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Will County Federal Census
1850 Index

Will, IL 1850 Federal Census     INDEX (File 13 of 15)

This Census was transcribed by Lana Magiera and proofread by Amanda Magiera

for the USGenWeb Census Project,

Copyright 2001 by Lana Magiera


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Formatted for the USGenWeb Census Project by File Manager Ellen Horner, August 2001

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Pg#  Ln#  Last Name      First Name       Age   Birth Place       Filename


103a  21  Sacket         Julius           12    Ill               pg0102a.txt

103a  25  Sacket         Lydia            5     Ill               pg0102a.txt

103a  19  Sacket         M.B.             37    NY                pg0102a.txt

103a  20  Sacket         Maria            37    Canada            pg0102a.txt

103a  23  Sacket         Reuben           7     Ill               pg0102a.txt

103a  22  Sacket         Rhoda            9     Ill               pg0102a.txt

103a  24  Sacket         Seymore          7     Ill               pg0102a.txt

164a  39  Sackett        Chales           12    NY                pg0162a.txt

164a  35  Sackett        Elsie            38    NY                pg0162a.txt

164a  41  Sackett        Franklin         4     NY                pg0162a.txt

164a  36  Sackett        John             19    NY                pg0162a.txt

164a  40  Sackett        Mariah           8     NY                pg0162a.txt

164a  34  Sackett        Richard          43    NY                pg0162a.txt

164a  38  Sackett        Richard H.       14    NY                pg0162a.txt

164a  37  Sackett        Sarah J.         16    NY                pg0162a.txt

105a  17  Saddler        Michael          16    Canada            pg0102a.txt

167b  6   Safford        Anan S. K.       22    Vt                pg0162a.txt

167b  5   Safford        D. M.            2     Ill               pg0162a.txt

167b  1   Safford        J. B.            33    Vt                pg0162a.txt

167b  4   Safford        L. A.            5     Ill               pg0162a.txt

167b  2   Safford        Lilly            28    Canada            pg0162a.txt

165b  31  Safford        Mary             19    Vt                pg0162a.txt

167b  3   Safford        Mary E.          8     Ill               pg0162a.txt

133a  11  Sage           Alvira           5     O                 pg0126a.txt

133a  9   Sage           Charles          35    Vt                pg0126a.txt

109a  11  Sage           Elizer W.        38    NY                pg0102a.txt

109a  16  Sage           Elizer W.        1     Ill               pg0102a.txt

109a  15  Sage           Emily            6     Ill               pg0102a.txt

109a  14  Sage           Lucetta          8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

109a  12  Sage           Mary             34    NY                pg0102a.txt

133a  10  Sage           Mary Ann         26    O                 pg0126a.txt

109a  13  Sage           Mary J.          12    NY                pg0102a.txt

133a  12  Sage           S. Amanda        1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

142b  19  Sagrette       Daniel           13    Canada            pg0141a.txt

29b   35  Sahutell       Wm. Henry        23    Va                pg0029a.txt

192b  18  Sailainas      John             18    Germany           pg0188a.txt

129a  11  Saler          Jerry            50    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

129a  12  Saler          Margaret         49    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

16b   15  Saloon         Ellen            20    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

16b   14  Saloon         Patrick          25    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

5a    3   Saltonstatt    Lindel           19    Unknown           pg0001a.txt

5a    2   Saltonstatt    Mrs.             40    Unknown           pg0001a.txt

5a    1   Saltonstatt    W. W.            55    Unknown           pg0001a.txt

118a  29  Saltor         Elizabeth        27    Ia                pg0110a.txt

118a  30  Saltor         John             9     Ohio              pg0110a.txt

118a  28  Saltor         Malachi          31    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

118a  31  Saltor         Mary             6     Ill               pg0110a.txt

42a   1   Saltscleaver   Henry            16    O                 pg0038a.txt

41b   39  Saltscleaver   John             54    Pa                pg0038a.txt

41b   42  Saltscleaver   John             18    O                 pg0038a.txt

41b   40  Saltscleaver   Mrs.             45    Pa                pg0038a.txt

41b   41  Saltscleaver   Sarah            18    O                 pg0038a.txt

155b  22  Sampierre      James            3     Vt                pg0150a.txt

155b  20  Sampierre      Jenetta          25    Canada            pg0150a.txt

155b  21  Sampierre      Joseph           6     Vt                pg0150a.txt

155b  19  Sampierre      Louis            30    Canada            pg0150a.txt

155b  23  Sampierre      Mary             8/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

143b  42  Sampress       Crigen           8     O                 pg0141a.txt

143b  36  Sampress       Eliza            42    O                 pg0141a.txt

143b  41  Sampress       George F.        1     O                 pg0141a.txt

143b  35  Sampress       John             38    O                 pg0141a.txt

143b  37  Sampress       Lucretia         19    O                 pg0141a.txt

143b  39  Sampress       Orlando          8     O                 pg0141a.txt

143b  38  Sampress       Paulina          11    O                 pg0141a.txt

143b  40  Sampress       Seraphena        5     O                 pg0141a.txt

182a  7   Sampson        Amanda           38    NY                pg0180a.txt

182a  6   Sampson        B. B.            38    Conn              pg0180a.txt

182a  10  Sampson        Benjm.           12    Ill               pg0180a.txt

182a  8   Sampson        Charles          16    Mich              pg0180a.txt

182a  11  Sampson        Henry            10    Ill               pg0180a.txt

182b  4   Sampson        Hollis           63    Mass              pg0180a.txt

182a  9   Sampson        Hollis           14    Mich              pg0180a.txt

182a  15  Sampson        Jefferson        10/12 Ill               pg0180a.txt

182a  12  Sampson        Lewis            8     Ill               pg0180a.txt

182a  14  Sampson        Reuben           2     Ill               pg0180a.txt

182b  5   Sampson        Sally            60    NH                pg0180a.txt

182a  13  Sampson        Sarah            6     Ill               pg0180a.txt

74b   32  Sanders        Dalpha           5     Vt                pg0073a.txt

74b   30  Sanders        Michael          31    Vt                pg0073a.txt

183a  7   Sanders        Samuel           24    O                 pg0180a.txt

74b   31  Sanders        Sarah            28    Vt                pg0073a.txt

11b   31  Sanderson      John             17    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

11b   28  Sanderson      Mary             17    O                 pg0010a.txt

16a   34  Sandford       David A.         29    O                 pg0010a.txt

16a   36  Sandford       Ira J.           2     Ia                pg0010a.txt

16a   37  Sandford       Joseph           2/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

16a   35  Sandford       Polly A.         23    Pa                pg0010a.txt

31a   22  Sanford        Lovina           47    Va                pg0029a.txt

98a   21  Sanford        Marielle         15    Ill               pg0095a.txt

98a   20  Sanford        Norman           17    Mich              pg0095a.txt

31a   21  Sanford        Wm.              47    NY                pg0029a.txt

177b  5   Sanger         Amoresta         3     Ill               pg0174a.txt

177b  4   Sanger         Eunice           11    Ia                pg0174a.txt

177b  6   Sanger         Florence         1     Ill               pg0174a.txt

177b  3   Sanger         Laura            17    NY                pg0174a.txt

178b  16  Sargent        Asher            14    Ill               pg0174a.txt

178b  18  Sargent        Elizabeth        1     Ill               pg0174a.txt

178b  11  Sargent        Enoch            50    Unknown           pg0174a.txt

178b  15  Sargent        James            17    Ia                pg0174a.txt

178b  13  Sargent        Levanda          21    Ia                pg0174a.txt

178b  12  Sargent        Mrs.             45    unknown           pg0174a.txt

178b  14  Sargent        Rebecca          19    Ia                pg0174a.txt

99a   24  Sargent        Rebecca          18    Ga                pg0095a.txt

107b  24  Sarton         David            18    NY                pg0102a.txt

107b  23  Sarton         James            25    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

