20    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  12  Beneusen       Xavier           25    Canada            pg0159a.txt

104b  28  Benjamin       Oliver           10    Ill               pg0102a.txt

145b  42  Benjosh        Eustate          32    Canada            pg0141a.txt

146a  1   Benjosh        Margaret         70    Canada            pg0141a.txt

51a   25  Benket         Ann              35    England           pg0046a.txt

51a   26  Benket         Ann              13    England           pg0046a.txt

51a   24  Benket         Daniel           35    England           pg0046a.txt

51a   27  Benket         Daniel W.        7     Ill               pg0046a.txt

51a   30  Benket         Infant           36537 Ill               pg0046a.txt

51a   29  Benket         Louisa M.        2     Ill               pg0046a.txt

51a   28  Benket         Mary Jane        3     Ill               pg0046a.txt

20a   25  Benn           Alexander        23    None listed       pg0019a.txt

20a   23  Benn           George           54    None listed       pg0019a.txt

20a   24  Benn           James            27    None listed       pg0019a.txt

20a   26  Benn           Thomas           19    None listed       pg0019a.txt

129a  40  Bennet         Abisha           48    Vt                pg0126a.txt

129a  39  Bennet         Lester J.        50    Vt                pg0126a.txt

104b  42  Bennett        Caroline         12    England           pg0102a.txt

34a   30  Bennett        E. J.            24    Ky                pg0029a.txt

104b  37  Bennett        Eli              44    England           pg0102a.txt

104b  38  Bennett        Elizabeth        43    England           pg0102a.txt

105a  4   Bennett        Elizabeth        4     England           pg0102a.txt

105a  5   Bennett        Emma             2     England           pg0102a.txt

203b  9   Bennett        Hiram            21    NY                pg0197a.txt

99b   4   Bennett        J.               39    NY                pg0095a.txt

104b  39  Bennett        John             22    England           pg0102a.txt

192b  12  Bennett        John             20    England           pg0188a.txt

34a   32  Bennett        L.               1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

105a  1   Bennett        Louisa           9     England           pg0102a.txt

105a  3   Bennett        Martha           6     England           pg0102a.txt

34a   29  Bennett        Mary             6     Ill               pg0029a.txt

105a  2   Bennett        Samuel           8     England           pg0102a.txt

104b  41  Bennett        Sarah            21    England           pg0102a.txt

104b  40  Bennett        Wm.              23    England           pg0102a.txt

159b  35  Benoseau       Amelia           4     Ill               pg0159a.txt

159b  36  Benoseau       David            1     Ill               pg0159a.txt

159b  31  Benoseau       Julia            26    Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  32  Benoseau       Louisa           10    Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  34  Benoseau       Mary             6     Ill               pg0159a.txt

159b  33  Benoseau       Otwine           8     Ill               pg0159a.txt

159b  30  Benoseau       Otwine           29    Canada            pg0159a.txt

122a  5   Benson         Evaline          5     NY                pg0119a.txt

122a  7   Benson         Geo.             8/12  Ill               pg0119a.txt

122a  3   Benson         James            12    England           pg0119a.txt

122a  4   Benson         John             7     NY                pg0119a.txt

122a  1   Benson         Margaret         34    England           pg0119a.txt

122a  2   Benson         Samuel           14    England           pg0119a.txt

121b  42  Benson         Wm.              35    England           pg0119a.txt

122a  6   Benson         Wm.              3     NY                pg0119a.txt

30b   22  Benssner       Louis            24    Pa                pg0029a.txt

12b   35  Bently         Albert A.        5     Ill               pg0010a.txt

68b   31  Bently         Catherine        29    England           pg0063a.txt

68b   34  Bently         Chas. E.         4     Ill               pg0063a.txt

12b   31  Bently         John             33    England           pg0010a.txt

68b   39  Bently         Joseph           34    England           pg0063a.txt

68b   38  Bently         Joseph           14    NY                pg0063a.txt

12b   33  Bently         Joseph           11    NY                pg0010a.txt

12b   27  Bently         Louisa           1     England           pg0010a.txt

12b   32  Bently         Margaret A.      34    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

12b   26  Bently         Mary             9     England           pg0010a.txt

68b   35  Bently         Mary A.          2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

12b   36  Bently         Mary J.          3     Ill               pg0010a.txt

12b   34  Bently         Rachel           10    NY                pg0010a.txt

12b   23  Bently         Rebecca          43    England           pg0010a.txt

68b   30  Bently         Robert           36    England           pg0063a.txt

12b   24  Bently         Robert           12    England           pg0010a.txt

68b   33  Bently         Robt. J.         6     Ill               pg0063a.txt

68b   36  Bently         Sarah            1/12  Ill               pg0063a.txt

12b   22  Bently         Wm.              35    England           pg0010a.txt

12b   25  Bently         Wm.              10    England           pg0010a.txt

68b   32  Bently         Wm. F.           7     Ill               pg0063a.txt

195b  41  Benton         John             7     NY                pg0188a.txt

183a  2   Benum          Bridget          35    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

183a  3   Benum          John             1     Vt                pg0180a.txt

183a  1   Benum          Thomas           30    England           pg0180a.txt

160a  10  Berard         Antoine          53    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160a  15  Berard         Louisa           7     Canada            pg0159a.txt

160a  14  Berard         Matilda          15    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160a  12  Berard         Michael          18    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160a  13  Berard         Moses            12    NY                pg0159a.txt

160a  11  Berard         Theresa          48    Canada            pg0159a.txt

69b   34  Berger         Almira           13    Ill               pg0063a.txt

154b  32  Bernier        Alexis           53    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154b  37  Bernier        Alfred           11    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154b  35  Bernier        Amelia           15    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154b  36  Bernier        Delphine         14    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154b  34  Bernier        Louisa           16    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154b  33  Bernier        Mary             46    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154b  38  Bernier        Octavia          8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

154b  39  Bernier        Wm.              4     Canada            pg0150a.txt

181a  19  Berr           James A.         1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

181a  17  Berr           John             7     NY                pg0180a.txt

181a  14  Berr           Lenas            35    Canada            pg0180a.txt

181a  15  Berr           Mary A.          27    NY                pg0180a.txt

181a  16  Berr           Mary A.          11    NY                pg0180a.txt

181a  18  Berr           Sarah J.         4     Ill               pg0180a.txt

105a  40  Berry          Almira S.        18    NY                pg0102a.txt

105a  37  Berry          Eliza C.         50    Vt                pg0102a.txt

28a   23  Berry          Elizabeth        47    Canada            pg0021a.txt

105a  41  Berry          Hannah A.        15    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

105a  42  Berry          Harriet          8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

105a  39  Berry          Helen A.         20    NY                pg0102a.txt

105a  36  Berry          Jonathan         68    Conn              pg0102a.txt

25b   35  Berry          Thomas           18    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

151a  13  Bertar         Dorothy          45    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  12  Bertar         Stanislaus       42    Canada            pg0150a.txt

152a  40  Bertrand       Brisel           33    Canada            pg0150a.txt

152b  1   Bertrand       Caroline         1/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

158b  6   Bertrand       Louis A.         35    France            pg0150a.txt

152a  41  Bertrand       Rosalia          35    Canada            pg0150a.txt

152a  42  Bertrand       Xavier           15    Canada            pg0150a.txt

199a  35  Bess           Christina        25    Canada            pg0197a.txt

199a  33  Bess           Louis            64    Canada            pg0197a.txt

199a  34  Bess           Mitty            51    Vt                pg0197a.txt

199a  36  Bess           Naomi            22    Canada            pg0197a.txt

56b   24  Bessey         Amos             10    Ill               pg0055a.txt

56b   22  Bessey         Gates            17    NY                pg0055a.txt

56b   25  Bessey         George           8     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56b   27  Bessey         Isaac            1     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56b   26  Bessey         Joseph           5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56b   20  Bessey         Randolph         44    Unknown           pg0055a.txt

56b   21  Bessey         Salley           40    Unknown           pg0055a.txt

56b   23  Bessey         Warren           17    NY                pg0055a.txt

144a  40  Bessonette     Felisse          60    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  39  Bessonette     Louis            60    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  41  Bessonette     Peter            16    Canada            pg0141a.txt

129a  38  Betler         Ellen            28    England           pg0126a.txt

129a  37  Betler         Wm.              27    Canada            pg0126a.txt

128a  17  Bettie         Francis          50    Canada            pg0126a.txt

128a  15  Bettie         Francis          34    Canada            pg0126a.txt

128a  19  Bettie         Franklin         34    Canada            pg0126a.txt

128a  18  Bettie         Louisa           48    Canada            pg0126a.txt

128a  16  Bettie         Louisa           21    Canada            pg0126a.txt

128a  20  Bettie         Serena           28    Canada            pg0126a.txt

142b  1   Bettiser       Francis          25    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  2   Bettiser       Mary             22    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  3   Bettiser       Mary             2     Ill               pg0141a.txt

142b  25  Bettisor       Adelaide         14    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  30  Bettisor       Angel            1/12  Ill               pg0141a.txt

142b  22  Bettisor       Batise           19    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  27  Bettisor       Felomen          9     Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  20  Bettisor       Francis          49    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  26  Bettisor       Grynare          12    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  24  Bettisor       Joseph           17    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  21  Bettisor       Leonore          43    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  28  Bettisor       Marsel           7     Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  23  Bettisor       Mary             18    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142b  29  Bettisor       Orelia           4     Canada            pg0141a.txt

157a  35  Beuleau        Alexander        44    Canada            pg0150a.txt

97b   20  Beusey         Isaac            3     Ill               pg0095a.txt

97b   22  Beusey         James A.         1/12  Ill               pg0095a.txt

97b   21  Beusey         Mary             1/12  Ill               pg0095a.txt

97b   19  Beusey         Nancy J.         4     Ill               pg0095a.txt

97b   23  Beusey         Sally A.         14    Ia                pg0095a.txt

97b   17  Beusey         Sarah A.         23    O                 pg0095a.txt

97b   18  Beusey         Wm.              8     Ia                pg0095a.txt

97b   16  Beusey         Wm.              30    O                 pg0095a.txt

67a   12  Bevin          Charles          4     Mich              pg0063a.txt

67a   7   Bevin          Daniel E.        54    Ct                pg0063a.txt

67a   10  Bevin          Esther           12    Wis               pg0063a.txt

67a   8   Bevin          Harriet          45    Ct                pg0063a.txt

67a   11  Bevin          John             7     Mich              pg0063a.txt

67a   9   Bevin          Lewis            15    Wis               pg0063a.txt

86b   2   Bevington      Arvilla          2     Ill               pg0083a.txt

86b   1   Bevington      Harper           16    O                 pg0083a.txt

86a   38  Bevington      James C.         27    Pa                pg0083a.txt

86a   40  Bevington      Jane             31    Pa                pg0083a.txt

86a   39  Bevington      Polly            54    Pa                pg0083a.txt

86a   41  Bevington      Ruth             29    Pa                pg0083a.txt

86a   42  Bevington      Wm.              25    Pa                pg0083a.txt

115a  26  Bewet          Asbury C.        18    Me                pg0110a.txt

115a  28  Bewet          Ephraim H.       12    Ia                pg0110a.txt

115a  25  Bewet          John A.          20    Me                pg0110a.txt

115a  23  Bewet          Samuel           53    Mass              pg0110a.txt

115a  24  Bewet          Sophronia        51    Me                pg0110a.txt

115a  27  Bewet          Wm. O. L.        13    Me                pg0110a.txt

183b  6   Bibby          John             22    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

