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Will County Federal Census
1850 Index

Will, IL 1850 Federal Census     INDEX (File 8 of 15)

This Census was transcribed by Lana Magiera and proofread by Amanda Magiera

for the USGenWeb Census Project,

Copyright 2001 by Lana Magiera


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Formatted for the USGenWeb Census Project by File Manager Ellen Horner, August 2001

All of the above must remain if copied or downloaded.





Pg#  Ln#  Last Name      First Name       Age   Birth Place       Filename


57b   14  Ingall         Amelia           5     NY                pg0055a.txt

57b   11  Ingall         Charles          12    NY                pg0055a.txt

57b   10  Ingall         George           14    NY                pg0055a.txt

57b   15  Ingall         Harriet          3     Ill               pg0055a.txt

57b   8   Ingall         Jerusha          40    NY                pg0055a.txt

57b   12  Ingall         Jerusha          10    NY                pg0055a.txt

57b   9   Ingall         John             16    NY                pg0055a.txt

57b   7   Ingall         John W.          40    NY                pg0055a.txt

57b   17  Ingall         Mary             2/12  Ill               pg0055a.txt

57b   18  Ingall         Mrs.             70    Mass              pg0055a.txt

57b   16  Ingall         Orrin            2     Ill               pg0055a.txt

57b   13  Ingall         William          8     NY                pg0055a.txt

111b  27  Ingalls        Henry            1     Ill               pg0110a.txt

111b  26  Ingalls        Margaret         22    Scotland          pg0110a.txt

111b  25  Ingalls        Samuel           25    NY                pg0110a.txt

69a   42  Ingersol       Andrew           11    Ill               pg0063a.txt

69a   41  Ingersol       Barbara          30    NY                pg0063a.txt

67b   33  Ingersol       Benj.            13    Ill               pg0063a.txt

67b   32  Ingersol       Chester          17    Ill               pg0063a.txt

67b   35  Ingersol       James K. P.      6     Ill               pg0063a.txt

67b   34  Ingersol       Josiah           8     Ill               pg0063a.txt

41b   32  Ingersoll      Abigail          10    Ill               pg0038a.txt

69b   1   Ingersoll      Ann              7     Ill               pg0063a.txt

32a   17  Ingersoll      Betsey           78    Con               pg0029a.txt

41b   27  Ingersoll      H.               47    Vt                pg0038a.txt

41b   33  Ingersoll      Harley           8     Ill               pg0038a.txt

41b   30  Ingersoll      John             17    NY                pg0038a.txt

32a   16  Ingersoll      Josiah           84    Con               pg0029a.txt

41b   31  Ingersoll      Judea            13    Ill               pg0038a.txt

69b   2   Ingersoll      Phebe            5     Ill               pg0063a.txt

41b   29  Ingersoll      Sarah A.         19    NY                pg0038a.txt

41b   28  Ingersoll      Susan            43    Vt                pg0038a.txt

15b   19  Ingery         Henry            28    Prussia           pg0010a.txt

93a   28  Ingham         Abby             2     Ill               pg0091a.txt

93a   25  Ingham         Augustus T.      29    NY                pg0091a.txt

93a   24  Ingham         Betsey           67    NY                pg0091a.txt

93a   27  Ingham         Charles          6     Ill               pg0091a.txt

93a   32  Ingham         Clarissa H.      20    NY                pg0091a.txt

93a   26  Ingham         Elizabeth        30    Mass              pg0091a.txt

93a   29  Ingham         Geo.             8/12  Ill               pg0091a.txt

93a   33  Ingham         Geo. H.          26    NY                pg0091a.txt

93a   31  Ingham         Sam.             23    NY                pg0091a.txt

121b  39  Ingraham       Cecelia          13    Ill               pg0119a.txt

121b  36  Ingraham       Jeremiah         46    Vt                pg0119a.txt

202a  38  Ingraham       Mary A.          9     NY                pg0197a.txt

202a  37  Ingraham       Maryeth          31    NY                pg0197a.txt

121b  37  Ingraham       Mehitable        43    NY                pg0119a.txt

121b  38  Ingraham       Sarah A.         22    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

12a   29  Ire            Miss             19    Pa                pg0010a.txt

56b   34  Irish          James            26    Ireland           pg0055a.txt

2a    18  Irish          Michael          18    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

2a    19  Irish          Thomas           35    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

56a   23  Irving         John             31    NY                pg0055a.txt

129b  22  Isig           Caroline         2     NY                pg0126a.txt

129b  20  Isig           Frederick        39    Germany           pg0126a.txt

129b  21  Isig           Louisa           24    Germany           pg0126a.txt

68a   33  Istenburgh     John             35    Germany           pg0063a.txt

128b  23  Ivers          Bernard          5     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128b  18  Ivers          Catherine        35    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

128b  21  Ivers          Christopher C.   8     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128b  17  Ivers          Dennis           35    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

128b  22  Ivers          Edward F.        7     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128b  25  Ivers          George E.        1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128b  24  Ivers          Isabella J.      5     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128b  19  Ivers          Margaret K.      12    Ill               pg0126a.txt

128b  20  Ivers          Wm. J.           10    Ill               pg0126a.txt

115b  25  Jackson        Andrew           8/12  Ill               pg0110a.txt

115b  28  Jackson        Charles          36    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

112a  38  Jackson        Charles A.       4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

115b  23  Jackson        DeLancy M.       27    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

112a  35  Jackson        Enoch            33    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

112a  37  Jackson        Eveline          8     Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

115b  27  Jackson        Hannah           60    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

115b  24  Jackson        Harriet          19    NH                pg0110a.txt

112a  39  Jackson        Iola             4/12  Ill               pg0110a.txt

115b  26  Jackson        Isaac            65    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

115b  35  Jackson        Joseph           30    Nona Scotia       pg0110a.txt

115b  36  Jackson        Louisa           28    NY                pg0110a.txt

115b  30  Jackson        Nancy            23    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

125a  20  Jackson        Orin             28    NY                pg0119a.txt

112a  36  Jackson        Paulina          29    NY                pg0110a.txt

115b  29  Jackson        Robert           25    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

115b  31  Jackson        Susan            22    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

35a   24  Jacobs         Belvidere        4     Ill               pg0029a.txt

35a   16  Jacobs         Catherine        26    Va                pg0029a.txt

35a   17  Jacobs         Ellen            19    Va                pg0029a.txt

35a   22  Jacobs         James            16    Ill               pg0029a.txt

35a   9   Jacobs         John             21    Va                pg0029a.txt

35a   21  Jacobs         Landon           10    Ill               pg0029a.txt

35a   15  Jacobs         Maria            46    Va                pg0029a.txt

35a   19  Jacobs         Maria            14    Va                pg0029a.txt

35a   18  Jacobs         Martha           17    Va                pg0029a.txt

35a   25  Jacobs         Riley            23    Va                pg0029a.txt

35a   20  Jacobs         Virginia         12    Ill               pg0029a.txt

35a   23  Jacobs         Wade H.          8     Ill               pg0029a.txt

35a   14  Jacobs         Wm.              55    Va                pg0029a.txt

191a  6   Jagnes         Eliza            36    NJ                pg0188a.txt

191a  8   Jagnes         Eliza A.         4/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

191a  7   Jagnes         John H.          2     Ill               pg0188a.txt

191a  5   Jagnes         Wm. H.           29    O                 pg0188a.txt

193b  37  Jaguer         John             3     Ill               pg0188a.txt

193b  34  Jaguer         Mary             9     Ill               pg0188a.txt

193b  36  Jaguer         Matilda          5     Ill               pg0188a.txt

193b  32  Jaguer         Michael          41    France            pg0188a.txt

193b  35  Jaguer         Peter            7     Ill               pg0188a.txt

193b  38  Jaguer         Teresa           8/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

