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Will County Federal Census

1850 Index

Will, IL 1850 Federal Census     INDEX (File 3 of 15)

This Census was transcribed by Lana Magiera and proofread by Amanda Magiera

for the USGenWeb Census Project,

Copyright 2001 by Lana Magiera


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Formatted for the USGenWeb Census Project by File Manager Ellen Horner, August 2001

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Pg#  Ln#  Last Name      First Name       Age   Birth Place       Filename


70a   11  Cadding        Caroline         25    NY                pg0063a.txt

70a   10  Cadding        Chas. B.         26    NY                pg0063a.txt

70a   32  Cadding        John             14    O                 pg0063a.txt

70a   33  Cadding        Mary             16    O                 pg0063a.txt

85a   28  Cadwell        Geo. H.          8     Ill               pg0083a.txt

85a   22  Cadwell        George           40    O                 pg0083a.txt

85a   26  Cadwell        Joseph           19    O                 pg0083a.txt

85a   23  Cadwell        Mahala           40    O                 pg0083a.txt

85a   27  Cadwell        Rowena           14    O                 pg0083a.txt

85a   25  Cadwell        Ruth             20    O                 pg0083a.txt

85a   24  Cadwell        Sarah            21    O                 pg0083a.txt

85a   29  Cadwell        Thomas           1     Ill               pg0083a.txt

21a   18  Cagmire        Emma             65    Mass              pg0021a.txt

21a   15  Cagmire        F. L.            28    NY                pg0021a.txt

21a   17  Cagmire        Leny F.          4     Ill               pg0021a.txt

21a   16  Cagmire        MAry F.          30    NY                pg0021a.txt

186a  17  Cagmire        Mary J.          20    NY                pg0180a.txt

186a  16  Cagmire        Merritt          11    NY                pg0180a.txt

15b   34  Cagnin         alice            3     Ill               pg0010a.txt

15b   33  Cagnin         Eunice A.        7     Ill               pg0010a.txt

15b   31  Cagnin         Harriet M.       26    NY                pg0010a.txt

15b   30  Cagnin         O. D.            37    NY                pg0010a.txt

15b   32  Cagnin         Orville D.       9     Ill               pg0010a.txt

124b  5   Cail           Bridget          36    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

124b  4   Cail           Patrick          40    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

58a   22  Caine          Thomas           28    Scotland          pg0055a.txt

197a  24  Calahan        Catherine        60    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

197a  25  Calahan        Margaret         20    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

189b  4   Calahan        Margaret         1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

197a  29  Calahan        Mary             36    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

189b  3   Calahan        Mary             27    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189b  2   Calahan        Mathew           32    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

197a  28  Calahan        Peter            40    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

23a   28  Calais         Francis          8     Ill               pg0021a.txt

23a   30  Calais         Helen            8     Ill               pg0021a.txt

23a   24  Calais         Henry            3     Ill               pg0021a.txt

23a   31  Calais         John             4.12  Ill               pg0021a.txt

23a   22  Calais         Joseph           45    France            pg0021a.txt

23a   27  Calais         Lucy             25    Mich              pg0021a.txt

23a   29  Calais         Marie Adele      5     Ill               pg0021a.txt

23a   23  Calais         Mary Jane        33    NY                pg0021a.txt

23a   26  Calais         Remy             39    France            pg0021a.txt

23a   25  Calais         Sarah E.         3/12  Ill               pg0021a.txt

2a    13  Calhonn        Adrasrus         22    Vermont           pg0001a.txt

44a   21  Calhoun        Stephen          25    O                 pg0043a.txt

56a   22  Calkin         Ezra             21    NY                pg0055a.txt

56a   17  Calkin         Fidelia          29    Mass              pg0055a.txt

56a   19  Calkin         James            7     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56a   16  Calkin         James W.         36    NY                pg0055a.txt

56a   20  Calkin         Julia            6     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56a   18  Calkin         Mary             10    Ill               pg0055a.txt

56a   21  Calkin         Ruth             3/12  Ill               pg0055a.txt

197b  12  Callaghan      Anna             5     Ill               pg0197a.txt

197b  11  Callaghan      Barney           7     Ill               pg0197a.txt

197b  7   Callaghan      Barney           45    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

22b   16  Callaghan      Bridget          19    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

197b  13  Callaghan      James            2     Ill               pg0197a.txt

197b  8   Callaghan      Mary             33    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

200a  3   Callaghan      Mary             18    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

197b  10  Callaghan      Mary             10    Ill               pg0197a.txt

197b  9   Callaghan      Thomas           12    Ill               pg0197a.txt

197b  2   Callagher      Charles          1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

193b  31  Callagher      Margaret         21    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

197b  1   Callagher      Margaret         2     Ill               pg0197a.txt

197a  41  Callagher      Mary             23    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

197a  42  Callagher      Mary A.          5     Ill               pg0197a.txt

197a  40  Callagher      Patrick          37    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

193a  11  Callahan       Bridget          54    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

193a  10  Callahan       John             53    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

193a  13  Callahan       Maria            19    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

193a  12  Callahan       Michael          22    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189b  6   Callahan       Patrick          25    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

122b  13  Calloway       Jessee           34    Del               pg0119a.txt

122b  14  Calloway       Mary             30    NY                pg0119a.txt

56a   10  Camberlain     Hiram            36    NY                pg0055a.txt

207B  23  Cameron        Catherine        15    Ia                pg0204A.txt

207b  23  Cameron        Catherine        15    Ia                pg0204a.txt

208a  8   Cameron        Elizabeth M.     13    Ill               pg0204a.txt

208A  8   Cameron        Elizabeth M.     13    Ill               pg0204A.txt

207B  22  Cameron        Hugh             60    Scotland          pg0204A.txt

207b  22  Cameron        Hugh             60    Scotland          pg0204a.txt

205A  26  Cameron        Susannah         10    Ill               pg0204A.txt

205a  26  Cameron        Susannah         10    Ill               pg0204a.txt

16a   28  Camp           Caroline         10    O                 pg0010a.txt

16a   30  Camp           Charles H.       6     O                 pg0010a.txt

16a   26  Camp           Eliza            16    O                 pg0010a.txt

16a   29  Camp           Frederick        8     O                 pg0010a.txt

16a   27  Camp           John             12    O                 pg0010a.txt

16a   32  Camp           Josephine        3     Ill               pg0010a.txt

16a   31  Camp           Marian           7     O                 pg0010a.txt

16a   25  Camp           Mary             37    Switzerland       pg0010a.txt

16a   33  Camp           Wm.              74    O                 pg0010a.txt

16a   24  Camp           Wm.              37    Switzerland       pg0010a.txt

118a  21  Campbell       C.               31    NY                pg0110a.txt

178a  34  Campbell       Caroline         42    Vt                pg0174a.txt

178a  38  Campbell       Charles          14    Ill               pg0174a.txt

174a  33  Campbell       Clinton C.       12    Ia                pg0174a.txt

178a  36  Campbell       Cyrus            20    O                 pg0174a.txt

124a  4   Campbell       Daniel           4     Ill               pg0119a.txt

124a  3   Campbell       Elizabeth        6     Ill               pg0119a.txt

123b  41  Campbell       Elizabeth        42    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

174a  34  Campbell       Elizabeth A.     11    Ia                pg0174a.txt

110b  23  Campbell       Fidelia          9     Mich              pg0110a.txt

178a  35  Campbell       Francis          28    O                 pg0174a.txt

124a  1   Campbell       Francis          16    Canada            pg0119a.txt

184b  10  Campbell       George           34    NY                pg0180a.txt

184b  12  Campbell       Hannah           4     Ill               pg0180a.txt

110b  22  Campbell       Harriet          14    Vt                pg0110a.txt

110b  19  Campbell       Hiram            38    Vt                pg0110a.txt

105a  30  Campbell       James            45    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

174a  31  Campbell       James            41    O                 pg0174a.txt

178a  39  Campbell       Jay              12    Ia                pg0174a.txt

110a  26  Campbell       John             18    Canada            pg0110a.txt

123b  42  Campbell       John             18    Canada            pg0119a.txt

174a  35  Campbell       John F.          9     Ia                pg0174a.txt

178a  40  Campbell       Louisa A.        8     Ia                pg0174a.txt

184b  11  Campbell       Lucinda          24    O                 pg0180a.txt

178a  37  Campbell       Mary             16    O                 pg0174a.txt

124a  2   Campbell       Mary             14    Canada            pg0119a.txt

44b   4   Campbell       Mary C.          30    NY                pg0043a.txt

174a  38  Campbell       Michael C.       1     Il                pg0174a.txt

110b  20  Campbell       Mrs.             35    Vt                pg0110a.txt

174a  32  Campbell       Priscilla G. P.  30    O                 pg0174a.txt

110b  21  Campbell       Sarah J.         16    Vt                pg0110a.txt

118a  22  Campbell       Sylvester        4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

44b   5   Campbell       Sylvester G.     6     Ill               pg0043a.txt

123b  40  Campbell       Thos.            47    England           pg0119a.txt

174a  36  Campbell       Winfield S.      7     Ia                pg0174a.txt

174a  37  Campbell       Wm. H.           4     Ill               pg0174a.txt

145a  21  Campenon       John B.          70    France            pg0141a.txt

145a  22  Campenon       Mary L.          53    Canada            pg0141a.txt

25a   30  Canagan        Mary             19    Mass              pg0021a.txt

167a  41  Cane           Joseph           24    Germany           pg0162a.txt

126b  11  Caner          Catherine        43    Germany           pg0126a.txt

126b  12  Caner          Peter            7     Germany           pg0126a.txt

126b  10  Caner          Peter            42    Germany           pg0126a.txt

159b  16  Caneveaux      Alexis           1/12  Ill               pg0159a.txt

159b  11  Caneveaux      Amelia           36    Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  9   Caneveaux      Charles          54    Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  10  Caneveaux      Leon             44    Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  14  Caneveaux      Louis            5     Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  15  Caneveaux      Louisa           3     Ill               pg0159a.txt

159b  17  Caneveaux      Mary             70    Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  13  Caneveaux      Sophia           8     Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  12  Caneveaux      Tousaint         10    Canada            pg0159a.txt

49a   28  Canfield       Asa              29    NY                pg0046a.txt

49a   30  Canfield       Charles          4     Ill               pg0046a.txt

166b  41  Canfield       Elizabeth        15    NY                pg0162a.txt

166b  42  Canfield       Elma             15    NY                pg0162a.txt

166b  39  Canfield       Joseph           51    Mass              pg0162a.txt

166b  40  Canfield       Mary             45    Mass              pg0162a.txt

49a   29  Canfield       Orphia           32    NY                pg0046a.txt

101b  16  Canoran        James            22    Ireland           pg0095a.txt

96a   40  Canoveran      Patrick          18    Ireland           pg0095a.txt

131a  38  Capple         Caltsine         6     Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  37  Capple         Clenstine        9     Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  32  Capple         Frederick        40    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  36  Capple         Frederick        14    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  39  Capple         John             5     Ill               pg0126a.txt

131a  34  Capple         Julia Ann        66    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  35  Capple         Philipene        15    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  33  Capple         Philippene       49    Germany           pg0126a.txt

118b  34  Carey          Chas. L.         30    NY                pg0110a.txt

95a   15  Carey          Louisa C.        1/12  Ill               pg0095a.txt

95a   14  Carey          Rhoda A.         26    NY                pg0095a.txt

95a   13  Carey          Wm. P.           36    NY                pg0095a.txt

67a   25  Carl           Wert             25    O                 pg0063a.txt

18b   15  Carle          Ann              10    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

