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Will County Federal Census
1850 Index

Will, IL 1850 Federal Census     INDEX (File 10 of 15)

This Census was transcribed by Lana Magiera and proofread by Amanda Magiera

for the USGenWeb Census Project,

Copyright 2001 by Lana Magiera


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Formatted for the USGenWeb Census Project by File Manager Ellen Horner, August 2001

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Pg#  Ln#  Last Name      First Name       Age   Birth Place       Filename


56b   18  Mabb           Albert N.        5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56b   17  Mabb           Elzina           9     NY                pg0055a.txt

56b   19  Mabb           Jane             2     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56b   13  Mabb           Louisa           18    NY                pg0055a.txt

56b   12  Mabb           Maria            40    NY                pg0055a.txt

56b   16  Mabb           Mary             11    NY                pg0055a.txt

56b   11  Mabb           Thomas           41    NY                pg0055a.txt

56b   15  Mabb           Thomas           13    NY                pg0055a.txt

56b   14  Mabb           Wm.              16    NY                pg0055a.txt

190a  31  Mack           Fuman            33    Pa                pg0188a.txt

190a  32  Mack           Maria            42    NY                pg0188a.txt

108b  21  Macorvan       Andrew           21    NY                pg0102a.txt

108b  19  Macorvan       Arabella H.      8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

108b  17  Macorvan       Charles          17    NY                pg0102a.txt

108b  20  Macorvan       Elizabeth        16    NY                pg0102a.txt

108b  16  Macorvan       John             23    NY                pg0102a.txt

108b  15  Macorvan       Peter            53    Scotland          pg0102a.txt

108b  18  Macorvan       Wm.              11    Ill               pg0102a.txt

164b  41  Macumba        Ann              26    Pa                pg0162a.txt

164b  42  Macumba        B. O.            5     Ill               pg0162a.txt

165a  2   Macumba        Elvira           1     Ill               pg0162a.txt

164b  40  Macumba        Orlin            33    NY                pg0162a.txt

165a  1   Macumba        Robert B.        4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

103b  41  Maddan         Mary A.          6     NY                pg0102a.txt

12a   17  Madows         Sarah            50    England           pg0010a.txt

92a   13  Magruder       Hugh             23    Oa                pg0091a.txt

112a  8   Mahany         David            38    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

112a  9   Mahany         Joanna           35    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

123a  29  Mahar          Wm.              22    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

24b   42  Mahnny         Mary A.          25    Mass              pg0021a.txt

7a    27  Mahoney        Ellen            17    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

122a  14  Mahoney        John             32    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

122a  15  Mahoney        Margaret         25    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

133b  25  Mahony         Bridget          11    Ill               pg0126a.txt

181a  25  Mahony         Charles          8     NY                pg0180a.txt

181a  22  Mahony         Edward           14    Mass              pg0180a.txt

181a  26  Mahony         Elizabeth        5     Canada            pg0180a.txt

118a  14  Mahony         Ellen            16    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

133b  26  Mahony         Henry            7     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133b  27  Mahony         Jeremiah         5     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133b  22  Mahony         Jeremiah         36    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

181a  20  Mahony         John             60    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

133b  30  Mahony         John             30    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

133b  24  Mahony         John             13    NY                pg0126a.txt

133b  23  Mahony         Margaret         34    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

133b  28  Mahony         Mary Ann         4     Ill               pg0126a.txt

181a  23  Mahony         Mary Ann         12    Mass              pg0180a.txt

181a  21  Mahony         Nancy            35    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

133b  29  Mahony         Sarah            2     Ill               pg0126a.txt

181a  24  Mahony         Wm.              10    Mass              pg0180a.txt

19b   13  Maiston        Bridget          30    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

19b   14  Maiston        Catherine        3     Ill               pg0019a.txt

19b   12  Maiston        Henry            30    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

19b   16  Maiston        Mary             1/12  Ill               pg0019a.txt

19b   15  Maiston        Thomas           2     Ill               pg0019a.txt

10a   20  Maitland       Georgiana        20    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

144a  18  Malan          Margaret         2     Canada            pg0141a.txt

164a  13  Malling        Henry            16    Germany           pg0162a.txt

27b   33  Mallory        John             20    Pa                pg0021a.txt

29b   33  Malloy         Mrs.             25    Ireland           pg0029a.txt

191b  41  Malone         Helen E.         18    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

191b  40  Malone         Matuta           21    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

122a  29  Malony         Catherine        25    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

189a  3   Malony         John             33    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

122a  28  Malony         Patrick          25    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

189a  2   Malony         Wm.              72    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

202b  28  Maloy          Ann              12    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

103b  22  Maloy          Catharine        16    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

202b  27  Maloy          Edward           40    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

202b  28  Maloy          John             14    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

29b   32  Maloy          Patrick          28    Ireland           pg0029a.txt

157a  36  Maneau         Arena            63    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  37  Maneau         Catherine        67    Canada            pg0150a.txt

150a  40  Maner          Charles          23    Canada            pg0150a.txt

150a  41  Maner          Wm.              21    Canada            pg0150a.txt

202b  18  Manly          Annette          3     Mass              pg0197a.txt

202b  17  Manly          Elvira           28    Mass              pg0197a.txt

138b  34  Manly          Thomas           25    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

78a   5   Mann           Addison          4     Ill               pg0076a.txt

77b   37  Mann           Alex             62    Pa                pg0076a.txt

77b   41  Mann           Ann M.           22    O                 pg0076a.txt

78a   4A  Mann           Catherine        9     O                 pg0076a.txt

133a  42  Mann           Catherine        7     Germany           pg0126a.txt

78a   6   Mann           Celestia         5/12  Ill               pg0076a.txt

133a  41  Mann           Charlotte        16    Germany           pg0126a.txt

133a  39  Mann           Daniel           18    Germany           pg0126a.txt

133a  38  Mann           Elizabeth        44    Germany           pg0126a.txt

133a  37  Mann           Francis          45    Germany           pg0126a.txt

77b   40  Mann           Frederic         24    O                 pg0076a.txt

78a   1   Mann           Issabell         16    O                 pg0076a.txt

78a   2   Mann           Jane E.          14    O                 pg0076a.txt

77b   39  Mann           John             26    O                 pg0076a.txt

77b   38  Mann           Maria            47    NY                pg0076a.txt

78a   3   Mann           Melvina          12    O                 pg0076a.txt

15b   8   Mann           Nicolette        4     O                 pg0010a.txt

133a  40  Mann           Philipine        16    Germany           pg0126a.txt

15b   7   Mann           Phoeba           25    O                 pg0010a.txt

78a   4B  Mann           S. James         6     Ill               pg0076a.txt

91b   35  Mann           Thomas           60    England           pg0091a.txt

133b  1   Mann           Ullonia          5     Germany           pg0126a.txt

70a   3   Mann           Warner A.        54    NY                pg0063a.txt

77b   42  Mann           Wm. A.           20    O                 pg0076a.txt

11a   37  Manning        Cornelia A.      18    Ill               pg0010a.txt

11a   35  Manning        Doza             43    Tennessee         pg0010a.txt

101a  20  Manning        Elias            17    Ia                pg0095a.txt

101a  19  Manning        Hannah           35    Ill               pg0095a.txt

11a   38  Manning        Jane C.          16    Ill               pg0010a.txt

11a   34  Manning        Joel             56    Vermont           pg0010a.txt

101a  18  Manning        John             35    Pa                pg0095a.txt

121a  41  Manning        John             32    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

121a  42  Manning        Margaret         26    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

11a   36  Manning        Mary             20    Ill               pg0010a.txt

199a  8   Manwarring     Wm.              40    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

25b   17  Many           Alise            3     Ill               pg0021a.txt

77b   35  Manzer         Charles          2     Ill               pg0076a.txt

77b   31  Manzer         Harriet          28    NY                pg0076a.txt

77b   32  Manzer         Mary             11    NY                pg0076a.txt

77b   30  Manzer         Peter            30    NY                pg0076a.txt

77b   34  Manzer         Walter           4     Ill               pg0076a.txt

77b   33  Manzer         Wesley           9     NY                pg0076a.txt

187a  10  Mapps          Albert           1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

187a  8   Mapps          Robert H.        28    Pa                pg0180a.txt

187a  9   Mapps          Sussanna         25    O                 pg0180a.txt

202b  2   Mapps          Thomas           23    Pa                pg0197a.txt

187a  12  Mapps          Wm.              24    Pa                pg0180a.txt

160b  25  Marcott        Adolphua         1.12  Ill               pg0159a.txt

160b  22  Marcott        Caroline         5     Ill               pg0159a.txt

160b  17  Marcott        Francis          16    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  23  Marcott        Joseph           4     Ill               pg0159a.txt

160b  18  Marcott        Julia            10    Ill               pg0159a.txt

160b  20  Marcott        Lydia            32    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  15  Marcott        Mary             53    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  16  Marcott        Narcissus        19    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  19  Marcott        Otwin, Jr.       32    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  21  Marcott        Otwine           7     Ill               pg0159a.txt

160b  14  Marcott        Otwine           58    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  24  Marcott        Selena           2     Ill               pg0159a.txt

98a   42  Marcy          Alfred           8     Ill               pg0095a.txt

55b   20  Marcy          Annett           15    Pa                pg0055a.txt

98b   2   Marcy          Charles          7/12  Ill               pg0095a.txt

98b   1   Marcy          Frank            5     Ill               pg0095a.txt

98a   39  Marcy          Galen A.         42    Mass              pg0095a.txt

55b   18  Marcy          George           23    Pa                pg0055a.txt

55b   21  Marcy          Hannah           11    NY                pg0055a.txt

55b   17  Marcy          Henry            21    Conn              pg0055a.txt

55b   22  Marcy          Joanna E.        7     NY                pg0055a.txt

98a   40  Marcy          Mitta            36    NY                pg0095a.txt

55b   16  Marcy          Olive            52    Conn              pg0055a.txt

98a   41  Marcy          Sarah            10    Ill               pg0095a.txt

55b   19  Marcy          William          17    Pa                pg0055a.txt

8b    11  Mardell        John             12    NY                pg0001a.txt

8b    8   Mardell        Joseph           58    England           pg0001a.txt

8b    10  Mardell        Joseph, Jr.      16    England           pg0001a.txt

8b    9   Mardell        Sarah            50    England           pg0001a.txt

8b    12  Mardell        Wm. L.           9     NY                pg0001a.txt

6a    32  Mardson        John             28    England           pg0001a.txt

29a   4   Marion         Wm.              21    NY                pg0029a.txt

151a  2   Marker         George           13    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  1   Marker         Hariet           15    Canada            pg0150a.txt

150b  42  Marker         Mary A.          50    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  4   Marker         Napolean         9     Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  5   Marker         Salina           6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  3   Marker         Seraphine        12    Canada            pg0150a.txt

16b   7   Markham        Jane             4     Canada            pg0010a.txt

16b   5   Markham        John             46    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

16b   8   Markham        John             2     Canada            pg0010a.txt

16b   6   Markham        Margaret         26    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

16b   9   Markham        Thomas           1     NY                pg0010a.txt

155b  25  Markoff        Adelia           34    Canada            pg0150a.txt

155a  32  Markoff        Adelphus         7     Canada            pg0150a.txt

155b  30  Markoff        Adolphus         4/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

154a  6   Markoff        Alexander        18    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  17  Markoff        Alexander        11    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  10  Markoff        Amelia           8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

155b  26  Markoff        Antonie          7     Ill               pg0150a.txt

155b  24  Markoff        Antonie          34    Canada            pg0150a.txt

155b  28  Markoff        Caroline         6     Ill               pg0150a.txt

155a  29  Markoff        Delene           21    Canada            pg0150a.txt

155a  33  Markoff        Edmere           5     Canada            pg0150a.txt

155a  28  Markoff        Eli              25    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  21  Markoff        Estelle          3     Canada            pg0150a.txt

155a  30  Markoff        Eugene           2     Ill               pg0150a.txt

159a  14  Markoff        John             4     Ill               pg0159a.txt

159a  12  Markoff        John             27    Canada            pg0159a.txt

151a  18  Markoff        Joseph           8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

155b  27  Markoff        Joseph           4     Ill               pg0150a.txt

155b  31  Markoff        Joseph           15    Canada            pg0150a.txt

159a  13  Markoff        Julia            25    Canada            pg0159a.txt

154a  7   Markoff        Julia            15    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  9   Markoff        Lucretia         10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  5   Markoff        Lucy             35    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  19  Markoff        Mary             6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  15  Markoff        Mary             36    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  20  Markoff        Matilda          5     Canada            pg0150a.txt

159a  16  Markoff        Matilda          4/12  Ill               pg0159a.txt

155a  31  Markoff        Matilda          2/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

154a  8   Markoff        Matilda          11    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  12  Markoff        Moses            4     Ill               pg0150a.txt

155a  34  Markoff        Moses            4     Ill               pg0150a.txt

154a  4   Markoff        Oliver           37    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  11  Markoff        Olivia           6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  16  Markoff        Phileum          13    Canada            pg0150a.txt

159a  15  Markoff        Sarah            2     Ill               pg0159a.txt

155b  29  Markoff        Silene           2     Ill               pg0150a.txt

154a  13  Markoff        Thomas           1     Ill               pg0150a.txt

56a   2   Marlett        Ira A.           8     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56a   3   Marlett        James H.         6     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56a   4   Marlett        Louisa           4     Ill               pg0055a.txt

55b   42  Marlett        Louisa           27    Ohio              pg0055a.txt

55b   41  Marlett        Peter            28    NY                pg0055a.txt

56a   6   Marlett        Richard          8/12  Ill               pg0055a.txt

56a   5   Marlett        Samuel P.        3     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56a   1   Marlett        Stephen          11    Ill               pg0055a.txt

108b  40  Marrah         Margaret         40    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

108b  39  Marrah         Patrick O.       49    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

154a  20  Marrier        Charles          25    Canada            pg0150a.txt

163a  19  Marsh          Abba             32    NY                pg0162a.txt

13a   8   Marsh          Alice            1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

4b    24  Marsh          Ann              36    Mass              pg0001a.txt

13a   7   Marsh          Belinda          20    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

163a  26  Marsh          Edwin            33    Mass              pg0162a.txt

200a  17  Marsh          Francis E.       1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