121b  28  Bickerton      J. R.            28    Va                pg0119a.txt

121b  29  Bickerton      Mary             50    NY                pg0119a.txt

172b  32  Bickle         Elizabeth        55    Pa                pg0171a.txt

30a   41  Bill           Henry H.         8     Ill               pg0029a.txt

30a   39  Bill           John             42    Va                pg0029a.txt

30a   40  Bill           Minerva L.       31    Va                pg0029a.txt

30a   42  Bill           Sarah E.         3     Ill               pg0029a.txt

85b   29  Billings       Anna             35    Vt                pg0083a.txt

85b   32  Billings       Dexter           10    Ill               pg0083a.txt

99b   8   Billings       Louisa           16    Ia                pg0095a.txt

85b   34  Billings       Lydia            4     Ill               pg0083a.txt

85b   35  Billings       Martha M.        2     Ill               pg0083a.txt

85b   33  Billings       Mary             7     Ill               pg0083a.txt

85b   28  Billings       Maynard          49    Mass              pg0083a.txt

85b   30  Billings       susan A.         16    Vt                pg0083a.txt

85b   31  Billings       Thelisma         15    Vt                pg0083a.txt

183b  42  Billsland      Catherine        24    O                 pg0180a.txt

185b  2   Billsland      Mathew           26    Ia                pg0180a.txt

184a  21  Billsland      Nelson           24    Ia                pg0180a.txt

184a  1   Billsland      Olive            19    Ia                pg0180a.txt

183b  41  Billsland      Sarah            57    Pa                pg0180a.txt

184a  22  Billsland      Susannah         23    Ia                pg0180a.txt

184a  23  Billsland      Wm.              1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

193b  9   Bilz           Augustus         7     Ill               pg0188a.txt

193b  11  Bilz           Dominick         26    Switzerland       pg0188a.txt

193b  8   Bilz           Francis          9     Ill               pg0188a.txt

193b  5   Bilz           John             48    Germany           pg0188a.txt

193b  10  Bilz           John             2     Ill               pg0188a.txt

193b  7   Bilz           Louisa           12    Ill               pg0188a.txt

193b  6   Bilz           Veronica         36    France            pg0188a.txt

52b   10  Bingham        Jacob            15    NY                pg0046a.txt

161a  18  Binneaur       Peter            36    Canada            pg0159a.txt

116b  20  Binney         Deborah          38    NY                pg0110a.txt

116b  23  Binney         Eliza            1     Ill               pg0110a.txt

116b  21  Binney         Elizabeth        11    NY                pg0110a.txt

116b  22  Binney         Mary J.          9     NY                pg0110a.txt

116b  19  Binney         Richard R.       40    Vt                pg0110a.txt

68a   38  Birch          Ann E.           30    NY                pg0063a.txt

68a   37  Birch          Jacob            32    NY                pg0063a.txt

139a  19  Bird           Ann              33    NY                pg0137a.txt

139a  20  Bird           Emma J.          6     Ill               pg0137a.txt

139a  21  Bird           Ester E.         4     Ill               pg0137a.txt

177a  42  Bird           James            2     Ill               pg0174a.txt

139a  23  Bird           Martha A.        2/12  Ill               pg0137a.txt

139a  18  Bird           Silas            33    NJ                pg0137a.txt

139a  22  Bird           Silas M.         2     Ill               pg0137a.txt

124a  28  Birdsall       Caleb            35    NY                pg0119a.txt

97a   29  Birge          E. C.            40    Vt                pg0095a.txt

97a   32  Birge          Ellen            8     Vt                pg0095a.txt

97a   33  Birge          Laura            6     Vt                pg0095a.txt

97a   30  Birge          Lydia            24    Vt                pg0095a.txt

97a   34  Birge          Mary             1     Ill               pg0095a.txt

97a   31  Birge          Rosamond         10    Vt                pg0095a.txt

181a  3   Birr           Daniel           25    Canada            pg0180a.txt

181a  4   Birr           Mary             18    NY                pg0180a.txt

171a  42  Bishell        Elizabeth        50    Pa                pg0171a.txt

171a  41  Bishell        Elizabeth        24    O                 pg0171a.txt

171a  39  Bishell        Henry            20    Germany           pg0171a.txt

171a  40  Bishell        Jesse            30    Pa                pg0171a.txt

171b  1   Bishell        Mary             1     Ill               pg0171a.txt

80b   34  Bishop         John             12    Ill               pg0076a.txt

80b   33  Bishop         Maria            14    Ill               pg0076a.txt

80b   35  Bishop         Mary E.          7     Ill               pg0076a.txt

80b   32  Bishop         Rebecca          34    SC                pg0076a.txt

80b   31  Bishop         Wm.              34    NC                pg0076a.txt

80b   36  Bishop         Wm. P.           3     Ill               pg0076a.txt

154a  15  Bisnet         Adelaire         30    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  14  Bisnet         Alesis           30    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  16  Bisnet         Alexis           10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  18  Bisnet         Dillanine        6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  19  Bisnet         Louisa           2     Ill               pg0150a.txt

154a  17  Bisnet         Luke             8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

26a   7   Bissel         Betsy            1/12  Ill               pg0021a.txt

26a   4   Bissel         Lois             6     Ill               pg0021a.txt

26a   3   Bissel         Mary A.          8     Ill               pg0021a.txt

26a   1   Bissel         Pierce B.        30    Mich              pg0021a.txt

26a   5   Bissel         Richard          4     Ill               pg0021a.txt

26a   2   Bissel         Sarah            30    NY                pg0021a.txt

26a   6   Bissel         Sarah            2     Ill               pg0021a.txt

172b  5   Bissell        Henry            21    Germany           pg0171a.txt

159b  27  Bissent        Louis            16    Canada            pg0159a.txt

146b  34  Bisset         Cassel           40    Canada            pg0141a.txt

146b  35  Bisset         Elenor           45    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147a  1   Bisset         France           3     Canada            pg0141a.txt

146b  39  Bisset         Gedore           8     Canada            pg0141a.txt

146b  37  Bisset         Joseph           12    Canada            pg0141a.txt

146b  38  Bisset         Julie            9     Canada            pg0141a.txt

146b  42  Bisset         Lewis            5     Canada            pg0141a.txt

146b  41  Bisset         Luke             5     Canada            pg0141a.txt

146b  40  Bisset         Mary             6     Canada            pg0141a.txt

146b  36  Bisset         Selenore         17    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147a  2   Bisset         Timothy          2     Ill               pg0141a.txt

193b  15  Bitz           Conrad           24    Germany           pg0188a.txt

193b  14  Bitz           Joseph           26    Germany           pg0188a.txt

114b  30  Black          Alexander        40    Tenn              pg0110a.txt

64a   15  Black          Esther           21    NH                pg0063a.txt

114b  34  Black          George           10    Ill               pg0110a.txt

114b  33  Black          John             14    Ill               pg0110a.txt

114b  31  Black          Marrilla         36    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

114b  35  Black          Paulina          5     Ill               pg0110a.txt

64a   13  Black          Phebe            61    NH                pg0063a.txt

64a   14  Black          Preston          23    NH                pg0063a.txt

114b  36  Black          Quincy           2     Ill               pg0110a.txt

64a   12  Black          Reuben           62    Ct                pg0063a.txt

64a   16  Black          Salina           16    Ill               pg0063a.txt

114b  32  Black          Sarah A.         16    Ia                pg0110a.txt

26b   24  Blackburn      Elizabeth        18    Ill               pg0021a.txt

26b   25  Blackburn      Jane             22    Ill               pg0021a.txt

26b   26  Blackburn      John             21    Ill               pg0021a.txt

26b   23  Blackburn      Mary             54    Ky                pg0021a.txt

135b  28  Blackman       Elizabeth        25    O                 pg0135a.txt

135b  27  Blackman       Iteraine         28    O                 pg0135a.txt

135b  30  Blackman       Louisa           1     Ill               pg0135a.txt

26b   8   Blackman       Matilda          19    NY                pg0021a.txt

135b  29  Blackman       Sarah            5     Ill               pg0135a.txt

26b   13  Blackman       Wm.              30    NY                pg0021a.txt

145a  4   Blackstone     Jane             49    Pa                pg0141a.txt

116b  29  Blain          George           31    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

139a  34  Blair          Elda             2     Ia                pg0137a.txt

144a  37  Blair          Elizabeth        25    Canada            pg0141a.txt

139a  33  Blair          Emily            5     Ia                pg0137a.txt

144a  38  Blair          Francis          6     Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  36  Blair          Francis          30    Canada            pg0141a.txt

139a  30  Blair          James L.         14    O                 pg0137a.txt

135b  3   Blair          John             25    Ind               pg0135a.txt

206A  12  Blair          John             17    Canada            pg0204A.txt

206a  12  Blair          John             17    Canada            pg0204a.txt

135b  5   Blair          Lyman            3     Ill               pg0135a.txt

135b  4   Blair          Minerva          21    NY                pg0135a.txt

135b  6   Blair          Orpha            1     Ill               pg0135a.txt

139a  32  Blair          Sarah C.         8     Ia                pg0137a.txt

206a  11  Blair          Stephen          20    Canada            pg0204a.txt

206A  11  Blair          Stephen          20    Canada            pg0204A.txt

139a  29  Blair          Susannah         35    O                 pg0137a.txt

139a  28  Blair          Wm.              37    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

139a  31  Blair          Wm. H.           11    Ia                pg0137a.txt

126a  12  Blaisdel       ***** M.         32    Canada            pg0126a.txt

126a  10  Blaisdel       Eliza            68    Conn              pg0126a.txt

126a  7   Blaisdel       Ellen            8     Ill               pg0126a.txt

126a  13  Blaisdel       Jane             10    O                 pg0126a.txt

126a  9   Blaisdel       Wm.              64    Mass              pg0126a.txt

126a  11  Blaisdel       Wm. H.           34    Canada            pg0126a.txt

78b   23  Blake          James            7     England           pg0076a.txt

78b   20  Blake          James            41    England           pg0076a.txt

78b   25  Blake          Jane             22    England           pg0076a.txt

78b   26  Blake          John             4     England           pg0076a.txt

78b   24  Blake          Joseph           1     England           pg0076a.txt

78b   21  Blake          Martha           32    England           pg0076a.txt

78b   22  Blake          Martha           10    England           pg0076a.txt

200b  31  Blanchard      Alva             8     Ill               pg0197a.txt

74b   21  Blanchard      Charlotte        40    NH                pg0073a.txt

48a   10  Blanchard      Cornelia         24    NY                pg0046a.txt

74b   23  Blanchard      Eler             21    Vt                pg0073a.txt

74b   29  Blanchard      Geo.             5/12  Ill               pg0073a.txt

48a   9   Blanchard      Hannah           57    Conn              pg0046a.txt

74b   28  Blanchard      Harriet          5     Ill               pg0073a.txt

200b  28  Blanchard      Hiram            50    NY                pg0197a.txt

200b  30  Blanchard      Hiram R.         10    Ill               pg0197a.txt

74b   24  Blanchard      Jerusha          18    Vt                pg0073a.txt

48a   11  Blanchard      Jesse B.         20    NY                pg0046a.txt

74b   26  Blanchard      Jonathan         10    Vt                pg0073a.txt

74b   20  Blanchard      Levi             49    Mass              pg0073a.txt

48a   12  Blanchard      Loraine          17    NY                pg0046a.txt

200b  29  Blanchard      Lura             50    NY                pg0197a.txt

47a   31  Blanchard      Luther           23    Vt                pg0046a.txt

74b   22  Blanchard      Luther           23    Vt                pg0073a.txt

74b   25  Blanchard      Mary A.          13    Vt                pg0073a.txt

74b   27  Blanchard      Sarah            7     Vt                pg0073a.txt

48a   8   Blanchard      Wm. L.           65    RI                pg0046a.txt

161a  12  Blass          Celestia         7     Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  10  Blass          Cemeile          8     Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  4   Blass          Jacob            45    Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  8   Blass          John B.          16    Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  13  Blass          Julia            4     Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  11  Blass          Martha           10    Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  9   Blass          Mary             14    Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  7   Blass          Naryain          18    Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  5   Blass          Sophia           43    Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  6   Blass          Stephen          21    Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  14  Blass          Zephrenah        4/12  Ill               pg0159a.txt