193b  33  Jaguer         Teresa           31    France            pg0188a.txt

166b  36  James          Eobert           19    Ireland           pg0162a.txt

123a  10  Jane           Charlotte        25    NY                pg0119a.txt

123a  13  Jane           Chas. N.         1     NY                pg0119a.txt

123a  11  Jane           Esther J.        6     Canada            pg0119a.txt

123a  9   Jane           John             31    Canada            pg0119a.txt

123a  12  Jane           Lewis Y.         4     Canada            pg0119a.txt

141b  33  Jarne          Caner            21    Canada            pg0141a.txt

141b  39  Jarne          Elan             10    Canada            pg0141a.txt

141b  34  Jarne          Francis          19    Canada            pg0141a.txt

141b  38  Jarne          Joseph           11    Canada            pg0141a.txt

141b  32  Jarne          Mary             37    Canada            pg0141a.txt

141b  36  Jarne          Mary L.          16    Canada            pg0141a.txt

141b  37  Jarne          Paul             14    Canada            pg0141a.txt

141b  31  Jarne          Timothy          48    Canada            pg0141a.txt

141b  35  Jarne          Timothy          17    Canada            pg0141a.txt

119a  26  Jartell        Alginetta H.     6/12  Ill               pg0119a.txt

119a  25  Jartell        Angeline         28    NH                pg0119a.txt

119a  24  Jartell        John D.          30    Mass              pg0119a.txt

198a  4   Jay            John             20    Dist. Columbia    pg0197a.txt

192b  11  Jayco**        B. J.            21    NY                pg0188a.txt

108a  36  Jeareann       Francis          21    Canada            pg0102a.txt

108a  37  Jeareann       Joseph           12    Canada            pg0102a.txt

79a   21  Jeffcoat       Amassa           7     Ill               pg0076a.txt

79a   20  Jeffcoat       Daniel           9     Ill               pg0076a.txt

79a   23  Jeffcoat       Harriet          2/12  Ill               pg0076a.txt

79a   22  Jeffcoat       Lucy A.          3     Ill               pg0076a.txt

79a   19  Jeffcoat       Sarah A.         29    O                 pg0076a.txt

209a  23  Jeffers        Alice            7     NY                pg0204a.txt

209A  23  Jeffers        Alice            7     NY                pg0204A.txt

209a  24  Jeffers        Alphonse         2     NY                pg0204a.txt

209A  24  Jeffers        Alphonse         2     NY                pg0204A.txt

209A  22  Jeffers        Harriet          29    NY                pg0204A.txt

209a  22  Jeffers        Harriet          29    NY                pg0204a.txt

209A  21  Jeffers        Louis            32    NY                pg0204A.txt

209a  21  Jeffers        Louis            32    NY                pg0204a.txt

5a    6   Jemison        David            24    Scotland          pg0001a.txt

17b   17  Jenkins        Geo.  W.         1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

17b   14  Jenkins        James            32    Unknown           pg0010a.txt

17b   15  Jenkins        Mary A.          27    NH                pg0010a.txt

17b   16  Jenkins        Mary G.          8     Ill               pg0010a.txt

72a   26  Jennison       Elizabeth        23    Scotland          pg0072a.txt

72a   27  Jennison       Margaret         16    Scotland          pg0072a.txt

72a   25  Jennison       Robert J.        20    Scotland          pg0072a.txt

72a   23  Jennison       Robt.            67    England           pg0072a.txt

72a   24  Jennison       Susan            55    Scotland          pg0072a.txt

128a  21  Jerard         Eli              25    Canada            pg0126a.txt

128a  3   Jerard         Elizabeth        23    England           pg0126a.txt

128a  22  Jerard         Flavian          19    Canada            pg0126a.txt

128a  2   Jerard         Francis          32    Canada            pg0126a.txt

127b  10  Jerard         Frank            47    Canada            pg0126a.txt

127b  11  Jerard         Louisa           44    Canada            pg0126a.txt

127b  14  Jerard         Mathew           8     Canada            pg0126a.txt

127b  13  Jerard         Neuby            16    Canada            pg0126a.txt

127b  12  Jerard         Sally            21    Canada            pg0126a.txt

181a  9   Jesom          Antony           10    NY                pg0180a.txt

181a  7   Jesom          Frank            38    Canada            pg0180a.txt

181a  10  Jesom          Frank, Jr.       6     NY                pg0180a.txt

181a  11  Jesom          Lenia            3     NY                pg0180a.txt

181a  8   Jesom          Mary             45    Canada            pg0180a.txt

105a  7   Jessup         Albertine        58    NY                pg0102a.txt

193b  3   Jessup         Cornelius        20    NY                pg0188a.txt

105a  9   Jessup         Edward           25    NY                pg0102a.txt

100b  26  Jessup         Elizabeth        3/12  Ill               pg0095a.txt

105a  13  Jessup         Esther           19    NY                pg0102a.txt

100b  21  Jessup         Fanny            8     Ill               pg0095a.txt

105a  6   Jessup         Isaac            63    Conn              pg0102a.txt

105a  8   Jessup         John             33    NY                pg0102a.txt

100b  23  Jessup         John             3     Ill               pg0095a.txt

100b  22  Jessup         Joseph           6     Ill               pg0095a.txt

105a  12  Jessup         Lewis            17    NY                pg0102a.txt

100b  25  Jessup         Lydia            1     Ill               pg0095a.txt

105a  11  Jessup         Maria            20    NY                pg0102a.txt

100b  18  Jessup         Milton           14    Ill               pg0095a.txt

100b  16  Jessup         Nancy            35    O                 pg0095a.txt

100b  19  Jessup         Orlan            12    Ill               pg0095a.txt

105a  10  Jessup         Sarah            22    NY                pg0102a.txt

100b  15  Jessup         Stephen          39    O                 pg0095a.txt

100b  24  Jessup         Stephen          2     Ill               pg0095a.txt

100b  20  Jessup         Wm.              10    Ill               pg0095a.txt

112b  8   Jewel          Albert           2     Ill               pg0110a.txt

102a  5   Jewel          Alexander        5     NY                pg0102a.txt

112b  5   Jewel          Amy              34    Mass              pg0110a.txt

112b  4   Jewel          Charles G.       36    NH                pg0110a.txt

102a  7   Jewel          Henry            6/12  NY                pg0102a.txt

102a  2   Jewel          Jane             34    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

102a  1   Jewel          John             31    England           pg0102a.txt

102a  6   Jewel          John             3     NY                pg0102a.txt

112b  6   Jewel          Leroy            11    NH                pg0110a.txt

112b  7   Jewel          Mariette         5     Mass              pg0110a.txt

102a  3   Jewel          Robert           10    NY                pg0102a.txt

102a  4   Jewel          Wm.              7     NY                pg0102a.txt

112b  9   Jewel          Wm.              6/12  Ill               pg0110a.txt

25a   9   Jewell         Deborah          15    Canada            pg0021a.txt

150a  37  Jewet          Caroline         20    Va                pg0150a.txt

150a  39  Jewet          Charles          2     Ill               pg0150a.txt

150a  38  Jewet          Joseph           26    Me                pg0150a.txt

163a  39  Johnson        Aaron            28    O                 pg0162a.txt

63a   24  Johnson        Abel             13    Ill               pg0063a.txt

63a   27  Johnson        Alford           5     Ill               pg0063a.txt

92a   10  Johnson        ALice            25    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

119b  18  Johnson        Andrew           38    Pa                pg0119a.txt

208A  27  Johnson        Anna             53    Vt                pg0204A.txt

208a  27  Johnson        Anna             53    Vt                pg0204a.txt

16b   24  Johnson        Aseneth A.       3     Ill               pg0010a.txt

140b  21  Johnson        Augusta          18    Ky                pg0137a.txt

163b  32  Johnson        Benj. Harrison   9     Ill               pg0162a.txt

49b   22  Johnson        Betsey           37    Vt                pg0046a.txt

163a  41  Johnson        Charity A.       9     Ill               pg0162a.txt

163b  34  Johnson        Charity A.       3     Ill               pg0162a.txt

49b   24  Johnson        Charles          8     Ill               pg0046a.txt

204B  32  Johnson        Charles          13    O                 pg0204A.txt

204b  32  Johnson        Charles          13    O                 pg0204a.txt

204B  28  Johnson        Charles M.       54    Ct                pg0204A.txt

204b  28  Johnson        Charles M.       54    Ct                pg0204a.txt

88a   32  Johnson        Charles W.       5     Ill               pg0083a.txt

63a   23  Johnson        Christopher      15    Ill               pg0063a.txt

27b   12  Johnson        Clara            2     Ill               pg0021a.txt

88a   29  Johnson        Clarissa         30    NY                pg0083a.txt

204B  30  Johnson        David B.         20    O                 pg0204A.txt

204b  30  Johnson        David B.         20    O                 pg0204a.txt

49a   36  Johnson        Delia O.         17    Vt                pg0046a.txt

63a   19  Johnson        Dorcas           45    NC                pg0063a.txt

16b   25  Johnson        Edwin            1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