18b   14  Carle          Bridget          22    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

18b   19  Carle          Bridget          2     Ill               pg0010a.txt

18b   18  Carle          Catherine        5     Canada            pg0010a.txt

18b   16  Carle          Francis          9     Ireland           pg0010a.txt

18b   17  Carle          James            7     NY                pg0010a.txt

87b   2   Carle          Jane             40    NY                pg0083a.txt

87b   1   Carle          John             43    NY                pg0083a.txt

87b   3   Carle          Mahala           21    NY                pg0083a.txt

87b   4   Carle          Norman           19    NY                pg0083a.txt

18b   13  Carle          Peter            35    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

22a   4   Carlin         Catherine        12    Canada            pg0021a.txt

169b  33  Carlin         Ellen            8     Ill               pg0162a.txt

106a  24  Carlin         Ellen            56    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

22a   3   Carlin         Hugh             18    Unknown           pg0021a.txt

169b  35  Carlin         James            8/12  Ill               pg0162a.txt

22a   6   Carlin         Joseph           4     Ill               pg0021a.txt

169b  34  Carlin         Mary             6     Ill               pg0162a.txt

22a   2   Carlin         Mary             36    Canada            pg0021a.txt

169b  32  Carlin         Mary             36    Vt                pg0162a.txt

22a   7   Carlin         Mary             2     Ill               pg0021a.txt

22a   5   Carlin         Patrick          11    Canada            pg0021a.txt

106a  23  Carlin         Peter            55    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

169b  31  Carlin         Philip           48    England           pg0162a.txt

22a   1   Carlin         Thomas           41    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

22a   8   Carlin         Thomas           3/12  Ill               pg0021a.txt

6a    21  Carlton        Abigail          22    Mich              pg0001a.txt

6a    20  Carlton        Elizabeth        23    NY                pg0001a.txt

6a    22  Carlton        Henry            6     Mich              pg0001a.txt

6a    18  Carlton        Ira              49    NY                pg0001a.txt

6a    19  Carlton        Polly            46    NY                pg0001a.txt

1a    26  Carne          Ellen            25    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

1a    27  Carne          Ellen, Jr.       4     NY                pg0001a.txt

1a    25  Carne          James            25    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

1a    28  Carne          Mary Ann         2     NY                pg0001a.txt

1a    29  Carne          Thomas           4/12  Ill               pg0001a.txt

188a  18  Carol          Martin           30    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

8a    17  Carothers      James M.         6     O                 pg0001a.txt

8a    14  Carothers      Philip           43    Va                pg0001a.txt

8a    13  Carothers      Wm. S.           38    Pa                pg0001a.txt

180a  25  Carpenter      Abigail          5     Ill               pg0180a.txt

180a  20  Carpenter      Abigail          36    NY                pg0180a.txt

98b   7   Carpenter      Adelbert         5     NY                pg0095a.txt

27b   21  Carpenter      Aris             13    Ill               pg0021a.txt

127b  16  Carpenter      Catherine        51    Penn              pg0126a.txt

180a  19  Carpenter      Charles H.       42    Conn              pg0180a.txt

127b  19  Carpenter      Charlotte        12    Ill               pg0126a.txt

127b  17  Carpenter      Chauncy          18    Penn              pg0126a.txt

27b   22  Carpenter      David            52    NY                pg0021a.txt

28b   11  Carpenter      E. R. E.         24    Ind               pg0021a.txt

27b   20  Carpenter      Eliza            15    NY                pg0021a.txt

180a  23  Carpenter      Hannah           10    Ill               pg0180a.txt

27b   19  Carpenter      Helen            18    NY                pg0021a.txt

140a  36  Carpenter      Henry            24    NY                pg0137a.txt

22b   26  Carpenter      Horace           28    Pa                pg0021a.txt

180a  24  Carpenter      Jane             7     Ill               pg0180a.txt

125a  16  Carpenter      Jerrerson        7     Ill               pg0119a.txt

10a   22  Carpenter      John             44    England           pg0010a.txt

180a  22  Carpenter      Joseph           12    Ill               pg0180a.txt

127b  15  Carpenter      Josiah           24    Penn              pg0126a.txt

98b   5   Carpenter      Julia A.         12    NY                pg0095a.txt

98b   4   Carpenter      Juliaetta        28    NY                pg0095a.txt

27b   18  Carpenter      Lanson           20    NY                pg0021a.txt

127b  20  Carpenter      Mary             21    Vt                pg0126a.txt

49a   25  Carpenter      Mary A.          24    NY                pg0046a.txt

180a  26  Carpenter      Mary A.          1/12  Ill               pg0180a.txt

98b   3   Carpenter      Nicholas F.      36    NY                pg0095a.txt

27b   17  Carpenter      Prudence         49    Vt                pg0021a.txt

98b   6   Carpenter      Sally            8     NY                pg0095a.txt

180a  21  Carpenter      Sarah            15    NY                pg0180a.txt

27b   23  Carpenter      Seymour          23    NY                pg0021a.txt

49a   24  Carpenter      Stephen          28    NJ                pg0046a.txt

127b  18  Carpenter      Washington       15    Penn              pg0126a.txt

25b   2   Carr           Calvin           47    NY                pg0021a.txt

25b   3   Carr           Caroline         46    NY                pg0021a.txt

25b   6   Carr           E. N.            12    Ill               pg0021a.txt

25b   4   Carr           J. C.            15    NY                pg0021a.txt

36b   4   Carr           James H.         1     NH                pg0029a.txt

36b   2   Carr           James W.         25    NH                pg0029a.txt

36b   3   Carr           Jane             22    NH                pg0029a.txt

203b  33  Carr           Sarah R.         15    O                 pg0197a.txt

25b   5   Carr           Walter B.        13    NY                pg0021a.txt

119b  38  Carroll        Catherine        20    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

149a  22  Carrolton      Issabel          8     Ia                pg0141a.txt

39a   16  Carson         George           51    Ireland           pg0038a.txt

29b   21  Carson         George           17    Vt                pg0029a.txt

7b    37  Carson         H. D.            15    O                 pg0001a.txt

21a   22  Carter         Adaline M.       1     Ill               pg0021a.txt

21a   21  Carter         Almira A.        5     Ill               pg0021a.txt

34a   41  Carter         Amassa           3     NY                pg0029a.txt

21a   19  Carter         Betsey A.        41    Pa                pg0021a.txt

114b  26  Carter         Harriet          36    Ia                pg0110a.txt

21a   20  Carter         Harvey           9     Wis               pg0021a.txt

34a   39  Carter         Jackson          17    NY                pg0029a.txt

34a   38  Carter         John             54    Vt                pg0029a.txt

34a   42  Carter         John             2     NY                pg0029a.txt

114b  27  Carter         Joseph           14    Ill               pg0110a.txt

114b  29  Carter         Lewis            6     Ill               pg0110a.txt

34a   40  Carter         Russel           15    NY                pg0029a.txt

114b  25  Carter         Westley          40    Tenn              pg0110a.txt

132a  7   Carter         Wm.              19    NY                pg0126a.txt

114b  28  Carter         Wm.              10    Ill               pg0110a.txt

30a   28  Caruse         James            47    Mass              pg0029a.txt

30a   29  Caruse         Mary             54    Va                pg0029a.txt

199b  20  Caruthers      Augustua         23    Germany           pg0197a.txt

199b  23  Caruthers      Franklin         1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199b  19  Caruthers      Wm.              35    England           pg0197a.txt

96a   11  Case           E. E.            40    Conn              pg0095a.txt

96a   13  Case           Harriet A.       1     Ill               pg0095a.txt

17b   3   Case           Joseph D.        12    NY                pg0010a.txt

116b  13  Case           N. H.            34    Conn              pg0110a.txt

96a   12  Case           Nancy            22    Ia                pg0095a.txt

116b  15  Case           Sarah            1     Conn              pg0110a.txt

116b  14  Case           Stella M.        22    Conn              pg0110a.txt

92a   8   Cashell        John             27    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

193a  31  Cassaday       Ann              40    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

193a  30  Cassaday       Francis          44    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

193a  32  Cassaday       Marion           15    Pa                pg0188a.txt

193a  33  Cassaday       Philip           14    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

3a    29  Cassin         Catherine        80    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

142a  25  Castoner       Francis          64    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  28  Castoner       George           21    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  30  Castoner       Mary A.          16    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  29  Castoner       Matilda          21    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  26  Castoner       Mrs. Laotine     62    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  27  Castoner       Peter            22    Canada            pg0141a.txt

50b   22  Caswell        Allan            28    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

39b   4   Caswell        Betsey           58    NY                pg0038a.txt

24b   10  Caswell        Daniel           68    Scotland          pg0021a.txt

39b   7   Caswell        Gardner          2     NY                pg0038a.txt

39b   5   Caswell        George T.        33    NY                pg0038a.txt

39b   8   Caswell        Helen E.         15    NY                pg0038a.txt

39b   6   Caswell        Juliasetta       25    NY                pg0038a.txt

39b   3   Caswell        Robert           58    NY                pg0038a.txt

201a  16  Caswin         Abijah           43    NY                pg0197a.txt

201a  23  Caswin         Abijah           2     Ill               pg0197a.txt

201a  20  Caswin         Hamden           11    Ill               pg0197a.txt

201a  17  Caswin         Hannah           44    Vt                pg0197a.txt

201a  21  Caswin         Nancy            9     Ill               pg0197a.txt

201a  22  Caswin         Rose             5     Ill               pg0197a.txt

201a  18  Caswin         Sarah A.         17    NY                pg0197a.txt

201a  19  Caswin         Thomas           13    Ill               pg0197a.txt

51b   16  Catchpole      Daniel           33    England           pg0046a.txt

51b   21  Catchpole      Ester            1     Ill               pg0046a.txt

51b   18  Catchpole      James            9     Ill               pg0046a.txt

51b   19  Catchpole      Lorin            6     Ill               pg0046a.txt

51b   20  Catchpole      Marcellus        4     Ill               pg0046a.txt

51b   17  Catchpole      Mary             27    Vt                pg0046a.txt

175a  11  Catin          John             28    O                 pg0174a.txt

22b   19  Catlin         Ezra C.          24    Canada            pg0021a.txt

137a  23  Cavanagh       Catherine        20    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

137a  19  Cavanagh       James            50    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

137a  21  Cavanagh       John             28    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

198b  22  Cavanagh       Margaret         15    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

137a  20  Cavanagh       Mary             46    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

137a  25  Cavanagh       Mary A.          16    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

137a  22  Cavanagh       Michael          16    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

137a  24  Cavanagh       Patrick          17    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

137a  26  Cavanagh       Teressa          12    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

29b   11  Cavanaugh      Ann              18    Ireland           pg0029a.txt

187a  42  Cavanaugh      Ann              17    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

93b   42  Cavanaugh      Bridget          31    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

187b  3   Cavanaugh      Catherine        10    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

94a   2   Cavanaugh      Ellen            9     Ill               pg0091a.txt

187a  39  Cavanaugh      James            25    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

94a   1   Cavanaugh      James            10    Ill               pg0091a.txt

94a   4   Cavanaugh      John             6     Ill               pg0091a.txt

187a  40  Cavanaugh      John             22    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