180a  39  Blazier        Francis          3/12  Ill               pg0180a.txt

180a  37  Blazier        Isaac            29    NY                pg0180a.txt

180a  38  Blazier        Nancy            22    NY                pg0180a.txt

134a  36  Blemesel       Eliza            15    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134a  34  Blemesel       Joseph           45    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134a  38  Blemesel       Joseph           11    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134a  35  Blemesel       Magdalena        38    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134a  37  Blemesel       Theresa          13    Germany           pg0126a.txt

32b   1   Bliss          A.               40    NY                pg0029a.txt

32b   2   Bliss          A.               32    NY                pg0029a.txt

85b   41  Bliss          Abel             40    Mass              pg0083a.txt

86a   4   Bliss          Ellen J.         1     Ill               pg0083a.txt

32b   4   Bliss          Ely L.           10    NY                pg0029a.txt

32b   5   Bliss          Emily            1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

28a   42  Bliss          Emma L.          4     Mass              pg0021a.txt

28a   40  Bliss          Geo.             28    Mass              pg0021a.txt

86a   5   Bliss          Harriet          34    Mass              pg0083a.txt

85b   42  Bliss          Lucinda          32    Mass              pg0083a.txt

86a   3   Bliss          Maria H.         3     Ill               pg0083a.txt

86a   1   Bliss          Mary B.          7     Ill               pg0083a.txt

28b   1   Bliss          Melissa          2     Mich              pg0021a.txt

28a   41  Bliss          Mrs.             24    Mass              pg0021a.txt

72a   17  Bliss          P. P.            11    NY                pg0072a.txt

28b   2   Bliss          Phineas          14    Mass              pg0021a.txt

32b   3   Bliss          Sally            73    Ct                pg0029a.txt

86a   2   Bliss          Wm. L.           5     Ill               pg0083a.txt

78a   25  Bloom          Almira           9     Ill               pg0076a.txt

78a   19  Bloom          Aurelia          22    Pa                pg0076a.txt

78a   14  Bloom          Edeth            3     Ill               pg0076a.txt

78a   20  Bloom          Eliza            20    Pa                pg0076a.txt

78a   12  Bloom          Elizabeth        23    NY                pg0076a.txt

78a   18  Bloom          George           25    Pa                pg0076a.txt

78a   13  Bloom          Guy              5     Ill               pg0076a.txt

78a   11  Bloom          H. S.            30    Pa                pg0076a.txt

153a  20  Bloom          Harriet          19    Pa                pg0150a.txt

78a   21  Bloom          Harriet          18    Pa                pg0076a.txt

78a   15  Bloom          Hilda            1     Ill               pg0076a.txt

78a   24  Bloom          Martha           12    Ill               pg0076a.txt

78a   23  Bloom          Milton           15    Ill               pg0076a.txt

78a   22  Bloom          Sarah            16    Pa                pg0076a.txt

76a   39  Bloss          Andrew           40    Canada            pg0076a.txt

76b   1   Bloss          Aseneth          7     Canada            pg0076a.txt

76b   3   Bloss          Ayen             3     Canada            pg0076a.txt

76a   41  Bloss          Gilbert          16    Canada            pg0076a.txt

76b   2   Bloss          Joseph           5     Canada            pg0076a.txt

76b   4   Bloss          Levina           10    Canada            pg0076a.txt

76a   40  Bloss          Louisa           35    Canada            pg0076a.txt

76b   5   Bloss          Manuel           70    Canada            pg0076a.txt

76b   6   Bloss          Milliston        10    Canada            pg0076a.txt

76a   42  Bloss          Philip           12    Canada            pg0076a.txt

72a   16  Blount?        Caroline         33    NY                pg0072a.txt

72a   22  Blount?        Caroline         1     Ill               pg0072a.txt

72a   20  Blount?        George           5     Ill               pg0072a.txt

72a   19  Blount?        James G.         7     Ill               pg0072a.txt

72a   21  Blount?        Mary N.          3     Ill               pg0072a.txt

72a   18  Blount?        Rhoda            9     Ill               pg0072a.txt

72a   15  Blount?        Samuel           34    NY                pg0072a.txt

58a   41  Boardman       Abby             44    Conn              pg0055a.txt

166a  31  Boardman       Althea           1/365 Ill               pg0162a.txt

58b   5   Boardman       Amos             60    Vt                pg0055a.txt

166a  28  Boardman       Baines           40    NY                pg0162a.txt

54a   15  Boardman       COrnelius        19    Vt                pg0046a.txt

166a  29  Boardman       Cynthia          20    O                 pg0162a.txt

54a   13  Boardman       Francis          12    Vt                pg0046a.txt

54a   10  Boardman       Franklin         31    Vt                pg0046a.txt

58a   40  Boardman       Harry            57    Vt                pg0055a.txt

166a  30  Boardman       James            16    NY                pg0162a.txt

165b  30  Boardman       Lydia            60    Conn              pg0162a.txt

54a   22  Boardman       Marrian A        6     Ill               pg0046a.txt

54a   12  Boardman       Mary             1     Ill               pg0046a.txt

54a   11  Boardman       Mindwell         28    Vt                pg0046a.txt

58a   42  Boardman       Rachel           12    Ill               pg0055a.txt

165b  15  Boardman       Sarah            18    Ill               pg0162a.txt

54a   14  Boardman       sophia           17    Vt                pg0046a.txt

50a   31  Bock           Catherine        8     Germany           pg0046a.txt

50a   29  Bock           Charles          3     Ill               pg0046a.txt

50a   30  Bock           Frederica        16    Germany           pg0046a.txt

50a   27  Bock           Jacob            14    Germany           pg0046a.txt

50a   24  Bock           John             48    Germany           pg0046a.txt

50a   26  Bock           John             19    Germany           pg0046a.txt

50a   25  Bock           Margaret         34    Germany           pg0046a.txt

50a   28  Bock           Peter            11    Germany           pg0046a.txt

50a   32  Bock           Rebecca          1     Ill               pg0046a.txt

155b  32  Boisnet        Francis          54    Canada            pg0150a.txt

155b  33  Boisnet        Louisa           45    Canada            pg0150a.txt

189b  42  Bolin          Bridget          12    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189b  40  Bolin          Mary             35    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189b  41  Bolin          Mary E.          15    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

144a  23  Boncher        Catherine        11    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  21  Boncher        David            14    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  24  Boncher        Eli              8     Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  26  Boncher        Elmer            2     Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  19  Boncher        Henry            45    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  22  Boncher        Mary L.          13    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  25  Boncher        Rose             6     Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  20  Boncher        Susan            38    Canada            pg0141a.txt

141a  20  Bondel         Catherine        41    O                 pg0141a.txt

141a  23  Bondel         George           7     O                 pg0141a.txt

141a  19  Bondel         Henry W.         41    O                 pg0141a.txt

141a  21  Bondel         Ursula E.        15    O                 pg0141a.txt

141a  22  Bondel         Zachariah        11    O                 pg0141a.txt

162b  11  Bondie         Jacob            23    Pa                pg0162a.txt

58b   30  Bonnaker       Wm.              42    Germany           pg0055a.txt

172a  37  Bonnell        Aaron            64    NJ                pg0171a.txt

37a   18  Book           John             18    Germany           pg0029a.txt

173a  30  Bookmire       Christian        28    Germany           pg0171a.txt

173a  31  Bookmire       Mary             24    Germany           pg0171a.txt

173a  32  Bookmire       Mary             1     Germany           pg0171a.txt

65b   2   Boomgarden     Wm.              22    Germany           pg0063a.txt

189a  41  Boone          Daniel           18    Ky                pg0188a.txt

192a  15  Boone          David            18    Ky                pg0188a.txt

192a  12  Boone          Len              20    KY                pg0188a.txt

189a  40  Boone          Levi             20    Ky                pg0188a.txt

189a  39  Boone          Mary             39    Ky                pg0188a.txt

192a  11  Boone          Mary             39    Ky                pg0188a.txt

91a   41  Booth          Daniel D.        35    NY                pg0091a.txt

91b   1   Booth          Elizabeth        10    NY                pg0091a.txt

91b   2   Booth          Jane             8     NY                pg0091a.txt

91b   3   Booth          Joseph           3     NY                pg0091a.txt

91a   42  Booth          Mrs.             34    NY                pg0091a.txt

52a   36  Boozen         John             22    Germany           pg0046a.txt

188b  13  Bopst          Mary             11    Prussia           pg0188a.txt

92a   7   Borden         Alex             25    NY                pg0091a.txt

92a   6   Borden         Rodolph          55    NY                pg0091a.txt

31b   42  Borell         John             22    Pa                pg0029a.txt

73a   36  Borghan        Adelia           5     Ill               pg0073a.txt

73a   35  Borghan        Mary             7     Ill               pg0073a.txt

17b   23  Borland        Andrew W.        47    NY                pg0010a.txt

93b   36  Borland        Ann              12    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

17b   26  Borland        Anna             4     Ill               pg0010a.txt

93b   40  Borland        Dominick         4     Ill               pg0091a.txt

93b   34  Borland        Elizabeth        36    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

93b   37  Borland        Ellen            10    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

198a  24  Borland        J. W.            45    NY                pg0197a.txt

17b   25  Borland        James A.         12    Ill               pg0010a.txt

198a  27  Borland        James E.         1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

93b   38  Borland        Jane             8     Ill               pg0091a.txt

93b   39  Borland        John             6     Ill               pg0091a.txt

17b   24  Borland        Mary             51    Pa                pg0010a.txt

198a  26  Borland        Mathew           15    NY                pg0197a.txt

93b   35  Borland        McCormick        40    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

198a  25  Borland        Nancy            23    NY                pg0197a.txt

70b   37  Bosley         Emeline          3     Ill               pg0063a.txt

70b   32  Bosley         Ithema           30    Pa                pg0063a.txt

204B  34  Bosley         Lenna            25    NY                pg0204A.txt

204b  34  Bosley         Lenna            25    NY                pg0204a.txt

70b   35  Bosley         Louisa           9     O                 pg0063a.txt

70b   36  Bosley         Mary             5     O                 pg0063a.txt

70b   33  Bosley         Mary             30    Pa                pg0063a.txt

70b   34  Bosley         Stetson          11    O                 pg0063a.txt

204B  33  Bosley         Sylvester        24    O                 pg0204A.txt

204b  33  Bosley         Sylvester        24    O                 pg0204a.txt

204B  35  Bosley         Wm.              3     O                 pg0204A.txt

204b  35  Bosley         Wm.              3     O                 pg0204a.txt

144a  29  Bossey         Aglere           18    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  33  Bossey         Ashiel           8     Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  27  Bossey         Benj.            44    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  30  Bossey         Eugenie          17    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  32  Bossey         Joseph           13    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  31  Bossey         Luce             14    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  28  Bossey         Retona           41    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144a  34  Bossey         Victoria         4     Canada            pg0141a.txt

148a  22  Boucher        Alexis           23    Canada            pg0141a.txt

148a  23  Boucher        Elizabeth        22    Canada            pg0141a.txt

144b  7   Boucher        Mary             20    Canada            pg0141a.txt

155b  16  Bouchine       Alexander        28    NY                pg0150a.txt

155b  17  Bouchine       Margaret         20    Ill               pg0150a.txt

155b  18  Bouchine       Mary             3     Ill               pg0150a.txt

123b  31  Boughton       Catherine        23    England           pg0119a.txt

88a   6   Boughton       Elizabeth        15    O                 pg0083a.txt

59b   5   Boughton       Hannah M.        33    Vt                pg0055a.txt

59a   37  Boughton       Julia            33    Conn              pg0055a.txt

59a   40  Boughton       Levant           4     Ill               pg0055a.txt

59a   36  Boughton       M. C.            34    NY                pg0055a.txt

54a   30  Boughton       Mary H.          28    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