88a   28  Johnson        ELijah           40    Va                pg0083a.txt

88a   31  Johnson        Elizabeth        7     Ill               pg0083a.txt

49b   27  Johnson        Ellen            36537 Ill               pg0046a.txt

166b  19  Johnson        Enoch            32    NY                pg0162a.txt

28a   19  Johnson        Esther           14    NY                pg0021a.txt

208a  29  Johnson        Esther A.        20    NY                pg0204a.txt

208A  29  Johnson        Esther A.        20    NY                pg0204A.txt

27b   11  Johnson        Frances          23    NY                pg0021a.txt

49b   26  Johnson        Francis          3     Ill               pg0046a.txt

16b   21  Johnson        Geo. R.          10    Ill               pg0010a.txt

63a   21  Johnson        George           19    Ill               pg0063a.txt

88a   30  Johnson        H. M.            9     Ill               pg0083a.txt

163b  31  Johnson        Hannah           35    O                 pg0162a.txt

49b   23  Johnson        Harrison         10    Ill               pg0046a.txt

96b   4   Johnson        Henry            2     Ohio              pg0095a.txt

49a   31  Johnson        Hiram            47    Vt                pg0046a.txt

190a  3   Johnson        James            48    England           pg0188a.txt

63a   18  Johnson        James            47    Ky                pg0063a.txt

92a   11  Johnson        James            2     NY                pg0091a.txt

49a   34  Johnson        James E.         21    Vt                pg0046a.txt

63a   28  Johnson        James F.         3     Ill               pg0063a.txt

16b   23  Johnson        James H.         6     Ill               pg0010a.txt

163b  33  Johnson        James M.         7     Ill               pg0162a.txt

49a   39  Johnson        Jane N.          4     Ill               pg0046a.txt

63a   26  Johnson        John             7     Ill               pg0063a.txt

41a   32  Johnson        John             26    Norway            pg0038a.txt

200a  18  Johnson        Joseph A.        16    Ill               pg0197a.txt

166b  21  Johnson        Joseph D.        2     NY                pg0162a.txt

16b   19  Johnson        K. S.            37    Mass              pg0010a.txt

63a   22  Johnson        Labra            17    Ill               pg0063a.txt

28a   18  Johnson        Lucinda          17    NY                pg0021a.txt

208a  28  Johnson        Lucinda J.       17    NY                pg0204a.txt

208A  28  Johnson        Lucinda J.       17    NY                pg0204A.txt

49a   35  Johnson        Luther C.        19    Vt                pg0046a.txt

63a   25  Johnson        Margaret         11    Ill               pg0063a.txt

166b  20  Johnson        Martha           24    NY                pg0162a.txt

204B  29  Johnson        Mary             51    NY                pg0204A.txt

204b  29  Johnson        Mary             51    NY                pg0204a.txt

87a   15  Johnson        Mary             23    Mass              pg0083a.txt

204B  31  Johnson        Mary             15    O                 pg0204A.txt

204b  31  Johnson        Mary             15    O                 pg0204a.txt

108b  34  Johnson        Mary             14    Ill               pg0102a.txt

92a   12  Johnson        Mary A.          2/12  NY                pg0091a.txt

139a  9   Johnson        Michael          45    NY                pg0137a.txt

163b  30  Johnson        Miles M.         33    O                 pg0162a.txt

140b  22  Johnson        Milton R.        14    Ill               pg0137a.txt

27a   16  Johnson        Nancy            34    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

92a   9   Johnson        Patrick          30    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

16b   20  Johnson        Rhoda            36    NY                pg0010a.txt

27b   10  Johnson        Richard          31    NY                pg0021a.txt

63a   29  Johnson        Ruth             63    Va                pg0063a.txt

41a   33  Johnson        Samuel           24    Norway            pg0038a.txt

49a   32  Johnson        Sarah            42    Vt                pg0046a.txt

163a  40  Johnson        Sarah            25    O                 pg0162a.txt

49a   37  Johnson        Sarah M.         14    Vt                pg0046a.txt

49b   21  Johnson        Spery            40    Vt                pg0046a.txt

163b  1   Johnson        Therdon F.       2     Ill               pg0162a.txt

49b   25  Johnson        Thomas           6     Ill               pg0046a.txt

119b  26  Johnson        Wallace          24    NY                pg0119a.txt

49a   38  Johnson        Wallace D        10    Vt                pg0046a.txt

49a   33  Johnson        William A        22    Vt                pg0046a.txt

27a   15  Johnson        Wm.              35    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

63a   20  Johnson        Wm.              23    O                 pg0063a.txt

16b   22  Johnson        Wm. A.           8     Ill               pg0010a.txt

163a  42  Johnson        Wm. J.           7     Ill               pg0162a.txt

27a   17  Johnson        Wm. J.           1     Ill               pg0021a.txt

208a  41  Johnston       Almira           18    Canada            pg0204a.txt

208A  41  Johnston       Almira           18    Canada            pg0204A.txt

208a  40  Johnston       John S.          27    NY                pg0204a.txt

208A  40  Johnston       John S.          27    NY                pg0204A.txt

208A  39  Johnston       Samuel           69    NJ                pg0204A.txt

208a  39  Johnston       Samuel           69    NJ                pg0204a.txt

27b   6   Jones          Ann              9     Ill               pg0021a.txt

186b  18  Jones          Ann              65    Del               pg0180a.txt

117b  1   Jones          Anson A.         24    NY                pg0110a.txt

17a   36  Jones          Asa              57    Vt                pg0010a.txt

97b   35  Jones          Demott           28    O                 pg0095a.txt

88b   12  Jones          Doctor           37    Vt                pg0083a.txt

88b   14  Jones          Eldred           14    Ill               pg0083a.txt

88b   15  Jones          Eliza            12    Ill               pg0083a.txt

88b   17  Jones          Ellen            5     Ill               pg0083a.txt

15a   34  Jones          Ellis            22    Wales             pg0010a.txt

120b  37  Jones          Geo.             6     Ill               pg0119a.txt

27b   8   Jones          George           5     Ill               pg0021a.txt

112b  33  Jones          Harrison         32    Pa                pg0110a.txt

88b   20  Jones          Henry            2     Ill               pg0083a.txt

186b  19  Jones          James            37    Del               pg0180a.txt

27b   5   Jones          Jane             30    NY                pg0021a.txt

39b   40  Jones          John             30    NY                pg0038a.txt

120b  32  Jones          John R.          40    Wales             pg0119a.txt

120b  34  Jones          John R., Jr.     19    Mich              pg0119a.txt

19b   25  Jones          Joseph           30    England           pg0019a.txt

112b  36  Jones          Joseph W.        8     Pa                pg0110a.txt

19b   27  Jones          Keziah           1     Ill               pg0019a.txt

88a   41  Jones          Laura            62    Ct                pg0083a.txt

88b   13  Jones          Laura            36    Vt                pg0083a.txt

88b   18  Jones          Lucy             4     Ill               pg0083a.txt

88b   19  Jones          Lydia            4     Ill               pg0083a.txt

103b  35  Jones          Lydia A.         23    NY                pg0102a.txt

88b   16  Jones          Lyman            7     Ill               pg0083a.txt

120b  36  Jones          Margaret         9     Ill               pg0119a.txt

120b  33  Jones          Mary             36    Wales             pg0119a.txt

19b   26  Jones          Mary             25    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