29b   10  Cavanaugh      John             21    Ireland           pg0029a.txt

187b  1   Cavanaugh      Joseph           14    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

94a   6   Cavanaugh      Marty            1/12  Ill               pg0091a.txt

94a   3   Cavanaugh      Mary             7     Ill               pg0091a.txt

187a  38  Cavanaugh      Mary             50    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

19a   14  Cavanaugh      Mary             22    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

94a   17  Cavanaugh      Michael          40    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

93b   41  Cavanaugh      Michael          35    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

187b  2   Cavanaugh      Michael          12    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

187a  41  Cavanaugh      Patrick          19    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

39b   25  Cavanaugh      Thomas           17    Ireland           pg0038a.txt

94a   5   Cavanaugh      Winne            4     Ill               pg0091a.txt

205b  10  Cavenaugh      JOhn             26    Ireland           pg0204a.txt

205B  10  Cavenaugh      JOhn             26    Ireland           pg0204A.txt

77b   2   Cawat          Delpha           25    Canada            pg0076a.txt

103b  38  Cawley         Thomas           35    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

125b  12  Cayless        Jane             48    England           pg0119a.txt

36b   24  Cellar         Eliza J.         2     Scotland          pg0029a.txt

36b   20  Cellar         Wm.              26    Scotland          pg0029a.txt

169a  32  Cenlin         Christina        29    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169a  31  Cenlin         Hugh             48    Ireland           pg0162a.txt

169a  33  Cenlin         Thomas           1     Ill               pg0162a.txt

131b  36  Cephet         Christian        40    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131b  29  Cephlt         Anst             5     Germany           pg0126a.txt

131b  28  Cephlt         Augustus         7     Germany           pg0126a.txt

131b  26  Cephlt         Frederica        28    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131b  27  Cephlt         Matilda          9     Germany           pg0126a.txt

131b  25  Cephlt         Ordolf           37    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131b  30  Cephlt         Robert           1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

154b  15  Cerman         John             23    Canada            pg0150a.txt

130b  26  Cerning        Frederick        15    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  24  Cerning        John             26    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  23  Cerning        Margaret         55    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  25  Cerning        Mary             26    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  22  Cerning        Wyan             51    Germany           pg0126a.txt

8a    36  Cerry          Eve Ann          7     NY                pg0001a.txt

8a    33  Cerry          Keziah A,        34    NJ                pg0001a.txt

8a    34  Cerry          Oliver H.        14    NY                pg0001a.txt

8a    35  Cerry          Samuel D.        9     NY                pg0001a.txt

44a   4   Chadwick       Adaline          17    O                 pg0043a.txt

44a   5   Chadwick       Amelia           12    Mich              pg0043a.txt

44a   2   Chadwick       Chloe            40    O                 pg0043a.txt

44a   1   Chadwick       Horace           43    Vt                pg0043a.txt

44a   6   Chadwick       Jerome           4     Mich              pg0043a.txt

44a   3   Chadwick       John             18    O                 pg0043a.txt

130b  2   Chair          Catherine        21    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  5   Chair          Cenneront        15    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  7   Chair          Elizabeth        12    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  8   Chair          Frederick        10    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130a  42  Chair          John             50    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  4   Chair          John             17    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  11  Chair          Nicholas         1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

130b  6   Chair          Peter            13    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  1   Chair          Phelphena        38    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  9   Chair          Philippine       8     Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  10  Chair          Saldeen          6     Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  3   Chair          Wm.              19    Germany           pg0126a.txt

56a   11  Chamberlain    Abigail          32    NY                pg0055a.txt

103b  19  Chamberlain    Alexander        6     Ohio              pg0102a.txt

56a   15  Chamberlain    Ann J.           1     Ill               pg0055a.txt

103b  20  Chamberlain    Clinton          4     Ill               pg0102a.txt

56a   14  Chamberlain    Harvey           7     NY                pg0055a.txt

103b  17  Chamberlain    Lila             32    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

103b  18  Chamberlain    Minerva          11    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

56a   13  Chamberlain    Susan            10    NY                pg0055a.txt

56a   12  Chamberlain    Theresey         12    NY                pg0055a.txt

149b  11  Chamberlin     Catherine        23    Ia                pg0141a.txt

14b   40  Chamberlin     E. S.            33    NY                pg0010a.txt

149b  9   Chamberlin     Ellen            19    Ia                pg0141a.txt

149b  10  Chamberlin     Erskine          26    Ia                pg0141a.txt

149b  13  Chamberlin     Francis          1     Ia                pg0141a.txt

17a   19  Chamberlin     John             32    Germany           pg0010a.txt

149b  12  Chamberlin     Mary E.          3     Ia                pg0141a.txt

14b   39  Chamberlin     S. S.            32    NY                pg0010a.txt

8a    32  Chambers       Joseph           85    Pa                pg0001a.txt

99a   11  Chambury       Adaline          13    Canada            pg0095a.txt

145a  17  Champonier     Paul J.          26    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145a  18  Champonier     Roslie           20    Canada            pg0141a.txt

103a  10  Chandler       Desire H.        46    NY                pg0102a.txt

103a  16  Chandler       Julius           4     NY                pg0102a.txt

154b  40  Chapin         Isaac            25    Canada            pg0150a.txt

69b   11  Chaplin        Axel             4     Ill               pg0063a.txt

69b   7   Chaplin        Chas.            38    NY                pg0063a.txt

69b   10  Chaplin        Emma L.          7     Ill               pg0063a.txt

69b   8   Chaplin        Sarah A.         38    NY                pg0063a.txt

69b   9   Chaplin        Wm.              10    Ill               pg0063a.txt

167a  29  Chapman        Albert           43    NY                pg0162a.txt

23b   32  Chapman        Alexander        22    NY                pg0021a.txt

23b   26  Chapman        Caleb            54    NY                pg0021a.txt

23b   28  Chapman        Caleb C.         11    NY                pg0021a.txt

61b   1   Chapman        Charles          40    Mass              pg0055a.txt

61b   3   Chapman        Charles          16    Mass              pg0055a.txt

95a   39  Chapman        Chauncy          37    Canada            pg0095a.txt

32b   7   Chapman        Daniel           44    NY                pg0029a.txt

61b   5   Chapman        David            12    Ill               pg0055a.txt

13b   41  Chapman        E.               50    O                 pg0010a.txt

32b   10  Chapman        E. A.            2     Ill               pg0029a.txt

167a  21  Chapman        Elizabeth        76    NY                pg0162a.txt

61b   4   Chapman        Eunice           14    Mass              pg0055a.txt

61b   8   Chapman        Francis          1     Ill               pg0055a.txt

167a  27  Chapman        Harrison         7     O                 pg0162a.txt

23b   29  Chapman        Henry M.         9     NY                pg0021a.txt

95a   37  Chapman        Isaac            62    VT                pg0095a.txt

95a   40  Chapman        Isaac N.         12    Ohio              pg0095a.txt

32b   8   Chapman        J. P.            40    NY                pg0029a.txt

116a  18  Chapman        James            6     Ill               pg0110a.txt

95a   41  Chapman        Joseph           10    Ohio              pg0095a.txt

167a  22  Chapman        Lyman            22    NY                pg0162a.txt

32b   9   Chapman        M.               7     Ill               pg0029a.txt

61b   6   Chapman        Marcus           7     Ill               pg0055a.txt

207a  21  Chapman        Margaret         18    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  21  Chapman        Margaret         18    Canada            pg0204A.txt

167a  24  Chapman        Mark             16    NY                pg0162a.txt

167a  26  Chapman        Martha           10    O                 pg0162a.txt

167a  25  Chapman        Martin           13    O                 pg0162a.txt

116a  17  Chapman        Mary             9     Ill               pg0110a.txt

61b   7   Chapman        Nancy            4     Ill               pg0055a.txt

61b   2   Chapman        Nancy            37    Mass              pg0055a.txt

167a  28  Chapman        Norman           4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

23b   27  Chapman        Parmelia         50    NY                pg0021a.txt

167a  20  Chapman        Polly            48    NY                pg0162a.txt

167a  23  Chapman        Ralph            18    NY                pg0162a.txt

95a   38  Chapman        Relief           57    VT                pg0095a.txt

206a  31  Chapman        Robt. W.         49    Mass              pg0204a.txt

206A  31  Chapman        Robt. W.         49    Mass              pg0204A.txt

167a  19  Chapman        Samuel W.        53    NH                pg0162a.txt

2a    35  Chapman        Soloman          38    Mass              pg0001a.txt

95a   42  Chapman        Wm.              5     Ill               pg0095a.txt

207a  20  Chapman        Wm.              25    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  20  Chapman        Wm.              25    Canada            pg0204A.txt

145a  26  Charky         Jas.             3     Canada            pg0141a.txt

145a  23  Charky         Louis            27    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145a  24  Charky         Rosalina         27    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145a  25  Charky         Roselisa         5     Canada            pg0141a.txt

145a  27  Charky         Sephira          8/12  Ill               pg0141a.txt

190a  26  Charles        Michael          28    Germany           pg0188a.txt

36b   31  Chase          David            19    NY                pg0029a.txt

36b   29  Chase          James            49    NY                pg0029a.txt

36b   32  Chase          Jay              16    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

63b   39  Chase          John             15    Germany           pg0063a.txt

36b   30  Chase          Lovina           48    NY                pg0029a.txt

36b   33  Chase          Rebecca          14    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

96a   8   Chatfield      James            18    Ia                pg0095a.txt

96a   10  Chatfield      Jane             8     Ill               pg0095a.txt

96a   9   Chatfield      Martha           16    Ia                pg0095a.txt

96a   7   Chatfield      Sarah A.         45    NY                pg0095a.txt

96a   6   Chatfield      Wm. A.           51    Conn              pg0095a.txt

11b   32  Cheney         Delia            20    NY                pg0010a.txt

52a   34  Cheyney        Albert D.        36781 Ill               pg0046a.txt

52a   31  Cheyney        David            36    NH                pg0046a.txt

52a   33  Cheyney        Ellen            2     Ill               pg0046a.txt

52a   32  Cheyney        Sarah Ann        32    NY                pg0046a.txt

114b  39  Childs         Celia A.         16    NY                pg0110a.txt

114b  40  Childs         Helen            9     NY                pg0110a.txt

114b  37  Childs         Henry D.         38    NY                pg0110a.txt

114b  38  Childs         Julia A.         36    NY                pg0110a.txt

96a   3   Chipman        Albert           32    Canada            pg0095a.txt

95b   2   Chipman        Ansel B.         27    Canada            pg0095a.txt

95b   6   Chipman        John             24    Canada            pg0095a.txt

95b   3   Chipman        Laura            51    Canada            pg0095a.txt

95b   1   Chipman        Laura            22    Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   4   Chipman        Sophronia        19    Vt                pg0095a.txt