60b   25  Saunders       Laura            16    NY                pg0055a.txt

153b  10  Saurier        Agnes            3     Ill               pg0150a.txt

157b  31  Saurier        Alexander        1     Ill               pg0150a.txt

157b  27  Saurier        Alford           7     Ill               pg0150a.txt

153b  5   Saurier        Charles          12    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  7   Saurier        Delamore         9     Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  6   Saurier        Edward           10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  25  Saurier        Ellen            28    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153a  41  Saurier        Felicia          38    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153a  40  Saurier        John             45    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153a  42  Saurier        John             21    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  26  Saurier        Joseph           9     Ill               pg0150a.txt

157b  24  Saurier        Joseph           32    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  1   Saurier        Joseph           19    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  9   Saurier        Leon             5     Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  4   Saurier        Louisa           14    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  8   Saurier        Lucy             7     Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  2   Saurier        Malit            18    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157b  30  Saurier        Margaret         3     Ill               pg0150a.txt

157b  28  Saurier        Martha           6     Ill               pg0150a.txt

157b  29  Saurier        Matilda          4     Ill               pg0150a.txt

153b  3   Saurier        Oliver           16    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  31  Sauvier        Elias            30    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  34  Sauvier        Elias            3     Ill               pg0150a.txt

153b  39  Sauvier        Frosine          52    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  40  Sauvier        Jeremiah         22    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  35  Sauvier        John             2/12  Ill               pg0150a.txt

153b  38  Sauvier        Joseph           54    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  41  Sauvier        Louis            16    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  32  Sauvier        Matilda          25    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  42  Sauvier        Mene             13    Canada            pg0150a.txt

153b  33  Sauvier        Silena           5     Ill               pg0150a.txt

152a  30  Sauyer         Flerritta        26    Canada            pg0150a.txt

152a  29  Sauyer         Moses            27    Canada            pg0150a.txt

152a  31  Sauyer         Moses            2     Canada            pg0150a.txt

152a  32  Sauyer         Wm.              6/112 NY                pg0150a.txt

68b   12  Savage         Amos             16    Ill               pg0063a.txt

68b   11  Savage         Edward           18    NY                pg0063a.txt

68b   10  Savage         Emily            20    NY                pg0063a.txt

68b   9   Savage         Hannah           27    NY                pg0063a.txt

68b   7   Savage         Levi             52    NY                pg0063a.txt

68b   8   Savage         Melinda          52    NY                pg0063a.txt

2b    23  Sawborn        Catherine        41    NY                pg0001a.txt

2b    22  Sawborn        Wm.              29    New Hampshire     pg0001a.txt

95b   17  Sawtell        Calvin           33    Vt                pg0095a.txt

95b   16  Sawtell        Jerusha          63    NH                pg0095a.txt

95b   15  Sawtell        Stephen          68    Mass              pg0095a.txt

205A  17  Sawyer         Albert           13    Vt                pg0204A.txt

205a  17  Sawyer         Albert           13    Vt                pg0204a.txt

205A  16  Sawyer         Amos             15    Vt                pg0204A.txt

205a  16  Sawyer         Amos             15    Vt                pg0204a.txt

205A  14  Sawyer         Cornelia         21    Vt                pg0204A.txt

205a  14  Sawyer         Cornelia         21    Vt                pg0204a.txt

205A  19  Sawyer         Ellen            8     Vt                pg0204A.txt

205a  19  Sawyer         Ellen            8     Vt                pg0204a.txt

205A  12  Sawyer         Harriet          44    Vt                pg0204A.txt

205a  12  Sawyer         Harriet          44    Vt                pg0204a.txt

205A  13  Sawyer         Harry            28    Vt                pg0204A.txt

205a  13  Sawyer         Harry            28    Vt                pg0204a.txt

205A  11  Sawyer         Jed              49    Vt                pg0204A.txt

205a  11  Sawyer         Jed              49    Vt                pg0204a.txt

205A  20  Sawyer         John             2     Ill               pg0204A.txt

205a  20  Sawyer         John             2     Ill               pg0204a.txt

205A  18  Sawyer         Mary             10    Vt                pg0204A.txt

205a  18  Sawyer         Mary             10    Vt                pg0204a.txt

205A  15  Sawyer         Sophia           19    Vt                pg0204A.txt

205a  15  Sawyer         Sophia           19    Vt                pg0204a.txt

14b   41  Sayer          E. H.            27    O                 pg0010a.txt

202a  1   Sayse          Charles          43    Vt                pg0197a.txt

202a  6   Sayse          Charles          4     Ill               pg0197a.txt

202a  5   Sayse          Clarissa         8     Ill               pg0197a.txt

202a  4   Sayse          Hemetha          10    Ill               pg0197a.txt

202a  3   Sayse          Henry            10    Ill               pg0197a.txt

202a  7   Sayse          Julia            2     Ill               pg0197a.txt

202a  2   Sayse          Nancy A.         34    NY                pg0197a.txt

25b   13  Scam           John             28    England           pg0021a.txt

69a   17  Scanlin        Patrick          19    Ireland           pg0063a.txt

198b  32  Scarbaugh      Amelia           10    Canada            pg0197a.txt

198b  33  Scarbaugh      Baptiste         7     Vt                pg0197a.txt

198b  30  Scarbaugh      Fabian           16    Canada            pg0197a.txt

198b  28  Scarbaugh      Fabius           37    Canada            pg0197a.txt

198b  37  Scarbaugh      Joseph           3/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

198b  34  Scarbaugh      Julia            5     Vt                pg0197a.txt

198b  29  Scarbaugh      Margaret         43    Canada            pg0197a.txt

198b  35  Scarbaugh      Margaret         3     Vt                pg0197a.txt

198b  31  Scarbaugh      Middon           12    Canada            pg0197a.txt

198b  36  Scarbaugh      Wm.              2     Ill               pg0197a.txt

64a   8   Schaffer       Henry            33    Germany           pg0063a.txt

190b  27  Schemahorn     Alfreda L.       11    NY                pg0188a.txt

190b  26  Schemahorn     Almira           30    NY                pg0188a.txt

190b  29  Schemahorn     Almon L.         7     NY                pg0188a.txt

190b  30  Schemahorn     Avmisa           6     Wis               pg0188a.txt

190b  28  Schemahorn     Harriet          9     NY                pg0188a.txt

190b  25  Schemahorn     John G.          41    NY                pg0188a.txt

190b  31  Schemahorn     Silas W.         1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

174a  20  Schenek        E. O.            23    O                 pg0174a.txt

175a  7   Schenek        Jacob R.         19    O                 pg0174a.txt

174a  21  Schenek        Polly            18    O                 pg0174a.txt

27b   35  Schennerhorn   M.               30    Unknown           pg0021a.txt

102b  41  Schermerhorn   Albert           8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