4b    26  Marsh          Franklin M.      14    Ill               pg0001a.txt

163a  29  Marsh          George S.        5/12  Ill               pg0162a.txt

200a  14  Marsh          H. N.            37    Mass              pg0197a.txt

163a  24  Marsh          Hannah           25    NY                pg0162a.txt

163a  23  Marsh          Henry            30    Mass              pg0162a.txt

4b    23  Marsh          Horace           44    Mass              pg0001a.txt

4b    27  Marsh          Horace M.        10    Ill               pg0001a.txt

163a  18  Marsh          Jonathan         34    Mass              pg0162a.txt

31a   29  Marsh          Levi             32    Mass              pg0029a.txt

200a  15  Marsh          Levina M.        31    NY                pg0197a.txt

163a  27  Marsh          Mary             24    NY                pg0162a.txt

13a   9   Marsh          Mary A.          4/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

180b  24  Marsh          Mary Ann         29    Germany           pg0180a.txt

180b  25  Marsh          Matilda          2/12  Ill               pg0180a.txt

31a   30  Marsh          Matilda F.       26    Mass              pg0029a.txt

13a   6   Marsh          P. O.            23    Newfoundland      pg0010a.txt

163a  20  Marsh          Sally            70    Mass              pg0162a.txt

163a  28  Marsh          Sarah            4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

4b    25  Marsh          Sarah M.         17    Mass              pg0001a.txt

200a  16  Marsh          Wm. H.           10    Ill               pg0197a.txt

180b  23  Marsh          Xavier           25    Germany           pg0180a.txt

88a   25  Marshal        Catherine A.     20    NY                pg0083a.txt

88a   26  Marshal        Geo. L.          2/12  NY                pg0083a.txt

88a   24  Marshal        Loomis C.        32    NY                pg0083a.txt

96b   12  Marshall       Abigail A.       23    Mass              pg0095a.txt

88b   40  Marshall       Adaline L.       4     Ill               pg0083a.txt

89a   5   Marshall       Albert           10    Ill               pg0083a.txt

96b   3   Marshall       Alphea           3     Ohio              pg0095a.txt

96b   11  Marshall       Benj.            26    O                 pg0095a.txt

207b  34  Marshall       Benley           3     Canada            pg0204a.txt

207B  34  Marshall       Benley           3     Canada            pg0204A.txt

65a   26  Marshall       Catherine        27    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

15a   12  Marshall       Catherine        19    NY                pg0010a.txt

88b   36  Marshall       Celinda          43    Vt                pg0083a.txt

89a   1   Marshall       Chester          70    Ct                pg0083a.txt

88b   38  Marshall       Chester          15    Ill               pg0083a.txt

207B  31  Marshall       Emily            30    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207b  31  Marshall       Emily            30    Canada            pg0204a.txt

96a   41  Marshall       G. W.            42    Va                pg0095a.txt

89a   3   Marshall       Geo.             35    NY                pg0083a.txt

207B  33  Marshall       George           7     Canada            pg0204A.txt

207b  33  Marshall       George           7     Canada            pg0204a.txt

88a   36  Marshall       George           17    NY                pg0083a.txt

89a   9   Marshall       Griffin          4     Ill               pg0083a.txt

88b   39  Marshall       Jacob B.         13    Ill               pg0083a.txt

65a   29  Marshall       Jane             9     Ill               pg0063a.txt

65a   27  Marshall       John             17    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

207b  30  Marshall       Joshua           37    NY                pg0204a.txt

207B  30  Marshall       Joshua           37    NY                pg0204A.txt

207B  32  Marshall       Levina           8     Canada            pg0204A.txt

207b  32  Marshall       Levina           8     Canada            pg0204a.txt

96b   13  Marshall       Lolanda          2     O                 pg0095a.txt

96a   42  Marshall       Louisa           24    NY                pg0095a.txt

96b   2   Marshall       Luhanon          13    Ohio              pg0095a.txt

89a   4   Marshall       Margaret A.      33    NY                pg0083a.txt

65a   30  Marshall       Mary             2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

89a   10  Marshall       Mary             2     Ill               pg0083a.txt

65a   25  Marshall       Mrs.             45    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

89a   2   Marshall       Parmelia         70    RI                pg0083a.txt

65a   24  Marshall       Peter            46    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

65a   28  Marshall       Peter            11    Ill               pg0063a.txt

89a   6   Marshall       Ralph            8     Ill               pg0083a.txt

88b   35  Marshall       Rollin           43    NY                pg0083a.txt

154b  13  Marshall       Rose             18    Canada            pg0150a.txt

89a   7   Marshall       Sarah            6     Ill               pg0083a.txt

96b   1   Marshall       Sarah J.         15    Ohio              pg0095a.txt

89a   8   Marshall       Webb             5     Ill               pg0083a.txt

165a  18  Martens        Charles          37    Vt                pg0162a.txt

165a  19  Martens        Lucinda          36    Vt                pg0162a.txt

156b  4   Martin         Adelaire         32    Canada            pg0150a.txt

159b  4   Martin         Adelia           59    Canada            pg0159a.txt

209A  30  Martin         Adeline          8     NY                pg0204A.txt

209a  30  Martin         Adeline          8     NY                pg0204a.txt

158b  3   Martin         Amelia           28    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153a  28  Martin         Andrew           5     Ill               pg0150a.txt

153a  26  Martin         Andrew           31    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153a  27  Martin         Angeline         29    Canada            pg0150a.txt

110a  31  Martin         Ann              9     Ireland           pg0110a.txt

152b  38  Martin         Arleus           6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

152b  37  Martin         Artemesa         7     Canada            pg0150a.txt

114a  10  Martin         Augusta          15    Vt                pg0110a.txt

143b  6   Martin         Benj.            20    Ill               pg0141a.txt

153a  33  Martin         Benjamin         23    Canada            pg0150a.txt

158a  41  Martin         Caroline         12    Canada            pg0150a.txt

77b   16  Martin         Catherine        7     Ill               pg0076a.txt

111b  40  Martin         Catherine        34    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

112a  5   Martin         Catherine        2/12  Ill               pg0110a.txt

77b   17  Martin         Charles          5     Ill               pg0076a.txt

209a  32  Martin         Charles          3     Wis               pg0204a.txt

209A  32  Martin         Charles          3     Wis               pg0204A.txt

158b  1   Martin         Clara            20    Canada            pg0150a.txt

149a  4   Martin         Cornelius        25    NY                pg0141a.txt

209A  31  Martin         Cynthia          6     NY                pg0204A.txt

209a  31  Martin         Cynthia          6     NY                pg0204a.txt

156b  9   Martin         Delia            8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

156b  10  Martin         Edward           6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

111b  42  Martin         Edward           13    Ill               pg0110a.txt

146a  31  Martin         Edward           10    Vermont           pg0141a.txt

156b  5   Martin         Eliza            16    Canada            pg0150a.txt

77b   13  Martin         Elizabeth        34    Ky                pg0076a.txt

18b   27  Martin         Ellen            36    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

152b  39  Martin         Florence         5     Canada            pg0150a.txt

158a  39  Martin         Francine         57    Canada            pg0150a.txt

114a  12  Martin         Frank            8     Vt                pg0110a.txt

10a   30  Martin         Geo.             36    NY                pg0010a.txt

158a  42  Martin         George           25    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156b  6   Martin         Hariet           14    Canada            pg0150a.txt

10a   31  Martin         Harriet          30    NY                pg0010a.txt

77b   12  Martin         Henry            44    NY                pg0076a.txt

151a  30  Martin         Henry            2     Ill               pg0150a.txt

114a  9   Martin         Henry            17    Vt                pg0110a.txt

114a  7   Martin         James            44    Vt                pg0110a.txt

112a  3   Martin         James            4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

111b  39  Martin         James            37    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

81b   20  Martin         James C.         42    O                 pg0076a.txt

114a  13  Martin         James P.         21    Vt                pg0110a.txt

77b   14  Martin         Jasper           12    Ill               pg0076a.txt

146a  28  Martin         John             48    Canada            pg0141a.txt

117b  34  Martin         John             33    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

158b  2   Martin         John             31    Canada            pg0150a.txt

111b  41  Martin         John             18    NY                pg0110a.txt

146a  30  Martin         John             14    Vermont           pg0141a.txt

158b  4   Martin         John B.          8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

158a  38  Martin         John B.          62    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156b  3   Martin         Joseph           36    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  28  Martin         Joseph           35    Canada            pg0150a.txt

146a  35  Martin         Joseph           3     Ill               pg0141a.txt

153a  30  Martin         Joseph           2     Ill               pg0150a.txt

158a  40  Martin         Joseph           13    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151a  31  Martin         Joseph           1/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

10a   32  Martin         Laurent          12    Mich              pg0010a.txt

112a  7   Martin         Lawrence         35    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

153a  34  Martin         Leonore          20    Canada            pg0150a.txt

160b  31  Martin         Levi             23    Canada            pg0159a.txt

158a  37  Martin         Louisa           18    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156b  8   Martin         Louisa           10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

146a  33  Martin         Margaret         5     Ill               pg0141a.txt

152b  35  Martin         Margaret         32    Canada            pg0150a.txt

112a  6   Martin         Maria            13    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

114a  11  Martin         Mark             10    Vt                pg0110a.txt

112a  2   Martin         Mary             6     Ill               pg0110a.txt

77b   15  Martin         Mary             10    Ill               pg0076a.txt

146a  36  Martin         Mary             1     Ill               pg0141a.txt

152b  41  Martin         Mary             1     Ill               pg0150a.txt

146a  29  Martin         Masaline         27    Canada            pg0141a.txt

152b  34  Martin         Medon            33    Canada            pg0150a.txt

146a  34  Martin         Medore           4     Ill               pg0141a.txt

152b  40  Martin         Medore           4     Ill               pg0150a.txt

77b   18  Martin         Melvina          1     Ill               pg0076a.txt

151a  29  Martin         Mrs.             25    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153a  29  Martin         Nelson           3     Ill               pg0150a.txt

146a  37  Martin         Oliver           20    Canada            pg0141a.txt

153a  31  Martin         Oliver           2/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

11b   29  Martin         Paley            27    Canada            pg0010a.txt

114a  8   Martin         Phebee           44    Vt                pg0110a.txt

152b  36  Martin         Philomena        8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

156b  7   Martin         Philomena        13    Canada            pg0150a.txt

146a  32  Martin         Poline           7     Canada            pg0141a.txt

158a  36  Martin         Susan            20    Canada            pg0150a.txt

158b  5   Martin         Theodore         1     Ill               pg0150a.txt

112a  1   Martin         Thomas           8     Ill               pg0110a.txt

18b   26  Martin         Wm.              40    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

112a  4   Martin         Wm.              2     Ill               pg0110a.txt

160b  30  Martin         Zua              22    Canada            pg0159a.txt

5b    14  Martindale     Francis A.       7     NY                pg0001a.txt

5b    15  Martindale     John E.          5/12  Ill               pg0001a.txt

5b    12  Martindale     Mary             39    NY                pg0001a.txt

5b    13  Martindale     Mary             11    Ohio              pg0001a.txt

5b    11  Martindale     Saml.            49    NY                pg0001a.txt

10b   22  Marvin         Alice            2     Ill               pg0010a.txt

204A  39  Marvin         Carlos           4     Ukk               pg0204A.txt

204a  39  Marvin         Carlos           4     Ukk               pg0204a.txt

204A  38  Marvin         Charles          9     Ia                pg0204A.txt

204a  38  Marvin         Charles          9     Ia                pg0204a.txt

135a  23  Marvin         Condon           24    NY                pg0135a.txt

10b   19  Marvin         James B.         40    Conn              pg0010a.txt

10b   21  Marvin         LeGrand          10    Ill               pg0010a.txt

10b   20  Marvin         Mary             12    Ill               pg0010a.txt

7a    14  Marvin         Sarah R.         68    Conn              pg0001a.txt

190a  7   Maryhold       James            25    NY                pg0188a.txt

70a   36  Mason          Almerin          40    NY                pg0063a.txt

130a  2   Mason          Alva             6     Ind               pg0126a.txt

129b  39  Mason          Alvina           44    NY                pg0126a.txt

70b   7   Mason          Benijah          4     Ill               pg0063a.txt

70b   4   Mason          Benijah          30    NY                pg0063a.txt

47a   41  Mason          Boomer           46    Vt                pg0046a.txt

129b  40  Mason          charles          20    NY                pg0126a.txt

18b   38  Mason          Charles G.       2     Ill               pg0010a.txt

18b   31  Mason          E. B.            23    NY                pg0010a.txt

18b   32  Mason          E. C.            29    NY                pg0010a.txt

47b   3   Mason          Emily            11    Vt                pg0046a.txt

76b   42  Mason          Felix            43    Canada            pg0076a.txt

77a   5   Mason          Felix            17    Canada            pg0076a.txt

80a   5   Mason          Francis B.       28    NY                pg0076a.txt

70a   34  Mason          Geo. H.          3     Ill               pg0063a.txt

18b   35  Mason          Geo. H.          14    Ill               pg0010a.txt

129b  41  Mason          George           28    NY                pg0126a.txt

18b   29  Mason          H. S.            46    Mass              pg0010a.txt

18b   34  Mason          Hale S.          18    NY                pg0010a.txt

70a   38  Mason          Hannah           9     NY                pg0063a.txt

70a   37  Mason          Hannah E.        30    NY                pg0063a.txt

70b   6   Mason          Helen            7     NY                pg0063a.txt

47b   2   Mason          Highland         13    Vt                pg0046a.txt

70a   40  Mason          Hiram            5     NY                pg0063a.txt

70a   41  Mason          Isaac            4     NY                pg0063a.txt

18b   37  Mason          J. Q. Adams      7     Ill               pg0010a.txt

70a   39  Mason          Jackson A.       6     NY                pg0063a.txt

130a  1   Mason          James            8     NY                pg0126a.txt

70a   42  Mason          James            2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

70b   1   Mason          Lorenzo          2/12  Ill               pg0063a.txt

70b   8   Mason          Lorenzo D.       2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