27b   9   Jones          Mary             1     Ill               pg0021a.txt

117b  2   Jones          Nancy            21    Va                pg0110a.txt

112b  35  Jones          Oliver P.        10    Pa                pg0110a.txt

112b  38  Jones          Pamelia C.       3     Pa                pg0110a.txt

112b  37  Jones          Pula A.          5     Pa                pg0110a.txt

112b  34  Jones          Rachel           29    Pa                pg0110a.txt

120b  38  Jones          Robert           1     Ill               pg0119a.txt

112b  39  Jones          Robert L.        1     Pa                pg0110a.txt

88a   40  Jones          Sylvanus         71    Mass              pg0083a.txt

27b   7   Jones          Theodore         7     Ill               pg0021a.txt

27b   4   Jones          Thos. B.         34    Del.              pg0021a.txt

103b  36  Jones          Violetta         1     Ill               pg0102a.txt

186b  20  Jones          Wm.              26    Del               pg0180a.txt

37b   31  Jones          Wm.              24    England           pg0029a.txt

120b  35  Jones          Wm. G.           17    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

103b  34  Jones          Wm. L.           32    NY                pg0102a.txt

182b  14  Jonit          Charles          5     NY                pg0180a.txt

182b  11  Jonit          Henry            35    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

182b  12  Jonit          Jane             27    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

182b  15  Jonit          Jane             2     NY                pg0180a.txt

182b  13  Jonit          Mary             7     NY                pg0180a.txt

97a   19  Jonson         Caroline T.      30    NJ                pg0095a.txt

102b  4   Jonson         David            55    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

102b  6   Jonson         David            22    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

102b  11  Jonson         Elisabeth        3     Ill               pg0102a.txt

102b  5   Jonson         Eliza            32    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

97a   21  Jonson         George           1     NJ                pg0095a.txt

102b  8   Jonson         Issabella        9     Ill               pg0102a.txt

102b  10  Jonson         Jane             5     Ill               pg0102a.txt

102b  12  Jonson         John             2/12  Ill               pg0102a.txt

97a   18  Jonson         John O.          35    NJ                pg0095a.txt

102b  9   Jonson         Margaret         7     Ill               pg0102a.txt

102b  7   Jonson         Mary             12    Canada            pg0102a.txt

97a   20  Jonson         Mary E.          4     NJ                pg0095a.txt

88a   18  Jordon         E. L.            36    NH                pg0083a.txt

88a   21  Jordon         Frances          8     NY                pg0083a.txt

88a   23  Jordon         Loraine          3     NY                pg0083a.txt

88a   20  Jordon         Martha J.        13    NY                pg0083a.txt

88a   22  Jordon         Myron L.         5     NY                pg0083a.txt

88a   19  Jordon         Philina          33    NY                pg0083a.txt

46a   7   Josbury        William          16    England           pg0046a.txt

159a  39  Joye           Antonie          16    Canada            pg0159a.txt

159a  38  Joye           Henry            76    Canada            pg0159a.txt

105a  22  Judd           Ellen            28    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

104b  31  Judd           John             21    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

105a  21  Judd           Patrick          22    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

121a  37  Judson         Wyatt            25    Canada            pg0119a.txt

172a  23  Juniper        John             8     Germany           pg0171a.txt

112a  28  Kahler         Catherine        19    Pa                pg0110a.txt

112a  33  Kahler         Henry            8     Ill               pg0110a.txt

112a  34  Kahler         Jane             6     Ill               pg0110a.txt

112a  26  Kahler         John             45    Pa                pg0110a.txt

112a  30  Kahler         Joseph           15    Pa                pg0110a.txt

112a  27  Kahler         Mary             46    Pa                pg0110a.txt

112a  32  Kahler         Norman           10    Ill               pg0110a.txt

112a  31  Kahler         Rebecca          13    Ill               pg0110a.txt

112a  29  Kahler         Wm.              17    Pa                pg0110a.txt

92a   22  Kale           Balser           35    Germany           pg0091a.txt

92a   23  Kale           Christine        30    Germany           pg0091a.txt

37b   37  Kane           Caroline         11    NY                pg0029a.txt

139a  24  Kane           Helen            27    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

121b  8   Kaperick       Margaret         49    Germany           pg0119a.txt

121b  7   Kaperick       Wolfgang         40    Germany           pg0119a.txt

11b   27  Karney         Francis          21    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

19a   25  Karney         John             16    Maine             pg0019a.txt

11a   20  Kaufman        ***arn           22    Ohio              pg0010a.txt

11a   16  Kaufman        Cath.            52    Pa                pg0010a.txt

11a   18  Kaufman        Catherine        12    Ohio              pg0010a.txt

33a   12  Kaufman        Hiram            23    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

11a   15  Kaufman        Jacob            50    Pa                pg0010a.txt

11a   17  Kaufman        Susan            17    Ohio              pg0010a.txt

153a  18  Kearns         Alma             2     Ill               pg0150a.txt

153a  19  Kearns         Alphine          7/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

78b   29  Kearns         Elizabeth        2     Ill               pg0076a.txt

153a  16  Kearns         George           25    NY                pg0150a.txt

78b   28  Kearns         Hellen           7     Ill               pg0076a.txt

153a  17  Kearns         Lucinda          25    Pa                pg0150a.txt

79a   14  Kearns         Martin           15    NY                pg0076a.txt

78a   16  Kearns         Mary             12    Ill               pg0076a.txt

78b   27  Kearns         Mary A.          30    Pa                pg0076a.txt

141a  29  Kearny         Thomas           14    Ill               pg0141a.txt

107b  4   Keating        Ellen            25    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

9b    12  Keeler         Adaline          7     Canada            pg0001a.txt

71b   5   Keeler         Adeline          8     Canada            pg0063a.txt

71b   3   Keeler         Betsey           15    Canada            pg0063a.txt

9b    10  Keeler         Elizabeth        13    Canada            pg0001a.txt

9b    11  Keeler         Jacob            9     Canada            pg0001a.txt

71b   4   Keeler         Jacob            10    Canada            pg0063a.txt

9b    9   Keeler         Jane             38    Canada            pg0001a.txt

71b   1   Keeler         M.               40    England           pg0063a.txt

71b   2   Keeler         Mrs.             39    England           pg0063a.txt

71b   6   Keeler         Peter            7     Canada            pg0063a.txt

9b    13  Keeler         Peter            6     Canada            pg0001a.txt

9b    8   Keeler         Wm.              45    England           pg0001a.txt

196a  1   Keeley         James            50    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

196a  5   Keeley         James            5     Ill               pg0188a.txt

196a  4   Keeley         Margaret         11    Ill               pg0188a.txt

196a  3   Keeley         Mary             14    Canada            pg0188a.txt

196a  2   Keeley         Mrs.             40    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

32a   14  Keene          Anson            3     Ill               pg0029a.txt

32a   10  Keene          Isaac            15    NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   5   Keene          James            49    NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   12  Keene          Julia            11    NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   13  Keene          L. E.            9     NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   15  Keene          L. L.            1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

32a   9   Keene          Laura A.         18    NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   11  Keene          Lucy             13    NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   6   Keene          Polly            48    NJ                pg0029a.txt

32a   8   Keene          Rosana           25    NY                pg0029a.txt

171b  3   Keeney         David            18    O                 pg0171a.txt

171b  4   Keeney         Nelson           16    O                 pg0171a.txt

171b  2   Keeney         Wm.              20    O                 pg0171a.txt

120b  24  Keeper         Nancy            16    O                 pg0119a.txt

190b  17  Kegan          Ann              9     Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189a  32  Kegan          Ann              40    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

190b  19  Kegan          Catherine        2     Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189a  34  Kegan          Ellen            9     Ill               pg0188a.txt

190b  16  Kegan          Ellen            33    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

202b  8   Kegan          Lucy             22    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

190b  18  Kegan          Mary             6     Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189a  33  Kegan          Mary             11    NY                pg0188a.txt

189a  30  Kegan          Michael          26    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189a  31  Kegan          Thomas           42    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