104a  14  Schermerhorn   B. J.            63    NY                pg0102a.txt

102b  40  Schermerhorn   Bennett          12    Ill               pg0102a.txt

102b  39  Schermerhorn   Cornelia         13    Ill               pg0102a.txt

102b  37  Schermerhorn   Eliza            41    NY                pg0102a.txt

104a  12  Schermerhorn   Isaac B.         27    NY                pg0102a.txt

102b  36  Schermerhorn   Jacob            40    NY                pg0102a.txt

104a  13  Schermerhorn   Jane             22    Vt                pg0102a.txt

104a  15  Schermerhorn   Lucretia         61    NY                pg0102a.txt

102b  38  Schermerhorn   Maria L.         15    NY                pg0102a.txt

102b  42  Schermerhorn   Rufus            6     Ill               pg0102a.txt

104a  16  Schermerhorn   Sarah J.         18    NY                pg0102a.txt

78a   7   Schlosser      Jonathan         13    O                 pg0076a.txt

55a   25  Schmarts       Jane             21    NY                pg0055a.txt

59b   32  Schoonover     Elizabeth        44    NJ                pg0055a.txt

59b   31  Schoonover     Evert            40    NY                pg0055a.txt

59b   34  Schoonover     Frances          7     NY                pg0055a.txt

59b   35  Schoonover     Laurence         21    Pa                pg0055a.txt

59b   33  Schoonover     Rebecca A.       24    NY                pg0055a.txt

101b  1   Schramlin      Elizabeth        42    NY                pg0095a.txt

101b  6   Schramlin      Harmon           9     Mich              pg0095a.txt

101a  42  Schramlin      Harry            30    NY                pg0095a.txt

101b  4   Schramlin      John             18    Canada            pg0095a.txt

101b  7   Schramlin      Mary C.          7     Mich              pg0095a.txt

101b  3   Schramlin      Orin             20    Canada            pg0095a.txt

101b  9   Schramlin      Pamelia          1     Mich              pg0095a.txt

101b  8   Schramlin      Sarah M.         4     Mich              pg0095a.txt

101b  2   Schramlin      Silas            26    NY                pg0095a.txt

101b  5   Schramlin      Wealthy          17    Canada            pg0095a.txt

106b  19  Schroggins     Eliza A.         20    Ia                pg0102a.txt

106b  18  Schroggins     Stephen          22    Unknown           pg0102a.txt

125b  17  Schurst        Wm.              22    England           pg0119a.txt

188b  31  Schwahn        Catherine        26    NY                pg0188a.txt

188b  30  Schwahn        Frances          25    France            pg0188a.txt

188b  33  Schwahn        Mary             4     Ill               pg0188a.txt

188b  32  Schwahn        Peter            5     Ill               pg0188a.txt

2b    17  Schwarts       Alfred           6     Canada            pg0001a.txt

2b    15  Schwarts       Alonzo           11    Pa                pg0001a.txt

2b    12  Schwarts       David            19    NY                pg0001a.txt

2b    18  Schwarts       Harriet          1     Ill               pg0001a.txt

2b    16  Schwarts       Levi             8     Canada            pg0001a.txt

2b    9   Schwarts       Polly            43    NY                pg0001a.txt

188b  6   Schwarts       S.               32    France            pg0188a.txt

188b  7   Schwarts       Sarah            31    France            pg0188a.txt

2b    8   Schwarts       Simon            45    NY                pg0001a.txt

94a   11  Scott          Ann              8     NY                pg0091a.txt

184b  5   Scott          Arin             21    Canada            pg0180a.txt

94a   8   Scott          Barbary          31    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

184b  9   Scott          Benjamin         18    Ill               pg0180a.txt

94a   12  Scott          Catherine        4     Ill               pg0091a.txt

94a   10  Scott          Edward           9     Ireland           pg0091a.txt

184b  6   Scott          Franklin         4     Ill               pg0180a.txt

184b  8   Scott          Henry            5/12  Ill               pg0180a.txt

184b  4   Scott          Jeddiah          31    NY                pg0180a.txt

73b   24  Scott          John             23    Ireland           pg0073a.txt

94a   7   Scott          Michael          35    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

94a   9   Scott          Patrick          12    Ireland           pg0091a.txt

184b  7   Scott          Philip           2     Ill               pg0180a.txt

54b   25  Scott          Sarah            8     Ill               pg0046a.txt

94a   13  Scott          Thomas           1     Ill               pg0091a.txt

128a  10  Scovill        Andrew J.        15    NY                pg0126a.txt

128a  7   Scovill        Elijah           59    Vt                pg0126a.txt

128a  8   Scovill        Elizabeth        46    NY                pg0126a.txt

128a  9   Scovill        Henrietta        18    NY                pg0126a.txt

128a  14  Scovill        John             4     Ill               pg0126a.txt

128a  12  Scovill        Marriet A.       10    O                 pg0126a.txt

128a  11  Scovill        Martin N.        13    Mich              pg0126a.txt

128a  13  Scovill        Thomas B.        8     O                 pg0126a.txt

99b   23  Scramling      Geo.             29    NY                pg0095a.txt

2b    31  Scriber        James            23    Ohio              pg0001a.txt

62a   20  Scurrett       Cornelia         14    Vt                pg0055a.txt

62a   21  Scurrett       Harriet E.       2     Ill               pg0055a.txt

62a   22  Scurrett       Irene S.         1/12  Ill               pg0055a.txt

62a   16  Scurrett       Isaac            67    Conn              pg0055a.txt

62a   18  Scurrett       Lovina           19    Ill               pg0055a.txt

62a   19  Scurrett       Porter Perry     26    Ill               pg0055a.txt

62a   17  Scurrett       Rachel           61    Virginia          pg0055a.txt

175a  15  Seager         Achsah           53    Mass              pg0174a.txt

175a  20  Seager         Esther           27    NY                pg0174a.txt

175a  16  Seager         Nelson           23    NY                pg0174a.txt

175a  19  Seager         Orlando          16    NY                pg0174a.txt

175a  17  Seager         Paul             20    NY                pg0174a.txt

175a  18  Seager         Sophronia        18    NY                pg0174a.txt

157a  20  Seare          Adeline          18    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  22  Seare          Caroline         1     Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  17  Seare          Edward           10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  16  Seare          Ezra             13    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  14  Seare          Joseph           8     Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  12  Seare          Joseph           40    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  19  Seare          Matilda          4     Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  18  Seare          Philemen         6     Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  13  Seare          Seraphin         38    Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  21  Seare          Serene           3     Canada            pg0150a.txt

157a  15  Seare          Silena           14    Canada            pg0150a.txt

90a   18  Seargent       Seth H.          15    NY                pg0083a.txt

67b   24  Searing        Chas.            25    Germany           pg0063a.txt

67b   8   Searles        Franklin         21    NY                pg0063a.txt

34b   7   Searles        Harmon           26    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

34b   8   Searles        Martha           24    Ill               pg0029a.txt

34b   9   Searles        Olive            2     Ill               pg0029a.txt

69b   4   Sears          Harriet          29    England           pg0063a.txt

69b   6   Sears          Jane             2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

69b   5   Sears          Job              4     Ill               pg0063a.txt

69b   3   Sears          John             36    England           pg0063a.txt

194b  41  Sees           George           8/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