47b   1   Mason          Lovice           15    Vt                pg0046a.txt

130a  3   Mason          Luther L.        3     Ind               pg0126a.txt

70b   5   Mason          Mandena          27    NY                pg0063a.txt

77a   1   Mason          Margaret         40    Canada            pg0076a.txt

77a   8   Mason          Mary             7     Canada            pg0076a.txt

70b   9   Mason          Mary             2/12  Ill               pg0063a.txt

77a   6   Mason          Matilda          13    Canada            pg0076a.txt

70b   2   Mason          Nancy            71    Mass              pg0063a.txt

70a   31  Mason          Nancy            40    O                 pg0063a.txt

77a   7   Mason          Narzion          10    Canada            pg0076a.txt

129b  42  Mason          Orvil            16    NY                pg0126a.txt

18b   30  Mason          S. A.            44    NY                pg0010a.txt

18b   36  Mason          S. C.            12    Ill               pg0010a.txt

47a   42  Mason          Sally            47    Vt                pg0046a.txt

77a   9   Mason          Sophia           5     Canada            pg0076a.txt

129b  38  Mason          Wm.              44    NY                pg0126a.txt

18b   33  Mason          Wm. T.           21    NY                pg0010a.txt

184b  25  Mass           Jane             62    Pa                pg0180a.txt

184b  26  Mass           John             17    Pa                pg0180a.txt

184b  24  Mass           Wm.              62    NY                pg0180a.txt

153a  32  Massac         Matilda          14    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  38  Massent        Emma             3     Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  34  Massent        Jacob            9     Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  35  Massent        Judah            7     Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  31  Massent        Julia            15    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  33  Massent        Lereur           11    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  29  Massent        Letitia          37    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  28  Massent        Louis            37    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  32  Massent        Louis            13    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  30  Massent        Lucy             17    Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  37  Massent        Peter            4     Canada            pg0150a.txt

154a  36  Massent        Sophrona         5     Canada            pg0150a.txt

89b   28  Massey         Elizabeth        68    Pa                pg0083a.txt

131b  9   Mast           Abengh           36    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131b  10  Mast           Charlotte        10    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131b  12  Mast           Eliza            1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

131b  8   Mast           Jacob            40    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131b  11  Mast           Philipine        3     Germany           pg0126a.txt

88a   33  Mast           Sarah            15    Germany           pg0083a.txt

155a  15  Mathen         Frances          24    Canada            pg0150a.txt

155a  16  Mathen         Salina           21    Canada            pg0150a.txt

17b   6   Mathenson      A. J.            37    NY                pg0010a.txt

17b   8   Mathenson      Abigail L.       5     Ill               pg0010a.txt

17b   9   Mathenson      Isadore A.       2     Ill               pg0010a.txt

17b   7   Mathenson      Julia A.         27    NY                pg0010a.txt

89a   23  Mather         Geo. S.          9/12  Ill               pg0083a.txt

89a   22  Mather         Mary             22    NY                pg0083a.txt

89a   21  Mather         Sam. E.          31    NY                pg0083a.txt

8a    6   Matson         Ester A.         12    Mich              pg0001a.txt

8a    9   Matson         Henry            2     Mich              pg0001a.txt

8a    5   Matson         James A.         36    NY                pg0001a.txt

8a    8   Matson         Joseph           8     Mich              pg0001a.txt

8a    7   Matson         Manah J.         10    Mich              pg0001a.txt

49b   19  Matters        ******           4     Ill               pg0046a.txt

49b   16  Matters        Abraham          10    Pa                pg0046a.txt

49b   18  Matters        Albyam           5     Pa                pg0046a.txt

49b   20  Matters        Elizabeth        2     Ill               pg0046a.txt

49b   17  Matters        Isaac            8     Pa                pg0046a.txt

49b   14  Matters        Jacob            33    Pa                pg0046a.txt

49b   15  Matters        Nancy            33    Pa                pg0046a.txt

24b   20  Matteson       C. S.            6     Ill               pg0021a.txt

24b   18  Matteson       C. S.            16    Ill               pg0021a.txt

39b   14  Matteson       Eliza            20    NY                pg0038a.txt

24b   19  Matteson       F. W.            12    Ill               pg0021a.txt

39b   13  Matteson       Francis          31    Vt                pg0038a.txt

39b   11  Matteson       Isaac            62    Vt                pg0038a.txt

24b   21  Matteson       Isabel           1     Ill               pg0021a.txt

24b   16  Matteson       J. A.            42    NY                pg0021a.txt

28a   4   Matteson       Jane             18    NY                pg0021a.txt

28a   5   Matteson       Lydia            14    Ill               pg0021a.txt

39b   15  Matteson       Maria            1/12  Ill               pg0038a.txt

24b   17  Matteson       Mrs.             39    NY                pg0021a.txt

39b   12  Matteson       Permelia         48    Vt                pg0038a.txt

191b  20  Matthias       Luther           23    Germany           pg0188a.txt

190a  36  Maver          Francisca        26    France            pg0188a.txt

190a  35  Maver          John S.          32    France            pg0188a.txt

182a  25  Maxen          David            28    NY                pg0180a.txt

185a  34  Maxwell        Amos D.          1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

183b  40  Maxwell        Cynthia          16    Ill               pg0180a.txt

185b  1   Maxwell        Cynthia A.       18    Ill               pg0180a.txt

185b  15  Maxwell        G.               24    Ky                pg0180a.txt

183b  38  Maxwell        Jane             30    O                 pg0180a.txt

183b  37  Maxwell        Timothy          23    Ky                pg0180a.txt

185a  33  Maxwell        Wm. C.           4     Ill               pg0180a.txt

147a  26  Mayer          Adelaide         52    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147a  25  Mayer          Joseph           50    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147a  27  Mayer          Zayce            16    Canada            pg0141a.txt

37b   17  McAlister      Archibald        34    NY                pg0029a.txt

86a   16  McAlister      Eunice           19    Canada            pg0083a.txt

37b   19  McAllister     Alice            9     NY                pg0029a.txt

37b   20  McAllister     Alina            7     NY                pg0029a.txt

37b   18  McAllister     Ann              27    NY                pg0029a.txt

68a   15  McAllister     Chas.            20    Canada            pg0063a.txt

37b   22  McAllister     Demerias         21    NY                pg0029a.txt

178b  3   McAllister     Jackson M.       19    O                 pg0174a.txt

37b   21  McAllister     Jessee           26    NY                pg0029a.txt

36a   3   McBride        Barbary          5     Ohio              pg0029a.txt

35b   40  McBride        Diana            37    Pa                pg0029a.txt

36a   4   McBride        Elias            4     Ill               pg0029a.txt

35b   39  McBride        Henry            34    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

36a   1   McBride        John             12    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

35b   41  McBride        Levi             15    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

35b   42  McBride        Mary A.          13    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

36a   2   McBride        Wm. H.           7     Ohio              pg0029a.txt

189a  25  McCabe         John             12    Ia                pg0188a.txt

189a  24  McCabe         Mary             36    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189a  28  McCabe         Mary             3     Ill               pg0188a.txt

189a  26  McCabe         Mary A.          9     Mass              pg0188a.txt

189a  23  McCabe         Michael          38    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189a  29  McCabe         Rosanna          1/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

189a  27  McCabe         Thomas           6     NJ                pg0188a.txt

193a  3   McCabe         Thomas           26    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

60b   26  McCain         Byron A.         10/12 Ill               pg0055a.txt

60b   23  McCain         Joseph           32    NY                pg0055a.txt

60b   24  McCain         Lydia A.         34    NY                pg0055a.txt

8b    23  McCall         D.               45    Scotland          pg0001a.txt

203b  29  McCalla        Catherine        32    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

197a  39  McCann         Ann              2/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

203a  15  McCann         Catherine        9     Mass              pg0197a.txt

182a  26  McCann         Henry            50    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

197a  37  McCann         John             27    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

197a  38  McCann         Mary             30    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

18b   22  McCanna        Baney            13    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

198b  2   McCanna        Ellen            12    Ia                pg0197a.txt

18b   25  McCanna        Julia            2     Ireland           pg0010a.txt

198b  3   McCanna        Margaret         10    Ill               pg0197a.txt

18b   24  McCanna        Mary             4     Ireland           pg0010a.txt

18b   20  McCanna        Patrick          35    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

18b   23  McCanna        Patrick          10    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

18b   21  McCanna        Rose L.          37    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

198b  4   McCanna        Thomas           7     Ill               pg0197a.txt

93a   37  McCarthy       Daniel           60    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

93a   40  McCarthy       Daniel           16    RI                pg0091a.txt

93a   39  McCarthy       Isaiah           18    RI                pg0091a.txt

93a   38  McCarthy       Mrs.             60    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

121a  40  McCarty        Eliza            14    Pa                pg0119a.txt

3b    24  McCarty        Ellen            18    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

23b   10  McCarty        Helen            18    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

121a  39  McCarty        Margaret         40    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

121a  38  McCarty        Michael          60    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

6b    42  McCauly        Joseph           21    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

193a  8   McCeme         James            45    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

129b  36  McClashen      Alexander        28    Scotland          pg0126a.txt

129b  37  McClashen      Jane             2     Ill               pg0126a.txt

74a   5   McClay         David F.         25    Vt                pg0073a.txt

74a   6   McClay         Jane H.          20    Vt                pg0073a.txt

30b   20  McClay         Mary             58    Pa                pg0029a.txt

30b   19  McClay         Robert           60    Ireland           pg0029a.txt

195b  42  McClerthien    Margaret         2     Ill               pg0188a.txt

182a  23  McCline        Hellen           19    Ia                pg0180a.txt

184a  36  McClure        Archibald S.     15    NY                pg0180a.txt

184b  1   McClure        B. H.            3     Ill               pg0180a.txt

184a  41  McClure        Edwin            7     NY                pg0180a.txt

184b  2   McClure        Elias L.         1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

184a  42  McClure        Floyd            5     Ill               pg0180a.txt

184a  34  McClure        Hannah F.        40    NY                pg0180a.txt

184a  38  McClure        James            13    NY                pg0180a.txt

184a  39  McClure        Margaret         11    NY                pg0180a.txt

184a  35  McClure        Robert           19    NY                pg0180a.txt

184a  37  McClure        Samuel           14    NY                pg0180a.txt

184a  33  McClure        Wm.              44    Pa                pg0180a.txt

184a  40  McClure        Wm. H.           9     NY                pg0180a.txt

184b  40  McCollin       Aseneth          38    Canada            pg0180a.txt

184b  38  McCollin       Austin           50    Canada            pg0180a.txt

184b  41  McCollin       Hollis           36    Canada            pg0180a.txt

184b  39  McCollin       Mary             68    Vt                pg0180a.txt

25a   6   McCollum       Gustavus         40    Canada            pg0021a.txt

25a   7   McCollum       Lydia M.         33    Canada            pg0021a.txt

55a   17  McConnell      Henry            25    Ireland           pg0055a.txt

120a  10  McConnell      J. H.            28    NY                pg0119a.txt

43b   24  McConnoll      John C.          3     Ill               pg0043a.txt

29b   3   McCool         Walker           26    Canada            pg0029a.txt

93a   7   McCormick      Anna             13    NY                pg0091a.txt

93a   6   McCormick      Bridget          34    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

93a   8   McCormick      Catherine        7     Ill               pg0091a.txt

114a  27  McCormick      Evaline          17    NY                pg0110a.txt

114a  26  McCormick      James            27    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

93a   9   McCormick      John             3     Ill               pg0091a.txt

2a    28  McCormick      Julia            17    Ill               pg0001a.txt

93a   5   McCormick      Thomas           36    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

117b  38  McCorwan       Andrew           20    NY                pg0110a.txt

92a   26  McCowan        John             25    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

93b   2   McCowley       Catherine        1     Ill               pg0091a.txt

93a   41  McCowley       John             30    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

93a   42  McCowley       Mary             25    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

93b   1   McCowley       Mary A.          4     Canada            pg0091a.txt

166b  32  McCoy          Andrew           8     Ill               pg0162a.txt

140b  39  McCoy          Antony           20    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

140b  37  McCoy          Catherine        43    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

140b  43  McCoy          Ellen            4     Ill               pg0137a.txt

140b  44  McCoy          Frank            1     Ill               pg0137a.txt

166b  30  McCoy          Lorenzo          32    NY                pg0162a.txt

166b  33  McCoy          Luther           6     Ill               pg0162a.txt

166b  35  McCoy          Maria A.         7/12  Ill               pg0162a.txt

130a  9   McCoy          Martha J.        3     Ill               pg0126a.txt

166b  31  McCoy          Mary             33    NY                pg0162a.txt

140b  40  McCoy          Mary             13    O                 pg0137a.txt

166b  34  McCoy          Mary J.          3     Ill               pg0162a.txt

140b  42  McCoy          Michael          6     Ill               pg0137a.txt

130a  8   McCoy          Sarah J.         23    O                 pg0126a.txt

140b  36  McCoy          Thomas           43    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

140b  38  McCoy          Thomas           22    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

140b  41  McCoy          Wm.              9     O                 pg0137a.txt

130a  7   McCoy          Wm.              32    O                 pg0126a.txt

130a  10  McCoy          Wm. W.           1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

39b   27  McCrary        Abigail          38    NJ                pg0038a.txt

39b   33  McCrary        Charles H.       5     Ill               pg0038a.txt

39b   35  McCrary        Emily            7/12  Ill               pg0038a.txt

39b   34  McCrary        Issabel          2     Ill               pg0038a.txt

39b   28  McCrary        John             18    NY                pg0038a.txt

39b   26  McCrary        Joseph           40    NY                pg0038a.txt

39b   31  McCrary        Joseph           11    NY                pg0038a.txt

39b   32  McCrary        Lucy             7     NY                pg0038a.txt

39b   30  McCrary        Martha A.        13    Canada            pg0038a.txt

39b   29  McCrary        Mary J.          16    Canada            pg0038a.txt

73a   6   McCraw         Ann              3/12  Ill               pg0073a.txt

73a   3   McCraw         Elizabeth        6     Ill               pg0073a.txt

73a   4   McCraw         John             4     Ill               pg0073a.txt

73a   5   McCraw         Margaret         2     Ill               pg0073a.txt

73a   2   McCraw         Mary             33    Ireland           pg0073a.txt

73a   1   McCraw         Michael          33    Ireland           pg0073a.txt

70b   23  McCuddin       Franklin         11    Ill               pg0063a.txt

108a  29  McCuen         George           9     Ill               pg0102a.txt

108a  30  McCuen         Harriet          24    Pa                pg0102a.txt

108a  31  McCuen         Hiamson          8/12  Ill               pg0102a.txt

108a  28  McCuen         James            10    Ill               pg0102a.txt

108a  24  McCuen         Joseph           54    Va                pg0102a.txt

108a  27  McCuen         Joseph           14    Ia                pg0102a.txt

108a  25  McCuen         Sarah            40    Pa                pg0102a.txt

108a  26  McCuen         Wm.              16    Ia                pg0102a.txt

70a   15  McDade         Wm.              22    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