22b   24  Chism          J.               26    NY                pg0021a.txt

41a   3   Christ         Aurelia          3/12  Ill               pg0038a.txt

41a   2   Christ         Catherine        10    NY                pg0038a.txt

41a   1   Christ         Deborah          13    NY                pg0038a.txt

40b   41  Christ         Mary J.          16    NY                pg0038a.txt

40b   39  Christ         Nancy            35    NY                pg0038a.txt

40b   42  Christ         Parna            12    NY                pg0038a.txt

40b   38  Christ         Peter M.         43    NY                pg0038a.txt

40b   40  Christ         Robert           10    NY                pg0038a.txt

70a   4   Church         Jonas            13    O                 pg0063a.txt

207a  26  Churchill      Amelia           25    Vt                pg0204a.txt

207A  26  Churchill      Amelia           25    Vt                pg0204A.txt

127a  11  Churchill      Aser             19    Vt                pg0126a.txt

74a   29  Churchill      John             7     Vt                pg0073a.txt

127a  14  Churchill      John             4     Vt                pg0126a.txt

207a  27  Churchill      Justin           4     Ill               pg0204a.txt

207A  27  Churchill      Justin           4     Ill               pg0204A.txt

74a   23  Churchill      Lemuel           40    Vt                pg0073a.txt

74a   26  Churchill      Lucy             13    Vt                pg0073a.txt

127a  12  Churchill      Lucy             13    Vt                pg0126a.txt

127a  13  Churchill      Mary             9     Vt                pg0126a.txt

74a   27  Churchill      Mary             10    Vt                pg0073a.txt

207a  28  Churchill      Maryetta         2     Ill               pg0204a.txt

207A  28  Churchill      Maryetta         2     Ill               pg0204A.txt

74a   25  Churchill      Orson            17    Vt                pg0073a.txt

127a  9   Churchill      Samuel           41    Vt                pg0126a.txt

74a   24  Churchill      Sarah            40    Vt                pg0073a.txt

127a  10  Churchill      Sarah            39    Vt                pg0126a.txt

74a   28  Churchill      Sarah D.         1     Ill               pg0073a.txt

127a  15  Churchill      Sarah J.         1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

207A  25  Churchill      Shad             36    NY                pg0204A.txt

207a  25  Churchill      Shad             36    NY                pg0204a.txt

152a  20  Chyne          Mary             6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

56a   35  Cibbons        Wm.              23    NY                pg0055a.txt

65b   29  Ciollins       Addison          18    NY                pg0063a.txt

18a   20  Clair          Maria            2     Ill               pg0010a.txt

29a   21  Claniborn      Cornelius        45    NJ                pg0029a.txt

48b   9   Clark          Allen            14    Vt                pg0046a.txt

175b  20  Clark          Alrem            19    Ia                pg0174a.txt

48b   8   Clark          Angeline         16    Vt                pg0046a.txt

118b  12  Clark          Anna             55    NY                pg0110a.txt

59b   39  Clark          Barrett B.       31    Ohio              pg0055a.txt

117b  28  Clark          Bridget          22    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

31a   31  Clark          C. S.            31    Mass              pg0029a.txt

39a   10  Clark          Caroline         30    Canada            pg0038a.txt

48b   10  Clark          Caroline         11    Vt                pg0046a.txt

87b   8   Clark          Catherine        26    Germany           pg0083a.txt

48b   14  Clark          Charles E        1     Ill               pg0046a.txt

124b  10  Clark          Charlotte B.     26    NY                pg0119a.txt

179a  9   Clark          Cyrus            22    Pa                pg0174a.txt

118b  11  Clark          Elius            66    NY                pg0110a.txt

99b   41  Clark          Emeline A.       8     NJ                pg0095a.txt

48b   13  Clark          Emma Jane        3     Ill               pg0046a.txt

39a   9   Clark          Erastus          35    Mass              pg0038a.txt

48b   12  Clark          Fidelia          5     Vt                pg0046a.txt

31a   34  Clark          Fred G.          2     Ill               pg0029a.txt

99b   40  Clark          Frederic O.      12    NJ                pg0095a.txt

107a  29  Clark          George           8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

31a   32  Clark          H. A.            30    Vt                pg0029a.txt

61b   12  Clark          H. C.            19    NY                pg0055a.txt

124b  13  Clark          H. W.            42    NY                pg0119a.txt

60a   1   Clark          Hannah           1/12  Ill               pg0055a.txt

59b   40  Clark          Harriet          29    Mass              pg0055a.txt

48b   7   Clark          Helen            17    Vt                pg0046a.txt

107a  30  Clark          Henry            8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

59b   42  Clark          Homer A.         5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

107a  27  Clark          John B.          37    NY                pg0102a.txt

61b   14  Clark          John B.          14    Mich              pg0055a.txt

99b   37  Clark          Julia A.         22    NJ                pg0095a.txt

31a   33  Clark          L.               8     Ill               pg0029a.txt

124b  18  Clark          L. G.            26    NY                pg0119a.txt

48b   4   Clark          Laban            45    Vt                pg0046a.txt

97a   14  Clark          Lewis            16    NJ                pg0095a.txt

48b   11  Clark          Louisa           8     Vt                pg0046a.txt

124b  11  Clark          Louisa           1     NY                pg0119a.txt

99b   39  Clark          Louisa B.        16    NJ                pg0095a.txt

39a   12  Clark          Lucilla          5     Ill               pg0038a.txt

97a   13  Clark          M. O.            35    NY                pg0095a.txt

48b   5   Clark          Mary             42    Vt                pg0046a.txt

107a  28  Clark          Mary A.          28    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

99b   38  Clark          Mary E.          20    NJ                pg0095a.txt

39a   11  Clark          Molvin           7     Ill               pg0038a.txt

124b  9   Clark          Oliver A.        35    NY                pg0119a.txt

39a   13  Clark          Rosabel          3     Ill               pg0038a.txt

39a   14  Clark          Rosco            1     Ill               pg0038a.txt

87b   7   Clark          Samuel           48    Ct                pg0083a.txt

61b   11  Clark          Sarah            40    Vt                pg0055a.txt

124b  14  Clark          Sarah            35    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

99b   36  Clark          Silas            60    NJ                pg0095a.txt

61b   10  Clark          Simon B.         57    Vt                pg0055a.txt

59b   41  Clark          Sophia           10    Ill               pg0055a.txt

87b   9   Clark          Sophronia R.     3     Mich              pg0083a.txt

117b  30  Clark          W. J.            21    NY                pg0110a.txt

48b   6   Clark          Warren           19    Vt                pg0046a.txt

7a    25  Clark          Wm.              20    NY                pg0001a.txt

58b   20  Clark          Wm.              18    Mass              pg0055a.txt

61b   13  Clark          Wm. H.           18    NY                pg0055a.txt

194b  23  Clarkson       Alice            35    England           pg0188a.txt

194b  27  Clarkson       Ellen            79    England           pg0188a.txt

194b  24  Clarkson       Ellen J.         7     England           pg0188a.txt

194b  22  Clarkson       John             40    England           pg0188a.txt

194b  25  Clarkson       Margaret A.      3     England           pg0188a.txt

194b  26  Clarkson       Mary A.          1     England           pg0188a.txt

28b   9   Class          Chas. W.         5     Ill               pg0021a.txt

28b   8   Class          Henry M.         7     Ill               pg0021a.txt

28b   4   Class          Jane             30    Pa                pg0021a.txt

28b   7   Class          Margaret         9     Ill               pg0021a.txt

28b   6   Class          Martha C.        12    Ill               pg0021a.txt

28b   3   Class          Orlando          43    NH                pg0021a.txt

28b   5   Class          Orlando L.       13    Ill               pg0021a.txt

28b   10  Class          Samuel           1     Ill               pg0021a.txt

170a  34  Clausie        Caroline         1     Ill               pg0162a.txt

170a  28  Clausie        Charles          34    Germany           pg0162a.txt

170a  33  Clausie        Charlotte        4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

170a  29  Clausie        Frederica        26    Germany           pg0162a.txt

170a  30  Clausie        Fredric          11    Germany           pg0162a.txt

170a  31  Clausie        Louisa           9     Germany           pg0162a.txt

170a  32  Clausie        Theodore         6     Germany           pg0162a.txt

140a  35  Clausner       Jacob            17    Germany           pg0137a.txt

129a  9   Clayes         Amelia L.        1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

129a  7   Clayes         Charles          30    NY                pg0126a.txt

129a  8   Clayes         Eliza A.         22    NY                pg0126a.txt

128b  30  Clayes         Joseph           9     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128b  28  Clayes         Levi M.          36    NH                pg0126a.txt

128b  29  Clayes         Louisa           45    NH                pg0126a.txt

6b    12  Cleason        Michael          35    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

6b    14  Cleason        Owen             28    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

6b    13  Cleason        Winifred         35    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

68b   23  Cleaveland     Byron            19    NY                pg0063a.txt

176b  20  Cleaver        Caroline         4     Ill               pg0174a.txt

176b  10  Cleaver        Daniel           2     Ill               pg0174a.txt

176b  9   Cleaver        David            6     Ill               pg0174a.txt

176b  18  Cleaver        Elner A.         24    Ia                pg0174a.txt

176b  8   Cleaver        Lucinda          25    Pa                pg0174a.txt

176b  21  Cleaver        Rebecca          10/12 Ill               pg0174a.txt

176b  19  Cleaver        Sarah A.         6     Ill               pg0174a.txt

176b  11  Cleaver        Walter           5/12  Ill               pg0174a.txt

176b  17  Cleaver        Wincester C.     35    Conn              pg0174a.txt

172a  38  Clein          Augustus         39    Germany           pg0171a.txt

172a  41  Clein          Augustus         13    Germany           pg0171a.txt

172b  3   Clein          Cenlin           1     Ill               pg0171a.txt

172b  4   Clein          Christian        23    Germany           pg0171a.txt

172b  1   Clein          Louisa           7     Ill               pg0171a.txt

172a  40  Clein          Lucinda          16    Germany           pg0171a.txt

172a  39  Clein          M. C.            34    Germany           pg0171a.txt

172b  2   Clein          Mary A.          2     Ill               pg0171a.txt

172a  42  Clein          Wilhelmina       12    Germany           pg0171a.txt

169b  28  Clemens        Augustine        15    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  23  Clemens        Caroline         54    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  27  Clemens        Caroline         17    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  30  Clemens        Charles          4     Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  22  Clemens        Christian        60    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  24  Clemens        Christian        27    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  26  Clemens        Hederich         20    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  25  Clemens        Henry            23    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  29  Clemens        Wm.              10    Germany           pg0162a.txt

191b  13  Clement        Charles          39    Vt                pg0188a.txt

191b  14  Clement        Cordelia         25    NY                pg0188a.txt

189b  39  Clement        Elizabeth        40    England           pg0188a.txt

59a   24  Clemment       Ellena           69    NY                pg0055a.txt

145b  36  Clerman        Julia            6     Canada            pg0141a.txt

83b   7   Cleveland      A. S.            21    NY                pg0083a.txt

135b  13  Cleveland      Augustus         9     Ill               pg0135a.txt

83b   8   Cleveland      Charity          17    NY                pg0083a.txt

135b  12  Cleveland      Charles          11    Ill               pg0135a.txt

135b  11  Cleveland      Charlotte        33    England           pg0135a.txt

83b   14  Cleveland      Chas. W.         22    NY                pg0083a.txt

83b   11  Cleveland      Harrison         9     Ill               pg0083a.txt

83b   9   Cleveland      Ira              14    NY                pg0083a.txt

135b  14  Cleveland      Josephine        5     Ill               pg0135a.txt

83b   13  Cleveland      Nancy C.         3     Ill               pg0083a.txt

135b  10  Cleveland      Omin             33    NY                pg0135a.txt

135b  15  Cleveland      Rush             2     Ill               pg0135a.txt

83b   6   Cleveland      Sally            40    NY                pg0083a.txt

83b   10  Cleveland      Sarah            12    NY                pg0083a.txt

83b   5   Cleveland      Westley          45    NY                pg0083a.txt

83b   12  Cleveland      Willer L.        6     Ill               pg0083a.txt

135b  16  Cleveland      Wm. B.           30    NY                pg0135a.txt

180b  16  Clifford       Catherine        12    NY                pg0180a.txt

16b   26  Clifford       Charles          31    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