5b    36  Kegl           Lucinda J.       29    NY                pg0001a.txt

115b  41  Kellogg        Almira           45    Vt                pg0110a.txt

201b  23  Kellogg        Amelia M.        16    NY                pg0197a.txt

116a  1   Kellogg        Aulaida          9     Ill               pg0110a.txt

201b  21  Kellogg        Betsey           38    NY                pg0197a.txt

201b  25  Kellogg        Cordelia A.      12    NY                pg0197a.txt

201b  24  Kellogg        Dolphen D.       14    NY                pg0197a.txt

201b  26  Kellogg        Frank D.         6/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

115b  42  Kellogg        Henry C.         12    Ill               pg0110a.txt

115b  40  Kellogg        Lewis            47    Vt                pg0110a.txt

201b  22  Kellogg        Mary M.          18    NY                pg0197a.txt

201b  20  Kellogg        Miles            35    NY                pg0197a.txt

116b  41  Kelly          Adaline          13    Ill               pg0110a.txt

117a  1   Kelly          Amanda           8     Ill               pg0110a.txt

193a  7   Kelly          Bernard          24    NY                pg0188a.txt

124b  1   Kelly          Bridget          10    Ill               pg0119a.txt

204A  7   Kelly          Catherine        6     Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  7   Kelly          Catherine        6     Ireland           pg0204a.txt

115b  2   Kelly          Dinah            21    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

204A  1   Kelly          Edward           45    Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  1   Kelly          Edward           45    Ireland           pg0204a.txt

193a  29  Kelly          Elizabeth        9     Ill               pg0188a.txt

125b  36  Kelly          Elizabeth        2     Ill               pg0119a.txt

116b  42  Kelly          Elizabeth        10    Ill               pg0110a.txt

193a  27  Kelly          Ellen            14    NY                pg0188a.txt

116b  37  Kelly          J. W.            42    Va                pg0110a.txt

117a  3   Kelly          James            2     Ill               pg0110a.txt

124a  41  Kelly          James            16    Canada            pg0119a.txt

124a  39  Kelly          John             41    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

115b  1   Kelly          John             25    Isle of Man       pg0110a.txt

197b  39  Kelly          John             21    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

188a  42  Kelly          John             16    NY                pg0188a.txt

193a  28  Kelly          John             11    Ill               pg0188a.txt

204A  6   Kelly          Joseph           8     Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  6   Kelly          Joseph           8     Ireland           pg0204a.txt

124a  40  Kelly          Margaret         36    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

193a  26  Kelly          Marian           20    Canada            pg0188a.txt

204A  5   Kelly          Mary             9     Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  5   Kelly          Mary             9     Ireland           pg0204a.txt

115a  42  Kelly          Mary             52    Isle of Mann      pg0110a.txt

116b  39  Kelly          Mary             17    Va                pg0110a.txt

5b    3   Kelly          Mathew           30    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

17a   28  Kelly          Mathew           28    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

124b  3   Kelly          Michael          4     Ill               pg0119a.txt

188b  1   Kelly          Michael          14    NY                pg0188a.txt

77b   25  Kelly          Michael          12    La                pg0076a.txt

116b  38  Kelly          Nancy            43    Va                pg0110a.txt

124b  2   Kelly          Patrick          8     Ill               pg0119a.txt

17a   27  Kelly          Patrick          25    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

5b    4   Kelly          Patrick          21    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

204A  3   Kelly          Patrick          16    Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  3   Kelly          Patrick          16    Ireland           pg0204a.txt

80b   37  Kelly          Robert           52    Ireland           pg0076a.txt

204A  2   Kelly          Rose             38    Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  2   Kelly          Rose             38    Ireland           pg0204a.txt

117a  2   Kelly          Susan            6     Ill               pg0110a.txt

116b  40  Kelly          Thomas           15    Ill               pg0110a.txt

204A  4   Kelly          Thomas           10    Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  4   Kelly          Thomas           10    Ireland           pg0204a.txt

188a  40  Kelly          Timothy          48    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

193a  25  Kelly          Winifred         45    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

115a  41  Kelly          Wm.              60    Isle of Mann      pg0110a.txt

124a  42  Kelly          Wm.              14    Canada            pg0119a.txt

206a  7   Kelly          Wm. L.           13    Ill               pg0204a.txt

206A  7   Kelly          Wm. L.           13    Ill               pg0204A.txt

55b   8   Kelsey         Calvin           15    Unknown           pg0055a.txt

71a   25  Kelsey         Daniel           20    Pa                pg0063a.txt

92a   25  Kelsey         Harriet          25    NY                pg0091a.txt

92a   24  Kelsey         Horace           26    NY                pg0091a.txt

85b   17  Kemp           Lucinda          18    Ia                pg0083a.txt

184a  25  Kendrick       Elizabeth        25    Ia                pg0180a.txt

184a  14  Kendrick       Elizabeth        17    Ia                pg0180a.txt

184a  13  Kendrick       Fanny            54    Vt                pg0180a.txt

184a  15  Kendrick       Margaret         13    O                 pg0180a.txt

184a  24  Kendrick       Thornton         23    O                 pg0180a.txt

184a  12  Kendrick       Tunis            44    Virginia          pg0180a.txt

184a  26  Kendrick       Tunis            1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

92a   42  Kenedy         Ann              5     Ill               pg0091a.txt

92a   41  Kenedy         Catherine        7     Ill               pg0091a.txt

92a   40  Kenedy         Eliza            9     Ill               pg0091a.txt

92a   38  Kenedy         Hugh             47    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

92a   39  Kenedy         Mary             10    Ill               pg0091a.txt

60a   35  Kenegan        Catharine        2     Ill               pg0055a.txt

60a   32  Kenegan        Henry            27    Hanover           pg0055a.txt

60a   33  Kenegan        Louisa           23    Hanover           pg0055a.txt

60a   34  Kenegan        Mary             3     Ill               pg0055a.txt

74a   1   Kennedy        Ellen            12    Mich              pg0073a.txt

74a   4   Kennedy        Gordon A.        5     Mich              pg0073a.txt

73b   40  Kennedy        Lodema           34    NY                pg0073a.txt

73b   42  Kennedy        Melissa          14    Mich              pg0073a.txt

74a   2   Kennedy        Otis W.          10    Mich              pg0073a.txt

137b  7   Kennedy        Owen             21    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

73b   39  Kennedy        Russel           40    Vt                pg0073a.txt

73b   41  Kennedy        Wesley           16    NY                pg0073a.txt

74a   3   Kennedy        Wm. K.           7     Mich              pg0073a.txt

27b   37  Kennelly       D.               30    Unknown           pg0021a.txt

106a  6   Kennessey      Catherine        20    Canada            pg0102a.txt

106a  5   Kennessey      Ellen            42    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106a  11  Kennessey      James            5     Ill               pg0102a.txt

106a  4   Kennessey      James            43    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106a  7   Kennessey      John             18    NJ                pg0102a.txt

106a  10  Kennessey      Joseph           7     Ill               pg0102a.txt

106a  9   Kennessey      Lucy             10    Ill               pg0102a.txt

106a  8   Kennessey      Mary             13    NY                pg0102a.txt

180a  40  Kenney         Antoney          43    Germany           pg0180a.txt

180b  1   Kenney         Dorothy          3     Ill               pg0180a.txt

180a  42  Kenney         Ellen            9     Germany           pg0180a.txt

180b  2   Kenney         Michael          1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

180a  41  Kenney         Sarah            37    Germany           pg0180a.txt

24b   23  Kenney         Sophia           13    NY                pg0021a.txt

103b  40  Kenny          Ann              31    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

103b  39  Kenny          Thomas           40    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

31b   7   Kent           A. M.            26    Pa                pg0029a.txt

31b   6   Kent           J. R.            29    NY                pg0029a.txt

31b   9   Kent           L. H.            1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

31b   8   Kent           M.               5     Ill               pg0029a.txt

188a  22  Kercaldie      F. S.            22    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