104a  39  McDaunold      Catherine        2     Ill               pg0102a.txt

104a  37  McDaunold      Margaret         25    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

104a  38  McDaunold      Mary             8     Ireland           pg0102a.txt

104a  36  McDaunold      Michael          30    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

122a  23  McDermot       Ainsworth        33    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

122a  24  McDermot       Catherine        33    Canada            pg0119a.txt

122a  26  McDermot       John             4     Ill               pg0119a.txt

122a  27  McDermot       Maria            32    NY                pg0119a.txt

122a  25  McDermot       Wm.              6     Ill               pg0119a.txt

87a   35  McDonald       A.               48    NY                pg0083a.txt

89b   40  McDonald       Asa              48    NY                pg0083a.txt

90a   1   McDonald       Clarissa         18    NY                pg0083a.txt

87a   37  McDonald       Clarissa         17    NY                pg0083a.txt

87a   40  McDonald       Ellen            8     Ill               pg0083a.txt

89b   42  McDonald       J. L.            21    NY                pg0083a.txt

87a   38  McDonald       J. S.            21    NY                pg0083a.txt

140a  5   McDonald       John             20    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

87a   39  McDonald       Lovina           15    NY                pg0083a.txt

163b  18  McDonald       Mary             36    O                 pg0162a.txt

87a   36  McDonald       Olive            45    NY                pg0083a.txt

89b   41  McDonald       Olive            45    Vt                pg0083a.txt

26b   38  McDongall      Abby A.          21    NY                pg0021a.txt

26b   39  McDongall      Adelaide         4     Ill               pg0021a.txt

26b   37  McDongall      JAmes T.         30    NY                pg0021a.txt

26b   40  McDongall      Jane A.          1/12  Ill               pg0021a.txt

180b  14  McDonough      John             20    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

138b  1   McEvey         James            30    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

138a  41  McEvey         John             45    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

138b  2   McEvey         Nancy            70    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

138a  42  McEvey         Wm.              36    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

189a  36  McEvoy         Ann              24    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189a  35  McEvoy         M.               35    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

185a  12  McFadden       Cyrus B.         8     O                 pg0180a.txt

185a  9   McFadden       E.               17    O                 pg0180a.txt

185a  7   McFadden       Edward           49    Pa                pg0180a.txt

185a  11  McFadden       Ezra             10    O                 pg0180a.txt

184b  42  McFadden       Margaret         14    Canada            pg0180a.txt

185a  13  McFadden       Mary             3     O                 pg0180a.txt

182a  24  McFadden       Nancy J.         17    O                 pg0180a.txt

185a  10  McFadden       Nancy J.         16    O                 pg0180a.txt

185a  14  McFadden       Sarah C.         10/12 O                 pg0180a.txt

185a  8   McFadden       Sybil            27    Pa                pg0180a.txt

13a   24  McFadder       Wade H.          16    Ill               pg0010a.txt

205b  38  McFall         Alta J.          2     O                 pg0204a.txt

205B  38  McFall         Alta J.          2     O                 pg0204A.txt

205B  35  McFall         John             40    NY                pg0204A.txt

205b  35  McFall         John             40    NY                pg0204a.txt

205b  36  McFall         Lezina           30    NY                pg0204a.txt

205B  36  McFall         Lezina           30    NY                pg0204A.txt

205b  37  McFall         Lydia M.         4     O                 pg0204a.txt

205B  37  McFall         Lydia M.         4     O                 pg0204A.txt

207A  6   McFarlan       Harriet          6     Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  6   McFarlan       Harriet          6     Canada            pg0204a.txt

207a  5   McFarlan       Mary             26    NY                pg0204a.txt

207A  5   McFarlan       Mary             26    NY                pg0204A.txt

207a  4   McFarlan       Rich             29    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  4   McFarlan       Rich             29    Canada            pg0204A.txt

110a  28  McFarlane      Jane A.          33    NY                pg0110a.txt

110a  27  McFarlane      Peter            40    NY                pg0110a.txt

205a  28  McFarlen       Luke             24    Canada            pg0204a.txt

205A  28  McFarlen       Luke             24    Canada            pg0204A.txt

205a  30  McFarlen       Philomena        17    Canada            pg0204a.txt

205A  30  McFarlen       Philomena        17    Canada            pg0204A.txt

205a  32  McFarlen       Prudence         56    N. H.             pg0204a.txt

205A  32  McFarlen       Prudence         56    N. H.             pg0204A.txt

205a  31  McFarlen       Sarah A.         14    Canada            pg0204a.txt

205A  31  McFarlen       Sarah A.         14    Canada            pg0204A.txt

205A  29  McFarlen       Wm.              23    Canada            pg0204A.txt

205a  29  McFarlen       Wm.              23    Canada            pg0204a.txt

79b   16  McFloraine     Ann E.           10    Mich              pg0076a.txt

79b   12  McFloraine     David            20    Mich              pg0076a.txt

79b   17  McFloraine     Elizabeth        8     Mich              pg0076a.txt

79b   10  McFloraine     Green            50    Pa                pg0076a.txt

79b   19  McFloraine     Green            1     Ill               pg0076a.txt

79b   13  McFloraine     John             18    Mich              pg0076a.txt

79b   11  McFloraine     Mahala           48    Pa                pg0076a.txt

79b   18  McFloraine     Margaret         6     Mich              pg0076a.txt

79b   15  McFloraine     Mary J.          15    Ia                pg0076a.txt

79b   14  McFloraine     Wm. G.           16    Mich              pg0076a.txt

139b  4   McGarr         James            11    Ill               pg0137a.txt

139b  2   McGarr         John             17    Vt                pg0137a.txt

139b  5   McGarr         Margaret J.      10    Ill               pg0137a.txt

139b  6   McGarr         Mary A.          8     Ill               pg0137a.txt

139b  3   McGarr         Thomas           15    NY                pg0137a.txt

139b  7   McGarr         Wm.              5     Ill               pg0137a.txt

139b  1   McGarr         Wm.              42    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

60a   4   McGary         Cordelia         25    NY                pg0055a.txt

60a   5   McGary         Mary             6     NY                pg0055a.txt

60a   6   McGary         Nancy            1/12  Ill               pg0055a.txt

60a   3   McGary         Thomas           35    Ireland           pg0055a.txt

5a    32  McGee          Freman           6     Canada            pg0001a.txt

13a   21  McGee          James            11    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

5a    30  McGee          James            10    NY                pg0001a.txt

5a    31  McGee          Maryann          7     NY                pg0001a.txt

5a    28  McGee          Mrs.             35    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

5a    29  McGee          Patrick          12    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

138a  15  McGill         James            14    Ill               pg0137a.txt

117a  5   McGilney       Betsey           23    NY                pg0110a.txt

117a  4   McGilney       Daniel           37    Scotland          pg0110a.txt

117a  6   McGilney       John             3     Ill               pg0110a.txt

8b    2   McGilvray      Issabella        26    Scotland          pg0001a.txt

8b    1   McGilvray      John             28    Scotland          pg0001a.txt

13a   20  McGinn         James P.         10/12 Ill               pg0010a.txt

13a   19  McGinn         John             3     Ill               pg0010a.txt

13a   17  McGinn         Mary             30    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

13a   18  McGinn         Mary J.          4     Ill               pg0010a.txt

13a   16  McGinn         Patrick          30    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

22b   28  McGinnis       John             19    NJ                pg0021a.txt

26a   37  McGinnis       Margaret         49    Scotland          pg0021a.txt

26a   38  McGinnis       Wm.              24    NY                pg0021a.txt

122b  32  McGooney       Catherine        36    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

122b  34  McGooney       Catherine        11    Ill               pg0119a.txt

122b  33  McGooney       Francis          13    NY                pg0119a.txt

122b  35  McGooney       James            5     Ill               pg0119a.txt

122b  37  McGooney       Mary             1     Ill               pg0119a.txt

122b  36  McGooney       Thomas           1     Ill               pg0119a.txt

122b  31  McGooney       Torrence         36    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

1b    4   McGorry        Ann              10    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

1b    6   McGorry        Charles          1     Ill               pg0001a.txt

1b    1   McGorry        James            40    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

1b    3   McGorry        James            12    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

1b    5   McGorry        John             4     Mass              pg0001a.txt

1b    2   McGorry        Mary             35    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

132b  11  McGovern       Alvin A.         5     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133a  6   McGovern       Elijah           12    Ill               pg0126a.txt

133a  31  McGovern       Emily M.         19    NY                pg0126a.txt

133a  2   McGovern       John             52    O                 pg0126a.txt

133a  4   McGovern       John W.          18    Ill               pg0126a.txt

133a  32  McGovern       Louisa J.        1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

132b  13  McGovern       Louisa R.        1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133a  5   McGovern       Margaret         16    Ill               pg0126a.txt

132b  10  McGovern       Marinda          23    NY                pg0126a.txt

133a  17  McGovern       Matilda J.       20    NY                pg0126a.txt

133a  3   McGovern       Nancy            37    Virginia          pg0126a.txt

133a  18  McGovern       Nancy M.         1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

132b  12  McGovern       Otisca           8     Ill               pg0126a.txt

133a  16  McGovern       Ozias            25    O                 pg0126a.txt

132b  9   McGovern       Thomas G.        27    O                 pg0126a.txt

133a  30  McGovern       Wm. W.           28    O                 pg0126a.txt

206A  39  McGowan        Amanda           8     Ill               pg0204A.txt

206a  39  McGowan        Amanda           8     Ill               pg0204a.txt

91b   20  McGowan        JOhn             26    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

206A  42  McGowan        John A.          3/12  Ill               pg0204A.txt

206a  42  McGowan        John A.          3/12  Ill               pg0204a.txt

24a   15  McGowan        Margaret         18    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

206A  38  McGowan        Mary             38    Scotland          pg0204A.txt

206a  38  McGowan        Mary             38    Scotland          pg0204a.txt

206A  41  McGowan        Nancy A.         4     Ill               pg0204A.txt

206a  41  McGowan        Nancy A.         4     Ill               pg0204a.txt

206A  40  McGowan        Thomas           6     Ill               pg0204A.txt

206a  40  McGowan        Thomas           6     Ill               pg0204a.txt

206A  37  McGowan        Thomas           41    Scotland          pg0204A.txt

206a  37  McGowan        Thomas           41    Scotland          pg0204a.txt

10a   9   McGregor       Charles          4/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

10a   3   McGregor       James            16    Canada            pg0010a.txt

27b   39  McGregor       John             46    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

10a   1   McGregor       John             40    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

10a   5   McGregor       John             12    Canada            pg0010a.txt

10a   2   McGregor       MArgaret         37    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

10a   6   McGregor       MArgaret         10    Ill               pg0010a.txt

10a   7   McGregor       Richard          7     Ill               pg0010a.txt

10a   8   McGregor       Robert           3     Ill               pg0010a.txt

10a   4   McGregor       Wm.              15    Canada            pg0010a.txt

147b  13  McGruder       Eliza            35    Ky                pg0141a.txt

147b  14  McGruder       Eliza            13    In                pg0141a.txt

76b   30  McGruder       Frances          16    Ia                pg0076a.txt

76b   32  McGruder       George           14    Ia                pg0076a.txt

76b   28  McGruder       Henry            19    Ky                pg0076a.txt

76b   33  McGruder       Moses            8     Ill               pg0076a.txt

76b   31  McGruder       Noah             14    Ia                pg0076a.txt

76b   29  McGruder       Sally            20    Ky                pg0076a.txt

76b   26  McGruder       Susan            63    Va                pg0076a.txt

76b   27  McGruder       Thomas           23    Ky                pg0076a.txt

147b  12  McGruder       William          28    Ky                pg0141a.txt

76b   25  McGruder       Wm.              60    Md                pg0076a.txt

18a   38  McGunn         Catherine        11    NY                pg0010a.txt

18a   37  McGunn         James            14    Canada            pg0010a.txt

18a   39  McGunn         MAry J.          7     NY                pg0010a.txt

18a   36  McGunn         Patrick          16    Canada            pg0010a.txt

18a   35  McGunn         Rose             40    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

6a    17  McGuyer        Bernard          2     Ill               pg0001a.txt

6a    13  McGuyer        John             30    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

6a    15  McGuyer        Mary             8     NY                pg0001a.txt

6a    16  McGuyer        Thomas           5     NY                pg0001a.txt

6a    14  McGuyer        Winnifred        28    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

110a  22  McIntosh       Cornelia         7     Ill               pg0110a.txt

110a  16  McIntosh       David            50    Scotland          pg0110a.txt

77b   21  McIntosh       Elizabeth        12    O                 pg0076a.txt

120b  12  McIntosh       Elizabeth        1     Ill               pg0119a.txt

77b   22  McIntosh       James            8     O                 pg0076a.txt

110a  20  McIntosh       Jennette         14    NY                pg0110a.txt

77b   23  McIntosh       John             6     O                 pg0076a.txt

117b  33  McIntosh       John             40    NY                pg0110a.txt

110a  23  McIntosh       Laura            4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