54a   31  Boughton       Newel D.         7     Ill               pg0046a.txt

59a   39  Boughton       Orris            8     Ill               pg0055a.txt

59a   38  Boughton       Rollin           13    NY                pg0055a.txt

59b   6   Boughton       Sarah A.         4     Ill               pg0055a.txt

59b   4   Boughton       Seth D.          34    NY                pg0055a.txt

59b   9   Boughton       Sybil            67    NY                pg0055a.txt

54a   32  Boughton       William          4     Ill               pg0046a.txt

33b   13  Boulton        Archibald        5     NJ                pg0029a.txt

33b   9   Boulton        Elissa           29    Ireland           pg0029a.txt

33b   8   Boulton        Hugh             40    Ireland           pg0029a.txt

33b   14  Boulton        Hugh             2     Ill               pg0029a.txt

33b   10  Boulton        John             14    NJ                pg0029a.txt

33b   12  Boulton        Nancy            7     NJ                pg0029a.txt

33b   11  Boulton        Rufus            12    NJ                pg0029a.txt

43a   36  Bowen          **tis E.         3     Pa                pg0043a.txt

120a  11  Bowen          A. W.            47    Mass              pg0119a.txt

24a   9   Bowen          Albert L.        2     Ill               pg0021a.txt

43a   32  Bowen          Almira           16    Pa                pg0043a.txt

43a   30  Bowen          Amos             20    NY                pg0043a.txt

75b   19  Bowen          Benj. F.         19    NY                pg0073a.txt

43a   31  Bowen          Burgess          18    Pa                pg0043a.txt

43a   35  Bowen          Catherine        6     Iowa              pg0043a.txt

120a  12  Bowen          Catherine M.     41    NY                pg0119a.txt

43a   34  Bowen          Elisha           12    Pa                pg0043a.txt

75b   15  Bowen          Evaline R.       20    Ky                pg0073a.txt

115b  3   Bowen          H. H.            37    NY                pg0110a.txt

115b  8   Bowen          Henry H.         2     Ill               pg0110a.txt

75b   18  Bowen          James            26    Pa                pg0073a.txt

115b  9   Bowen          John L.          1     Ill               pg0110a.txt

115b  6   Bowen          Mary C.          7     Ill               pg0110a.txt

115b  4   Bowen          Maryan           37    NY                pg0110a.txt

43a   29  Bowen          Melinda          47    NY                pg0043a.txt

115b  7   Bowen          Nancy S.         4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

43a   28  Bowen          Oris E.          44    NY                pg0043a.txt

43a   33  Bowen          Patience         14    Pa                pg0043a.txt

75b   17  Bowen          Polly            50    Pa                pg0073a.txt

120a  13  Bowen          Rodney S.        17    NY                pg0119a.txt

24a   7   Bowen          S. W.            28    NY                pg0021a.txt

75b   16  Bowen          Samuel           62    RI                pg0073a.txt

24a   8   Bowen          Sarah M.         23    NY                pg0021a.txt

75b   14  Bowen          Stephen A.       29    Pa                pg0073a.txt

75b   20  Bowen          Sylvia           13    Pa                pg0073a.txt

115b  5   Bowen          Thomas W.        16    NY                pg0110a.txt

202a  8   Bower          Charles          25    Pa                pg0197a.txt

202a  10  Bower          Henry            1     Pa                pg0197a.txt

202a  9   Bower          Mary             23    Pa                pg0197a.txt

202a  20  Bowers         Amanda           7     O                 pg0197a.txt

202a  22  Bowers         Amelia J.        2     O                 pg0197a.txt

184a  6   Bowers         B. F.            1/12  Ill               pg0180a.txt

202a  21  Bowers         Cyrus            5     O                 pg0197a.txt

187a  6   Bowers         Daniel           20    O                 pg0180a.txt

202a  16  Bowers         George           15    O                 pg0197a.txt

202a  12  Bowers         Jacob            44    Pa                pg0197a.txt

202a  18  Bowers         Jacob A.         10    O                 pg0197a.txt

184a  2   Bowers         Jacob L.         30    Pa                pg0180a.txt

184a  3   Bowers         Jane             32    Pa                pg0180a.txt

119b  2   Bowers         John             21    Germany           pg0119a.txt

202a  19  Bowers         John C.          8     O                 pg0197a.txt

202a  23  Bowers         Josephus         1/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

202a  13  Bowers         Lydia            35    Pa                pg0197a.txt

202a  17  Bowers         Maria            13    O                 pg0197a.txt

187a  3   Bowers         Martha           50    Pa                pg0180a.txt

184a  4   Bowers         Martha           5     O                 pg0180a.txt

187a  5   Bowers         Samuel           22    O                 pg0180a.txt

85b   40  Bowers         Samuel           21    O                 pg0083a.txt

202a  14  Bowers         Sentle           18    O                 pg0197a.txt

187a  7   Bowers         Solomon          17    O                 pg0180a.txt

202a  15  Bowers         Uria             17    O                 pg0197a.txt

187a  4   Bowers         Wesley           25    O                 pg0180a.txt

184a  5   Bowers         Wm.              2     Ill               pg0180a.txt

72b   12  Bowring        Betsey           15    NY                pg0072a.txt

72b   10  Bowring        Issabel          34    NY                pg0072a.txt

72b   11  Bowring        John             16    Mich              pg0072a.txt

72b   13  Bowring        Margarette       3     Ill               pg0072a.txt

72b   9   Bowring        Wm. C.           41    England           pg0072a.txt

59b   37  Bowschaldt     Nicholas         34    Germany           pg0055a.txt

115b  14  Box            Eliza            14    England           pg0110a.txt

207B  17  Boyce          Benjm.           76    NY                pg0204A.txt

207b  17  Boyce          Benjm.           76    NY                pg0204a.txt

7b    41  Boyd           Anna             43    Canada            pg0001a.txt

8a    1   Boyd           Betsy            11    Canada            pg0001a.txt

7b    40  Boyd           Elizabeth        16    NY                pg0001a.txt

10a   40  Boyd           Jane             1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

7b    39  Boyd           John W.          23    Canada            pg0001a.txt

7b    42  Boyd           Joseph           14    Canada            pg0001a.txt

10a   39  Boyd           Kesenkeppuck     18    England           pg0010a.txt

10a   38  Boyd           M. W.            30    Canada            pg0010a.txt

8a    2   Boyd           Wm. L.           8     Michigan          pg0001a.txt

12b   7   Boyer          Chas E.          31    Pa                pg0010a.txt

12b   4   Boyer          Elizabeth        28    O                 pg0010a.txt

12b   6   Boyer          Emma             2     Ill               pg0010a.txt

12b   5   Boyer          Wm. A.           7     Mo                pg0010a.txt

205A  6   Boylan         Albert           4     Ill               pg0204A.txt

205a  6   Boylan         Albert           4     Ill               pg0204a.txt

92b   8   Boylan         Bridget          40    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

92b   10  Boylan         Catherine        13    Ill               pg0091a.txt

205A  5   Boylan         Clara            6     Ill               pg0204A.txt

205a  5   Boylan         Clara            6     Ill               pg0204a.txt

92b   13  Boylan         James            6     Ill               pg0091a.txt

205A  2   Boylan         James R.         19    NY                pg0204A.txt

205a  2   Boylan         James R.         19    NY                pg0204a.txt

92b   9   Boylan         John             15    Vt                pg0091a.txt

205A  4   Boylan         Levina           8     Ill               pg0204A.txt

205a  4   Boylan         Levina           8     Ill               pg0204a.txt

205A  1   Boylan         Margaret         31    NY                pg0204A.txt

205a  1   Boylan         Margaret         31    NY                pg0204a.txt

92b   14  Boylan         Mark             3     Ill               pg0091a.txt

92b   11  Boylan         Mary             11    Ill               pg0091a.txt

205A  3   Boylan         Mary J.          13    Ill               pg0204A.txt

205a  3   Boylan         Mary J.          13    Ill               pg0204a.txt

205A  7   Boylan         Niletta          1     Ill               pg0204A.txt

205a  7   Boylan         Niletta          1     Ill               pg0204a.txt

92b   7   Boylan         Patrick          45    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

92b   12  Boylan         Peter            8     Ill               pg0091a.txt

204B  42  Boylan         Robert J.        43    NJ                pg0204A.txt

204b  42  Boylan         Robert J.        43    NJ                pg0204a.txt

103b  10  Boyle          Edward           5/12  Ill               pg0102a.txt

103b  14  Boyle          John             11    Ill               pg0102a.txt

103b  9   Boyle          Lawrence         6     Ill               pg0102a.txt

103b  15  Boyle          Michael          9     Ill               pg0102a.txt

103b  13  Boyle          Patrick O,       40    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

198a  19  Boyne          Bridget A.       9     Ill               pg0197a.txt

198a  22  Boyne          Eliza A.         9     Ill               pg0197a.txt

198a  16  Boyne          James            15    Canada            pg0197a.txt

198a  18  Boyne          Mary J.          11    Mich              pg0197a.txt

198a  23  Boyne          Michael          19    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

198a  17  Boyne          Wm.              13    Canada            pg0197a.txt

47a   29  Brack          Elizabeth        21    NY                pg0046a.txt

47a   30  Brack          Harriet E        36537 Ill               pg0046a.txt

47a   28  Brack          John A.          26    Ill               pg0046a.txt

197a  35  Bradberry      Charlotte        30    Germany           pg0197a.txt

197a  36  Bradberry      Joseph           25    Germany           pg0197a.txt

140a  40  Bradley        Almeda           18    NY                pg0137a.txt

16b   4   Bradley        Catherine        1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

30a   18  Bradley        Elizabeth        15    NY                pg0029a.txt

30a   19  Bradley        Ellen            12    Pa                pg0029a.txt

30a   20  Bradley        Francis          11    Pa                pg0029a.txt

30a   11  Bradley        George           41    Va                pg0029a.txt

30a   21  Bradley        Harriet          8     Ill               pg0029a.txt

140a  42  Bradley        Homer            5     Ill               pg0137a.txt

16b   1   Bradley        Hugh             7     Ill               pg0010a.txt

16a   38  Bradley        James            42    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

140a  38  Bradley        Jane             41    Conn              pg0137a.txt

30a   12  Bradley        Jane A.          28    NY                pg0029a.txt

30a   23  Bradley        Jennette         3     Ill               pg0029a.txt

16a   42  Bradley        John             9     Ill               pg0010a.txt

16b   2   Bradley        Marion           5     Ill               pg0010a.txt

16a   39  Bradley        Mary             38    Maine             pg0010a.txt

140a  39  Bradley        Mary J.          20    NY                pg0137a.txt

24a   22  Bradley        Mary Jane        19    NY                pg0021a.txt

140a  37  Bradley        Norman           45    Conn              pg0137a.txt

16a   41  Bradley        Rose             13    Mass              pg0010a.txt

16b   3   Bradley        Sarah J.         3     Ill               pg0010a.txt

16a   40  Bradley        Susan            14    Mass              pg0010a.txt

140a  41  Bradley        Wilber           12    NY                pg0137a.txt

30a   22  Bradley        Wm.              5     Ill               pg0029a.txt

22a   38  Bradner        Geo.             38    NY                pg0021a.txt

22b   1   Bradner        George           1     Ill               pg0021a.txt

22a   39  Bradner        Mary             35    Ill               pg0021a.txt

53a   13  Brady          Charles          18    Canada            pg0046a.txt

105b  20  Brady          Edward           26    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

142b  42  Braker         Bral**           4     Ia                pg0141a.txt

142b  41  Braker         Cerruther        6     Ia                pg0141a.txt

189b  38  Bramend        Thomas           19    Unknown           pg0188a.txt

134a  2   Bramer         Adelaire         1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133b  39  Bramer         Eliza J.         15    NY                pg0126a.txt