27a   14  Kercheral      Martha           23    Ia                pg0021a.txt

8b    27  Kercheval      Diary            23    O                 pg0001a.txt

14b   34  Kercheval      Jane G.          16    Ill               pg0010a.txt

87a   10  Kerchisel      Eunice           48    Mass              pg0083a.txt

87b   11  Kerchival      Anna             30    NC                pg0083a.txt

87b   13  Kerchival      Charles E.       7     Ill               pg0083a.txt

87b   16  Kerchival      Elizabeth        1     Ill               pg0083a.txt

87b   10  Kerchival      James C.         34    O                 pg0083a.txt

87b   17  Kerchival      John H.          14    Ill               pg0083a.txt

87b   15  Kerchival      Martha           3     Ill               pg0083a.txt

87b   18  Kerchival      Mary             18    Ill               pg0083a.txt

87b   12  Kerchival      Mary J.          8     Ill               pg0083a.txt

87b   20  Kerchival      Reuben           30    O                 pg0083a.txt

87b   14  Kerchival      Sarah E.         5     Ill               pg0083a.txt

31b   17  Kern           Eunice           22    NY                pg0029a.txt

31b   16  Kern           James P., Jr.    26    NY                pg0029a.txt

31b   18  Kern           Wallace          1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

106b  36  Kerr           James            10    Ill               pg0102a.txt

124b  17  Kerr           Mary             6     Ill               pg0119a.txt

10a   14  Kesser         Barbara          21    Germany           pg0010a.txt

10a   13  Kesser         John             26    Germany           pg0010a.txt

52a   2   Ketcham        Betsey           26    NY                pg0046a.txt

52a   1   Ketcham        George           36    NY                pg0046a.txt

52a   3   Ketcham        Lewis            4     NY                pg0046a.txt

133a  20  Ketchum        Almira           45    Vt                pg0126a.txt

133a  26  Ketchum        Alonzo           7     Ill               pg0126a.txt

10b   6   Ketchum        Bohama           18    NY                pg0010a.txt

133a  29  Ketchum        Charles          1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133a  19  Ketchum        David            46    NY                pg0126a.txt

133a  28  Ketchum        Elasco           3     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133a  27  Ketchum        Elias            5     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133a  21  Ketchum        George R.        15    NY                pg0126a.txt

133a  25  Ketchum        Henry            9     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133a  22  Ketchum        Lomig            20    NY                pg0126a.txt

10b   5   Ketchum        Luenia           22    NY                pg0010a.txt

133a  24  Ketchum        Mary             11    Ill               pg0126a.txt

133a  23  Ketchum        Wm.              13    NY                pg0126a.txt

6b    34  Keyser         Cassimer         55    Germany           pg0001a.txt

6b    36  Keyser         Rebecca          2     Ill               pg0001a.txt

6b    35  Keyser         Susannah         43    Pa                pg0001a.txt

2a    40  Keyzer         Andrew           11    NY                pg0001a.txt

192a  22  Kidder         Hester J.        23    NY                pg0188a.txt

192a  21  Kidder         Jole E.          26    Mass              pg0188a.txt

192a  23  Kidder         Reese H. D.      2     O                 pg0188a.txt

175b  37  Kile           Charles          5     O                 pg0174a.txt

179a  32  Kile           Henry            8     Ill               pg0174a.txt

175b  32  Kile           Henry            55    Md                pg0174a.txt

175b  39  Kile           Jackson          19    O                 pg0174a.txt

95a   4   Kile           Jarah J.         7     Ill               pg0095a.txt

63b   38  Kile           Jerusha          57    Mass              pg0063a.txt

95a   1   Kile           John             31    Vt                pg0095a.txt

95a   3   Kile           John B.          9     Ill               pg0095a.txt

179a  31  Kile           Mary             28    Pa                pg0174a.txt

179a  33  Kile           Mary E.          4     Ill               pg0174a.txt

95a   6   Kile           Mary E.          2     Ill               pg0095a.txt

95a   5   Kile           Merrill S.       4     Ill               pg0095a.txt

175b  33  Kile           Nancy            45    Va                pg0174a.txt

95a   2   Kile           Nancy J.         28    Vt                pg0095a.txt

165b  16  Kile           Orxin            26    NY                pg0162a.txt

175b  38  Kile           Peter M.         25    O                 pg0174a.txt

175b  36  Kile           Philena          9     O                 pg0174a.txt

175b  35  Kile           Ransom           13    O                 pg0174a.txt

179a  30  Kile           Reason C.        32    O                 pg0174a.txt

175b  34  Kile           Sarah J.         16    O                 pg0174a.txt

45a   3   Killgore       Isaiah           33    Ireland           pg0043a.txt

45a   4   Killgore       Mary             32    Vt                pg0043a.txt

27a   36  Kilmer         Betsy            62    NY                pg0021a.txt

27a   37  Kilmer         Elizabeth        27    NY                pg0021a.txt

27a   35  Kilmer         George           65    NY                pg0021a.txt

60b   6   Kilmer         Hannah E.        21    NY                pg0055a.txt

56b   10  Kilmer         James            23    NY                pg0055a.txt

60b   5   Kilmer         R. W.            28    NY                pg0055a.txt

192b  26  Kilmer         Thaddeus         22    NY                pg0188a.txt

60b   8   Kilmer         Thadeus          25    NY                pg0055a.txt

59a   10  Kilmer         Thadeus          23    NY                pg0055a.txt

20a   20  Kilmore        Charles E.       5     NY                pg0019a.txt

20a   19  Kilmore        Harry            10    NY                pg0019a.txt

20a   17  Kilmore        Louisa           31    NY                pg0019a.txt

20a   18  Kilmore        Margaret         11    NY                pg0019a.txt

20a   21  Kilmore        Reuben           3     NY                pg0019a.txt

20a   22  Kilmore        Stephen          3/12  Ill               pg0019a.txt

20a   16  Kilmore        Wm.              33    NY                pg0019a.txt

43b   20  Kilpatrick     Catherine        17    Ia                pg0043a.txt

43b   16  Kilpatrick     John             62    Md                pg0043a.txt

43b   18  Kilpatrick     John             23    O                 pg0043a.txt

43b   21  Kilpatrick     Mary M.          14    Ill               pg0043a.txt

43b   22  Kilpatrick     Rachel L.        12    Ill               pg0043a.txt

43b   17  Kilpatrick     Sarah            58    Del               pg0043a.txt

43b   19  Kilpatrick     Thomas W.        21    Ia                pg0043a.txt

5a    19  Kimball        Augustus         27    NY                pg0001a.txt

184a  32  King           Abram            20    O                 pg0180a.txt

140a  16  King           Adelia           7/12  Ill               pg0137a.txt

128a  37  King           Amanda M.        4     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128a  32  King           Amos             41    O                 pg0126a.txt

140b  8   King           Andrew           6     Ill               pg0137a.txt

140a  10  King           Barbara          13    Ill               pg0137a.txt

199a  40  King           Bridget          9     Canada            pg0197a.txt

95b   14  King           Charles          26    Canada            pg0095a.txt

195a  7   King           Charlotte        1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

140a  14  King           Daniel           7     Ill               pg0137a.txt

195a  6   King           Eliza            4     Ill               pg0188a.txt

140a  7   King           Elizabeth        40    Pa                pg0137a.txt

25b   1   King           Ellen            10    NY                pg0021a.txt

25a   41  King           Ellenor          45    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

174b  9   King           Fila L.          8     NY                pg0174a.txt

192a  18  King           George           34    KY                pg0188a.txt

140a  8   King           George           19    Ill               pg0137a.txt

195a  5   King           Harriet          22    NY                pg0188a.txt

128a  36  King           Henry            7     O                 pg0126a.txt

25a   42  King           James            12    NY                pg0021a.txt

140b  4   King           Jeremiah         14    Ill               pg0137a.txt

195a  4   King           John             32    England           pg0188a.txt

140b  2   King           John             18    Ia                pg0137a.txt

140a  13  King           John B.          9     Ill               pg0137a.txt

174b  8   King           John D.          10    NY                pg0174a.txt

140b  3   King           Joseph           16    Ill               pg0137a.txt

140a  15  King           Joshua           4     Ill               pg0137a.txt

140b  6   King           Julia A.         10    Ill               pg0137a.txt

140b  10  King           Leura            2/12  Ill               pg0137a.txt

174b  4   King           Liveromer        23    NY                pg0174a.txt

140b  1   King           Margaret         42    Ia                pg0137a.txt

174b  5   King           Margaret         22    NY                pg0174a.txt

140b  5   King           Margaret         12    Ill               pg0137a.txt

128a  38  King           Margaret         1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