110a  18  McIntosh       Margary          17    NY                pg0110a.txt

110a  17  McIntosh       Mary             47    NY                pg0110a.txt

77b   24  McIntosh       Mary A.          1     Ill               pg0076a.txt

77b   20  McIntosh       Nancy            30    NY                pg0076a.txt

120b  11  McIntosh       Sarah            23    Del               pg0119a.txt

110a  21  McIntosh       Thomas           9     Ill               pg0110a.txt

77b   19  McIntosh       Wm.              32    Ireland           pg0076a.txt

120b  10  McIntosh       Wm.              25    NY                pg0119a.txt

124a  7   McIntyre       Ann              6     Ill               pg0119a.txt

124a  5   McIntyre       Arch. J.         35    NY                pg0119a.txt

124a  6   McIntyre       Jane             24    Canada            pg0119a.txt

124a  8   McIntyre       Jennette         3     Ill               pg0119a.txt

124a  10  McIntyre       John             1/12  Ill               pg0119a.txt

11a   22  McKay          M. E.            25    NY                pg0010a.txt

11a   21  McKay          P. B.            29    NY                pg0010a.txt

117b  14  McKee          Alexander        30    Canada            pg0110a.txt

117b  16  McKee          Ann              8     Canada            pg0110a.txt

203b  12  McKee          Dorcas           58    Mass              pg0197a.txt

117b  15  McKee          Elizabeth        29    Scotland          pg0110a.txt

110a  41  McKee          George           25    Scotland          pg0110a.txt

203b  11  McKee          John             57    New Brunswick     pg0197a.txt

117b  18  McKee          Margaret         2     Canada            pg0110a.txt

117b  17  McKee          Maria            5     Canada            pg0110a.txt

137a  40  McKee          Wm.              25    Scotland          pg0137a.txt

190a  15  McKeen         Dennis           30    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

190a  16  McKeen         Issabella        24    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

190a  17  McKeen         Mary A.          1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

92a   14  McKibben       James            42    Va                pg0091a.txt

92a   16  McKibben       Mary             10    Ia                pg0091a.txt

92a   18  McKibben       Oliver P.        5     Ia                pg0091a.txt

92a   19  McKibben       Prudence M.      2     Ill               pg0091a.txt

92a   15  McKibben       Rebecca F.       40    O                 pg0091a.txt

92a   17  McKibben       Walter S.        5     Ia                pg0091a.txt

66b   18  McLacklin      Mary             15    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

139a  10  McLain         Alex.            33    Ia                pg0137a.txt

139a  14  McLain         Caroline         4     Ill               pg0137a.txt

139a  13  McLain         Catherine        6     Ill               pg0137a.txt

139a  15  McLain         Elizabeth        2     Ill               pg0137a.txt

139a  16  McLain         Julia            1/12  Ill               pg0137a.txt

139a  11  McLain         Margaret         29    O                 pg0137a.txt

139a  12  McLain         Mary             8     Ill               pg0137a.txt

85b   8   McLaine        Edward           35    England           pg0083a.txt

85b   9   McLaine        Elizabeth        35    England           pg0083a.txt

103b  33  McLaine        Wm.              21    Canada            pg0102a.txt

55b   30  McLarney       James            65    Ireland           pg0055a.txt

5b    2   McLaughlin     Ann              1     Ill               pg0001a.txt

87a   26  McLaughlin     Bridget          36    Ireland           pg0083a.txt

73a   33  McLaughlin     Dudley           50    Ireland           pg0073a.txt

190b  1   McLaughlin     Dudley           35    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

87a   25  McLaughlin     Edward           35    Ireland           pg0083a.txt

5a    41  McLaughlin     Eliza            10    NY                pg0001a.txt

73a   34  McLaughlin     Elizabeth        48    Ireland           pg0073a.txt

190b  2   McLaughlin     Elizabeth        32    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

5a    42  McLaughlin     Ellen            8     NY                pg0001a.txt

87a   27  McLaughlin     John             9     Ill               pg0083a.txt

5b    1   McLaughlin     Margaret         2     Ill               pg0001a.txt

5a    38  McLaughlin     Mary             35    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

5a    39  McLaughlin     Mary             16    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

5a    37  McLaughlin     Thomas           35    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

5a    40  McLaughlin     Thomas           11    NY                pg0001a.txt

55b   23  McLean         John             25    Scotland          pg0055a.txt

69b   13  McLinden       James            21    NY                pg0063a.txt

69b   32  McLinden       John             23    Canada            pg0063a.txt

132a  19  McMahan        Charles E.       1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

132a  18  McMahan        Hannah J.        18    Ind               pg0126a.txt

132a  24  McMahan        Julia            11    Ill               pg0126a.txt

132a  22  McMahan        Lawrence         16    NY                pg0126a.txt

132a  21  McMahan        Margaret         48    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

132a  23  McMahan        Mary             14    NY                pg0126a.txt

132a  17  McMahan        Patrick          25    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

132a  20  McMahan        Thomas           53    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

47a   1   McMakin        Grace            67    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

47a   3   McMakin        James            24    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

46b   42  McMakin        John             30    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

47a   2   McMakin        Rachel           26    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

181b  2   McManis        Ann              26    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

181b  4   McManis        Francis          9     Ill               pg0180a.txt

181b  3   McManis        James            12    Ill               pg0180a.txt

181b  5   McManis        Jane             24    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

181b  1   McManis        John             35    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

196b  40  McMannis       Bridget          26    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

196b  41  McMannis       Mary Jane        1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

181a  13  McManus        Joanna           19    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

181a  12  McManus        Oliver           38    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

192a  30  McMartens      Helen            1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

192a  29  McMartens      Jane             4     Ill               pg0188a.txt

192a  25  McMartens      Nancy T.         28    Pa                pg0188a.txt

192a  28  McMartens      Sarah            10    Ill               pg0188a.txt

192a  31  McMartens      Thomas           7     Ill               pg0188a.txt

138a  16  McMillan       Daniel           24    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

137a  39  McMillan       Henry            23    NY                pg0137a.txt

137a  37  McMillan       Ichabod C. R.    29    NY                pg0137a.txt

137a  38  McMillan       Laniah           53    NJ                pg0137a.txt

138a  17  McMillan       Margaret         28    NY                pg0137a.txt

138a  18  McMillan       Mary A.          1     Ill               pg0137a.txt

19a   2   McNamara       John             6     Ill               pg0019a.txt

18b   41  McNamara       John             35    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

18b   42  McNamara       Mary             35    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

7b    31  McNamara       Mary Ann         5     Mich              pg0001a.txt

19a   1   McNamara       Michael          8     Ill               pg0019a.txt

99a   27  McNeil         Archa            53    Vt                pg0095a.txt

99a   28  McNeil         Clarrissa        40    NY                pg0095a.txt

99a   30  McNeil         Delia J.         16    NY                pg0095a.txt

99a   29  McNeil         George           18    NY                pg0095a.txt

99a   31  McNeil         Julia H.         13    NY                pg0095a.txt

17a   26  McNelly        Maria            7/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

17a   25  McNelly        Mary             26    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

17a   24  McNelly        Patrick          30    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

145a  7   McNill         Catherine        15    Ill               pg0141a.txt

145a  6   McNill         Lermer           17    Ill               pg0141a.txt

179a  29  McNutt         Ada              3     Ill               pg0174a.txt

179a  23  McNutt         Ann              47    Nova Scotia       pg0174a.txt

179a  24  McNutt         Charlotte        22    Nova Scotia       pg0174a.txt

179a  28  McNutt         Cynthia          8     Nova Scotia       pg0174a.txt

104a  19  McNutt         Emma             6/12  Ill               pg0102a.txt

104a  17  McNutt         Geo. H.          24    Nova Scotia       pg0102a.txt

114b  1   McNutt         Margaret         22    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

114b  2   McNutt         Mary E.          6/12  Ill               pg0110a.txt

114a  42  McNutt         Milton           25    Ia                pg0110a.txt

179a  27  McNutt         Paulina          12    Nova Scotia       pg0174a.txt

179a  26  McNutt         Robert           14    Nova Scotia       pg0174a.txt

104a  18  McNutt         Sarah A.         22    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

179a  25  McNutt         Susan            18    Nova Scotia       pg0174a.txt

179a  22  McNutt         Wm. H.           47    Nova Scotia       pg0174a.txt

190b  33  McParthe       Catherine        26    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

190b  32  McParthe       Charles          29    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

190b  34  McParthe       Hugh             3     Mass              pg0188a.txt

190b  35  McParthe       Thomas           1/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

26a   19  McQueen        Hannah           54    NY                pg0021a.txt

106a  25  McQueen        Mridget          62    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

26a   18  McQueen        Wm.              58    NY                pg0021a.txt

16b   31  McQuinn        Andrew           5     Ill               pg0010a.txt

16b   33  McQuinn        Infant not named 1/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

16b   32  McQuinn        John             2     Ill               pg0010a.txt

16b   30  McQuinn        Mary A.          7     Canada            pg0010a.txt

16b   29  McQuinn        Mary A.          30    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

16b   28  McQuinn        Patrick          35    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

4b    5   McShane        Agnes            3     Ill               pg0001a.txt

4b    6   McShane        Catherine        2     Ill               pg0001a.txt

67a   5   McShane        Catherine        2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

4b    7   McShane        James            1/12  Ill               pg0001a.txt

4b    4   McShane        John             6     Ill               pg0001a.txt

67a   3   McShane        John             28    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

4b    2   McShane        Mary             38    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

67a   4   McShane        Mary             23    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

4b    3   McShane        Mary             10    Ill               pg0001a.txt

4b    1   McShane        Patrick          38    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

58a   11  Meacham        Emma E.          8     Ill               pg0055a.txt

58a   12  Meacham        Henry L.         6     Ill               pg0055a.txt

58a   8   Meacham        LaFayette        17    Ill               pg0055a.txt

58a   5   Meacham        Lyman            52    Vt                pg0055a.txt

58a   10  Meacham        Martha           14    Ill               pg0055a.txt

58a   13  Meacham        Miles S.         3     Ill               pg0055a.txt

58a   6   Meacham        Sarah F.         40    Vt                pg0055a.txt

58a   9   Meacham        Simon            15    Ill               pg0055a.txt

21V   17  Mead           Alvin B.         37    Ct                pg0021a.txt

21b   20  Mead           Benson N.        10    O                 pg0021a.txt

21b   19  Mead           F. J.            11    O                 pg0021a.txt

21b   21  Mead           Hannah A.        8     O                 pg0021a.txt

21b   23  Mead           Melvin           5     Ill               pg0021a.txt

21b   18  Mead           Sally            40    Ct                pg0021a.txt

21b   22  Mead           Solan            6     O                 pg0021a.txt

21b   24  Mead           Theresa          2     Ill               pg0021a.txt

13b   22  Meadows        Jesse            25    England           pg0010a.txt

208b  15  Medenrud       Esther           31    O                 pg0204a.txt

208B  15  Medenrud       Esther           31    O                 pg0204A.txt

208B  17  Medenrud       James A.         9     Ill               pg0204A.txt

208b  17  Medenrud       James A.         9     Ill               pg0204a.txt

208B  18  Medenrud       Rachel M.        7     Ill               pg0204A.txt

208b  18  Medenrud       Rachel M.        7     Ill               pg0204a.txt

208B  16  Medenrud       Sarah J.         11    Ill               pg0204A.txt

208b  16  Medenrud       Sarah J.         11    Ill               pg0204a.txt

208b  14  Medenrud       Thomas           39    NC                pg0204a.txt

208B  14  Medenrud       Thomas           39    NC                pg0204A.txt

70b   20  Medworth       Elizabeth        4     Ill               pg0063a.txt

70b   19  Medworth       Jane             7     Ill               pg0063a.txt

70b   17  Medworth       John             16    England           pg0063a.txt

70b   15  Medworth       Mary             37    England           pg0063a.txt

70b   16  Medworth       Robert           18    England           pg0063a.txt

70b   18  Medworth       Sarah            13    England           pg0063a.txt

156a  37  Meir           Jacob            21    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  38  Meir           Matilda          21    Canada            pg0150a.txt

159a  3   Melancon       Rosalia          18    Canada            pg0159a.txt

152b  32  Melancon       Rose             26    Canada            pg0150a.txt

1a    11  Melch          Ellen            19    NY                pg0001a.txt

1a    10  Melch          Schuyler         26    Ohio              pg0001a.txt

106b  11  Mellen         James            10    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

106b  12  Mellen         John             8     Ohio              pg0102a.txt

106b  8   Mellen         John             36    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106b  10  Mellen         Michael          15    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106b  9   Mellen         Nancy            34    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

106b  13  Mellen         Thomas           1     Ill               pg0102a.txt

174b  20  Mellinger      Caroline         28    O                 pg0174a.txt

174b  23  Mellinger      Catherine        20    O                 pg0174a.txt

174b  22  Mellinger      Cornelius        25    O                 pg0174a.txt

174b  24  Mellinger      David            18    O                 pg0174a.txt

174b  21  Mellinger      Geo. W.          30    O                 pg0174a.txt

174b  26  Mellinger      John             10    Ia                pg0174a.txt

174b  27  Mellinger      Rebecca          12    O                 pg0174a.txt

174b  19  Mellinger      Wm.              56    Ill               pg0174a.txt

174b  25  Mellinger      Wm.              14    O                 pg0174a.txt

142a  14  Melonson       Adelenda         17    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  17  Melonson       Joel             11    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  23  Melonson       Joseph           6/12  Ill               pg0141a.txt

142a  16  Melonson       Jumne            14    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  20  Melonson       Louis            22    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  22  Melonson       Louis            2     Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  19  Melonson       Melenise         10/12 Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  10  Melonson       Peter            50    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  18  Melonson       Peter            10    Ill               pg0141a.txt

142a  11  Melonson       Roslia           40    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  13  Melonson       Roslie           18    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  15  Melonson       Sephona          16    Canada            pg0141a.txt

142a  21  Melonson       Theymire         27    Canada            pg0141a.txt

87a   41  Melvin         Edgar            8     Ia                pg0083a.txt

144a  42  Mengen         Mary J.          17    Canada            pg0141a.txt

21a   9   Mentin         Jane             21    Unknown           pg0021a.txt

97a   3   Merchant       Henry            1/12  Ill               pg0095a.txt

97a   1   Merchant       James            24    England           pg0095a.txt

97a   2   Merchant       Mary             26    Ireland           pg0095a.txt

73b   18  Meredeth       John             50    England           pg0073a.txt

75b   25  Meredith       Nancy            24    England           pg0073a.txt

75b   24  Meredith       Thomas           50    England           pg0073a.txt

29b   20  Meritt         Charles D.       10    Ill               pg0029a.txt

193a  15  Merney         Catherine        36    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

193a  16  Merney         Frances          10    Ill               pg0188a.txt

193a  17  Merney         James E.         8     Ill               pg0188a.txt

193a  14  Merney         Richard          43    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

151b  29  Mernig         Adelia           3/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

151b  28  Mernig         Alexander        6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  24  Mernig         Charles          40    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  25  Mernig         Pelizia          40    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  27  Mernig         Sophia           10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