194b  39  Sees           George           29    Germany           pg0188a.txt

194b  40  Sees           Mary             22    Germany           pg0188a.txt

196a  36  Segasser       Catherine        37    France            pg0188a.txt

196a  35  Segasser       John             35    France            pg0188a.txt

145b  20  Sege           Charles          18    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  19  Sege           Mary             46    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  41  Segr           Joseph           8     Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  38  Segr           Louis            33    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  40  Segr           Louis            12    Canada            pg0141a.txt

148a  1   Segr           Mary             2     Ill               pg0141a.txt

147b  42  Segr           Massellon        5     Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  39  Segr           Rosalia          31    Canada            pg0141a.txt

135a  2   Selat          Samuel           5     Ill               pg0135a.txt

138a  38  Selfridge      Abigail          27    NY                pg0137a.txt

102a  21  Selfridge      Eunice           44    Canada            pg0102a.txt

138a  37  Selfridge      George           33    NY                pg0137a.txt

102a  25  Selfridge      Harrison         8     Ill               pg0102a.txt

102a  24  Selfridge      Homer            11    NY                pg0102a.txt

102a  22  Selfridge      Horatio          22    NY                pg0102a.txt

102a  20  Selfridge      L. D.            46    NY                pg0102a.txt

137b  31  Selfridge      Laura            29    Ill               pg0137a.txt

102a  23  Selfridge      Lucy A.          17    NY                pg0102a.txt

193a  4   Selfridge      Lyman            22    NY                pg0188a.txt

138a  39  Selfridge      Phineas          6     Ill               pg0137a.txt

137b  32  Selfridge      Seth             2     Ill               pg0137a.txt

137b  30  Selfridge      Wiley            25    Ill               pg0137a.txt

50b   25  Sellars        william          28    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

169b  21  Seller         Caroline         9/12  Ill               pg0162a.txt

169b  19  Seller         Conrad           28    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  20  Seller         Sophia           20    Germany           pg0162a.txt

129b  35  Selstitel      Christian        42    Germany           pg0126a.txt

12b   30  Sentance       Alford           1     England           pg0010a.txt

12b   28  Sentance       George           24    England           pg0010a.txt

12b   29  Sentance       Jane             24    England           pg0010a.txt

145b  39  Sevargare      Delonge          8     Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  41  Sevargare      Etvish           3     Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  40  Sevargare      Hannah           6     Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  38  Sevargare      Julia            37    Canada            pg0141a.txt

145b  37  Sevargare      Orre             32    Canada            pg0141a.txt

105b  1   Seymour        Edward           30    NY                pg0102a.txt

83a   10  Shack          Kacob            21    Pa                pg0083a.txt

14b   3   Shackey        Sally A.         39    NY                pg0010a.txt

65b   5   Shad           Alfred E.        2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

65b   6   Shad           Emily P.         1/12  Ill               pg0063a.txt

65b   4   Shad           Samantha         23    NY                pg0063a.txt

65b   3   Shad           Wallace          28    NY                pg0063a.txt

143b  1   Shadley        Daniel           65    Va                pg0141a.txt

143b  3   Shadley        Ellen            21    O                 pg0141a.txt

143b  4   Shadley        James            14    Ia                pg0141a.txt

143b  5   Shadley        Martha           11    Ill               pg0141a.txt

143b  2   Shadley        Mary             54    Va                pg0141a.txt

128b  8   Shaffer        Amelia L.        2     Ill               pg0126a.txt

170b  17  Shaffer        Angeline         60    Germany           pg0162a.txt

128a  41  Shaffer        Daniel           50    Penn              pg0126a.txt

128b  2   Shaffer        Eliza B.         22    Penn              pg0126a.txt

128b  5   Shaffer        Jane E.          16    Penn              pg0126a.txt

128b  4   Shaffer        John             18    Penn              pg0126a.txt

128b  3   Shaffer        Mary F.          10    Penn              pg0126a.txt

170b  16  Shaffer        Philip           29    Germany           pg0162a.txt

128b  7   Shaffer        Rebecca M.       13    Penn              pg0126a.txt

128b  1   Shaffer        Sally Ann        40    NJ                pg0126a.txt

128b  6   Shaffer        Sarah D.         14    Penn              pg0126a.txt

194a  10  Shaffner       Benjm.           23    Pa                pg0188a.txt

123b  2   Shane          Ellena           23    Pa                pg0119a.txt

123b  1   Shane          Jacob            31    Pa                pg0119a.txt

123b  4   Shane          James            3     Ill               pg0119a.txt

123b  5   Shane          John             1     Ill               pg0119a.txt

123b  3   Shane          Joseph           6     Pa                pg0119a.txt

199a  11  Shane          Wm.              28    Ill               pg0197a.txt

14b   19  Shannon        Catherine        6     Ill               pg0010a.txt

20b   11  Shannon        Catherine        6     Ill               pg0019a.txt

14b   17  Shannon        Ellen            40    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

20b   12  Shannon        Ellen            4     Ill               pg0019a.txt

20b   8   Shannon        Ellen            30    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

14b   21  Shannon        Ellen            2     Ill               pg0010a.txt

5a    15  Shannon        Henry            17    NY                pg0001a.txt

20b   10  Shannon        Joanna           8     Ill               pg0019a.txt

14b   20  Shannon        Joanna           4     Ill               pg0010a.txt

20b   13  Shannon        Julia            6/12  Ill               pg0019a.txt

14b   22  Shannon        Julia            2/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

14b   18  Shannon        Mary             8     Ill               pg0010a.txt

20b   9   Shannon        Mary             10    Ill               pg0019a.txt

14b   16  Shannon        Thomas           45    Canada            pg0010a.txt

20b   7   Shannon        Thomas           35    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

13b   21  Shanon         Charles          25    England           pg0010a.txt

13b   20  Shanon         John             35    England           pg0010a.txt

100a  16  Sharker        Aurelia          7     Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  14  Sharker        Emeline          12    Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  11  Sharker        Fline            35    Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  12  Sharker        James            15    Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  19  Sharker        Jed              2     Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  15  Sharker        Julian           10    Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  20  Sharker        Mary             8/12  Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  17  Sharker        Michael          5     Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  18  Sharker        Moses            4     Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  13  Sharker        Phebe            14    Canada            pg0095a.txt

100a  10  Sharker        Place            36    Canada            pg0095a.txt

149b  34  Sharkey        Cefais           2     Canada            pg0141a.txt

149b  32  Sharkey        John             5     Canada            pg0141a.txt

149b  30  Sharkey        Joseph           25    Canada            pg0141a.txt

149b  35  Sharkey        Joseph C.        1/12  Ill               pg0141a.txt

149b  33  Sharkey        Mary             3     Canada            pg0141a.txt

149b  31  Sharkey        Mrs. A.          24    Canada            pg0141a.txt

72a   37  Sharp          Hannah           79    Ct                pg0072a.txt

135b  20  Sharp          Jacob            51    Canada            pg0135a.txt

135b  25  Sharp          John             5     Ill               pg0135a.txt

135b  26  Sharp          Leah             82    NY                pg0135a.txt

135b  21  Sharp          Tabitha          48    Vt                pg0135a.txt

191b  17  Shaup          Abraham          6/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