140a  6   King           Marshall         41    Kentucky          pg0137a.txt

140b  7   King           Martin           8     Ill               pg0137a.txt

174b  3   King           Mary             53    NY                pg0174a.txt

194b  38  King           Mary             48    Germany           pg0188a.txt

140a  9   King           Mary             17    Ill               pg0137a.txt

24b   22  King           Mary A.          16    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

192a  20  King           Mary E.          6     Ill               pg0188a.txt

192a  19  King           Matilda          27    Pa                pg0188a.txt

85a   4   King           Matilda          13    Ill               pg0083a.txt

128a  35  King           Medine           9     O                 pg0126a.txt

174b  7   King           Orrison A.       15    NY                pg0174a.txt

128a  33  King           Ruth M.          30    Canada            pg0126a.txt

174b  6   King           Sally M.         19    NY                pg0174a.txt

140a  11  King           Sampson          12    Ill               pg0137a.txt

140a  12  King           Sarah A.         11    Ill               pg0137a.txt

140b  9   King           Sarah J.         2     Ill               pg0137a.txt

186a  40  King           Thornton         23    Unknown           pg0180a.txt

194b  37  King           Wm.              24    Germany           pg0188a.txt

61a   42  King           Wm.              20    Germany           pg0055a.txt

111b  38  King           Wm.              19    Pa                pg0110a.txt

128a  34  King           Wm. P.           11    O                 pg0126a.txt

47a   33  Kinley         Charles          29    Prince Ed         pg0046a.txt

32b   13  Kinley         Daniel           38    Pa                pg0029a.txt

47b   18  Kinley         Elizabeth        56    N.B.              pg0046a.txt

47b   20  Kinley         Elizabeth        17    Prince Ed         pg0046a.txt

32b   15  Kinley         Henry            6     Pa                pg0029a.txt

50b   35  Kinley         Jennette         25    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

47b   21  Kinley         John A.          16    Prince Ed         pg0046a.txt

47b   22  Kinley         Joseph R.        11    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

47a   35  Kinley         Josephine        36568 Ill               pg0046a.txt

50b   36  Kinley         Mariane          10    Ill               pg0046a.txt

47a   34  Kinley         Mary             18    Prince Ed         pg0046a.txt

32b   17  Kinley         Saml. Morris     1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

32b   14  Kinley         Sarah            29    Pa                pg0029a.txt

50b   34  Kinley         Thomas           30    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

47b   17  Kinley         William          56    Isle of M         pg0046a.txt

47b   19  Kinley         William          19    Prince Ed         pg0046a.txt

32b   16  Kinley         Winfield L.      4     Pa                pg0029a.txt

169b  18  Kinne          Henry            15    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  16  Kinne          Sophia           55    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  15  Kinne          William          55    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  17  Kinne          William          17    Germany           pg0162a.txt

138a  9   Kinney         Ann              12    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

138a  8   Kinney         Catherine        14    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

190a  28  Kinney         Charles B.       26    NY                pg0188a.txt

190a  29  Kinney         Esther           21    NY                pg0188a.txt

190a  30  Kinney         Florence J.      4     Ill               pg0188a.txt

105a  20  Kinney         Honora           32    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

138a  11  Kinney         Issabella        8     Ireland           pg0137a.txt

138a  12  Kinney         John             6     Canada            pg0137a.txt

138a  5   Kinney         John             45    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

105a  19  Kinney         John             36    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

138a  10  Kinney         Margaret         10    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

138a  6   Kinney         Mary             42    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

138a  7   Kinney         Mary             16    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

192a  10  Kinney         Mary A.          32    NY                pg0188a.txt

100b  17  Kinney         Oscar            16    Ill               pg0095a.txt

192a  9   Kinney         Thomas J.        42    NY                pg0188a.txt

165b  40  Kinney         Wm.              18    Mass              pg0162a.txt

103b  25  Kinny          Jeremiah         37    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

164a  19  Kinsella       Ann              40    Ireland           pg0162a.txt

164a  22  Kinsella       Bridget          6     Ireland           pg0162a.txt

139a  39  Kinsella       Bridget          58    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

139a  37  Kinsella       Eliza            20    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

139a  35  Kinsella       Gan.             27    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

164a  21  Kinsella       Garrett          9     Ireland           pg0162a.txt

164a  20  Kinsella       John             11    Ireland           pg0162a.txt

164a  23  Kinsella       Mary             4     Ireland           pg0162a.txt

139a  36  Kinsella       Patrick          22    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

164a  18  Kinsella       Thomas           50    Ireland           pg0162a.txt

105b  36  Kinseller      Garret           65    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

4a    14  Kinseller      John             27    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

4a    15  Kinseller      Mary             27    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

105b  37  Kinseller      Mrs.             60    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

4a    16  Kinseller      Thomas A.        1     Illinois          pg0001a.txt

193b  16  Kinys          Michael          36    Prussia           pg0188a.txt

125b  18  Kirchum        Adam             44    Germany           pg0119a.txt

125b  21  Kirchum        Charles H.       5     NY                pg0119a.txt

125b  22  Kirchum        Christina        3     NY                pg0119a.txt

125b  19  Kirchum        Christine        36    Germany           pg0119a.txt

125b  20  Kirchum        Mary C.          8     NY                pg0119a.txt

186a  9   Kirk           Ann              14    NY                pg0180a.txt

186a  12  Kirk           Bridget          3     Ill               pg0180a.txt

208A  6   Kirk           Cicero           3     Ill               pg0204A.txt

208a  6   Kirk           Cicero           3     Ill               pg0204a.txt

208A  3   Kirk           Edward           36    NY                pg0204A.txt

208a  3   Kirk           Edward           36    NY                pg0204a.txt

208a  7   Kirk           Eliza            2/12  Ill               pg0204a.txt

208A  7   Kirk           Eliza            2/12  Ill               pg0204A.txt

186a  13  Kirk           Ellen            1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

186a  8   Kirk           Mary             38    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

208a  4   Kirk           Mary             35    O                 pg0204a.txt

208A  4   Kirk           Mary             35    O                 pg0204A.txt

186a  10  Kirk           Mary J.          11    Ill               pg0180a.txt

197b  14  Kirk           Patrick          50    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

186a  7   Kirk           Philip           40    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

186a  11  Kirk           Philo            8     Ill               pg0180a.txt

208a  5   Kirk           Wm. F.           9     Ill               pg0204a.txt

208A  5   Kirk           Wm. F.           9     Ill               pg0204A.txt

69a   14  Kirkham        Catherine        10    Ill               pg0063a.txt

69a   15  Kirkham        Eliza            8     Ill               pg0063a.txt

69a   16  Kirkham        Geo.             2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