134a  1   Bramer         Emeline          3     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133b  41  Bramer         George           10    NY                pg0126a.txt

133b  42  Bramer         Harriet A.       6     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133b  40  Bramer         Ira              12    NY                pg0126a.txt

133b  38  Bramer         Jane             37    NY                pg0126a.txt

133b  37  Bramer         John             41    NY                pg0126a.txt

121a  10  Bramhall       John             28    NY                pg0119a.txt

187b  16  Brandan        Andrew           17    NY                pg0180a.txt

187b  10  Brandan        Chas W.          51    Ct                pg0180a.txt

187b  13  Brandan        Elizabeth        20    NY                pg0180a.txt

187b  14  Brandan        Jenette          16    NY                pg0180a.txt

187b  12  Brandan        Manassah         24    NY                pg0180a.txt

187b  15  Brandan        Mary             10    Ill               pg0180a.txt

187b  11  Brandan        Nathaniel        26    NY                pg0180a.txt

187b  17  Brandan        Wm.              27    NY                pg0180a.txt

104b  29  Branish        Joseph           30    Germany           pg0102a.txt

137b  17  Brannen        Catherine        3     Canada            pg0137a.txt

137b  18  Brannen        Ellen            1/12  Ill               pg0137a.txt

137b  12  Brannen        Garret           39    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

137b  16  Brannen        John             5     Canada            pg0137a.txt

7a    31  Brannen        Lucinda          21    NY                pg0001a.txt

137b  14  Brannen        Margaret         9     Canada            pg0137a.txt

137b  15  Brannen        Mary             7     Canada            pg0137a.txt

137b  13  Brannen        Mary             30    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

60a   8   Brannock       Alzina           22    Vt                pg0055a.txt

60a   9   Brannock       Charles          2     Vt                pg0055a.txt

60a   7   Brannock       Francis          20    Vt                pg0055a.txt

83a   25  Brannon        James            36    Ireland           pg0083a.txt

1a    39  Brannon        John             53    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

1a    40  Brannon        Marcella         34    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

83a   24  Brannon        Patrick          40    Ireland           pg0083a.txt

173a  25  Brauns         Berney           54    Germany           pg0171a.txt

173a  28  Brauns         George           18    Germany           pg0171a.txt

173a  27  Brauns         Henry            20    Germany           pg0171a.txt

173a  26  Brauns         Mary             52    Germany           pg0171a.txt

173a  29  Brauns         Mary             22    Germany           pg0171a.txt

143a  16  Bray           Almira           39    NY                pg0141a.txt

143a  19  Bray           Andrew           15    Ill               pg0141a.txt

143a  25  Bray           Clarissa         4     Ill               pg0141a.txt

143a  18  Bray           Denmire          19    Ill               pg0141a.txt

143a  15  Bray           Denunel          43    Canada            pg0141a.txt

143a  17  Bray           Elden            20    Ill               pg0141a.txt

143a  20  Bray           Gordon           13    Ill               pg0141a.txt

143a  23  Bray           Henry            6     Ill               pg0141a.txt

143a  24  Bray           Mary             4     Ill               pg0141a.txt

143a  21  Bray           Russel           10    Ill               pg0141a.txt

143a  26  Bray           Susan            2     Ill               pg0141a.txt

143a  22  Bray           Thomas           9     Ill               pg0141a.txt

61a   12  Brayer         Lucy             18    NY                pg0055a.txt

28a   15  Brayman        Lucinda          29    NY                pg0021a.txt

190a  6   Brazil         Philip           35    Unknown           pg0188a.txt

182a  27  Brazil         Philip           25    France            pg0180a.txt

160b  29  Bread          Armelia          19    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  28  Bread          Calvita          50    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  27  Bread          Leo              50    Canada            pg0159a.txt

157b  14  Breault        Norris           5     Ill               pg0150a.txt

20a   35  Breckenridge   Geo.             4     Canada            pg0019a.txt

20a   32  Breckenridge   James            12    Canada            pg0019a.txt

20a   29  Breckenridge   Jane             19    Canada            pg0019a.txt

20a   27  Breckenridge   John             40    Vt                pg0019a.txt

20a   31  Breckenridge   John             14    Canada            pg0019a.txt

20a   33  Breckenridge   Margaret         8     Canada            pg0019a.txt

20a   28  Breckenridge   Margaret         44    Unknown           pg0019a.txt

20a   34  Breckenridge   Martha           6     Canada            pg0019a.txt

67b   15  Breckenridge   Rebecca          10    Canada            pg0063a.txt

20a   30  Breckenridge   Wm.              17    Canada            pg0019a.txt

17b   40  Breezer        Catherine        16    Ill               pg0010a.txt

186a  23  Bregess        Nancy            13    Ill               pg0180a.txt

186a  24  Bregess        Thomas           11    Iowa              pg0180a.txt

5b    16  Breling        Antoney          44    Prussia           pg0001a.txt

5b    17  Breling        Catherine        33    Prussia           pg0001a.txt

5b    19  Breling        Catherine        1     Ill               pg0001a.txt

5b    18  Breling        Margaret         3     Ill               pg0001a.txt

150b  10  Brenbarbil     Sarah            10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

194b  13  Brennan        Bridget          19    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

194b  16  Brennan        Catherine E.     6     Ill               pg0188a.txt

194b  18  Brennan        charles          1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

194b  17  Brennan        Dennis           4     Ill               pg0188a.txt

194b  14  Brennan        John             13    NY                pg0188a.txt

194b  12  Brennan        Maria            40    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

194b  11  Brennan        Michael L.       41    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

194b  15  Brennan        Michael, Jr.     8     Ill               pg0188a.txt

157b  32  Brennen        Margaret         72    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  37  Brenner        Abraham          40    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  40  Brenner        Abraham          4     Canada            pg0150a.txt

169a  26  Brenner        Henry            40    Germany           pg0162a.txt

151b  39  Brenner        Peter            11    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  41  Brenner        Serephine        2     Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  38  Brenner        Vistoria         40    Canada            pg0150a.txt

20a   40  Brewer         James            19    O                 pg0019a.txt

140b  23  Brewer         Jane             10    Ill               pg0137a.txt

112b  42  Brewer         John H.          3     Pa                pg0110a.txt

140b  19  Brewer         John W.          31    O                 pg0137a.txt

112b  41  Brewer         Julia            23    Pa                pg0110a.txt

140b  20  Brewer         Lucinda          37    Ky                pg0137a.txt

140b  24  Brewer         Margaret         7     Ill               pg0137a.txt

140b  25  Brewer         Mary             5     Ill               pg0137a.txt

112b  40  Brewer         Peter            26    Pa                pg0110a.txt

20a   41  Brewer         Sarah J.         14    ll                pg0019a.txt

20a   39  Brewer         Wm. J.           18    O                 pg0019a.txt

22b   2   Briggs         F. J.            39    Vt                pg0021a.txt

22b   4   Briggs         S. Jane          13    NY                pg0021a.txt

22b   3   Briggs         Sophronia        45    Vt                pg0021a.txt

100a  2   Bringham       Henry W.         22    Canada            pg0095a.txt

99b   42  Bringham       J.               29    Wales             pg0095a.txt

100a  4   Bringham       James W.         24    NY                pg0095a.txt

100a  3   Bringham       Martha           19    Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  1   Bringham       Sarah            49    Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  5   Bringham       Thankful         23    NY                pg0095a.txt

63a   42  Brinkehoff     Elizabeth        42    NY                pg0063a.txt

63b   5   Brinkehoff     Emma E.          5     Ill               pg0063a.txt

63b   1   Brinkehoff     Gertrude         21    NY                pg0063a.txt

63b   3   Brinkehoff     John             14    NY                pg0063a.txt

63a   41  Brinkehoff     M. B.            44    NY                pg0063a.txt

63b   4   Brinkehoff     Martin           10    Ill               pg0063a.txt

63b   2   Brinkehoff     Mary             16    NY                pg0063a.txt

86b   39  Brinkerhoff    Caroline         17    NY                pg0083a.txt

86b   37  Brinkerhoff    Catherine        21    NY                pg0083a.txt

86b   41  Brinkerhoff    Edward           13    NY                pg0083a.txt

86b   42  Brinkerhoff    George           11    Ill               pg0083a.txt

86b   34  Brinkerhoff    Isaac            49    NY                pg0083a.txt

86b   38  Brinkerhoff    Isaac            19    NY                pg0083a.txt

86b   36  Brinkerhoff    John             24    NY                pg0083a.txt

87a   2   Brinkerhoff    Margaretta       6     Ill               pg0083a.txt

86b   35  Brinkerhoff    Mary A.          46    NY                pg0083a.txt

86b   40  Brinkerhoff    Schuyler         15    NY                pg0083a.txt

87a   1   Brinkerhoff    Stephen          8     Ill               pg0083a.txt

161a  20  Brinnean       Peter            8     Canada            pg0159a.txt

139a  38  Brinson        James            11    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

157b  2   Brissent       Ada              3     Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  41  Brissent       Hippolete        12    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  38  Brissent       Joseph           50    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  40  Brissent       Julia            16    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  39  Brissent       Margaret         38    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  3   Brissent       Peter            8/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

157a  42  Brissent       Uben             10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  1   Brissent       Victor           9     Canada            pg0150a.txt

176a  18  Britten        Angeline         1     Ill               pg0174a.txt

176a  10  Britten        David            38    Canada            pg0174a.txt

176a  17  Britten        Ebenezer         4     Ill               pg0174a.txt

176a  15  Britten        James            6     Ill               pg0174a.txt

176a  12  Britten        Jane             15    Ia                pg0174a.txt

176a  13  Britten        Lilly            12    Ia                pg0174a.txt

176a  11  Britten        Mary             38    Pa                pg0174a.txt

176a  16  Britten        Sarah            8     Ia                pg0174a.txt

176a  28  Britton        Abather G.       40    Canada            pg0174a.txt

176a  27  Britton        Ansel            61    NH                pg0174a.txt

176a  29  Britton        Rebecca          30    O                 pg0174a.txt

95b   37  Britts         Caroline         5     Mich              pg0095a.txt

95b   34  Britts         Caroline         33    Vt                pg0095a.txt

95b   38  Britts         Clara            2     Mich              pg0095a.txt

95b   35  Britts         Mary             12    Vt                pg0095a.txt

95b   33  Britts         Milton           37    Vt                pg0095a.txt

95b   36  Britts         Sarah J.         8     Vt                pg0095a.txt

75a   41  Brockman       Frederic         57    Germany           pg0073a.txt

75b   2   Brockman       Henry            26    Germany           pg0073a.txt

75a   42  Brockman       Louisa           54    Germany           pg0073a.txt

75b   1   Brockman       Mary             18    Germany           pg0073a.txt

102a  13  Brockway       Amos             28    Unknown           pg0102a.txt

102a  17  Brockway       David            7     Ill               pg0102a.txt

102a  18  Brockway       Edward           1     Ill               pg0102a.txt

102a  14  Brockway       Kezia            26    Ia                pg0102a.txt

102a  16  Brockway       Mary             3     Ill               pg0102a.txt

102a  15  Brockway       Sarah            5     Ill               pg0102a.txt

205A  42  Broderick      Anna             82    NJ                pg0204A.txt

205a  42  Broderick      Anna             82    NJ                pg0204a.txt

190a  34  Brodes         Louisa           13    Ia                pg0188a.txt

82a   9   Broncher       Joseph           55    Canada            pg0076a.txt

82a   10  Broncher       Josette          58    Canada            pg0076a.txt

4a    2   Brone          Bridget          21    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

3b    42  Brone          Ellen            58    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

4a    4   Brone          Ellen            3/12  Ill               pg0001a.txt

4a    3   Brone          Hannah           26    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

3b    41  Brone          John             58    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

4a    1   Brone          John             24    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