191b  19  Shaup          Anna             17    Germany           pg0188a.txt

191b  16  Shaup          Jenette          22    Germany           pg0188a.txt

191b  15  Shaup          N.               34    Germany           pg0188a.txt

191b  18  Shaup          Sylat            3     La                pg0188a.txt

126a  40  Shaw           Cyrus            9     NY                pg0126a.txt

31b   29  Shaw           Daniel           40    England           pg0029a.txt

5b    23  Shaw           Emma             15    England           pg0001a.txt

5b    24  Shaw           Fanny            14    Enfland           pg0001a.txt

10b   18  Shaw           Fanny            12    England           pg0010a.txt

5b    28  Shaw           Harriet          6/12  Ill               pg0001a.txt

5b    22  Shaw           Harriet          36    England           pg0001a.txt

5b    26  Shaw           John             10    England           pg0001a.txt

5b    25  Shaw           Sarah            12    England           pg0001a.txt

5b    27  Shaw           Thomas           8     NY                pg0001a.txt

5b    21  Shaw           Thomas           39    England           pg0001a.txt

18a   31  Shay           Thomas           9     Ill               pg0010a.txt

3a    26  Shea           David            12    NY                pg0001a.txt

84b   27  Shear          Wm.              18    Germany           pg0083a.txt

85b   16  Shebbel        Frederic         20    Germany           pg0083a.txt

12a   34  Shed           Mary             19    NY                pg0010a.txt

12a   37  Shed           Mrs.             60    Unknown           pg0010a.txt

135a  6   Shedd          Ann              35    Ireland           pg0135a.txt

135a  5   Shedd          Charles          35    NY                pg0135a.txt

135a  9   Shedd          Charles          2     Ill               pg0135a.txt

135a  7   Shedd          Mary R.          12    NY                pg0135a.txt

135a  8   Shedd          Stephen          5     Ill               pg0135a.txt

134b  9   Sheek          Barbara          15    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134b  8   Sheek          Ferdinand        17    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134b  11  Sheek          Henry            7     Germany           pg0126a.txt

134b  5   Sheek          Henry            37    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134b  10  Sheek          Jacob            12    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134b  7   Sheek          John             22    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134b  6   Sheek          Julia            54    Germany           pg0126a.txt

162a  12  Sheeter        Cornelia R.      19    NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  13  Sheeter        Edward P.        17    NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  10  Sheeter        James W.         23    NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  18  Sheeter        Julia M.         5     Ill               pg0162a.txt

162a  9   Sheeter        Lucinda          48    NH                pg0162a.txt

162a  15  Sheeter        Lucinda          13    Ill               pg0162a.txt

162a  16  Sheeter        Lucy             10    Ill               pg0162a.txt

162a  11  Sheeter        Mary             21    NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  14  Sheeter        Sarah            15    NY                pg0162a.txt

162a  17  Sheeter        Zinn             7     Ill               pg0162a.txt

162a  8   Sheeter        Zinn             49    NY                pg0162a.txt

100b  10  Sheets         Margaret         16    Ia                pg0095a.txt

169a  41  Sheever        Henry            26    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  1   Sheever        Henry            1     Germany           pg0162a.txt

169a  42  Sheever        Sophia           26    Germany           pg0162a.txt

153a  15  Sheffer        Julia            6     NY                pg0150a.txt

149a  5   Sheffer        Moses            18    Canada            pg0141a.txt

153a  14  Sheffer        Nancy E.         29    NY                pg0150a.txt

153a  13  Sheffer        Philip           29    Canada            pg0150a.txt

126b  26  Sheffield      Bashmaler        8     Ill               pg0126a.txt

126b  25  Sheffield      John N.          13    Ill               pg0126a.txt

126b  24  Sheffield      Joseph A.        16    NY                pg0126a.txt

126b  22  Sheffield      Maria            38    NY                pg0126a.txt

126b  21  Sheffield      Nathan           49    NY                pg0126a.txt

126b  27  Sheffield      Reyal P.         8     Ill               pg0126a.txt

126b  23  Sheffield      Wm. B.           18    NY                pg0126a.txt

81b   27  Sheffler       Amelia           26    O                 pg0076a.txt

41b   14  Sheffler       Andrew           25    Pa                pg0038a.txt

81b   30  Sheffler       andrew           1     Ill               pg0076a.txt

41b   16  Sheffler       Arby             18    Unknown           pg0038a.txt

41b   5   Sheffler       Catherine F.     55    Pa                pg0038a.txt

41b   4   Sheffler       Daniel           57    Pa                pg0038a.txt

41b   15  Sheffler       Elizabeth        18    O                 pg0038a.txt

81a   25  Sheffler       Eunice           29    O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   28  Sheffler       Issabel          6     O                 pg0076a.txt

81a   41  Sheffler       Jacob            36    Pa                pg0076a.txt

81b   5   Sheffler       James            3     Ill               pg0076a.txt

81a   29  Sheffler       James C.         1     Ill               pg0076a.txt

81b   1   Sheffler       John F.          10    O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   29  Sheffler       John W.          4     Ill               pg0076a.txt

81a   42  Sheffler       Lucinda          36    O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   4   Sheffler       Lucretia         4     O                 pg0076a.txt

81a   24  Sheffler       Michael          33    Pa                pg0076a.txt

81b   26  Sheffler       Moses            28    Pa                pg0076a.txt

81a   26  Sheffler       Moses F.         9     O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   6   Sheffler       Orlando          1     Ill               pg0076a.txt

81a   28  Sheffler       Peter R.         4     O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   2   Sheffler       Philena J.       8     O                 pg0076a.txt

81b   3   Sheffler       Sarah L.         6     O                 pg0076a.txt

81a   27  Sheffler       Theodore W.      6     O                 pg0076a.txt

90a   22  Shefner        Benjamin         25    Pa                pg0083a.txt

90a   21  Shefner        Catherine        32    Pa                pg0083a.txt

90a   24  Shefner        Eli              18    O                 pg0083a.txt

90a   25  Shefner        Henry            16    O                 pg0083a.txt

90a   19  Shefner        John             54    Pa                pg0083a.txt

90a   23  Shefner        Mary             20    O                 pg0083a.txt

90a   20  Shefner        Susannah         51    Pa                pg0083a.txt

10b   9   Shelden        John             45    Vt                pg0010a.txt

58b   25  Sheldon        Abigail P.       14    NY                pg0055a.txt

13a   41  Sheldon        Ber***           12    Canada            pg0010a.txt

12b   3   Sheldon        Betsy            14    NY                pg0010a.txt

58b   28  Sheldon        Caroline E.      5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

58b   27  Sheldon        Charles W.       8     Ill               pg0055a.txt

72b   8   Sheldon        Chas. W.         3     Canada            pg0072a.txt

13b   34  Sheldon        Fletcher         11    Canada            pg0010a.txt

58b   24  Sheldon        George W.        16    NY                pg0055a.txt

58b   22  Sheldon        Jonathan W.      20    NY                pg0055a.txt

58b   26  Sheldon        Robert M.        12    Ill               pg0055a.txt

58b   21  Sheldon        Sarah            45    NH                pg0055a.txt

58b   23  Sheldon        Sarah P.         18    NY                pg0055a.txt

169b  39  Shelhorne      Ellen            9     Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  36  Shelhorne      Henry            45    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  38  Shelhorne      Henry            11    Germany           pg0162a.txt