69a   8   Kirkham        Geo. D.          50    Ky                pg0063a.txt

69a   10  Kirkham        John             21    O                 pg0063a.txt

69a   9   Kirkham        Mary             44    O                 pg0063a.txt

69a   13  Kirkham        Mary E.          13    Ill               pg0063a.txt

69a   12  Kirkham        Sarah J.         15    Ill               pg0063a.txt

69a   11  Kirkham        Wm.              19    Ill               pg0063a.txt

71a   2   Kirkland       John W.          36    NY                pg0063a.txt

208b  42  Kirkpatrick    Andrew           27    O                 pg0204a.txt

208B  42  Kirkpatrick    Andrew           27    O                 pg0204A.txt

208b  31  Kirkpatrick    George           53    Pa                pg0204a.txt

208B  31  Kirkpatrick    George           53    Pa                pg0204A.txt

208b  39  Kirkpatrick    George           5     Ill               pg0204a.txt

208B  39  Kirkpatrick    George           5     Ill               pg0204A.txt

208b  35  Kirkpatrick    James            16    Ill               pg0204a.txt

208B  35  Kirkpatrick    James            16    Ill               pg0204A.txt

208b  37  Kirkpatrick    Jemima           10    Ill               pg0204a.txt

208B  37  Kirkpatrick    Jemima           10    Ill               pg0204A.txt

208b  33  Kirkpatrick    John             20    Ia                pg0204a.txt

208B  33  Kirkpatrick    John             20    Ia                pg0204A.txt

208b  41  Kirkpatrick    Joseph           29    O                 pg0204a.txt

208B  41  Kirkpatrick    Joseph           29    O                 pg0204A.txt

9a    42  Kirkpatrick    Mahala           9     Ill               pg0001a.txt

208b  38  Kirkpatrick    Mahala           8     Ill               pg0204a.txt

208B  38  Kirkpatrick    Mahala           8     Ill               pg0204A.txt

208b  34  Kirkpatrick    Marry A.         18    Ia                pg0204a.txt

208B  34  Kirkpatrick    Marry A.         18    Ia                pg0204A.txt

208b  32  Kirkpatrick    Mary             47    Ky                pg0204a.txt

208B  32  Kirkpatrick    Mary             47    Ky                pg0204A.txt

208b  40  Kirkpatrick    Nancy            2     Ill               pg0204a.txt

208B  40  Kirkpatrick    Nancy            2     Ill               pg0204A.txt

208b  36  Kirkpatrick    Sarah            13    Ill               pg0204a.txt

208B  36  Kirkpatrick    Sarah            13    Ill               pg0204A.txt

23b   34  Kirman         Bridget          40    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

23b   37  Kirman         Ellen            7     Canada            pg0021a.txt

23b   33  Kirman         John             52    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

23b   38  Kirman         John             5     Canada            pg0021a.txt

23b   36  Kirman         Margaret         9     NY                pg0021a.txt

23b   40  Kirman         Mary A.          4/12  Ill               pg0021a.txt

23b   35  Kirman         Michael          11    NY                pg0021a.txt

23b   39  Kirman         Wm.              3     Canada            pg0021a.txt

98b   21  Kish           Celestia         9     Canada            pg0095a.txt

98b   22  Kish           Diantha          4     Canada            pg0095a.txt

98b   18  Kish           George           30    Canada            pg0095a.txt

98b   23  Kish           Lucinda          5/12  Ill               pg0095a.txt

98b   19  Kish           Mary             27    Ireland           pg0095a.txt

98b   20  Kish           Wallace          2     Canada            pg0095a.txt

165b  33  Klans          Henry            20    Germany           pg0162a.txt

162a  31  Klaus          Eva              2     Ill               pg0162a.txt

162a  33  Klaus          John             20    Germany           pg0162a.txt

162a  30  Klaus          Magdalena        4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

162a  29  Klaus          Magdalena        29    Germany           pg0162a.txt

162a  28  Klaus          Peter            45    Germany           pg0162a.txt

162a  32  Klaus          Susannah         7     Ill               pg0162a.txt

106a  33  Knapp          Almira           40    Vt                pg0102a.txt

24b   41  Knapp          Betsy            25    NY                pg0021a.txt

63b   16  Knapp          Elizabeth        46    NY                pg0063a.txt

63b   18  Knapp          Elizabeth        17    NY                pg0063a.txt

106a  34  Knapp          Geo.             16    Ill               pg0102a.txt

88a   14  Knapp          Helen J.         1     Ill               pg0083a.txt

106a  32  Knapp          Ira O.           40    Vt                pg0102a.txt

88a   13  Knapp          Jane             22    Scotland          pg0083a.txt

167a  5   Knapp          Kezia            49    NY                pg0162a.txt

88a   12  Knapp          Lanfen           25    NY                pg0083a.txt

63b   19  Knapp          Louisa D.        15    NY                pg0063a.txt

106a  36  Knapp          Melinda          12    Ill               pg0102a.txt

24b   40  Knapp          Melvina          38    NY                pg0021a.txt

88a   16  Knapp          Nancy            21    O                 pg0083a.txt

106a  35  Knapp          Orin             14    Ill               pg0102a.txt

63b   20  Knapp          Selah            14    NY                pg0063a.txt

63b   15  Knapp          Solomon          47    NY                pg0063a.txt

63b   17  Knapp          Solomon, Jr.     22    NY                pg0063a.txt

106a  37  Knapp          Solon            8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

88a   15  Knapp          Warren           23    NY                pg0083a.txt

11b   41  Kneeland       Saml.            28    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

26b   21  Knight         Camden           21    NY                pg0021a.txt

26b   22  Knight         Helen            17    NY                pg0021a.txt

26b   20  Knight         Mary             15    O                 pg0021a.txt

103b  24  Knight         Patrick          17    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

26b   19  Knight         S. L.            48    Mass              pg0021a.txt

26b   42  Knight         Salm             19    NY                pg0021a.txt

103b  23  Knight         Salon            17    NY                pg0102a.txt

153a  10  Knott          Alla             28    NY                pg0150a.txt

116a  34  Knott          Alonzo           10    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

116a  33  Knott          Alphonso         12    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

116a  28  Knott          Amanda           34    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

153a  9   Knott          C. W.            38    Pa                pg0150a.txt

116a  30  Knott          Cranen K.        16    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

116a  35  Knott          Elsina           8     Ohio              pg0110a.txt

116a  36  Knott          Leonora          6     Ohio              pg0110a.txt

116a  37  Knott          Mary E.          4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

116a  31  Knott          Nancy            15    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

116a  27  Knott          R. H.            44    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

116a  29  Knott          Roswell S.       20    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

116a  32  Knott          Seraphina        14    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

28a   9   Knowles        Jane             6     NY                pg0021a.txt

28a   6   Knowles        M.               47    England           pg0021a.txt

28a   8   Knowles        Mary             8     NY                pg0021a.txt

28a   7   Knowles        Mrs.             40    Unknown           pg0021a.txt

122a  13  Kohler         Thadeus          24    Pa                pg0119a.txt

75a   12  Konker         Caroline         5     Germany           pg0073a.txt

75a   10  Konker         Frederic         28    Germany           pg0073a.txt

75a   11  Konker         Mary             26    Germany           pg0073a.txt

75a   13  Konker         Mary E.          1     Ill               pg0073a.txt

11a   19  Konniva        Henry D.         22    Pa                pg0010a.txt

192a  32  Kraften        J. S.            22    NY                pg0188a.txt

171a  32  Kremer         Caleb            22    O                 pg0171a.txt

23a   2   Kritzner       Augustus         9     Ill               pg0021a.txt

23a   1   Kritzner       Charles          12    Ill               pg0021a.txt

22b   42  Kritzner       Christian        35    Germany           pg0021a.txt

22b   41  Kritzner       Frederick        29    Germany           pg0021a.txt

113b  28  Kronshup       Eliza A.         33    Pa                pg0110a.txt

113b  30  Kronshup       George           10    NY                pg0110a.txt

113b  31  Kronshup       John             8     NY                pg0110a.txt

113b  27  Kronshup       John             40    NY                pg0110a.txt

113b  32  Kronshup       Laura            3     NY                pg0110a.txt

113b  29  Kronshup       Murin            12    Pa                pg0110a.txt

31a   6   Krouse         Albert           1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

31a   4   Krouse         Amanda           5     Pa                pg0029a.txt

31a   2   Krouse         Catherine        25    Pa                pg0029a.txt

31a   3   Krouse         Lewis            7     Pa                pg0029a.txt

31a   5   Krouse         Matilda          3     Ill               pg0029a.txt

31a   1   Krouse         Simon            31    Pa                pg0029a.txt

129b  30  Kuch           Caroline         10    NY                pg0126a.txt

129b  28  Kuch           Catherine        31    Germany           pg0126a.txt

129b  29  Kuch           Catherine        15    Germany           pg0126a.txt

129b  32  Kuch           Charles          6     NY                pg0126a.txt

129b  27  Kuch           Henry            42    Germany           pg0126a.txt

129b  31  Kuch           Henry S.         8     NY                pg0126a.txt

129b  33  Kuch           Jacob            4     NY                pg0126a.txt

129b  34  Kuch           Martha           2     Ill               pg0126a.txt

194b  36  Kummasher      Geo.             28    Germany           pg0188a.txt

32a   7   Kumsey         Cynthia          74    NJ                pg0029a.txt

The complete text of this census can be found at
Last Update: Friday, 13-Dec-2024 21:36:42 UTC

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