2a    36  Bronson        Cyrus            65    Conn              pg0001a.txt

29b   37  Bronson        DeWit C.         23    Pa                pg0029a.txt

24a   39  Bronson        Donna M.         15    Ill               pg0021a.txt

2a    39  Bronson        Elia             15    Ill               pg0001a.txt

24a   38  Bronson        H. W.            19    Ill               pg0021a.txt

2a    37  Bronson        Harriet          40    NY                pg0001a.txt

24a   42  Bronson        Isadore          5     Ill               pg0021a.txt

24a   40  Bronson        Mary J.          13    Ill               pg0021a.txt

24a   37  Bronson        Mason D.         21    Ill               pg0021a.txt

2a    38  Bronson        Maxwell          28    NY                pg0001a.txt

61b   19  Bronson        Monteville       30    NY                pg0055a.txt

24a   41  Bronson        Velisa           8     Ill               pg0021a.txt

69b   28  Brooks         A. B.            42    NY                pg0063a.txt

69b   31  Brooks         Alford S.        2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

166b  26  Brooks         Benj.            67    NY                pg0162a.txt

12b   9   Brooks         Cath.            30    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

69b   33  Brooks         Hannah           35    NY                pg0063a.txt

69b   29  Brooks         Jane             44    NY                pg0063a.txt

12b   8   Brooks         John             34    England           pg0010a.txt

69b   30  Brooks         Joseph           17    NY                pg0063a.txt

12b   11  Brooks         Mary A.          1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

12b   10  Brooks         Sarah            2     Ill               pg0010a.txt

189b  14  Brottershaw    Caroline         18    England           pg0188a.txt

189b  13  Brottershaw    Maria            16    England           pg0188a.txt

189b  12  Brottershaw    Sophia           12    Canada            pg0188a.txt

28b   17  Brottie        Harriet          4     NY                pg0021a.txt

28b   18  Brottie        Jane             2     Ill               pg0021a.txt

28b   16  Brottie        Marietta         30    NY                pg0021a.txt

66a   9   Brough         David            48    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

147a  40  Brow           Alexander        25    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147a  42  Brow           Matilda          1     Ill               pg0141a.txt

147a  41  Brow           Sophia           25    Canada            pg0141a.txt

125b  31  Brown          Abigail          35    NY                pg0119a.txt

52a   22  Brown          Abram            19    Pa                pg0046a.txt

200b  42  Brown          Adelia           25    NY                pg0197a.txt

201a  5   Brown          Adolphus         6/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

54b   9   Brown          Alexander        10    Pa                pg0046a.txt

135b  1   Brown          Alfred           9     Ill               pg0135a.txt

94a   15  Brown          Alice            36    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

183b  19  Brown          Almina           7     Ill               pg0180a.txt

25a   5   Brown          Amelia S.        2     NY                pg0021a.txt

125b  30  Brown          Amos             33    Pa                pg0119a.txt

52a   21  Brown          Anna             37    Pa                pg0046a.txt

205A  21  Brown          Asa              30    NY                pg0204A.txt

205a  21  Brown          Asa              30    NY                pg0204a.txt

52a   25  Brown          Benjamin         6     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

48b   34  Brown          Betsey B.        22    Maine             pg0046a.txt

166b  28  Brown          Betsy            57    NY                pg0162a.txt

201a  7   Brown          Calvin           20    NT                pg0197a.txt

89a   33  Brown          Caroline         25    NY                pg0083a.txt

23a   18  Brown          Catherine        46    Vt                pg0021a.txt

91a   34  Brown          Clark            7     O                 pg0091a.txt

91a   31  Brown          Clark            38    Unknown           pg0091a.txt

201a  8   Brown          Cordelia         38    NY                pg0197a.txt

201a  4   Brown          Cordelia         20    NY                pg0197a.txt

117b  36  Brown          Edward           27    England           pg0110a.txt

6a    30  Brown          Edward           25    England           pg0001a.txt

54b   6   Brown          Eleonora         8     Pa                pg0046a.txt

54b   3   Brown          Eliza E.         31    NY                pg0046a.txt

87b   24  Brown          Ellen            4     Mich              pg0083a.txt

25a   2   Brown          Ellenor          30    NY                pg0021a.txt

135a  42  Brown          Elmer            12    Ill               pg0135a.txt

54b   8   Brown          Emma Dane        3     Ill               pg0046a.txt

87b   22  Brown          Esther           39    NY                pg0083a.txt

201a  3   Brown          F. C.            29    NY                pg0197a.txt

67a   13  Brown          Frederic         2     Mich              pg0063a.txt

201a  1   Brown          Geo. D.          4     Ill               pg0197a.txt

91a   35  Brown          George           5     O                 pg0091a.txt

54b   2   Brown          George W.        36    Pa                pg0046a.txt

54b   7   Brown          Georgiana        6     Ill               pg0046a.txt

91a   37  Brown          Georgiana        3     O                 pg0091a.txt

183b  17  Brown          Harriet          27    O                 pg0180a.txt

104a  28  Brown          Harriet          13    Wisc              pg0102a.txt

205A  23  Brown          Helen            2     Ill               pg0204A.txt

205a  23  Brown          Helen            2     Ill               pg0204a.txt

183b  16  Brown          Henry G.         43    Mass              pg0180a.txt

166a  9   Brown          Herbert          2     Ill               pg0162a.txt

152a  3   Brown          Hernet           22    Ct                pg0150a.txt

91a   33  Brown          Homer            9     O                 pg0091a.txt

201a  9   Brown          Irene            16    NY                pg0197a.txt

200b  41  Brown          J. D.            26    NY                pg0197a.txt

6b    15  Brown          J. J.            33    Ill               pg0001a.txt

166a  7   Brown          James            54    Vt                pg0162a.txt

201a  2   Brown          James H.         2/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

94a   14  Brown          John             40    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

91a   36  Brown          John             3     O                 pg0091a.txt

205A  25  Brown          John             2/12  Ill               pg0204A.txt

205a  25  Brown          John             2/12  Ill               pg0204a.txt

52a   23  Brown          John             17    Pa                pg0046a.txt

48b   35  Brown          John             1     Vt                pg0046a.txt

201a  6   Brown          John H.          22    NY                pg0197a.txt

52a   20  Brown          Joseph           41    Pa                pg0046a.txt

52a   26  Brown          Joseph           4     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

107a  23  Brown          Julia            12    Vt                pg0102a.txt

87a   13  Brown          Lewis            23    NY                pg0083a.txt

6b    16  Brown          Lily J.          36    Ill               pg0001a.txt

89a   34  Brown          Lorinda A.       20    NY                pg0083a.txt

54b   5   Brown          Louisa M.        15    Pa                pg0046a.txt

91a   32  Brown          Margaret         36    Unknown           pg0091a.txt

87b   29  Brown          Maria            29    NY                pg0083a.txt

205A  22  Brown          Martha           26    Ia                pg0204A.txt

205a  22  Brown          Martha           26    Ia                pg0204a.txt

177a  7   Brown          Martha J.        9     Mich              pg0174a.txt

113a  1   Brown          Martha J.        3/12  Ia                pg0110a.txt

107b  15  Brown          Mary             8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

25a   3   Brown          Mary E.          7     NY                pg0021a.txt

87a   11  Brown          Mary J.          20    O                 pg0083a.txt

89a   35  Brown          Melissa          12    NY                pg0083a.txt

87b   27  Brown          Mercy            61    NY                pg0083a.txt

87b   21  Brown          Milo             41    NY                pg0083a.txt

87b   23  Brown          Minerva          8     Mich              pg0083a.txt

87b   26  Brown          Minerva          28    NY                pg0083a.txt

166b  9   Brown          Nancy L.         24    NY                pg0162a.txt

135b  2   Brown          Neuten           6     Ill               pg0135a.txt

166b  27  Brown          Nicholas         60    NY                pg0162a.txt

183b  20  Brown          Oliver           5     Ill               pg0180a.txt

89a   32  Brown          Polly            55    NY                pg0083a.txt

48b   33  Brown          Reuben R.        23    Canada            pg0046a.txt

166b  8   Brown          Richard          28    NY                pg0162a.txt

166a  8   Brown          Rosette          20    Pa                pg0162a.txt

25a   1   Brown          Roswell          39    NY                pg0021a.txt

25a   4   Brown          Roswell S.       4     NY                pg0021a.txt

23a   17  Brown          Samuel           53    NY                pg0021a.txt

87b   28  Brown          Samuel           30    NY                pg0083a.txt

52a   24  Brown          Sarah            9     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

205A  24  Brown          Sarah            1     Ill               pg0204A.txt

205a  24  Brown          Sarah            1     Ill               pg0204a.txt

54b   4   Brown          Sarah D.         17    Pa                pg0046a.txt

107b  14  Brown          Sarah M.         11    Ill               pg0102a.txt

89a   31  Brown          Squire           57    Mass              pg0083a.txt

135a  41  Brown          Suiem            48    NY                pg0135a.txt

72a   11  Brown          Sylvester        16    Ill               pg0072a.txt

23a   19  Brown          Thaddeus C. D.   12    NY                pg0021a.txt

201a  10  Brown          Theodore         13    NY                pg0197a.txt

183b  18  Brown          Warren           9     Ill               pg0180a.txt

52b   36  Brown          William B        19    Vt                pg0046a.txt

107b  16  Brown          Wm.              7     Ill               pg0102a.txt

152a  2   Brown          Wm.              24    Va                pg0150a.txt

125b  35  Brown          Wnoch            2     Ill               pg0119a.txt

162a  35  Brownall       Elizabeth        46    NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  40  Brownall       Ellen R.         8     NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  39  Brownall       Eveline          10    NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  41  Brownall       Francis S.       3     Ill               pg0162a.txt

162a  38  Brownall       Louisa           14    NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  36  Brownall       S. A.            19    NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  37  Brownall       Susannah H.      17    NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  34  Brownall       W.               63    NY                pg0162a.txt

16a   18  Bruce          Ann              6     Canada            pg0010a.txt

16a   15  Bruce          Ann A.           35    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

16a   14  Bruce          Hugh             31    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

16a   16  Bruce          Hugh             13    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

16a   19  Bruce          James            4     Ill               pg0010a.txt

16a   20  Bruce          John             1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

23b   17  Bruce          Wm.              59    Scotland          pg0021a.txt

16a   17  Bruce          Wm.              10    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

146a  38  Brunel         Charles          49    Canada            pg0141a.txt

146a  40  Brunel         Charles          16    Canada            pg0141a.txt

146a  41  Brunel         Frederl          12    Canada            pg0141a.txt

146a  39  Brunel         Fulence          38    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  9   Brusso         Delay N.         29    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  10  Brusso         Delayes          15    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  8   Brusso         H. N.            36    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  11  Brusso         Henry            13    Canada            pg0141a.txt

80a   19  Bruyer         Abram            9     Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   21  Bruyer         Alphonso         8     Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   23  Bruyer         Alphontine       4     Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   24  Bruyer         Charles          3     Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   25  Bruyer         Gilbert          1     Ill               pg0076a.txt

80a   22  Bruyer         Jacob            6     Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   18  Bruyer         John             11    Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   17  Bruyer         Julia            31    Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   20  Bruyer         Julia            10    Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   16  Bruyer         Peter            33    Canada            pg0076a.txt

4b    32  Bryam          A.               35    Scotland          pg0001a.txt

186b  24  Bryan          Bridget          55    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

186b  25  Bryan          Catherine        25    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

177a  18  Bryan          Danl.            5     Ill               pg0174a.txt

186b  21  Bryan          Edward           30    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

100b  35  Bryan          James O.         12    Ill               pg0095a.txt

203a  35  Bryan          John             22    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

186b  22  Bryan          Michael          26    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

186b  23  Bryan          Peter            20    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