169b  37  Shelhorne      Mary             18    Germany           pg0162a.txt

165b  35  Shellhorn      Henry            24    Germany           pg0162a.txt

139a  17  Shelly         Martin           19    Ireland           pg0137a.txt

200b  14  Shelton        Elizabeth        65    NJ                pg0197a.txt

118b  27  Shemer         John             49    Ireland           pg0110a.txt

118b  28  Shemer         Mary J.          19    Canada            pg0110a.txt

172a  2   Shennder       Ann              27    Ireland           pg0171a.txt

172a  1   Shennder       Barnard          31    Ireland           pg0171a.txt

172a  4   Shennder       Edward           1     Conn              pg0171a.txt

172a  5   Shennder       Theodore         36    Ireland           pg0171a.txt

172a  3   Shennder       Thomas           2     Mass              pg0171a.txt

6a    6   Shephard       Abigail          14    Pa                pg0001a.txt

6a    11  Shephard       Alice            2     Ill               pg0001a.txt

6a    9   Shephard       Belden           7     O                 pg0001a.txt

6a    3   Shephard       Belden           39    NY                pg0001a.txt

130a  40  Shephard       Elizabeth        30    England           pg0126a.txt

6a    7   Shephard       Geo. E.          12    Pa                pg0001a.txt

130a  41  Shephard       Jane             66    England           pg0126a.txt

6a    8   Shephard       John             8     O                 pg0001a.txt

130a  39  Shephard       Joseph           39    England           pg0126a.txt

6a    12  Shephard       Mary             5/12  Ill               pg0001a.txt

6a    4   Shephard       Mary             40    NY                pg0001a.txt

6a    10  Shephard       Odaria           5     O                 pg0001a.txt

6a    5   Shephard       Wm. E.           16    Ohio              pg0001a.txt

178a  25  Sheridan       Marian           9     Vt                pg0174a.txt

169b  11  Sheriden       Arin             14    Ireland           pg0162a.txt

169b  14  Sheriden       Catherine        4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

178a  4   Sheriden       Daniel           4     On Lake Erie      pg0174a.txt

169b  12  Sheriden       Daniel           10    .                 pg0162a.txt

169b  9   Sheriden       James            20    Ireland           pg0162a.txt

169b  8   Sheriden       Martha           46    Ireland           pg0162a.txt

169b  10  Sheriden       Mary             16    Ireland           pg0162a.txt

169b  7   Sheriden       Patrick          54    Ireland           pg0162a.txt

169b  13  Sheriden       Sarah            8     unknown           pg0162a.txt

163a  21  Shernder       James            7     Vt                pg0162a.txt

37b   24  Sherson        Mary             17    NY                pg0029a.txt

77a   39  Shetter        Catherine        19    Ill               pg0076a.txt

77a   38  Shetter        Charles          26    Ill               pg0076a.txt

77a   36  Shetter        Jacob            52    Vt                pg0076a.txt

77a   40  Shetter        John             14    Ill               pg0076a.txt

77b   1   Shetter        Nancy E.         15    Ill               pg0076a.txt

77a   42  Shetter        Sarah            9     Ill               pg0076a.txt

77a   37  Shetter        Sarah            49    NY                pg0076a.txt

77a   41  Shetter        Wm.              12    Ill               pg0076a.txt

132b  15  Sheweser       Barna            36    Germany           pg0126a.txt

132b  18  Sheweser       Christiana       8     Germany           pg0126a.txt

132b  14  Sheweser       George           38    Germany           pg0126a.txt

132b  16  Sheweser       George           14    Germany           pg0126a.txt

132b  17  Sheweser       John             12    Germany           pg0126a.txt

132b  19  Sheweser       Lawrence         2     Ill               pg0126a.txt

67b   40  Shied          Antony           25    Germany           pg0063a.txt

199a  5   Shields        ann              6     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199a  4   Shields        Ellen            8     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199a  6   Shields        James            3     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199a  2   Shields        Michael          45    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

199a  7   Shields        Michael          1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199a  3   Shields        Sarah            32    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

184b  21  Shifflin       Christine        8     Ill               pg0180a.txt

184b  17  Shifflin       Daron            16    O                 pg0180a.txt

184b  23  Shifflin       David            1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

184b  20  Shifflin       Elizabeth        10    Ill               pg0180a.txt

184b  16  Shifflin       John             16    O                 pg0180a.txt

184b  18  Shifflin       Levi             12    O                 pg0180a.txt

184b  15  Shifflin       Margaret         17    O                 pg0180a.txt

184b  14  Shifflin       Mary             42    Pa                pg0180a.txt

184b  22  Shifflin       Melinda          4     Ill               pg0180a.txt

184b  13  Shifflin       Samuel           46    Pa                pg0180a.txt

184b  19  Shifflin       Samuel           11    O                 pg0180a.txt

95a   30  Shipman        Amelia A.        15    Canada            pg0095a.txt

95a   29  Shipman        Cyrus            17    Canada            pg0095a.txt

95a   27  Shipman        Edward           25    Canada            pg0095a.txt

95a   26  Shipman        Sally            54    Vt                pg0095a.txt

21a   24  Shipman        Sarah            21    Pa                pg0021a.txt

192a  27  Shipman        Sarah            21    Pa                pg0188a.txt

95a   25  Shipman        Truman           56    Vt                pg0095a.txt

95a   28  Shipman        Walter           19    Canada            pg0095a.txt

21a   23  Shipman        Wm.              20    Pa                pg0021a.txt

116a  7   Shoemaker      Amelia           44    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