57a   20  Clifford       Edward           6     Ill               pg0055a.txt

57a   26  Clifford       Edwin            7     Ill               pg0055a.txt

16b   27  Clifford       Elizabeth        29    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

57a   33  Clifford       Ellena           69    Vt                pg0055a.txt

57a   18  Clifford       Fanny            11    Ill               pg0055a.txt

57a   24  Clifford       Hannah           37    RI                pg0055a.txt

57a   22  Clifford       Henry C.         2     Ill               pg0055a.txt

180b  17  Clifford       James            8     Ill               pg0180a.txt

57a   21  Clifford       James P.         4     Ill               pg0055a.txt

180b  13  Clifford       Jane             41    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

57a   31  Clifford       Jennetta         27    NY                pg0055a.txt

180b  12  Clifford       John             45    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

5a    14  Clifford       John             17    NY                pg0001a.txt

57a   23  Clifford       Leander          44    NY                pg0055a.txt

57a   30  Clifford       Leonard          36    NY                pg0055a.txt

57a   15  Clifford       Lyman            42    NY                pg0055a.txt

57a   27  Clifford       Mary             4     Ill               pg0055a.txt

180b  15  Clifford       Mary A.          14    NY                pg0180a.txt

180b  18  Clifford       Michael          3     Ill               pg0180a.txt

57a   17  Clifford       Perlina          12    Ill               pg0055a.txt

57a   16  Clifford       Roxanna          34    Mass              pg0055a.txt

57a   19  Clifford       Susan            8     Ill               pg0055a.txt

57a   25  Clifford       Winchester       15    Ill               pg0055a.txt

52b   8   Climpson       Richard          22    England           pg0046a.txt

25a   21  Clinaly        Stephen          47    Mass              pg0021a.txt

92a   33  Clinton        James C.         55    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

92a   37  Clinton        Margaret         5     Ill               pg0091a.txt

92a   34  Clinton        Mary             38    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

92a   35  Clinton        Mary             10    Ill               pg0091a.txt

92a   36  Clinton        Thomas           8     Ill               pg0091a.txt

86b   32  Clipper        John             15    Germany           pg0083a.txt

88a   35  Close          Lewis            33    Germany           pg0083a.txt

54b   19  Clow           Adam             28    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

54b   17  Clow           James            33    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

54b   21  Clow           R. M.            25    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

54b   16  Clow           Robert           63    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

54b   18  Clow           Robert, J        30    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

54b   20  Clow           Sarah            26    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

54b   23  Clow           Thomas           21    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

54b   22  Clow           William          24    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

105b  31  Clowry         Eliza            20    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

105b  34  Clowry         James            12    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

105b  29  Clowry         Jeremiah         23    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

105b  32  Clowry         John             18    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

105b  30  Clowry         Mrs.             45    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

105b  35  Clowry         Patrick          16    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

105b  33  Clowry         Robert           14    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

152b  15  Clrope         Peter            36    Canada            pg0150a.txt

130b  29  Cluber         Elizabeth        10    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  33  Cluber         Frederic         1     Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  27  Cluber         John             36    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  32  Cluber         John             3     Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  28  Cluber         Margaret         30    Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  31  Cluber         Peter            6     Germany           pg0126a.txt

130b  30  Cluber         Philip           8     Germany           pg0126a.txt

138b  3   Clunan         Ann              19    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

43a   10  Cobb           Andrew F.        6     O                 pg0043a.txt

120b  9   Cobb           D. A.            29    Conn              pg0119a.txt

43a   9   Cobb           James            18    O                 pg0043a.txt

43a   8   Cobb           wM.              45    NY                pg0043a.txt

39a   34  Coburn         Harriet A.       31    NY                pg0038a.txt

62a   15  Coburn         Mrs.             55    Vt                pg0055a.txt

39a   35  Coburn         Nelson H.        2     Ill               pg0038a.txt

52b   11  Cochran        Westley          16    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

18b   39  Codding        Sally            70    Mass              pg0010a.txt

14a   37  Codding        Sarah            35    NY                pg0010a.txt

53a   42  Coffer         Edgar            9     Vt                pg0046a.txt

176a  39  Coffinbury     Benton           6     Ill               pg0174a.txt

176a  36  Coffinbury     Mary H.          28    Ky                pg0174a.txt

176a  37  Coffinbury     Milton           16    Ia                pg0174a.txt

176a  35  Coffinbury     N. L.            48    Va                pg0174a.txt

176a  38  Coffinbury     Staffesa F.      13    Ia                pg0174a.txt

40b   9   Cogswell       John             50    Ireland           pg0038a.txt

40b   10  Cogswell       John             18    Ireland           pg0038a.txt

106b  33  Coil           Ellen            26    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106b  35  Coil           James            1     Ill               pg0102a.txt

106b  32  Coil           Peter            40    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

30a   25  Coints         Ann              25    England           pg0029a.txt

30a   27  Coints         Francis H.       1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

30a   24  Coints         Mack H.          38    England           pg0029a.txt

30a   26  Coints         Wm.              6     England           pg0029a.txt

120b  7   Colburn        Albert           1     Ill               pg0119a.txt

120b  5   Colburn        Elizabeth        34    Isle of Man       pg0119a.txt

120b  4   Colburn        Geo. L.          43    Mass              pg0119a.txt

120b  6   Colburn        Georgianna       3     Conn              pg0119a.txt

69b   24  Colby          Ellena S.        17    Vt                pg0063a.txt

166a  34  Cole           Charlotte A.     9     Ill               pg0162a.txt

167a  40  Cole           Ellen            2     Ill               pg0162a.txt

167a  39  Cole           Emma             8     Ill               pg0162a.txt

167a  35  Cole           Erastus          52    NY                pg0162a.txt

166a  38  Cole           Geo. A.          8/12  Ill               pg0162a.txt

167a  38  Cole           Henry            10    Ill               pg0162a.txt

31a   15  Cole           J. L.            26    NY                pg0029a.txt

166a  35  Cole           J. W.            7     Ill               pg0162a.txt

166a  32  Cole           John W.          39    NY                pg0162a.txt

25a   33  Cole           Levi             88    NH                pg0021a.txt

166a  36  Cole           Lyman C.         5     Ill               pg0162a.txt

167a  36  Cole           Martha           40    NY                pg0162a.txt

166a  33  Cole           Martha           29    NY                pg0162a.txt

166a  37  Cole           Martha L.        3     Ill               pg0162a.txt

31a   16  Cole           S.               19    NY                pg0029a.txt

53a   38  Colegrove      Clarks           59    Vt                pg0046a.txt

53a   36  Colegrove      Eliza            6     Ill               pg0046a.txt

53a   37  Colegrove      Flavilla         2     Ill               pg0046a.txt

53a   40  Colegrove      Harley           15    Vt                pg0046a.txt

53a   33  Colegrove      Lester           31    Vt                pg0046a.txt

53a   34  Colegrove      Lucretia         23    Vt                pg0046a.txt

53a   41  Colegrove      Marada A.        14    Vt                pg0046a.txt

53a   35  Colegrove      Myranda          8     Ill               pg0046a.txt

53a   39  Colegrove      Parmella         58    Conn              pg0046a.txt

104a  27  Coles          Jabez            60    unknown           pg0102a.txt

104a  25  Coles          Mary A.          23    Unknown           pg0102a.txt

104a  24  Coles          Willis           26    Unknown           pg0102a.txt

104a  26  Coles          Wm.              1     Ill               pg0102a.txt

51a   32  Collier        Daniel           48    England           pg0046a.txt

65b   26  Collins        Addison          54    Mass              pg0063a.txt

65b   35  Collins        Adeline E.       9     Ill               pg0063a.txt

188b  34  Collins        Ann              41    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

65b   28  Collins        Franklin         20    NY                pg0063a.txt

65b   32  Collins        Frederic         38    NY                pg0063a.txt

65b   34  Collins        Horatio          10    Ill               pg0063a.txt

188b  36  Collins        John             18    Canada            pg0188a.txt

188b  37  Collins        Mary             16    Canada            pg0188a.txt

200b  6   Collins        Mary             16    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

65b   33  Collins        Nancy M.         36    NY                pg0063a.txt

188b  35  Collins        Peter            20    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

65b   27  Collins        Sabrina          43    NY                pg0063a.txt

19a   33  Colman         J.               28    NY                pg0019a.txt

19a   34  Colman         Mary             17    Canada            pg0019a.txt

165a  14  Colter         Silas            17    Ia                pg0162a.txt

209a  17  Colton         G. L.            27    NY                pg0204a.txt

209A  17  Colton         G. L.            27    NY                pg0204A.txt

209a  19  Colton         George           3     NY                pg0204a.txt

209A  19  Colton         George           3     NY                pg0204A.txt

204A  25  Colton         John             15    NY                pg0204A.txt

204a  25  Colton         John             15    NY                pg0204a.txt

209A  18  Colton         Maria            24    NY                pg0204A.txt

209a  18  Colton         Maria            24    NY                pg0204a.txt

204A  26  Colton         Milton J.        13    NY                pg0204A.txt

204a  26  Colton         Milton J.        13    NY                pg0204a.txt

204A  23  Colton         Nathaniel        29    NY                pg0204A.txt

204a  23  Colton         Nathaniel        29    NY                pg0204a.txt

204A  22  Colton         Parnel           54    NY                pg0204A.txt

204a  22  Colton         Parnel           54    NY                pg0204a.txt

204A  24  Colton         Susannah         18    O                 pg0204A.txt

204a  24  Colton         Susannah         18    O                 pg0204a.txt

204A  21  Colton         Wm.              58    NY                pg0204A.txt

204a  21  Colton         Wm.              58    NY                pg0204a.txt

209A  20  Colton         Wm.              1     Ill               pg0204A.txt

209a  20  Colton         Wm.              1     Ill               pg0204a.txt

121b  16  Coltrel        Catherine        45    Unable to read    pg0119a.txt

121b  18  Coltrel        Ephraim          13    Ill               pg0119a.txt

121b  17  Coltrel        John             16    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

121b  19  Coltrel        Joseph           8     Ill               pg0119a.txt

121b  20  Coltrel        Sarah A.         6     Ill               pg0119a.txt

178b  29  Colwell        Daniel           27    O                 pg0174a.txt

178b  30  Colwell        Jane             26    Ia                pg0174a.txt

178b  32  Colwell        John F.          4     Ill               pg0174a.txt

178b  31  Colwell        Mary A.          7     Ill               pg0174a.txt

178b  33  Colwell        Nancy J.         1     Ill               pg0174a.txt

138a  4   Coman          Rosannah         12    Ill               pg0137a.txt

4a    13  Comsin         Luke             35    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