177a  17  Bryan          Rhoda O.         12    Ill               pg0174a.txt

186b  17  Bryan          Richard          30    NY                pg0180a.txt

100b  36  Bryan          Thomas           6     Ill               pg0095a.txt

113a  29  Bryant         Absolom          31    Va                pg0110a.txt

115b  16  Bryant         Ann.             70    NH                pg0110a.txt

113a  33  Bryant         Ansel J.         4/12  Ill               pg0110a.txt

115b  17  Bryant         Clinton          30    NY                pg0110a.txt

113a  31  Bryant         Martha J.        10    Va                pg0110a.txt

113a  30  Bryant         Ruth             28    Va                pg0110a.txt

115b  15  Bryant         Wm.              80    Mass              pg0110a.txt

113a  32  Bryant         Wm. H.           6     Va                pg0110a.txt

205a  41  Bryce          Anna             8     NY                pg0204a.txt

205A  41  Bryce          Anna             8     NY                pg0204A.txt

205a  40  Bryce          Louisa           10    NY                pg0204a.txt

205A  40  Bryce          Louisa           10    NY                pg0204A.txt

130b  35  Brydel         Christean        31    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  38  Brydel         Christine        9     Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  40  Brydel         Crihsonel        1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

130b  36  Brydel         Elizabeth        13    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  39  Brydel         Goodleif         4     Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  34  Brydel         John             38    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  37  Brydel         Peter            11    Germany           pg0126a.txt

10a   33  Bryington      Elizabeth        17    Prince Edward Island pg0010a.txt

100b  27  Brynn          Milton O.        38    Ireland           pg0095a.txt

100b  28  Brynn          Sarah            37    O                 pg0095a.txt

32a   33  Bucchus        Wm.              24    NY                pg0029a.txt

120a  33  Buchilda       Daniel W.        1     Ill               pg0119a.txt

120a  29  Buchilda       Elizabeth        25    Pa                pg0119a.txt

120a  28  Buchilda       L. L.            26    Pa                pg0119a.txt

120a  31  Buchilda       Mary             4     Pa                pg0119a.txt

120a  30  Buchilda       Samuel           5     Pa                pg0119a.txt

120a  32  Buchilda       Virginia         3     Pa                pg0119a.txt

22a   36  Buck           Edgar D.         4     Ill               pg0021a.txt

110a  34  Buck           Ellen            6     BY                pg0110a.txt

22a   37  Buck           Frank            2     Ill               pg0021a.txt

22a   34  Buck           J. N.            29    NY                pg0021a.txt

110a  33  Buck           Jane             30    NY                pg0110a.txt

110a  32  Buck           Mr.              30    NY                pg0110a.txt

22a   35  Buck           Sarah            23    Vt                pg0021a.txt

43b   4   Bucklin        Celia A.         1/12  Ill               pg0043a.txt

43b   1   Bucklin        Mahlon           29    Pa                pg0043a.txt

43b   2   Bucklin        Sarah A.         22    O                 pg0043a.txt

43b   3   Bucklin        Symvester D.     5     Mich              pg0043a.txt

34a   18  Buckner        Andrew           25    Ind               pg0029a.txt

34a   20  Buckner        Candilla         2     Ill               pg0029a.txt

34a   21  Buckner        Lenore           1/2   Ill               pg0029a.txt

34a   19  Buckner        Matilda          17    Ill               pg0029a.txt

203a  6   Budke          Bridget          45    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

203a  12  Budke          Catherine        7     Ill               pg0197a.txt

203a  11  Budke          Ellen E.         1/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

203a  7   Budke          James            14    Mass              pg0197a.txt

203a  10  Budke          John             1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

203a  9   Budke          Mary A.          8     Ill               pg0197a.txt

203a  5   Budke          Richard          45    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

203a  8   Budke          Thomas           12    Mass              pg0197a.txt

150a  30  Budron         Calais           2     Ill               pg0150a.txt

150a  28  Budron         Campbell         5     Canada            pg0150a.txt

150a  29  Budron         Elias            4     Canada            pg0150a.txt

150a  25  Budron         Joseph           10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

150a  22  Budron         Julius           43    Canada            pg0150a.txt

150a  24  Budron         Mary             12    Canada            pg0150a.txt

150a  26  Budron         Phebe            8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

150a  23  Budron         Phebe            38    Canada            pg0150a.txt

150a  27  Budron         Susannah         6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

160b  6   Budrow         Aiker            54    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160a  41  Budrow         Joseph           68    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  2   Budrow         Joseph           23    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160a  42  Budrow         Julia            54    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  3   Budrow         Matilda          23    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  1   Budrow         Miline           11    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  5   Budrow         Sereno           19    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  4   Budrow         Theren           2     Canada            pg0159a.txt

106a  30  Buel           Caroline         11    Ill               pg0102a.txt

106a  29  Buel           Charlotte        18    NY                pg0102a.txt

106a  31  Buel           Fitz Roi         9     Ill               pg0102a.txt

106a  28  Buel           George           24    NY                pg0102a.txt

106a  26  Buel           Hannah           52    NY                pg0102a.txt

106a  27  Buel           Norton           27    NY                pg0102a.txt

60b   17  Buffum         Caroline         33    NY                pg0055a.txt

60b   18  Buffum         Delana           7     NY                pg0055a.txt

60b   20  Buffum         J. V. R.         2     Ill               pg0055a.txt

60b   21  Buffum         Lorinda M.       1/12  Ill               pg0055a.txt

60b   22  Buffum         Sally A.         28    NY                pg0055a.txt

60b   19  Buffum         Sarah A.         5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

60b   16  Buffum         Stephen S.       33    NY                pg0055a.txt

19b   28  Buizer         David            22    NY                pg0019a.txt

19b   29  Buizer         MAry A.          18    Unknown           pg0019a.txt

63b   21  Bulcomb        Charles E.       34    NY                pg0063a.txt

63b   24  Bulcomb        Dexter           6     NY                pg0063a.txt

63b   23  Bulcomb        Everet           8     NY                pg0063a.txt

63b   26  Bulcomb        Juliette         1     Ill               pg0063a.txt

63b   25  Bulcomb        Mary J.          4     Ill               pg0063a.txt

63b   22  Bulcomb        Musy             26    NY                pg0063a.txt

64b   25  Buldry         Samuel           23    England           pg0063a.txt

138a  14  Bull           Jane S.          28    NY                pg0137a.txt

138a  13  Bull           Noonan           30    NY                pg0137a.txt

124a  15  Bullivant      John             34    England           pg0119a.txt

69a   21  Bullock        Eli              3     Ill               pg0063a.txt

69a   19  Bullock        Elizabeth        14    NY                pg0063a.txt

69a   20  Bullock        Julia            8     NY                pg0063a.txt

69a   22  Bullock        Laura            1     Ill               pg0063a.txt

16a   7   Bullock        Laura E.         24    Mass              pg0010a.txt

16a   6   Bullock        Martin           39    NY                pg0010a.txt

69a   18  Bullock        Olive            33    NY                pg0063a.txt

140a  34  Bumgardner     Jacob            25    Germany           pg0137a.txt

98a   27  Bump           Anna R.          1/12  Ill               pg0095a.txt

98a   28  Bump           Lora A.          16    NY                pg0095a.txt

98a   26  Bump           Lydia J.         2     Ill               pg0095a.txt

98a   24  Bump           Nelson           25    NY                pg0095a.txt

98a   25  Bump           Sarah            25    O                 pg0095a.txt

147b  27  Bundap         Jason            62    Ct                pg0141a.txt

147b  28  Bundap         Rosanna          70    Ct                pg0141a.txt

52a   27  Bunhurst       Mary             37    Pa                pg0046a.txt

114a  24  Bunker         Betsey S.        22    NH                pg0110a.txt

114a  21  Bunker         Elijah           52    NH                pg0110a.txt

114a  23  Bunker         Jonas B.         24    NH                pg0110a.txt

114a  22  Bunker         Lydia            50    NH                pg0110a.txt

172b  35  Bunnell        Elizabeth        5     Ill               pg0171a.txt

172b  33  Bunnell        Hannibal         30    O                 pg0171a.txt

172b  36  Bunnell        Mary C.          3     Ill               pg0171a.txt

172b  34  Bunnell        Olive A.         20    Vt                pg0171a.txt

204B  37  Bup            Abigail          36    Vt                pg0204A.txt

204b  37  Bup            Abigail          36    Vt                pg0204a.txt

204B  38  Bup            Edgar            13    NY                pg0204A.txt

204b  38  Bup            Edgar            13    NY                pg0204a.txt

204B  41  Bup            Eliza C.         5     O                 pg0204A.txt

204b  41  Bup            Eliza C.         5     O                 pg0204a.txt

204B  39  Bup            Helen J.         11    NY                pg0204A.txt

204b  39  Bup            Helen J.         11    NY                pg0204a.txt

204B  36  Bup            John             43    Vt                pg0204A.txt

204b  36  Bup            John             43    Vt                pg0204a.txt

204B  40  Bup            Melissa L.       8     O                 pg0204A.txt

204b  40  Bup            Melissa L.       8     O                 pg0204a.txt

161a  24  Burbeam        Charles          5     Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  21  Burbeam        M.               50    Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  22  Burbeam        Mrs.             36    Canada            pg0159a.txt

161a  23  Burbeam        Peter            7     Canada            pg0159a.txt

9a    9   Burdick        Amos             5     Ill               pg0001a.txt

9a    5   Burdick        Catherine        16    Ill               pg0001a.txt

9a    6   Burdick        Hiram            14    Ill               pg0001a.txt

192a  2   Burdick        Justin           42    NY                pg0188a.txt

9a    8   Burdick        Lucinda          9     Ill               pg0001a.txt

192a  3   Burdick        Lydia A.         32    Pa                pg0188a.txt

9a    4   Burdick        Martha           19    Ill               pg0001a.txt

192a  5   Burdick        Mary             9     Ill               pg0188a.txt

9a    3   Burdick        Mary             21    Ill               pg0001a.txt

20a   14  Burdick        Mary             21    NY                pg0019a.txt

192a  4   Burdick        Melissa          15    O                 pg0188a.txt

20a   15  Burdick        Philip           16    France            pg0019a.txt

9a    2   Burdick        Prudence         47    Ill               pg0001a.txt

9a    7   Burdick        Sarah            12    Ill               pg0001a.txt

9a    1   Burdick        Stanton          53    Conn              pg0001a.txt

45a   5   Burdwell       Frederick        27    England           pg0043a.txt

45a   6   Burdwell       Wm.              23    England           pg0043a.txt

30b   42  Burgert        Jeremiah         2     Ill               pg0029a.txt

30b   40  Burgert        Peter            27    Pa                pg0029a.txt

30b   41  Burgert        Phebe            22    Pa                pg0029a.txt

30b   17  Burgher        Andrew           35    Germany           pg0029a.txt

30b   18  Burgher        Sebastian        30    Germany           pg0029a.txt

145b  34  Burjosh        Louis            41    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  35  Burjosh        Mary             35    Canada            pg0141a.txt

6b    33  Burke          Ann              17    Canada            pg0001a.txt

6b    32  Burke          Ellen R.         27    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

6b    31  Burke          Patrick          50    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

78b   40  Burke          Patrick          22    Ireland           pg0076a.txt

61b   21  Burkett        Catharine        45    Pa                pg0055a.txt

61b   20  Burkett        Peter            43    Pa                pg0055a.txt

107a  10  Burkshire      Elizabeth        40    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

107a  13  Burkshire      Elizabeth        12    Ia                pg0102a.txt

107a  11  Burkshire      Henrietta        16    Ia                pg0102a.txt

107a  12  Burkshire      Robert R.        14    Ia                pg0102a.txt

107a  14  Burkshire      Sarah M.         7     IA                pg0102a.txt

114b  13  Burlingame     Horace           21    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

114b  10  Burlingame     Meritt           30    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