116a  12  Shoemaker      Amelia           14    Ill               pg0110a.txt

116a  16  Shoemaker      Benj. F.         3     Ill               pg0110a.txt

116a  10  Shoemaker      Catherine        18    Ill               pg0110a.txt

26b   7   Shoemaker      Charles          22    NY                pg0021a.txt

117b  32  Shoemaker      Edwin            30    NY                pg0110a.txt

206a  34  Shoemaker      Elias R.         18    Ia                pg0204a.txt

206A  34  Shoemaker      Elias R.         18    Ia                pg0204A.txt

26b   9   Shoemaker      Ellenor          15    NY                pg0021a.txt

26b   10  Shoemaker      Fletcher         12    NY                pg0021a.txt

116a  15  Shoemaker      Hamilton         3     Ill               pg0110a.txt

26b   11  Shoemaker      Henry            10    NY                pg0021a.txt

116a  9   Shoemaker      James            20    Ia                pg0110a.txt

116a  11  Shoemaker      John             16    Ill               pg0110a.txt

116a  6   Shoemaker      Joseph           46    Ohio              pg0110a.txt

116a  8   Shoemaker      Mary J.          22    Ia                pg0110a.txt

116a  13  Shoemaker      Nancy            12    Ill               pg0110a.txt

206a  35  Shoemaker      Rebecca J.       13    Ill               pg0204a.txt

206A  35  Shoemaker      Rebecca J.       13    Ill               pg0204A.txt

26b   6   Shoemaker      Sarah            40    Pa                pg0021a.txt

26b   12  Shoemaker      Sarah E.         4     NY                pg0021a.txt

191b  6   Shoemaker      Savory           22    Germany           pg0188a.txt

116a  14  Shoemaker      Wm.              6     Ill               pg0110a.txt

193b  13  Shony          Barbara          10    Miss              pg0188a.txt

178b  27  Short          Adeline          15    Vt                pg0174a.txt

132b  8   Short          Corveaugh        5     Germany           pg0126a.txt

132b  7   Short          George           9     Germany           pg0126a.txt

178b  26  Short          George           17    Vt                pg0174a.txt

178b  24  Short          Ira              47    NH                pg0174a.txt

178b  28  Short          John             7     Ill               pg0174a.txt

132b  5   Short          John             14    Germany           pg0126a.txt

132b  4   Short          Mary             53    Germany           pg0126a.txt

178b  25  Short          Mary             40    Vt                pg0174a.txt

132b  3   Short          Medra            43    Germany           pg0126a.txt

132b  6   Short          Nicholas         11    Germany           pg0126a.txt

37a   16  Shreffer       John             32    Pa                pg0029a.txt

37a   17  Shreffer       Sarah A.         27    Pa                pg0029a.txt

17a   21  Shriebner      John             50    Germany           pg0010a.txt

17a   23  Shriebner      Sarah R.         18    Germany           pg0010a.txt

17a   22  Shriebner      Sophia           44    Germany           pg0010a.txt

97a   15  Shringley      Benj.            37    Canada            pg0095a.txt

97a   16  Shringley      Sarah C.         26    NY                pg0095a.txt

97a   17  Shringley      Wm. L.           6     Ill               pg0095a.txt

203b  37  Shuler         Catherine        21    NY                pg0197a.txt

9b    35  Shuler         Charles          4     Ill               pg0001a.txt

9b    34  Shuler         Eliza            7     Ill               pg0001a.txt

9b    32  Shuler         Eufen            31    Germany           pg0001a.txt

9b    33  Shuler         John             8     Ill               pg0001a.txt

9b    31  Shuler         John             35    Germany           pg0001a.txt

9b    36  Shuler         Mary a.          2     Ill               pg0001a.txt

203b  38  Shuler         Wm.              26    NY                pg0197a.txt

139b  38  Shurtliff      Ann L.           20    Vt                pg0137a.txt

139b  37  Shurtliff      B. F.            16    Vt                pg0137a.txt

139b  35  Shurtliff      Benjm.           43    Vt                pg0137a.txt

139b  36  Shurtliff      Jane             47    Vt                pg0137a.txt

110a  19  Sidebotham     Harriet          16    NY                pg0110a.txt

122a  22  Sidebotham     Sarah            14    NY                pg0119a.txt

15b   40  Sidebottiman   Mary             19    NY                pg0010a.txt

27b   41  Silberman      None listed      38    Germany           pg0021a.txt

28b   13  Silverman      Barbara          5     Germany           pg0021a.txt

28b   12  Silverman      Mrs.             30    Germany           pg0021a.txt

53b   42  Simmons        Andrew           12    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

60b   30  Simmons        Christine        5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

54a   4   Simmons        Cornelia         2     Ill               pg0046a.txt

86b   29  Simmons        Geddes           9     Ill               pg0083a.txt

86b   31  Simmons        George           1/365 Ill               pg0083a.txt

86b   27  Simmons        Harriet          33    NY                pg0083a.txt

60b   29  Simmons        Henry            12    NY                pg0055a.txt

54a   5   Simmons        Henry E.         36628 Ill               pg0046a.txt

86b   28  Simmons        Jane             12    NY                pg0083a.txt

60b   28  Simmons        Laura            30    NY                pg0055a.txt

155a  37  Simmons        Leonore          18    Canada            pg0150a.txt

54a   2   Simmons        Mahala           8     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

53b   40  Simmons        Mary             38    NY                pg0046a.txt

60b   31  Simmons        Mary             2     Ill               pg0055a.txt

54a   1   Simmons        Mary D.          11    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

53b   41  Simmons        Oliver           16    Ohio              pg0046a.txt

86b   26  Simmons        Philander        36    SC                pg0083a.txt

54a   3   Simmons        Rosetta          6     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

53b   39  Simmons        Solomon          38    NY                pg0046a.txt

86b   30  Simmons        Stephen          7     Ill               pg0083a.txt

60b   27  Simmons        Wm.              35    NY                pg0055a.txt

95a   21  Simons         Cyntha           9     N.H.              pg0095a.txt

95a   24  Simons         Geo. H.          3     Ill               pg0095a.txt

95a   20  Simons         Hannah           30    Mass              pg0095a.txt

31a   14  Simons         M.               13    Wales             pg0029a.txt

95a   23  Simons         Mary C.          5     Ill               pg0095a.txt

95a   22  Simons         Sarah F.         7     Mass              pg0095a.txt

95a   19  Simons         Wm. P.           35    Mass              pg0095a.txt

65a   33  Simpson        Amos             19    NY                pg0063a.txt

65a   36  Simpson        Charles          9     Ill               pg0063a.txt

65a   32  Simpson        Elsie            48    NY                pg0063a.txt

65a   34  Simpson        George           14    Ill               pg0063a.txt

65a   35  Simpson        James            12    Ill               pg0063a.txt

65a   31  Simpson        John             52    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

65a   37  Simpson        Margaret         16    NY                pg0063a.txt

64a   32  Simpson        Mary             23    NY                pg0063a.txt

174b  40  Simpson        Mary E.          1     Ia                pg0174a.txt

174b  39  Simpson        Rachel           20    Pa                pg0174a.txt

65a   38  Simpson        Rhoda            7     Ill               pg0063a.txt

174b  38  Simpson        Wm.              23    O                 pg0174a.txt

24b   11  Sims           Samuel           19    NY                pg0021a.txt

125a  24  Sims           Theilford        17    Mich              pg0119a.txt

9b    18  Singer         Charles          1/12  Ill               pg0001a.txt

8b    26  Singer         Clara A.         21    O                 pg0001a.txt

8b    33  Singer         Cora E.          6/12  Ill               pg0001a.txt

8b    30  Singer         Edgar            25    O                 pg0001a.txt

9b    17  Singer         Edward           2     Ill               pg0001a.txt

8b    32  Singer         Frances L.       2     Ill               pg0001a.txt

9b    16  Singer         Harriet          23    NY                pg0001a.txt

8b    31  Singer         Harriet          18    NY                pg0001a.txt

9b    15  Singer         Horace           26    NY                pg0001a.txt

8b    25  Singer         Mrs. Ann         49    Canada            pg0001a.txt

2a    30  Sissen         Clarissa         56    Conn              pg0001a.txt

2a    31  Sissen         Clarissa         19    Ind               pg0001a.txt

2a    34  Sissen         Geo. E.          12    Ill               pg0001a.txt

2a    29  Sissen         Holder           59    Rhode Island      pg0001a.txt

2a    32  Sissen         Susan            17    NY                pg0001a.txt

2a    33  Sissen         Wm. Wallace      16    Ill               pg0001a.txt

98b   8   Sisson         Leonard          28    NY                pg0095a.txt

43a   27  Sisson         Meland           26    Germany           pg0043a.txt

70a   35  Sisson         Whitefield       16    NY                pg0063a.txt

11b   33  Skinner        A.               39    Ohio              pg0010a.txt

11b   34  Skinner        Ann              29    NY                pg0010a.txt

11b   37  Skinner        Charles          1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