151b  26  Mernig         Sophronia        12    Canada            pg0150a.txt

81b   11  Merrick        Albert           4     O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   16  Merrick        Cornelia         4     O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   9   Merrick        Fidelia          10    O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   13  Merrick        Frederick        28    NY                pg0076a.txt

81b   17  Merrick        George           2     O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   15  Merrick        Henry E.         6     O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   7   Merrick        James            38    NY                pg0076a.txt

81b   10  Merrick        Mary             6     O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   8   Merrick        Matilda          34    O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   12  Merrick        Mercy C.         1     Ill               pg0076a.txt

81b   14  Merrick        Nancy            25    Unknown           pg0076a.txt

81b   18  Merrick        Nancy            1/12  O                 pg0076a.txt

115b  20  Merrill        Almon            6     Ill               pg0110a.txt

115b  19  Merrill        Ann              30    NY                pg0110a.txt

115b  18  Merrill        Charles H.       32    NY                pg0110a.txt

17b   19  Merrill        Elizabeth        59    NH                pg0010a.txt

17b   20  Merrill        Francis E.       21    NH                pg0010a.txt

117a  30  Merrill        Frederic B.      55    Conn              pg0110a.txt

17b   37  Merrill        H. M. C.         32    NH                pg0010a.txt

115b  22  Merrill        Hannah M.        2     Ill               pg0110a.txt

115b  21  Merrill        Harriet          4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

110a  3   Merrill        John W.          21    NH                pg0110a.txt

17b   39  Merrill        Josephine A.     10    Ill               pg0010a.txt

17b   38  Merrill        Mary A.          32    NH                pg0010a.txt

110a  1   Merrill        Moses            49    NH                pg0110a.txt

110a  2   Merrill        Nancy B.         49    NH                pg0110a.txt

17b   18  Merrill        Silas            66    NH                pg0010a.txt

209a  27  Merritt        Ruby             33    NY                pg0204a.txt

209A  27  Merritt        Ruby             33    NY                pg0204A.txt

127b  26  Merwin         Ann Amelia       17    NY                pg0126a.txt

127b  24  Merwin         Ansel H.         24    NY                pg0126a.txt

127b  23  Merwin         Charles          26    NY                pg0126a.txt

127b  28  Merwin         Egbert           9     O                 pg0126a.txt

127b  22  Merwin         Elizabeth        50    Conn              pg0126a.txt

83b   1   Merwin         James            44    NY                pg0083a.txt

83b   3   Merwin         James W.         12    O                 pg0083a.txt

83b   2   Merwin         Labra            40    NY                pg0083a.txt

127b  27  Merwin         Nancy M.         12    O                 pg0126a.txt

127b  21  Merwin         Simon            52    NY                pg0126a.txt

127b  25  Merwin         William          20    NY                pg0126a.txt

65b   40  Messenger      Frances          40    NY                pg0063a.txt

65b   42  Messenger      Francis A.       10    Ill               pg0063a.txt

66a   2   Messenger      Helen S.         3     Ill               pg0063a.txt

65b   39  Messenger      Horace           43    NY                pg0063a.txt

66a   1   Messenger      Horace A.        6     Ill               pg0063a.txt

52b   9   Messenger      Jacob            17    NY                pg0046a.txt

65b   41  Messenger      Mary             13    Ill               pg0063a.txt

30b   38  Messenger      Mills            22    Pa                pg0029a.txt

198a  28  Messeter       Catherine        46    Germany           pg0197a.txt

198a  29  Messeter       Catherine        14    NY                pg0197a.txt

198a  32  Messeter       Charles          18    NY                pg0197a.txt

198a  31  Messeter       Elizabeth        16    NY                pg0197a.txt

198a  30  Messeter       Louisa           8     Ill               pg0197a.txt

178a  24  Messinger      Horace           5     Ill               pg0174a.txt

178a  23  Messinger      Julia            30    Vt                pg0174a.txt

178a  22  Messinger      Norman           40    NY                pg0174a.txt

40a   14  Metcalf        Augusta          13    Ill               pg0038a.txt

40a   11  Metcalf        Edward           22    NH                pg0038a.txt

40a   12  Metcalf        Elizabeth        21    NH                pg0038a.txt

40a   9   Metcalf        H.               58    Mass              pg0038a.txt

40a   10  Metcalf        Judith           50    NY                pg0038a.txt

40a   15  Metcalf        Levi L.          4     Ill               pg0038a.txt

40a   13  Metcalf        Samuel W.        14    Ill               pg0038a.txt

31a   8   Meyer          Caroline         22    Germany           pg0029a.txt

31a   7   Meyer          Jacob            33    Germany           pg0029a.txt

63b   41  Mickleson      Clarissa         27    NY                pg0063a.txt

63b   42  Mickleson      Oscar            7/12  Ill               pg0063a.txt

63b   40  Mickleson      Oscar            32    NY                pg0063a.txt

187b  20  Middlemoss     Charles          1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

187b  19  Middlemoss     Deborah          22    NY                pg0180a.txt

187b  18  Middlemoss     James            30    Scotland          pg0180a.txt

110a  10  Milam          Benjamin         35    Va                pg0110a.txt

110a  14  Milam          Daniel F.        5     Ia                pg0110a.txt

110a  12  Milam          Lindsey W.       10    Ia                pg0110a.txt

110a  11  Milam          Rachel           31    NY                pg0110a.txt

110a  15  Milam          Sarah A.         1     Ia                pg0110a.txt

110a  13  Milam          Thankful J.      8     Ia                pg0110a.txt

104b  35  Miles          Bridget          5     Ireland           pg0102a.txt

32a   24  Miles          Helen M.         8     Ill               pg0029a.txt

32a   25  Miles          Josephine        6     Ill               pg0029a.txt

104b  34  Miles          Mary             8     Ireland           pg0102a.txt

104b  33  Miles          Mary             35    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

104b  36  Miles          Michael          2     Ill               pg0102a.txt

32a   23  Miles          Milo W.          10    Ill               pg0029a.txt

32a   22  Miles          Orisa L.         12    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

32a   18  Miles          Orson            43    NH                pg0029a.txt

104b  32  Miles          Patrick          40    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

32a   26  Miles          Philander        2     Ill               pg0029a.txt

32a   20  Miles          Sabina L.        18    NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   19  Miles          Semantha         38    NY                pg0029a.txt

32a   21  Miles          Ziber            16    NY                pg0029a.txt

15b   38  Milks          A.               38    NY                pg0010a.txt

15b   36  Milks          Diantha          35    Vt                pg0010a.txt

15b   39  Milks          Elizabeth        40    NY                pg0010a.txt

15b   37  Milks          Jane             17    NY                pg0010a.txt

15b   35  Milks          John             39    NY                pg0010a.txt

100a  22  Millen         Achsap           55    Vt                pg0095a.txt

100a  25  Millen         Alphonse         25    Vt                pg0095a.txt

100a  27  Millen         Clarence D.      17    Vt                pg0095a.txt

100a  23  Millen         Henrietta        19    Vt                pg0095a.txt

100a  24  Millen         Lyman C.         5     Ill               pg0095a.txt

100a  21  Millen         Nathaniel        36    Mass              pg0095a.txt

100a  26  Millen         Sarah A.         24    O                 pg0095a.txt

118b  18  Miller         A. J.            17    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

204B  1   Miller         Abraham          27    Germany           pg0204A.txt

204b  1   Miller         Abraham          27    Germany           pg0204a.txt

209a  35  Miller         Adaline          7     Ill               pg0204a.txt

209A  35  Miller         Adaline          7     Ill               pg0204A.txt

57a   39  Miller         Amanda A.        8     Ill               pg0055a.txt

145b  17  Miller         Brulice          2     Ill               pg0141a.txt

204A  40  Miller         Caspar           40    Germany           pg0204A.txt

204a  40  Miller         Caspar           40    Germany           pg0204a.txt

51a   40  Miller         Catherine        5     Ill               pg0046a.txt

57a   40  Miller         Charles N.       5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

41b   20  Miller         Christian        13    O                 pg0038a.txt

51a   36  Miller         Christian        13    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

51a   39  Miller         Elias            7     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

181b  38  Miller         Elias            12    Pa                pg0180a.txt

202b  23  Miller         Elizabeth        9     Pa                pg0197a.txt

57a   36  Miller         Elizabeth        39    Vt                pg0055a.txt

205B  3   Miller         Elizabeth        3     Ill               pg0204A.txt

205b  3   Miller         Elizabeth        3     Ill               pg0204a.txt

204A  42  Miller         Emily            4     Ill               pg0204A.txt

204a  42  Miller         Emily            4     Ill               pg0204a.txt

118b  16  Miller         Esther           50    Pa                pg0110a.txt

188a  36  Miller         Fredericl        28    Germany           pg0188a.txt

188a  37  Miller         Gertrude         21    Germany           pg0188a.txt

29a   12  Miller         Harriet          50    NY                pg0029a.txt

202b  22  Miller         Harriet          14    Pa                pg0197a.txt

29a   14  Miller         Helen            10    Ill               pg0029a.txt

164a  15  Miller         Helena           30    Germany           pg0162a.txt

29a   11  Miller         Hendrick         72    NY                pg0029a.txt

164a  14  Miller         Henry            35    Germany           pg0162a.txt

30b   26  Miller         Henry            23    Germany           pg0029a.txt

29a   13  Miller         Henry H.         8     Ill               pg0029a.txt

57a   37  Miller         Henry J.         13    Ill               pg0055a.txt

29a   6   Miller         Horace           61    Mass              pg0029a.txt

29a   8   Miller         Ira              38    Vt                pg0029a.txt

118b  15  Miller         Isiah            59    Pa                pg0110a.txt

51a   35  Miller         Jacob            15    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

64a   1   Miller         James            36    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

4b    33  Miller         James            23    NY                pg0001a.txt

57a   35  Miller         John             49    NY                pg0055a.txt

64a   2   Miller         John             15    Germany           pg0063a.txt

181b  36  Miller         John             14    Pa                pg0180a.txt

51a   33  Miller         John C.          35    Pa                pg0046a.txt

205B  1   Miller         John M.          53    NY                pg0204A.txt

205b  1   Miller         John M.          53    NY                pg0204a.txt

145b  16  Miller         Joseph           4     Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  14  Miller         Joseph           26    Canada            pg0141a.txt

181b  33  Miller         Joseph           16    Pa                pg0180a.txt

202b  21  Miller         Juliana          39    Pa                pg0197a.txt

51a   41  Miller         Levi             3     Ill               pg0046a.txt

134b  15  Miller         Lewis            25    Germany           pg0126a.txt

29a   16  Miller         Lewis            21    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

51a   42  Miller         Lovina M.        36537 Ill               pg0046a.txt

29a   7   Miller         Lucy             58    Vt                pg0029a.txt

202b  24  Miller         Lucy             5     Pa                pg0197a.txt

202b  26  Miller         Lydia            1/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

202b  25  Miller         Mallery L.       3     Pa                pg0197a.txt

118b  17  Miller         Martha           20    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

51a   34  Miller         Mary             37    Pa                pg0046a.txt

191b  7   Miller         Mary             32    Germany           pg0188a.txt

145b  15  Miller         Mary             25    Vermont           pg0141a.txt

145b  18  Miller         Mary             2/12  Ill               pg0141a.txt

205B  4   Miller         Mary             1     Ill               pg0204A.txt

205b  4   Miller         Mary             1     Ill               pg0204a.txt

118b  21  Miller         Mary A.          6     Ohio              pg0110a.txt

57a   38  Miller         Mary B.          10    Ill               pg0055a.txt

181b  34  Miller         Mary C.          16    Pa                pg0180a.txt

29a   10  Miller         Mary E.          2/12  Ill               pg0029a.txt

204A  41  Miller         Mary M.          22    Germany           pg0204A.txt

204a  41  Miller         Mary M.          22    Germany           pg0204a.txt

14b   15  Miller         Minna            34    Germany           pg0010a.txt

118b  19  Miller         Newel            14    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

205B  2   Miller         Phoebe           36    NY                pg0204A.txt

205b  2   Miller         Phoebe           36    NY                pg0204a.txt

30b   39  Miller         Sanuel           23    Pa                pg0029a.txt

118b  20  Miller         Sedwich          11    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

29a   9   Miller         Sennelle         26    NY                pg0029a.txt

51a   38  Miller         Simon            9     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

49a   14  Miller         Stephen          30    Germany           pg0046a.txt

96a   14  Miller         Susan            16    NY                pg0095a.txt

51a   37  Miller         William          11    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

121b  22  Miller         Wm.              22    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

64b   26  Miller         Wm.              18    Unknown           pg0063a.txt

188a  38  Miller         Wm. F.           1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

202b  29  Miller         Wm. G.           38    Pa                pg0197a.txt

57a   41  Miller         Wm. P.           2     Ill               pg0055a.txt

35a   2   Millington     Clarissa         30    NH                pg0029a.txt

128b  40  Millington     Daniel A.        28    Vt                pg0126a.txt

35a   4   Millington     Dening L.        6     Vt                pg0029a.txt

202b  16  Millington     James L.         6     Mass              pg0197a.txt

35a   3   Millington     M. A.            23    Vt                pg0029a.txt

35a   5   Millington     Mary             6/12  Ill               pg0029a.txt

202b  15  Millington     Mary A.          22    Vt                pg0197a.txt

128b  41  Millington     Mary Ann         22    Vt                pg0126a.txt

128b  42  Millington     Mary C.          1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

202b  14  Millington     Samuel           25    Vt                pg0197a.txt

35a   1   Millington     Solomon          53    Vt                pg0029a.txt

194a  38  Millman        Louis            26    Germany           pg0188a.txt

7a    42  Mills          Eliza            38    NY                pg0001a.txt

7b    1   Mills          Emily            16    NY                pg0001a.txt

108a  41  Mills          Eunice           30    NH                pg0102a.txt

7b    3   Mills          Gabrielle        4     Ill               pg0001a.txt

108a  40  Mills          James            31    NY                pg0102a.txt

7a    41  Mills          Joel C.          39    NY                pg0001a.txt

7b    2   Mills          Victorine        8     Ill               pg0001a.txt

203b  30  Mills          Wm.              17    England           pg0197a.txt

192a  36  Millspaugh     Isaac            30    NY                pg0188a.txt

10a   16  Milne          Issabella        23    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

10a   21  Milne          James            46    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