189a  20  Comstock       A.               23    NY                pg0188a.txt

189a  18  Comstock       A. M. G.         62    NY                pg0188a.txt

189a  19  Comstock       E.               59    NY                pg0188a.txt

189a  22  Comstock       G. A.            16    NY                pg0188a.txt

189a  21  Comstock       Mary A.          18    NY                pg0188a.txt

143a  31  Comtemoth      Julia            64    Canada            pg0141a.txt

84a   34  Conant         Franklin         16    NY                pg0083a.txt

104a  40  Conder         Bridget          55    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

175b  19  Conerly        Margaret A.      2/365 Ill               pg0174a.txt

175b  17  Conerly        Priscilla        25    Ia                pg0174a.txt

175b  18  Conerly        Susan A.         2     Ill               pg0174a.txt

175b  16  Conerly        Upton E.         25    O                 pg0174a.txt

199a  13  Congdon        Catherine        43    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

199a  12  Congdon        Edward           35    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

199a  14  Congdon        Mary             9     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199a  15  Congdon        Rosanna          4     Ill               pg0197a.txt

5b    35  Conles         Edwin            34    NY                pg0001a.txt

73a   23  Conlon         Eliza            4     Ill               pg0073a.txt

73a   22  Conlon         Eliza            38    Ireland           pg0073a.txt

73a   24  Conlon         Henry            2/12  Ill               pg0073a.txt

73a   21  Conlon         John             40    Ireland           pg0073a.txt

201b  17  Connel         Charlotte        4     Mich              pg0197a.txt

201b  16  Connel         Jeremiah         10    NY                pg0197a.txt

201b  14  Connel         John B.          40    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

201b  19  Connel         Mary             8/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

201b  15  Connel         Mary             33    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

201b  18  Connel         William          3     Ill               pg0197a.txt

118b  10  Connelly       Ann              2     NY                pg0110a.txt

118b  8   Connelly       Edward           6     Canada            pg0110a.txt

118b  2   Connelly       James            45    England           pg0110a.txt

118b  4   Connelly       John             14    England           pg0110a.txt

118b  3   Connelly       Margaret         40    England           pg0110a.txt

118b  9   Connelly       Margaret         4     NY                pg0110a.txt

117b  27  Connelly       Mary             21    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

118b  5   Connelly       Mary             15    England           pg0110a.txt

118b  6   Connelly       Rosanna          12    England           pg0110a.txt

118b  7   Connelly       Thomas           11    England           pg0110a.txt

45a   8   Conner         ann              33    Ireland           pg0043a.txt

45a   14  Conner         Ann              1     Ill               pg0043a.txt

106b  26  Conner         Bridget          8     Ireland           pg0102a.txt

45a   12  Conner         Catherine        4     NY                pg0043a.txt

138b  15  Conner         Catherine        2     Ill               pg0137a.txt

139a  26  Conner         Charles          25    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

13a   10  Conner         Charles O.       25    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

138b  13  Conner         Daniel           7     Canada            pg0137a.txt

14a   12  Conner         Daniel           24    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

19a   13  Conner         Dennis O.        21    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

21b   9   Conner         Edward           7     Ill               pg0021a.txt

182a  5   Conner         Edward           25    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

21b   10  Conner         Edwin            7     Ill               pg0021a.txt

138b  12  Conner         Ellen            9     Canada            pg0137a.txt

21b   12  Conner         Emily            3     Ill               pg0021a.txt

45a   10  Conner         Issabella        9     Ireland           pg0043a.txt

21b   5   Conner         James            43    Canada            pg0021a.txt

45a   7   Conner         James            39    Ireland           pg0043a.txt

45a   13  Conner         James            1     Ill               pg0043a.txt

21b   7   Conner         James H.         13    NY                pg0021a.txt

21b   8   Conner         Joanna           11    NY                pg0021a.txt

43b   41  Conner         John             33    Ireland           pg0043a.txt

45a   9   Conner         John             13    Ireland           pg0043a.txt

21b   6   Conner         Lovina           39    Canada            pg0021a.txt

45a   11  Conner         Maria            7     Ireland           pg0043a.txt

138b  11  Conner         Mary             31    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

43b   42  Conner         Mary             21    Ireland           pg0043a.txt

106b  25  Conner         Mary             18    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

138b  14  Conner         Mary A.          5     Ill               pg0137a.txt

138b  10  Conner         Patrick          40    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

21b   11  Conner         Timothy          5     Ill               pg0021a.txt

21b   13  Conner         Wm.              1     Ill               pg0021a.txt

183a  11  Conners        Edward           23    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

183a  10  Conners        Ellen            60    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

183a  9   Conners        James            60    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

183a  12  Conners        James            22    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

124b  8   Connor         Bridget          8     Ireland           pg0119a.txt

92b   2   Connor         Bridget          38    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

92b   5   Connor         Catherine        6     Ill               pg0091a.txt

92b   3   Connor         James            11    Ill               pg0091a.txt

92b   1   Connor         Lawrence         40    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

92b   4   Connor         Mary             8     Ill               pg0091a.txt

87a   22  Connor         Mathias          19    Germany           pg0083a.txt

92b   6   Connor         Richard          4     Ill               pg0091a.txt

124b  6   Connor         Thomas           15    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

67b   23  Connor         Timothy          25    Ia                pg0063a.txt

124b  7   Connor         Wm.              12    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

68a   39  Conrad         John             26    Germany           pg0063a.txt

59a   15  Conway         John             28    England           pg0055a.txt

22b   37  Cook           Alace            6     Ill               pg0021a.txt

91a   24  Cook           Albert L.        40    Vt                pg0091a.txt

162b  4   Cook           Allice M.        4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

171a  29  Cook           Amanda S.        34    NY                pg0171a.txt

22a   32  Cook           Anna             **    Ill               pg0021a.txt

21b   42  Cook           Benjm.           1     Ill               pg0021a.txt

21b   41  Cook           Charles          3     NJ                pg0021a.txt

91a   30  Cook           Charles P.       6/12  Ill               pg0091a.txt

165a  29  Cook           Elizabeth        45    England           pg0162a.txt

22b   36  Cook           Flarilla         27    Pa                pg0021a.txt

171a  33  Cook           Franklin         19    NY                pg0171a.txt

171a  30  Cook           Geo. F.          13    Ill               pg0171a.txt

165a  31  Cook           George           9     O                 pg0162a.txt

91a   26  Cook           Gilbert          13    Ct                pg0091a.txt

162b  1   Cook           Hannah C.        32    Mass              pg0162a.txt

171a  31  Cook           Harriet          11    NY                pg0171a.txt

130a  36  Cook           Isabella         39    Scotland          pg0126a.txt

130a  37  Cook           John             11    Scotland          pg0126a.txt

124a  9   Cook           Joseph B.        31    Mass              pg0119a.txt

91a   29  Cook           Joseph E.        7     Ct                pg0091a.txt

162b  2   Cook           Joseph W.        14    O                 pg0162a.txt

91a   25  Cook           Julia            34    Ct                pg0091a.txt

22b   35  Cook           M. L.            35    NJ                pg0021a.txt

66a   23  Cook           Martha H.        36    Mass              pg0063a.txt

91a   27  Cook           Mary A.          11    Ct                pg0091a.txt

162a  42  Cook           Moses H.         48    NY                pg0162a.txt

21b   40  Cook           Mrs.             25    NJ                pg0021a.txt

162b  3   Cook           Myron H.         7     Ill               pg0162a.txt

22b   38  Cook           Oscar            2     Ill               pg0021a.txt

185a  42  Cook           Robert G.        6/12  Ill               pg0180a.txt

185a  35  Cook           Robert G.        47    Vt                pg0180a.txt

91a   28  Cook           Sarah            9     Ct                pg0091a.txt

185a  36  Cook           Sarah B.         39    England           pg0180a.txt

165a  30  Cook           Thomas           12    O                 pg0162a.txt

165a  28  Cook           Wm.              40    England           pg0162a.txt

21b   39  Cook           Wm.              26    NJ                pg0021a.txt

110a  24  Cool           Ann              23    NY                pg0110a.txt

110a  25  Cool           Margaret         1     Ill               pg0110a.txt

195a  40  Cooley         Geo              10    Mich              pg0188a.txt

25b   38  Cooley         Jonas            20    Germany           pg0021a.txt

195a  41  Cooley         Peter            8     Mich              pg0188a.txt

25b   37  Cooley         Warren           21    Unknown           pg0021a.txt

134b  31  Coon           Clara A.         2     Ill               pg0126a.txt

134b  25  Coon           Elisha           46    NY                pg0126a.txt

134b  28  Coon           Ennis P.         16    NY                pg0126a.txt

134b  26  Coon           Flora            41    NY                pg0126a.txt

92a   20  Coon           Lucy             15    Ia                pg0091a.txt

123b  15  Coon           Luke             54    RI                pg0119a.txt

134b  30  Coon           Lydia            10    NY                pg0126a.txt

134b  29  Coon           Marilla B.       14    NY                pg0126a.txt

123b  17  Coon           Mary             7     Ill               pg0119a.txt

123b  16  Coon           Mary             40    Ia                pg0119a.txt

134b  27  Coon           Phineas B.       17    NY                pg0126a.txt

139b  10  Coonan         Bridget          6     Ill               pg0137a.txt

139b  8   Coonan         Bridget          30    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

139b  13  Coonan         Catherine        10    Ill               pg0137a.txt

139b  12  Coonan         Edward           16    Canada            pg0137a.txt

139b  14  Coonan         Elizabeth        17    Canada            pg0137a.txt

139b  11  Coonan         John             4     Ill               pg0137a.txt

139b  9   Coonan         Margaret         8     Ill               pg0137a.txt

195a  23  Coonse         DesJenoma        42    Germany           pg0188a.txt

195a  22  Coonse         Marcus           36    Germany           pg0188a.txt

195a  25  Coonse         Mary             12    Germany           pg0188a.txt

195a  24  Coonse         Michael          15    Germany           pg0188a.txt

108a  9   Cooper         Ann              39    England           pg0102a.txt

89b   9   Cooper         Ann              18    Ill               pg0083a.txt

34a   4   Cooper         Charles          8     Ill               pg0029a.txt

172a  35  Cooper         Clement A.       6     Ill               pg0171a.txt

172b  42  Cooper         Darwin           2     Ill               pg0171a.txt

172b  39  Cooper         Dennis R.        10    Ill               pg0171a.txt

34a   2   Cooper         E. J.            15    Ill               pg0029a.txt

89b   10  Cooper         Elizabeth        13    Ill               pg0083a.txt

34a   5   Cooper         Harriet          5     Ill               pg0029a.txt

108a  13  Cooper         Isaac            10    Ill               pg0102a.txt

89b   3   Cooper         John             50    Pa                pg0083a.txt

89b   6   Cooper         John W.          20    O                 pg0083a.txt

172a  34  Cooper         Lucy A.          27    Unknown           pg0171a.txt

89b   4   Cooper         Lydia            45    O                 pg0083a.txt

89b   11  Cooper         Lydia D.         8     Ill               pg0083a.txt

108a  14  Cooper         Lydia M.         8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

34a   3   Cooper         M.               8     Ill               pg0029a.txt

34a   6   Cooper         M.               1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