71a   34  Burness        Albert           6     Ill               pg0063a.txt

71a   35  Burness        Alonzo           5     Ill               pg0063a.txt

71a   33  Burness        Jacob            7     Ill               pg0063a.txt

71a   28  Burness        Jefferson        24    NY                pg0063a.txt

71a   26  Burness        Leander          43    NY                pg0063a.txt

71a   32  Burness        Lucinda          9     Ill               pg0063a.txt

71a   29  Burness        Lura             19    NY                pg0063a.txt

71a   27  Burness        Lydia            45    NH                pg0063a.txt

71a   36  Burness        Lydia            2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

71a   31  Burness        Mary             25    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

71a   30  Burness        Thomas           31    NY                pg0063a.txt

41a   37  Burnett        Betsey           20    England           pg0038a.txt

117b  31  Burnett        J.               40    NH                pg0110a.txt

41a   39  Burnett        Lucy             16    England           pg0038a.txt

41a   36  Burnett        Mary             44    England           pg0038a.txt

41a   38  Burnett        Mary             19    England           pg0038a.txt

41a   35  Burnett        Richard          45    England           pg0038a.txt

41a   40  Burnett        Richard          11    England           pg0038a.txt

41a   42  Burnett        Sarah            7     NY                pg0038a.txt

41a   41  Burnett        Wesley           9     NY                pg0038a.txt

43a   19  Burnham        Alex             2     Ill               pg0043a.txt

43a   17  Burnham        Allen            8     Ct                pg0043a.txt

43a   15  Burnham        Joseph           22    O                 pg0043a.txt

43a   14  Burnham        Lois             39    NY                pg0043a.txt

43a   18  Burnham        Rufus            3     Ill               pg0043a.txt

43a   13  Burnham        Walter           51    Ct                pg0043a.txt

162b  32  Burnitt        Anna O.          68    Conn              pg0162a.txt

162b  31  Burnitt        John H.          69    Conn              pg0162a.txt

192a  26  Burns          Ann              21    Pa                pg0188a.txt

24a   34  Burnson        M. K.            37    Pa                pg0021a.txt

24a   35  Burnson        N. C.            48    Va                pg0021a.txt

99a   39  Burr           Almira           25    O                 pg0095a.txt

207b  41  Burr           Corinna          19    Ia                pg0204a.txt

207B  41  Burr           Corinna          19    Ia                pg0204A.txt

121a  14  Burr           George           19    Ill               pg0119a.txt

207b  38  Burr           Isa              15    Ia                pg0204a.txt

207B  38  Burr           Isa              15    Ia                pg0204A.txt

99a   38  Burr           L. P.            40    NH                pg0095a.txt

99a   41  Burr           Louisa J.        3     Ill               pg0095a.txt

99a   40  Burr           Luhan            18    Ill               pg0095a.txt

207b  35  Burr           Marham           55    NY                pg0204a.txt

207B  35  Burr           Marham           55    NY                pg0204A.txt

207b  36  Burr           Nancy            44    NC                pg0204a.txt

207B  36  Burr           Nancy            44    NC                pg0204A.txt

56b   9   Burr           Sabrina          14    NY                pg0055a.txt

207B  40  Burr           Salina           12    Ill               pg0204A.txt

207b  40  Burr           Salina           12    Ill               pg0204a.txt

207b  37  Burr           Verintha         26    Ia                pg0204a.txt

207B  37  Burr           Verintha         26    Ia                pg0204A.txt

207B  39  Burr           Wm.              10    Ill               pg0204A.txt

207b  39  Burr           Wm.              10    Ill               pg0204a.txt

38a   10  Burrill        Ann Elisa        4     Wis               pg0038a.txt

52a   29  Burrill        Caroline         21    Vt                pg0046a.txt

52a   30  Burrill        Day D.           1     Ill               pg0046a.txt

38a   5   Burrill        Elizabeth        17    NY                pg0038a.txt

38a   11  Burrill        Francis          1     Wis               pg0038a.txt

38a   8   Burrill        George           8     Wis               pg0038a.txt

38a   3   Burrill        George           55    England           pg0038a.txt

38a   9   Burrill        Hellen           6     Wis               pg0038a.txt

52a   28  Burrill        John             28    NY                pg0046a.txt

38a   7   Burrill        Maria            26    Tenn              pg0038a.txt

38a   4   Burrill        Mary             53    England           pg0038a.txt

38a   6   Burrill        Mary             15    NY                pg0038a.txt

13b   42  Burris         Thomas           22    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

71a   10  Burrows        Alice            3     NY                pg0063a.txt

71a   4   Burrows        Asenath          48    NY                pg0063a.txt

71a   8   Burrows        Caroline         8     NY                pg0063a.txt

71a   9   Burrows        Dallas           5     NY                pg0063a.txt

71a   5   Burrows        Julia            16    NY                pg0063a.txt

71a   6   Burrows        Orsha            13    NY                pg0063a.txt

71a   3   Burrows        Peter B.         55    NY                pg0063a.txt

71a   7   Burrows        Samuel           9     NY                pg0063a.txt

207B  28  Burson         Edmund           13    O                 pg0204A.txt

207b  28  Burson         Edmund           13    O                 pg0204a.txt

206a  36  Burson         Ellen            10    O                 pg0204a.txt

206A  36  Burson         Ellen            10    O                 pg0204A.txt

207b  11  Burson         Margaret         6     Unknown           pg0204a.txt

207B  11  Burson         Margaret         6     Unknown           pg0204A.txt

89b   29  Burson         Martha N.        11    Pa                pg0083a.txt

125a  21  Burson         Melissa          9     Unknown           pg0119a.txt

121a  7   Burt           Charlotte        23    NH                pg0119a.txt

10a   24  Burt           Clara            41    NY                pg0010a.txt

10a   29  Burt           Hannah           5     NY                pg0010a.txt

10a   27  Burt           Harlen           15    NY                pg0010a.txt

10a   28  Burt           Harriet          10    NY                pg0010a.txt

11b   17  Burt           Mary             13    Ill               pg0010a.txt

10a   23  Burt           Russel           44    NY                pg0010a.txt

10a   26  Burt           Volney           17    NY                pg0010a.txt

121a  6   Burt           Wm.              27    NY                pg0119a.txt

5a    16  Burt           Wm.              20    NY                pg0001a.txt

10a   25  Burt           Wm.              20    NY                pg0010a.txt

69b   12  Burtless       Robert           64    Ct                pg0063a.txt

89b   33  Burton         Catherine S.     4     Ill               pg0083a.txt

124a  12  Burton         Emma             28    England           pg0119a.txt

124a  13  Burton         Geo.             5     England           pg0119a.txt

163b  17  Burton         George W.        2     Ia                pg0162a.txt

163b  12  Burton         Henry            38    Va                pg0162a.txt

163b  14  Burton         John M.          12    Ia                pg0162a.txt

124a  11  Burton         Joseph           28    England           pg0119a.txt

124a  14  Burton         L. L.            24    England           pg0119a.txt

163b  13  Burton         Martha           38    O                 pg0162a.txt

163b  15  Burton         Mary F.          10    Ia                pg0162a.txt

89b   32  Burton         Mary J.          23    NY                pg0083a.txt

163b  16  Burton         Reuben H.        7     Ia                pg0162a.txt

104b  30  Burzee         Augustus         14    Ill               pg0102a.txt

12a   41  Bush           E. E.            52    Mass              pg0010a.txt

26a   41  Bush           Eli              12    NY                pg0021a.txt

26a   40  Bush           Emily            27    NY                pg0021a.txt

12a   42  Bush           Hanah            41    NY                pg0010a.txt

12b   1   Bush           Henry            7     Ill               pg0010a.txt

26b   2   Bush           Joshua           5     NY                pg0021a.txt

26b   1   Bush           Mathew           7     NY                pg0021a.txt

26a   42  Bush           Rulof            9     NY                pg0021a.txt

26a   39  Bush           Wm.              35    NY                pg0021a.txt

9b    14  Bushell        Stephen          45    England           pg0001a.txt

206a  8   Busson         Louisa           12    O                 pg0204a.txt

206A  8   Busson         Louisa           12    O                 pg0204A.txt

125b  11  Buswell        Charles          21    England           pg0119a.txt

55a   18  Butler         A. C.            28    NY                pg0055a.txt

4b    13  Butler         Ann J.           16    NY                pg0001a.txt

4b    8   Butler         Charles          49    Conn              pg0001a.txt

4b    11  Butler         Charles          20    NY                pg0001a.txt

4b    14  Butler         Edward           14    NY                pg0001a.txt

4b    12  Butler         Emily            18    NY                pg0001a.txt

55a   22  Butler         Fanny            3     Pa                pg0055a.txt

55a   20  Butler         Francis          6     Pa                pg0055a.txt

4b    16  Butler         George           7     Ill               pg0001a.txt

55a   19  Butler         Hannah           23    NY                pg0055a.txt

55a   24  Butler         Henry            12    Ill               pg0055a.txt

4b    10  Butler         Julia            23    NY                pg0001a.txt

4b    9   Butler         Lucy             44    Conn              pg0001a.txt

4b    15  Butler         Lucy A.          12    Ill               pg0001a.txt

99a   12  Butler         Madeline         63    Canada            pg0095a.txt

55a   21  Butler         Mary A.          5     Pa                pg0055a.txt

55a   23  Butler         Painther         2     Pa                pg0055a.txt

99a   13  Butler         Peter            26    Canada            pg0095a.txt

121a  24  Butterfield    Angeline         13    NY                pg0119a.txt

113b  1   Butterfield    B.               53    Vt                pg0110a.txt

113b  3   Butterfield    Benj.            24    Vt                pg0110a.txt

113b  2   Butterfield    Betsey           53    Vt                pg0110a.txt

102a  27  Butterfield    Charles          20    NY                pg0102a.txt

121a  22  Butterfield    Egbert           43    Mich              pg0119a.txt

108b  32  Butterfield    H.               25    NY                pg0102a.txt

121a  25  Butterfield    Levi             11    NY                pg0119a.txt

108b  33  Butterfield    Louisa A.        21    NY                pg0102a.txt

121a  23  Butterfield    Sarah            32    NY                pg0119a.txt

121a  26  Butterfield    Wm.              9     Ill               pg0119a.txt

84b   7   Button         Amelia           10    NY                pg0083a.txt

84b   5   Button         Earl             21    NY                pg0083a.txt

122b  21  Button         Helen            22    England           pg0119a.txt

84b   8   Button         Lucinda          2     NY                pg0083a.txt

84b   6   Button         Mina             17    NY                pg0083a.txt

84b   4   Button         Mrs.             40    NY                pg0083a.txt

84b   3   Button         Simon            53    NY                pg0083a.txt

12b   20  Butts          Henry            22    Pa                pg0010a.txt

23a   8   Byrn           Bartholomew      6     Ill               pg0021a.txt

23a   7   Byrn           John             13    Ill               pg0021a.txt

176a  30  Byron          Peter            28    Denmark           pg0174a.txt

140a  18  Bysam          Emma             37    O                 pg0137a.txt

140a  24  Bysam          George W.        3     Ill               pg0137a.txt

140a  19  Bysam          Jesse            18    O                 pg0137a.txt

140a  17  Bysam          John W.          41    O                 pg0137a.txt

140a  23  Bysam          John W.          3     Ill               pg0137a.txt

140a  22  Bysam          Joseph P.        6     Ia                pg0137a.txt

140a  21  Bysam          Mary J.          9     Ia                pg0137a.txt

140a  20  Bysam          Moses N.         17    O                 pg0137a.txt

140a  25  Bysam          Wm. H.           9/12  Ill               pg0137a.txt

The complete text of this census can be found at
Last Update: Friday, 13-Dec-2024 21:36:42 UTC

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Will County Coordinator: Dennis Partridge
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Copyright of submitted items belongs to those responsible for their authorship or creation unless otherwise assigned.