10a   18  Milne          Jane             7/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

10a   15  Milne          Robert           44    Scotland          pg0010a.txt

10a   17  Milne          Wm.              2     Ill               pg0010a.txt

135b  24  Milone         Alonzo           10    Penn              pg0135a.txt

135b  23  Milone         Charles          12    Penn              pg0135a.txt

135b  22  Milone         Montgomery       17    Penn              pg0135a.txt

191b  36  Milsap         Harriet S.       24    Mass              pg0188a.txt

191b  35  Milsap         Hervey           27    NY                pg0188a.txt

163a  37  Minard         George W.        25    NY                pg0162a.txt

163a  38  Minard         Melissa          23    NY                pg0162a.txt

110a  35  Miner          Maria            18    NY                pg0110a.txt

160b  9   Minneau        Andrew           26    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  10  Minneau        Beocawen         19    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  7   Minneau        Mary             54    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  11  Minneau        Mary             23    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  8   Minneau        Xavier           28    Canada            pg0159a.txt

28a   1   Mistetan       Mr.              45    Germany           pg0021a.txt

117b  22  Mitchel        Ann              30    Canada            pg0110a.txt

117b  26  Mitchel        Caroline         5     Ill               pg0110a.txt

117b  24  Mitchel        Charles F.       9     Ill               pg0110a.txt

31b   23  Mitchel        Edward           34    England           pg0029a.txt

31b   28  Mitchel        Edward           1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

117b  21  Mitchel        Franklin         38    NH                pg0110a.txt

31b   27  Mitchel        Hannah           7     England           pg0029a.txt

31b   25  Mitchel        James            17    England           pg0029a.txt

31b   26  Mitchel        Joseph           10    England           pg0029a.txt

117b  25  Mitchel        Marium           7     Ill               pg0110a.txt

31b   24  Mitchel        Mary             28    England           pg0029a.txt

117b  23  Mitchel        William          11    Ill               pg0110a.txt

97a   8   Mobshand       Olive            13    Canada            pg0095a.txt

99b   20  Moc            Charles A.       23    NY                pg0095a.txt

99b   21  Moc            Eliza            25    NY                pg0095a.txt

99b   22  Moc            Marietta         1/12  Ill               pg0095a.txt

193b  18  Moeshler       Catherine        33    France            pg0188a.txt

193b  20  Moeshler       George           9/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

193b  17  Moeshler       Ignace           32    France            pg0188a.txt

193b  19  Moeshler       Mary             2     O                 pg0188a.txt

89a   13  Moiarty        Catherine        4     NY                pg0083a.txt

89a   14  Moiarty        Charles          2     Ill               pg0083a.txt

89a   15  Moiarty        George           1     Ill               pg0083a.txt

89a   12  Moiarty        Lorain           25    NY                pg0083a.txt

89a   11  Moiarty        Thomas           30    Ireland           pg0083a.txt

160b  42  Moisant        Elner            55    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  41  Moisant        John             35    Canada            pg0159a.txt

193b  12  Molener        Bridget          17    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

82a   7   Moline         Alford           2     Canada            pg0076a.txt

159b  7   Moline         Amos             17    Canada            pg0159a.txt

159b  5   Moline         Charles          60    Canada            pg0159a.txt

82a   8   Moline         Delphine         1/12  Ill               pg0076a.txt

82a   5   Moline         Louis            26    Canada            pg0076a.txt

159b  6   Moline         Louisa           46    Canada            pg0159a.txt

82a   6   Moline         Mary             25    Canada            pg0076a.txt

159b  8   Moline         Sophia           15    Canada            pg0159a.txt

99b   5   Moll           Ephraim          28    NY                pg0095a.txt

99a   37  Moll           G. Wellington    8     Canada            pg0095a.txt

99a   36  Moll           James A.         11    Canada            pg0095a.txt

99a   34  Moll           Joseph F.        16    Canada            pg0095a.txt

99a   35  Moll           Marinda          14    Canada            pg0095a.txt

99a   33  Moll           Waily            38    Canada            pg0095a.txt

3b    19  Monbann        Barney           10    Ill               pg0001a.txt

3b    18  Monbann        Thos.            15    Ill               pg0001a.txt

123a  20  Monroe         Calvin           6/12  Ill               pg0119a.txt

112a  41  Monroe         Daniel           52    Scotland          pg0110a.txt

112b  1   Monroe         Daniel           15    NY                pg0110a.txt

123a  18  Monroe         Francis          24    Canada            pg0119a.txt

111b  13  Monroe         George           3     NY                pg0110a.txt

112b  2   Monroe         James            10    NY                pg0110a.txt

111b  12  Monroe         Jesse            6     NY                pg0110a.txt

112b  3   Monroe         John             5     NY                pg0110a.txt

111b  10  Monroe         L. (name is written over) 39 Scotland    pg0110a.txt

123a  19  Monroe         Melissa          19    Canada            pg0119a.txt

112a  42  Monroe         Mrs.             42    Scotland          pg0110a.txt

111b  11  Monroe         Sarah            28    NY                pg0110a.txt

111b  4   Monteith       Catherine        44    NY                pg0110a.txt

111b  7   Monteith       David R.         13    NY                pg0110a.txt

111b  6   Monteith       Henry W.         15    NY                pg0110a.txt

111b  9   Monteith       L (name is written over) 2 Ill           pg0110a.txt

122b  12  Monteith       Mary             69    Scotland          pg0119a.txt

111b  8   Monteith       Mary J.          10    NY                pg0110a.txt

111b  5   Monteith       W. S.            17    NY                pg0110a.txt

111b  3   Monteith       W. W.            44    Scotland          pg0110a.txt

174a  39  Montgomery     Charles          33    O                 pg0174a.txt

174a  41  Montgomery     Humphrey         7     Ill               pg0174a.txt

174b  2   Montgomery     John             1     Ill               pg0174a.txt

174a  40  Montgomery     Maria            30    O                 pg0174a.txt

174b  1   Montgomery     Maria J.         3     Ill               pg0174a.txt

174a  42  Montgomery     Wm.              5     Ill               pg0174a.txt

122b  10  Montieth       Charlotte E.     28    NY                pg0119a.txt

122b  9   Montieth       Geo.             40    NY                pg0119a.txt

122b  11  Montieth       John             7     NY                pg0119a.txt

183b  26  Moon           Betsy            7     Ill               pg0180a.txt

183b  23  Moon           Edith            27    England           pg0180a.txt

183b  27  Moon           Eliza            4     Ill               pg0180a.txt

183b  22  Moon           George           29    England           pg0180a.txt

183b  25  Moon           Grace            9     Ill               pg0180a.txt

183b  28  Moon           Jane             2     Ill               pg0180a.txt

183b  29  Moon           Susanna          3/12  Ill               pg0180a.txt

183b  24  Moon           Wm.              10    Canada            pg0180a.txt

63a   16  Mooney         Helen A.         2     NY                pg0063a.txt

63a   11  Mooney         James            36    NY                pg0063a.txt

63a   13  Mooney         Jane M.          11    NY                pg0063a.txt

63a   17  Mooney         John             5/12  Ill               pg0063a.txt

63a   14  Mooney         Julia A.         9     NY                pg0063a.txt

63a   12  Mooney         Lydia            24    NY                pg0063a.txt

63a   15  Mooney         Mary             4     NY                pg0063a.txt

113a  21  Moore          Aaron            16    Ia                pg0110a.txt

78b   7   Moore          Abert            4     O                 pg0076a.txt

51b   39  Moore          Adeline F        31    NY                pg0046a.txt

177a  6   Moore          Albert           4     Ia                pg0174a.txt

51b   41  Moore          Alonzo N.        4     Ill               pg0046a.txt

176b  42  Moore          Andrew           44    NY                pg0174a.txt

78b   2   Moore          Calvin           22    NY                pg0076a.txt

153a  21  Moore          Calvin           12    O                 pg0150a.txt

106b  16  Moore          Caroline         6     Ill               pg0102a.txt

78a   42  Moore          Charles          48    Ct                pg0076a.txt

78b   5   Moore          Charles          10    O                 pg0076a.txt

51b   42  Moore          Charles D        1     Ill               pg0046a.txt

78b   4   Moore          Charlotte        13    O                 pg0076a.txt

186b  34  Moore          Daniel Robb      3     Ill               pg0180a.txt

78b   8   Moore          Ellena J.        2/12  Ill               pg0076a.txt

135b  18  Moore          Emily            24    NY                pg0135a.txt

186b  35  Moore          Erasmus          1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

49b   39  Moore          Frances S        9     Pa                pg0046a.txt

135b  17  Moore          Franklin         24    NY                pg0135a.txt

106b  17  Moore          George           4     Ill               pg0102a.txt

6b    17  Moore          George           21    Ill               pg0001a.txt

15b   6   Moore          Hannah           66    R.I.              pg0010a.txt

113a  17  Moore          Henry            47    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

186b  31  Moore          Ira              28    NY                pg0180a.txt

177a  5   Moore          Isaac            7     Ill               pg0174a.txt

113a  22  Moore          Isaac B.         11    Ill               pg0110a.txt

186b  33  Moore          Jane             8     NY                pg0180a.txt

177a  1   Moore          Jane             32    NY                pg0174a.txt

15b   20  Moore          John             31    Hasse Darmstadt   pg0010a.txt

6b    18  Moore          Margaret         18    Ill               pg0001a.txt

177a  4   Moore          Maria            12    Ia                pg0174a.txt

106b  14  Moore          Mary             36    Germany           pg0102a.txt

78b   3   Moore          Mary             25    Ct                pg0076a.txt

78b   1   Moore          Melvina          30    O                 pg0076a.txt

49b   38  Moore          Nancy            11    Pa                pg0046a.txt

135b  19  Moore          Orlando          1     Ill               pg0135a.txt

51b   40  Moore          R. Emmett        6     Ill               pg0046a.txt

113a  19  Moore          Rhoda A.         20    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

113a  18  Moore          Sarah            48    Pa                pg0110a.txt

186b  32  Moore          Sybil            26    NY                pg0180a.txt

78b   6   Moore          Theodore         6     O                 pg0076a.txt

177a  2   Moore          Torry            16    NY                pg0174a.txt

200b  23  Moore          W.               16    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

49b   40  Moore          William          4     Pa                pg0046a.txt

106b  15  Moore          Wm.              8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

177a  3   Moore          Wm.              14    NY                pg0174a.txt

113a  20  Moore          Wm. H.           18    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

140a  33  Morehorn       James            30    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

104b  26  Morehouse      Michael          51    Conn              pg0102a.txt

102b  31  Morehouse      Sally            61    Ct                pg0102a.txt

104b  27  Morehouse      Sarah            50    NY                pg0102a.txt

177b  1   Morenzam       James F.         45    Vt                pg0174a.txt

177b  2   Morenzam       Louisa           43    NY                pg0174a.txt

111a  19  Morey          Amanda           16    Pa                pg0110a.txt

111a  17  Morey          Anna             21    Pa                pg0110a.txt

111a  22  Morey          Charles          10    Pa                pg0110a.txt

111a  21  Morey          Emeline          12    Pa                pg0110a.txt

111a  12  Morey          Hannah           29    Pa                pg0110a.txt

111a  24  Morey          Henry            4     Pa                pg0110a.txt

111a  11  Morey          Leonard          32    Pa                pg0110a.txt

111a  16  Morey          Lucy             38    NY                pg0110a.txt

111a  23  Morey          Oscar            7     Pa                pg0110a.txt

111a  13  Morey          Phebe W.         6     Pa                pg0110a.txt

111a  15  Morey          Seloh            42    NY                pg0110a.txt

111a  25  Morey          Seloh            1     Ill               pg0110a.txt

111a  18  Morey          Smith            19    Pa                pg0110a.txt

111a  20  Morey          Tinch            14    Pa                pg0110a.txt

113b  15  Morgan         Benj. F.         38    NY                pg0110a.txt

31b   15  Morgan         E. M.            7     Ill               pg0029a.txt

113b  16  Morgan         Elizabeth F.     27    NY                pg0110a.txt

113b  17  Morgan         Eric F.          7     Ill               pg0110a.txt

31b   11  Morgan         Fanny A.         33    Vt                pg0029a.txt

31b   14  Morgan         H. J.            9     Ill               pg0029a.txt

31b   12  Morgan         John W.          15    Vt                pg0029a.txt

113b  18  Morgan         Philip T.        4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

31b   10  Morgan         W. E.            41    Vt                pg0029a.txt

31b   13  Morgan         Wm. E.           11    Ill               pg0029a.txt

95b   8   Morin          Adaline          36    Canada            pg0095a.txt

196b  39  Morin          Catheren         65    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

183a  37  Morin          Elizabeth        17    Pa                pg0180a.txt

183a  41  Morin          Frances          3     Ill               pg0180a.txt

95b   10  Morin          Francis          10    Canada            pg0095a.txt

95b   9   Morin          Jams             12    Canada            pg0095a.txt

183a  40  Morin          John             5     Ill               pg0180a.txt

95b   12  Morin          John             3     Ill               pg0095a.txt

183a  35  Morin          Lawrence         50    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

183a  36  Morin          Margaret         40    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

183a  42  Morin          Margaret         1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

23a   6   Morin          Martha           40    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

23a   5   Morin          Martin           46    Ireland           pg0021a.txt

95b   13  Morin          Mary             1     Ill               pg0095a.txt

183a  39  Morin          Michael          7     Ill               pg0180a.txt

95b   7   Morin          Michael          36    Ireland           pg0095a.txt

183a  38  Morin          Patrick          15    NY                pg0180a.txt

95b   11  Morin          Rosalia          6     Canada            pg0095a.txt

124a  36  Morph          Patrick          12    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

131a  22  Morre          John             31    Germany           pg0126a.txt

114a  25  Morrill        Sarah            70    Mass              pg0110a.txt

67a   14  Morris         James            25    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

67a   6   Morris         Patrick          60    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

174b  28  Morrison       A.               47    NY                pg0174a.txt

38b   32  Morrison       Agnes            13    NY                pg0038a.txt

174b  36  Morrison       Angeline         6     Ill               pg0174a.txt

165a  39  Morrison       Bertrand B.      3     Ill               pg0162a.txt

165a  37  Morrison       Curtis N.        37    Vt                pg0162a.txt

174b  29  Morrison       Elizabeth        46    NY                pg0174a.txt

38b   34  Morrison       Emma             4     NY                pg0038a.txt

165a  38  Morrison       Fidelia          33    Vt                pg0162a.txt

174b  32  Morrison       Horace           18    NY                pg0174a.txt

174b  33  Morrison       James            15    NY                pg0174a.txt

14a   18  Morrison       Jane             9     Ill               pg0010a.txt

14a   14  Morrison       Jane             30    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