34a   1   Cooper         Mahala           42    Virginia          pg0029a.txt

108a  10  Cooper         Marth            18    NY                pg0102a.txt

172b  40  Cooper         Mercy L.         8     Ill               pg0171a.txt

89b   7   Cooper         Needham P.       17    O                 pg0083a.txt

108a  8   Cooper         Peter            44    England           pg0102a.txt

108a  12  Cooper         Peter            14    Pa                pg0102a.txt

108a  15  Cooper         Richard W.       6     Ill               pg0102a.txt

172b  37  Cooper         Samuel W.        37    Ct                pg0171a.txt

172a  33  Cooper         Seth P.          30    O                 pg0171a.txt

172b  41  Cooper         Stanhope         6     Ill               pg0171a.txt

172b  38  Cooper         Susan W.         31    O                 pg0171a.txt

108a  11  Cooper         Theophilus       16    Pa                pg0102a.txt

89b   8   Cooper         Thomas           15    Ill               pg0083a.txt

38b   13  Cooper         Walter           15    NY                pg0038a.txt

173a  1   Cooper         WM.              23    O                 pg0171a.txt

89b   5   Cooper         Wm.              22    O                 pg0083a.txt

108a  16  Cooper         Wm. F.           2     Ill               pg0102a.txt

172a  36  Cooper         Wm. W.           2     Ill               pg0171a.txt

47b   42  Corbett        Catherine        45    Ireland           pg0046a.txt

47b   39  Corbett        Elisabeth        2     Ill               pg0046a.txt

47b   40  Corbett        John             36568 Ill               pg0046a.txt

47b   37  Corbett        Mary             30    Ireland           pg0046a.txt

47b   38  Corbett        Michael          4     Ireland           pg0046a.txt

47b   41  Corbett        Patrick          40    Ireland           pg0046a.txt

47b   36  Corbett        Richard          30    Ireland           pg0046a.txt

48a   1   Corbett        Winnie           13    Ireland           pg0046a.txt

37a   12  Corbin         Harriet L.       2     Ill               pg0029a.txt

37a   10  Corbin         Mary L.          34    Vt                pg0029a.txt

37a   11  Corbin         Oliver C.        8     Ill               pg0029a.txt

37a   9   Corbin         Oliver S.        40    NH                pg0029a.txt

66a   27  Corbit         Wm.              21    Mich              pg0063a.txt

88a   42  Corbitt        Clark            8     Ill               pg0083a.txt

110b  42  Corbitt        Frank M.         4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

111a  1   Corbitt        Helen A.         2     Ill               pg0110a.txt

110b  41  Corbitt        Mary A.          37    Maine             pg0110a.txt

110b  40  Corbitt        Rufus            38    Maine             pg0110a.txt

88a   34  Corbitt        Wm.              18    NY                pg0083a.txt

145b  3   Coret          David            2     Ill               pg0141a.txt

145b  2   Coret          Eli              4     Canada            pg0141a.txt

145a  42  Coret          Floire L.        27    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  1   Coret          Louis            6     Canada            pg0141a.txt

145a  41  Coret          Louis            28    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  4   Coret          Peter            6/12  Ill               pg0141a.txt

12a   6   Corey          Eliza            27    NY                pg0010a.txt

12a   5   Corey          Gardner          40    NY                pg0010a.txt

12a   7   Corey          Helen            3     NY                pg0010a.txt

30a   17  Corimer        Mellissa         16    Pa                pg0029a.txt

106b  28  Cornelius      Catherine        33    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106b  31  Cornelius      Catherine        1     Ill               pg0102a.txt

106b  27  Cornelius      Charles          35    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106b  30  Cornelius      James            4     Ia                pg0102a.txt

106b  29  Cornelius      Mary             6     Ia                pg0102a.txt

105a  38  Cornell        Hiram K.         30    NY                pg0102a.txt

26b   41  Corney         Elizabeth        18    Unknown           pg0021a.txt

15b   14  Cornmeyer      Barnard          33    Baden, Germany    pg0010a.txt

15b   16  Cornmeyer      Charles          5     Ill               pg0010a.txt

15b   17  Cornmeyer      Edward           3     Ill               pg0010a.txt

15b   15  Cornmeyer      Mary             33    Hanover, Gernany  pg0010a.txt

15b   18  Cornmeyer      Rebecca          9/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

1b    29  Corrin         Austin           1     NY                pg0001a.txt

1b    28  Corrin         David            3     NY                pg0001a.txt

1b    22  Corrin         Eliza Ann        22    NY                pg0001a.txt

1b    26  Corrin         Henry            11    NY                pg0001a.txt

1b    25  Corrin         Horace           13    NY                pg0001a.txt

1b    27  Corrin         Lydia            9     NY                pg0001a.txt

1b    24  Corrin         Mary             15    NY                pg0001a.txt

1b    23  Corrin         Melissa          17    NY                pg0001a.txt

1b    21  Corrin         Nathan           40    NY                pg0001a.txt

52b   12  Corwin         Mary             15    Mich              pg0046a.txt

184b  33  Cosky          Caroline         1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

184b  31  Cosky          John             28    Prussia           pg0180a.txt

184b  32  Cosky          Louisa           22    England           pg0180a.txt

102b  33  Coss           John             23    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

125a  19  Cotton         Albert           1     Ill               pg0119a.txt

125a  17  Cotton         Alex             20    NY                pg0119a.txt

52a   12  Cotton         Augustus         22    England           pg0046a.txt

52a   13  Cotton         Cornelia         12    England           pg0046a.txt

52a   11  Cotton         Jane             52    England           pg0046a.txt

35a   33  Cotton         Mary             56    England           pg0029a.txt

125a  18  Cotton         Nancy A.         19    Ia                pg0119a.txt

35a   32  Cotton         Thomas           55    England           pg0029a.txt

52a   14  Cotton         William          9     England           pg0046a.txt

52a   10  Cotton         William          59    England           pg0046a.txt

125b  29  Cottrell       John             10    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

104b  8   Coughlan       Catherine        7     Canada            pg0102a.txt

104b  5   Coughlan       Catherine        40    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

104b  6   Coughlan       Edward           11    NY                pg0102a.txt

104b  10  Coughlan       Margaret         4     Ill               pg0102a.txt

104b  7   Coughlan       Maria            9     NY                pg0102a.txt

104b  11  Coughlan       Sarah J.         2     Ill               pg0102a.txt

104b  9   Coughlan       thomas           5     Canada            pg0102a.txt

105b  40  Coughlin       Catherine        35    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106a  2   Coughlin       Catherine        12    Ill               pg0102a.txt

106a  1   Coughlin       Mary             14    Canada            pg0102a.txt

105b  41  Coughlin       Michael          18    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106a  3   Coughlin       Thomas           6     Ill               pg0102a.txt

105b  39  Coughlin       Thomas           45    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

5b    38  Coules         George W.        8     NY                pg0001a.txt

5b    39  Coules         Mary M.          4     Ill               pg0001a.txt

35a   40  Countryman     Charles          6     Ill               pg0029a.txt

35a   41  Countryman     Frederick        4     Ill               pg0029a.txt

35a   39  Countryman     Joseph           8     NY                pg0029a.txt

35a   34  Countryman     Joseph           33    NY                pg0029a.txt

35a   37  Countryman     Margaret         14    NY                pg0029a.txt

35a   42  Countryman     Mary             6/12  Ill               pg0029a.txt

35a   38  Countryman     Melinda          12    NY                pg0029a.txt

35a   36  Countryman     Peter            16    NY                pg0029a.txt

35a   35  Countryman     Sophia           35    NY                pg0029a.txt

53a   28  Court          Lafayette        17    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

53a   31  Court          Louisa A.        6     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

53a   29  Court          Mary E.          11    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

53a   27  Court          Sarah            44    NY                pg0046a.txt

53a   26  Court          Sylvanus         46    NY                pg0046a.txt

53a   30  Court          William          9     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

76a   36  Courtwright    Amos             6     O                 pg0076a.txt

76a   34  Courtwright    Byron            12    O                 pg0076a.txt

76a   31  Courtwright    Dean             18    O                 pg0076a.txt

76a   38  Courtwright    Electa D.        1     Ill               pg0076a.txt

76a   30  Courtwright    James E.         20    O                 pg0076a.txt

76a   29  Courtwright    Jane             40    Pa                pg0076a.txt

76a   32  Courtwright    Mary J.          16    O                 pg0076a.txt

76a   35  Courtwright    Melvina A.       8     O                 pg0076a.txt

76a   37  Courtwright    Rebecca          4     O                 pg0076a.txt

76a   33  Courtwright    Sam. F.          14    O                 pg0076a.txt

76a   28  Courtwright    Samuel           45    Pa                pg0076a.txt

190a  1   Coventry       Peter            22    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

38b   11  Coverly        John             55    England           pg0038a.txt

38b   12  Coverly        Sarah            49    NH                pg0038a.txt

38b   14  Coverly        Sarah Jane       10    Ill               pg0038a.txt

121b  26  Cowan          Alex             60    Vt                pg0119a.txt

121b  27  Cowan          Amanda           50    NY                pg0119a.txt

119b  5   Cowan          Byron            10    NY                pg0119a.txt

8b    41  Cowan          Elizabeth        15    NY                pg0001a.txt

119b  6   Cowan          Eugene           8     NY                pg0119a.txt

8b    42  Cowan          Jane             13    NY                pg0001a.txt

8b    40  Cowan          Jeremiah         19    NY                pg0001a.txt

119b  4   Cowan          Maria            40    Vt                pg0119a.txt

119b  7   Cowan          Mary             2     NY                pg0119a.txt

8b    39  Cowan          Michael          46    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

119b  3   Cowan          Moses            48    NY                pg0119a.txt

19a   3   Cowan          Patrick          28    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

117a  42  Cowat          Octavius         20    Canada            pg0110a.txt

116a  5   Cox            Nancy            27    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

63b   13  Cox            Wm.              36    England           pg0063a.txt

28a   36  Craig          Catherine        27    Pa                pg0021a.txt

28a   38  Craig          Elizabeth        3     Pa                pg0021a.txt

28a   39  Craig          Geo. W.          2     NY                pg0021a.txt

28a   37  Craig          Martha           5     Pa                pg0021a.txt

28a   35  Craig          Robt. M.         31    Pa                pg0021a.txt

135a  36  Cram           James            40    England           pg0135a.txt

164a  16  Crannel        Wm.              22    NY                pg0162a.txt

23b   25  Crapsley       Editha           2     Ill               pg0021a.txt

23b   24  Crapsley       Marion           6     NY                pg0021a.txt

23b   23  Crapsley       Sarah            33    England           pg0021a.txt

6b    9   Crawford       Emely            8     Ill               pg0001a.txt

204A  28  Crawford       Henry            6     Mich              pg0204A.txt

204a  28  Crawford       Henry            6     Mich              pg0204a.txt

10b   10  Crawford       Leonard          22    NY                pg0010a.txt

204A  27  Crawford       Lucetta          8     Mich              pg0204A.txt

204a  27  Crawford       Lucetta          8     Mich              pg0204a.txt

6b    8   Crawford       Margaret         33    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

6b    10  Crawford       Mary             6     Ill               pg0001a.txt

102a  26  Crawl          Wm.              18    Mich              pg0102a.txt

198a  15  Creedy         Catherine        33    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

198a  21  Creedy         Theresa          2/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

198a  14  Creedy         Thomas           45    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

198a  20  Creedy         Thomas           2     Ill               pg0197a.txt

5a    25  Crelley        Catherine        5     Ill               pg0001a.txt

5a    21  Crelley        Ellen            40    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

5a    23  Crelley        James            9     NY                pg0001a.txt

5a    24  Crelley        John             7     NY                pg0001a.txt

5a    20  Crelley        John             36    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

5a    22  Crelley        Mary             12    NY                pg0001a.txt

5a    26  Crelley        Thomas           3     Ill               pg0001a.txt

2a    41  Crimley        Sarah            14    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

20b   5   Crimmon        David            4     Ill               pg0019a.txt

20b   1   Crimmon        Ellen            35    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

20b   4   Crimmon        Ellen            12    Ill               pg0019a.txt

20b   2   Crimmon        Francis          14    NY                pg0019a.txt

20b   3   Crimmon        Hannah           16    NY                pg0019a.txt

20a   42  Crimmon        John             40    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

20b   6   Crimmon        Mary             6     Ill               pg0019a.txt

200b  22  Cronan         Eliza            19    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

203b  10  Cronan         Maria            25    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

94a   16  Cronan         Richard          10    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

200b  15  Cronan         Rose             17    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

10b   8   Cronen         Joshua           30    England           pg0010a.txt

18a   40  Cronley        Henry            30    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

18b   3   Cronley        Jane E.          1/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

10a   37  Cronley        Maria            12    Ill               pg0010a.txt

18b   1   Cronley        Michael          7     Ill               pg0010a.txt

18a   42  Cronley        Patrick          10    Ill               pg0010a.txt

18b   2   Cronley        Rosanna          4     Ill               pg0010a.txt

18a   41  Cronley        Rose             30    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

129b  24  Crons          Hannah           33    Germany           pg0126a.txt

129b  23  Crons          John             40    Germany           pg0126a.txt

129b  25  Crons          Martan           3     Germany           pg0126a.txt

129b  26  Crons          Wm.              6     Germany           pg0126a.txt

181a  2   Crop           Margaret         11    NY                pg0180a.txt

53a   22  Cropsey        Andrew D.        26    NY                pg0046a.txt

53a   10  Cropsey        Charles T        6     NY                pg0046a.txt

52b   29  Cropsey        Daniel W.        53    NY                pg0046a.txt

53a   24  Cropsey        David B.         1     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

52b   30  Cropsey        Elisabeth        53    NY                pg0046a.txt

52b   26  Cropsey        Fanny B.         25    Vt                pg0046a.txt

53a   11  Cropsey        Frances A        1     NY                pg0046a.txt

53a   8   Cropsey        George W.        29    NY                pg0046a.txt

52b   35  Cropsey        Harriet          12    NY                pg0046a.txt

52b   25  Cropsey        Jacob H.         27    NY                pg0046a.txt

52b   31  Cropsey        John             22    NY                pg0046a.txt

52b   33  Cropsey        Laura G.         17    NY                pg0046a.txt

52b   34  Cropsey        Mahala           15    NY                pg0046a.txt

53a   23  Cropsey        Maria            23    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

52b   27  Cropsey        Marianne         3     Ill               pg0046a.txt

53a   9   Cropsey        Martha L.        26    NY                pg0046a.txt

52b   32  Cropsey        Nancy            18    NY                pg0046a.txt

8a    39  Crosby         Saml.            26    Canada            pg0001a.txt

50a   5   Crosh          Elisabeth        44    Germany           pg0046a.txt

50a   4   Crosh          John             34    Germany           pg0046a.txt

66a   41  Cross          Cyrus            53    Mass              pg0063a.txt

66b   1   Cross          Cyrus P.         28    Mass              pg0063a.txt

63a   7   Cross          Harriet          62    Mass              pg0063a.txt

66b   3   Cross          Helen M.         16    Ill               pg0063a.txt

66b   4   Cross          Jackson          14    Ill               pg0063a.txt

63a   6   Cross          Lymon            56    Mass              pg0063a.txt

66b   2   Cross          Melvina          18    NY                pg0063a.txt

66a   42  Cross          Rhoda            53    Mass              pg0063a.txt

197b  20  Crowley        E. R.            50    Vt                pg0197a.txt

165a  34  Crum           Albert           8     NY                pg0162a.txt

165a  36  Crum           Almira           2     NY                pg0162a.txt

165a  35  Crum           Amelia           4     NY                pg0162a.txt

165a  32  Crum           Andrew           33    Mass              pg0162a.txt

125a  15  Crum           David            4     Ill               pg0119a.txt

125a  14  Crum           Elvira           17    Pa                pg0119a.txt

125a  13  Crum           Johsah           35    Pa                pg0119a.txt

165a  33  Crum           Julia A.         32    Mass              pg0162a.txt

125a  12  Crum           Lyman L.         38    Pa                pg0119a.txt

172a  26  Crumbery       Catherine        1     Ill               pg0171a.txt

172a  25  Crumbery       S.               30    Germany           pg0171a.txt

172a  24  Crumbery       T.               30    Germany           pg0171a.txt

172b  18  Crundull       Daniel           12    NY                pg0171a.txt

188a  29  Cuddy          Bridget          33    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

188a  31  Cuddy          Catherine        9     NY                pg0188a.txt

188a  34  Cuddy          James            1/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

188a  30  Cuddy          Johannah         11    NY                pg0188a.txt

188a  28  Cuddy          John             33    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

188a  32  Cuddy          Sarah            7     Ill               pg0188a.txt

85a   14  Culby          Barbary          4     Ill               pg0083a.txt

85a   12  Culby          Barbary          28    Germany           pg0083a.txt

85a   15  Culby          George           1     Ill               pg0083a.txt

85a   13  Culby          Henry            6     O                 pg0083a.txt

85a   11  Culby          John             35    Pa                pg0083a.txt

33a   13  Culley         Hervey           27    NY                pg0029a.txt

38b   19  Culver         Alva             40    Vt                pg0038a.txt

38b   20  Culver         Ama Ann          25    NY                pg0038a.txt

38b   24  Culver         Amos             4     Ill               pg0038a.txt

39a   25  Culver         Betsey           62    Vt                pg0038a.txt

38b   25  Culver         Cynthia          2     Ill               pg0038a.txt

38b   21  Culver         Daniel           13    Ill               pg0038a.txt

39a   26  Culver         Emeline B.       7     Ill               pg0038a.txt

38b   22  Culver         Harriet A.       7     Ill               pg0038a.txt

39a   27  Culver         Hawley           4     Ill               pg0038a.txt

39a   23  Culver         Jerome?          32    Vt                pg0038a.txt

38b   23  Culver         Olive            6     Ill               pg0038a.txt

39a   24  Culver         Polly            24    Vt                pg0038a.txt

37b   25  Cumings        Wm.              31    NY                pg0029a.txt

197b  37  Cunnningham    Clevy            5     Ill               pg0197a.txt

197b  36  Cunnningham    George R.        15    NY                pg0197a.txt

197b  38  Cunnningham    Mary             1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

197b  35  Cunnningham    Nancy            40    Ct                pg0197a.txt

197b  34  Cunnningham    Robt. J.         39    NY                pg0197a.txt

106b  21  Curl           Catherine        20    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106b  24  Curl           Martin           24    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106b  22  Curl           Thomas           15    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106b  20  Curl           Torrence         22    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106b  23  Curl           Wm.              13    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

204A  11  Curran         Catherine        50    Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  11  Curran         Catherine        50    Ireland           pg0204a.txt

204A  10  Curran         Ellena           34    Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  10  Curran         Ellena           34    Ireland           pg0204a.txt

100b  37  Curran         Hammond          19    Ill               pg0095a.txt

204A  9   Curran         James            36    Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  9   Curran         James            36    Ireland           pg0204a.txt

191b  38  Curry          John             48    Mass              pg0188a.txt

191b  39  Curry          Lucy             49    Mass              pg0188a.txt

141b  19  Curry          Peter            28    Ia                pg0141a.txt

201a  36  Curtin         Hortensia        20    Canada            pg0197a.txt

201a  35  Curtin         Jonathan         29    Pa                pg0197a.txt

201a  31  Curtis         Anissa           22    Canada            pg0197a.txt

14a   28  Curtis         Anna Maria       1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

192a  33  Curtis         Asa K.           22    Pa                pg0188a.txt

103a  28  Curtis         Brainard         17    Vt                pg0102a.txt

98a   9   Curtis         Cordelia A.      25    NY                pg0095a.txt

103a  27  Curtis         Cyrus            19    Vt                pg0102a.txt

200a  36  Curtis         Daniel           62    NY                pg0197a.txt

103a  29  Curtis         Epeline          15    Vt                pg0102a.txt

103a  26  Curtis         Eunice M.        40    Vt                pg0102a.txt

201a  33  Curtis         Eveline          1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

103a  30  Curtis         Francelin        13    NY                pg0102a.txt

199b  33  Curtis         Franklin         9     Ill               pg0197a.txt

200a  39  Curtis         Isellen M.       17    Pa                pg0197a.txt

199b  30  Curtis         James            35    Pa                pg0197a.txt

181b  7   Curtis         Jane             66    NY                pg0180a.txt

35a   7   Curtis         Jane             25    NY                pg0029a.txt

201a  32  Curtis         Jerusha          5     Ill               pg0197a.txt

103a  31  Curtis         Lenacy           8     NY                pg0102a.txt

14a   23  Curtis         Lizzy Ann        20    Ill               pg0010a.txt

200a  38  Curtis         Martha A.        20    Pa                pg0197a.txt

192a  34  Curtis         Nate             19    Pa                pg0188a.txt

201a  30  Curtis         Newman           30    Pa                pg0197a.txt

200a  37  Curtis         Polly            54    Pa                pg0197a.txt

35a   6   Curtis         S. J.            42    NY                pg0029a.txt

181b  8   Curtis         Sally            62    Pa                pg0180a.txt

199b  31  Curtis         Sophia           32    Pa                pg0197a.txt

199b  32  Curtis         Wm. G.           11    Ill               pg0197a.txt

35a   8   Curtis         Wm. H.           10    NY                pg0029a.txt

154b  16  Cushaw         Tousant          43    France            pg0150a.txt

162b  28  Cushing        Charles S.       19    NY                pg0162a.txt

162b  26  Cushing        Elizabeth        47    Mass              pg0162a.txt

47a   27  Cushing        Frank            6     Ill               pg0046a.txt

47a   24  Cushing        George           15    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

162b  27  Cushing        Henry F.         21    NY                pg0162a.txt

162b  25  Cushing        Saml.            51    NH                pg0162a.txt

162b  29  Cushing        Tirzah R.        10    Ill               pg0162a.txt

102a  28  Cuthbert       John             60    Scotland          pg0102a.txt

36b   39  Cutter         Albert           20    NY                pg0029a.txt

36b   37  Cutter         Arvilla          50    NY                pg0029a.txt

36b   36  Cutter         James            62    Mass              pg0029a.txt

39a   7   Cutter         Lydia            24    Ohio              pg0038a.txt

36b   40  Cutter         Matilda          18    NY                pg0029a.txt

27b   2   Cutter         N. H.            25    NH                pg0021a.txt

39a   6   Cutter         R. O.            24    Canada            pg0038a.txt

36b   38  Cutter         Ransalaer        22    NY                pg0029a.txt

27b   3   Cutter         Rebecca          45    Mass              pg0021a.txt

39a   8   Cutter         Theodore         5     Ohio              pg0038a.txt

The complete text of this census can be found at
Last Update: Friday, 13-Dec-2024 21:36:42 UTC

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Will County Coordinator: Dennis Partridge
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Copyright of submitted items belongs to those responsible for their authorship or creation unless otherwise assigned.