174b  31  Morrison       Jenette          20    NY                pg0174a.txt

19a   4   Morrison       John             40    Scotland          pg0019a.txt

174b  30  Morrison       John             22    NY                pg0174a.txt

14a   17  Morrison       John             12    Canada            pg0010a.txt

14a   16  Morrison       Mary A.          14    Canada            pg0010a.txt

165a  40  Morrison       Medwin C.        1/12  Ill               pg0162a.txt

14a   19  Morrison       Michael          3     Ill               pg0010a.txt

14a   13  Morrison       Michael          0     Ireland           pg0010a.txt

174b  34  Morrison       Noah             13    NY                pg0174a.txt

174b  35  Morrison       Olivia           11    Ill               pg0174a.txt

38b   31  Morrison       Permelia         48    NY                pg0038a.txt

14a   15  Morrison       Richern          17    Canada            pg0010a.txt

38b   33  Morrison       Rosetta          7     NY                pg0038a.txt

38b   30  Morrison       Wm.              52    Scotland          pg0038a.txt

174b  37  Morrison       Wm.              24    NY                pg0174a.txt

153a  6   Morse          Benj.            8     Ct                pg0150a.txt

153a  4   Morse          Benj.            34    Canada            pg0150a.txt

47b   34  Morse          Edward A.        4     Ill               pg0046a.txt

153a  8   Morse          Elizabeth        9     Ct                pg0150a.txt

153a  5   Morse          Elizabeth        30    Canada            pg0150a.txt

64a   26  Morse          F. C.            21    NY                pg0063a.txt

64a   27  Morse          Geo. W.          15    NY                pg0063a.txt

50b   8   Morse          George           16    NY                pg0046a.txt

47b   31  Morse          Hezekiah         40    Conn              pg0046a.txt

153a  7   Morse          James            7     Ct                pg0150a.txt

64a   23  Morse          James A.         29    NY                pg0063a.txt

95b   41  Morse          Kason            31    Vt                pg0095a.txt

64a   24  Morse          Ludema           25    NY                pg0063a.txt

96a   1   Morse          Martha A.        1     Vt                pg0095a.txt

95b   42  Morse          Mary             25    Vt                pg0095a.txt

47b   32  Morse          Mary Jane        31    NY                pg0046a.txt

47b   33  Morse          Mary Loui        5     Ill               pg0046a.txt

47b   35  Morse          Naomi C.         3     Ill               pg0046a.txt

64a   21  Morse          Sarah            51    NY                pg0063a.txt

64a   28  Morse          Spencer A>       12    NY                pg0063a.txt

64a   22  Morse          Stephen          35    BY                pg0063a.txt

64a   25  Morse          Wm.              23    NY                pg0063a.txt

11b   16  Mosier         H. G.            6/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

11b   14  Mosier         Havey            30    Conn              pg0010a.txt

11b   15  Mosier         Marcie E.        18    NY                pg0010a.txt

36b   11  Moss           George           10    Ill               pg0029a.txt

36b   14  Moss           Martha           5     Ill               pg0029a.txt

36b   13  Moss           Mary             7     Ill               pg0029a.txt

36b   15  Moss           Philander        1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

36b   10  Moss           Sarah            30    England           pg0029a.txt

38a   32  Moss           Thomas           55    Eng.              pg0038a.txt

36b   9   Moss           William          34    England           pg0029a.txt

36b   12  Moss           Wm.              9     Ill               pg0029a.txt

96a   28  Mott           Alfred           21    Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   17  Mott           Ellena           14    Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   24  Mott           Gardner          23    Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   22  Mott           Gersham          5     Canada            pg0095a.txt

95b   4   Mott           Hannah           20    Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   18  Mott           Hannah           13    Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   20  Mott           Jeremiah         68    Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   15  Mott           Jeremiah         36    NY                pg0095a.txt

96a   23  Mott           Jerusha          1     Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   16  Mott           Nouana           35    Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   21  Mott           Parmelia         8     Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   19  Mott           Thaddeus         10    Canada            pg0095a.txt

96a   25  Mott           Trissy           20    Md                pg0095a.txt

50a   6   Moyer          Emmanuel         8     Pa                pg0046a.txt

49a   15  Moyer          Henry            13    Pa                pg0046a.txt

59a   14  Moyer          Mary             14    Pa                pg0055a.txt

180a  18  Mozier         Elizabeth        30    NY                pg0180a.txt

83b   36  Mudge          Alber            37    NY                pg0083a.txt

83b   40  Mudge          Estella          4     Ill               pg0083a.txt

83b   38  Mudge          Geo.             10    NY                pg0083a.txt

83b   39  Mudge          Leander          8     NY                pg0083a.txt

83b   37  Mudge          Phebe A.         27    NY                pg0083a.txt

180b  19  Mulgrew        James            50    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

180b  20  Mulgrew        Mary             40    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

135a  40  Muller         Lewis            23    Germany           pg0135a.txt

3a    42  Mulligan       Albert W.        9     Ill               pg0001a.txt

3a    41  Mulligan       Elizaeth         11    Ill               pg0001a.txt

3b    3   Mulligan       Esmelta P.       3     Illinois          pg0001a.txt

3a    39  Mulligan       John             32    England           pg0001a.txt

3b    1   Mulligan       Lelia            7     Illinois          pg0001a.txt

3a    40  Mulligan       Miriam           25    Canada            pg0001a.txt

3b    2   Mulligan       Sheldon H.       5     Illinois          pg0001a.txt

162b  33  Mulliken       Charles          11    Ill               pg0162a.txt

162b  35  Mulliken       Ermina           40    Conn              pg0162a.txt

162b  37  Mulliken       George W.        9     Ill               pg0162a.txt

162b  34  Mulliken       Henry            39    NY                pg0162a.txt

162b  38  Mulliken       James M.         7     Ill               pg0162a.txt

162b  36  Mulliken       John B.          13    NY                pg0162a.txt

162b  39  Mulliken       Wm. W.           3     Ill               pg0162a.txt

187b  26  Munch          Antony           13    Germany           pg0180a.txt

187b  22  Munch          Celia            50    Germany           pg0180a.txt

187b  24  Munch          Louisa           17    Germany           pg0180a.txt

187b  25  Munch          Matilda          15    Germany           pg0180a.txt

187b  21  Munch          Savoy            52    Germany           pg0180a.txt

187b  23  Munch          Sebastian        24    Germany           pg0180a.txt

188a  21  Munger         C. E.            25    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

17b   4   Munion         Julia            20    Unknown           pg0010a.txt

128a  4   Munsell        Alford           25    O                 pg0126a.txt

128a  6   Munsell        Almira M.        1     NY                pg0126a.txt

128a  5   Munsell        Sarah M.         21    NY                pg0126a.txt

77b   3   Munsey         Barziler         50    Canada            pg0076a.txt

77b   5   Munsey         Emery            16    Canada            pg0076a.txt

77b   11  Munsey         Henry            4     Canada            pg0076a.txt

77b   8   Munsey         Hezekiah         10    Canada            pg0076a.txt

77b   4   Munsey         Mrs              48    Canada            pg0076a.txt

77b   7   Munsey         Oseila           12    Canada            pg0076a.txt

77b   9   Munsey         Phebe            7     Canada            pg0076a.txt

77b   6   Munsey         Philimene        15    Canada            pg0076a.txt

77b   10  Munsey         Sophia           5     Canada            pg0076a.txt

52a   9   Munson         Jessee           22    NY                pg0046a.txt

113a  16  Murphy         Anatasia         10    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

70b   24  Murphy         Barnet           5     Ill               pg0063a.txt

70b   31  Murphy         Barnet           26    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

85a   38  Murphy         Bartholomew      3/12  Ill               pg0083a.txt

85a   35  Murphy         Bartolomew       29    Ireland           pg0083a.txt

80b   28  Murphy         Calista          34    NY                pg0076a.txt

70b   30  Murphy         Charles          28    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

85a   37  Murphy         Dennis           2     Ireland           pg0083a.txt

70b   21  Murphy         Edward           35    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

70b   25  Murphy         Edward           3     Ill               pg0063a.txt

198a  41  Murphy         Francis          11    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

198a  39  Murphy         George           15    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

80b   29  Murphy         James            4     Ill               pg0076a.txt

13a   11  Murphy         James            22    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

198a  37  Murphy         James            20    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

198b  41  Murphy         James E.         2/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

188b  38  Murphy         John             45    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

198a  35  Murphy         John             24    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

70b   27  Murphy         Joseph           33    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

188b  40  Murphy         Margaret         5     Ill               pg0188a.txt

85a   36  Murphy         Margaret         26    Ireland           pg0083a.txt

198b  40  Murphy         Margaret         2     Ill               pg0197a.txt

188b  39  Murphy         Mary             35    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

70b   28  Murphy         Mary             29    NC                pg0063a.txt

198b  39  Murphy         Mary             26    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

198a  40  Murphy         Mary             13    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

188b  42  Murphy         Mary A.          1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

70b   26  Murphy         Michael          2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

198a  38  Murphy         Michael          17    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

189a  1   Murphy         Michel           1/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

198a  34  Murphy         Obern            49    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

198b  38  Murphy         Patrick          27    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

70b   29  Murphy         Richard          3     NC                pg0063a.txt

70b   22  Murphy         Sarah            36    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

198a  33  Murphy         Thomas           50    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

80b   27  Murphy         Thomas           35    Ireland           pg0076a.txt

188b  41  Murphy         Thomas           3     Ill               pg0188a.txt

198a  36  Murphy         Thomas           22    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

80b   30  Murphy         Thomas           2     Ill               pg0076a.txt

121a  16  Murphy         Thomas           15    Ireland           pg0119a.txt

38b   17  Murray         Allen P.         3     Ill               pg0038a.txt

38b   15  Murray         Austin W.        29    NY                pg0038a.txt

191a  37  Murray         Catherine M.     15    NY                pg0188a.txt

39a   4   Murray         Charles          27    NY                pg0038a.txt

38b   18  Murray         Danforth W.      1/2   Ill               pg0038a.txt

38b   16  Murray         Elisa C.         25    NY                pg0038a.txt

1a    34  Murray         Emily            11    Ill               pg0001a.txt

103a  2   Murray         Henry            21    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

1a    36  Murray         James            5     Ill               pg0001a.txt

1a    31  Murray         Jane             36    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

1a    37  Murray         Jane             3     Ill               pg0001a.txt

1a    30  Murray         John             44    Ireland           pg0001a.txt

32b   12  Murray         M.               64    Vt                pg0029a.txt

1a    35  Murray         Margaret         8     Ill               pg0001a.txt

39a   5   Murray         Mary             20    NY                pg0038a.txt

203b  20  Murray         Mary             14    Ill               pg0197a.txt

1a    33  Murray         Mary Ann         13    Mass              pg0001a.txt

1a    32  Murray         Wm.              15    Mass              pg0001a.txt

32b   29  Murry          A.               9     England           pg0029a.txt

32b   28  Murry          Amelia           34    England           pg0029a.txt

186b  9   Murry          Ann              9     Ill               pg0180a.txt

186b  6   Murry          Ann              47    Del               pg0180a.txt

32b   31  Murry          Emily A.         3     NY                pg0029a.txt

186b  5   Murry          Jonathan         51    Del               pg0180a.txt

186b  7   Murry          Jonathan         20    Del               pg0180a.txt

32b   32  Murry          M. E.            1/2   Ill               pg0029a.txt

186b  10  Murry          Mary J.          4     Ill               pg0180a.txt

32b   30  Murry          Wm.              7     England           pg0029a.txt

32b   27  Murry          Wm.              42    England           pg0029a.txt

186b  8   Murry          Wm.              12    Ill               pg0180a.txt

31a   28  Mursh          H. E.            23    Mass              pg0029a.txt

31a   27  Mursh          Lyman            36    Mass              pg0029a.txt

46b   12  Mussulman      Catherine        30    Pa                pg0046a.txt

46b   11  Mussulman      Elius            33    Pa                pg0046a.txt

46b   15  Mussulman      Harrison         6     Pa                pg0046a.txt

46b   18  Mussulman      Jeremiah         2     Ill               pg0046a.txt

46b   14  Mussulman      Lorenzo          9     Pa                pg0046a.txt

46b   16  Mussulman      Maria            4     Pa                pg0046a.txt

46b   17  Mussulman      Sarah Jan        3     Pa                pg0046a.txt

46b   13  Mussulman      Susannah         11    Pa                pg0046a.txt

86a   14  Myer           Tobias           32    Germany           pg0083a.txt

168b  25  Myers          Albert           12    Germany           pg0162a.txt

9b    22  Myers          Antonette        22    O                 pg0001a.txt

190a  25  Myers          Charles          20    Germany           pg0188a.txt

9b    21  Myers          Chester P.       28    NY                pg0001a.txt

46a   12  Myers          Elins            22    Pa                pg0046a.txt

168b  22  Myers          Henry            23    Germany           pg0162a.txt

168b  20  Myers          John             34    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169a  6   Myers          John             27    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169a  8   Myers          John             1     Ill               pg0162a.txt

168b  27  Myers          John             1     Ill               pg0162a.txt

9b    23  Myers          Josephine        1     Ill               pg0001a.txt

186a  21  Myers          Martha           21    Ia                pg0180a.txt

168b  21  Myers          Mary             35    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169a  7   Myers          Name crossed out 28    Ill               pg0162a.txt

168b  24  Myers          Orrin            16    Germany           pg0162a.txt

186a  20  Myers          Peter            29    Canada            pg0180a.txt

168b  26  Myers          Robert           6     Ill               pg0162a.txt

168b  23  Myers          William          21    Germany           pg0162a.txt

186a  22  Myers          Wm. A.           1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

12a   14  Myres          Gertrude         30    NY                pg0010a.txt

12a   13  Myres          Wm. L.           34    NY                pg0010a.txt

The complete text of this census can be found at
Last Update: Friday, 13-Dec-2024 21:36:42 UTC

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