11b   36  Skinner        H. A.            5     Pa                pg0010a.txt

11b   35  Skinner        W.               12    Pa                pg0010a.txt

162b  6   Slam           Victor           33    Ill               pg0162a.txt

126a  27  Slate          Ruth             73    Conn              pg0126a.txt

171a  10  Slaughter      Antony           45    France            pg0171a.txt

171a  11  Slaughter      Louisa           45    France            pg0171a.txt

171a  13  Slaughter      Margaret         8     NY                pg0171a.txt

171a  14  Slaughter      Peter            6     NY                pg0171a.txt

171a  12  Slaughter      Teresa           13    France            pg0171a.txt

204A  8   Slaven         Mary             15    Ireland           pg0204A.txt

204a  8   Slaven         Mary             15    Ireland           pg0204a.txt

121b  21  Sleeper        Rachel           18    Ohio              pg0119a.txt

39b   39  Sleight        Harriet L.       2/12  Ill               pg0038a.txt

39b   38  Sleight        Lucy P.          20    NY                pg0038a.txt

39b   37  Sleight        Theodore         23    NY                pg0038a.txt

181b  28  Slever         Charles          6     NY                pg0180a.txt

181b  22  Slever         Christina        31    Pa                pg0180a.txt

181b  23  Slever         David            20    Pa                pg0180a.txt

181b  26  Slever         Elizabeth        10    Pa                pg0180a.txt

181b  21  Slever         J. J.            49    NY                pg0180a.txt

181b  25  Slever         James            12    Pa                pg0180a.txt

181b  27  Slever         Jane             8     Pa                pg0180a.txt

181b  29  Slever         Lawrence         1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

181b  24  Slever         Thomas           16    Pa                pg0180a.txt

184a  16  Slevin         Michael          18    O                 pg0180a.txt

49a   13  Slick          Benjamin         1     Ill               pg0046a.txt

49a   10  Slick          Daniel           26    Pa                pg0046a.txt

49a   12  Slick          Henry            3     Ill               pg0046a.txt

49a   11  Slick          Margaret         25    Pa                pg0046a.txt

34a   22  Sloan          G. W.            30    Pa                pg0029a.txt

34a   23  Sloan          Sally            24    Ill               pg0029a.txt

19b   30  Sly            Elisha           25    NY                pg0019a.txt

19b   4   Sly            Eugene           8     NY                pg0019a.txt

63a   5   Sly            John             60    NY                pg0063a.txt

19b   31  Sly            Margaret         22    NY                pg0019a.txt

19b   5   Sly            Rosalia          5     NY                pg0019a.txt

19b   3   Sly            Rosetta F.       11    NY                pg0019a.txt

19b   2   Sly            Sally J.         35    NY                pg0019a.txt

19b   1   Sly            Seneca           34    NY                pg0019a.txt

19b   6   Sly            Winfield Scott   2     NY                pg0019a.txt

196b  42  Small          John             2     Ill               pg0188a.txt

192b  29  Smalley        Aurelia          38    NY                pg0188a.txt

84a   14  Smith          Aaron            52    England           pg0083a.txt

60b   10  Smith          Adaline          42    NY                pg0055a.txt

58b   15  Smith          Adelia           27    Pa                pg0055a.txt

72a   12  Smith          Alban            57    NY                pg0072a.txt

208a  25  Smith          Albert           2     Ill               pg0204a.txt

208A  25  Smith          Albert           2     Ill               pg0204A.txt

191a  25  Smith          Albert           10    Ill               pg0188a.txt

43b   37  Smith          Almander         15    O                 pg0043a.txt

44a   23  Smith          Almira           37    Vt                pg0043a.txt

84a   3   Smith          Alzira C.        15    Pa                pg0083a.txt

187a  30  Smith          Andrew           40    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

1b    12  Smith          Ann              7     Canada            pg0001a.txt

129a  10  Smith          Ann              42    England           pg0126a.txt

187a  31  Smith          Ann              40    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

199a  24  Smith          Ann              15    NJ                pg0197a.txt

187a  32  Smith          Ann              12    NY                pg0180a.txt

185b  26  Smith          Ann              12    NY                pg0180a.txt

102a  32  Smith          Anna             13    Pa                pg0102a.txt

27a   13  Smith          Arch             20    Ill               pg0021a.txt

184b  3   Smith          Archibald        70    NY                pg0180a.txt

135b  7   Smith          Archibald        52    NY                pg0135a.txt

87b   19  Smith          Archibald        20    NY                pg0083a.txt

30a   38  Smith          Austin           20    Pa                pg0029a.txt

171b  42  Smith          Barbara          3     Germany           pg0171a.txt

38b   10  Smith          Belinda          40    Vt                pg0038a.txt

72a   13  Smith          Betsey           58    Mass              pg0072a.txt

199a  23  Smith          Bridget          45    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

26b   27  Smith          Byron            9     Ill               pg0021a.txt

59a   2   Smith          C. B.            30    Vt                pg0055a.txt

128b  36  Smith          Caroline         36    Vt                pg0126a.txt

195a  42  Smith          Carton           52    Tenn              pg0188a.txt

185b  23  Smith          Catherine        35    Canada            pg0180a.txt

194a  29  Smith          Catherine        23    Baden             pg0188a.txt

185b  31  Smith          Catherine        2     Ill               pg0180a.txt

44a   26  Smith          Celestia         7     NY                pg0043a.txt

55a   26  Smith          Charles          30    NY                pg0055a.txt

40a   4   Smith          Charles          20    Vt                pg0038a.txt

30a   13  Smith          Charles          20    Va                pg0029a.txt

129b  2   Smith          Charles          14    Ill               pg0126a.txt

55a   29  Smith          Charles A.       4     Ill               pg0055a.txt

207b  42  Smith          Charles C.       32    Tenn              pg0204a.txt

207B  42  Smith          Charles C.       32    Tenn              pg0204A.txt

118a  20  Smith          Chas. W.         9     Ill               pg0110a.txt

59a   5   Smith          Chauncy C.       5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

1b    14  Smith          Christina        3     Ill               pg0001a.txt

84a   15  Smith          Content          40    Me                pg0083a.txt

129b  7   Smith          Cyrus            10    Vt                pg0126a.txt

33b   1   Smith          Daniel           45    England           pg0029a.txt

191a  23  Smith          David            41    Vt                pg0188a.txt

179a  5   Smith          David            26    Ia                pg0174a.txt

134a  4   Smith          Delia B.         31    Conn              pg0126a.txt

118a  19  Smith          Diantha          13    NY                pg0110a.txt

1b    9   Smith          Ebenezer         13    Canada            pg0001a.txt

185b  25  Smith          Edward           13    NY                pg0180a.txt

195b  6   Smith          Edward P.        14    Ill               pg0188a.txt

84a   20  Smith          Eli              16    Me                pg0083a.txt

58b   14  Smith          Elijah           28    NY                pg0055a.txt

60b   11  Smith          Eliza            19    NY                pg0055a.txt

185b  32  Smith          Eliza A.         1/12  Ill               pg0180a.txt

24a   28  Smith          Elizabeth        32    Pa                pg0021a.txt

84a   17  Smith          Elizabeth        20    Me                pg0083a.txt

23a   16  Smith          Elizabeth        16    Pa                pg0021a.txt

84a   2   Smith          ELizabeth W.     16    Pa                pg0083a.txt

171b  41  Smith          Ellen            7     Germany           pg0171a.txt

187a  35  Smith          Ellen            6     Ill               pg0180a.txt

33b   7   Smith          Ellen M.         5     Ill               pg0029a.txt

59a   3   Smith          Emily M.         9     Ill               pg0055a.txt

76b   39  Smith          Emma             8     O                 pg0076a.txt

172a  27  Smith          Ernest           31    Unknown           pg0171a.txt

24a   33  Smith          F. A.            1     Ill               pg0021a.txt

24a   32  Smith          F. M.            2     Ill               pg0021a.txt

128b  38  Smith          Fanny            15    Vt                pg0126a.txt

195b  1   Smith          Fathia           57    Tenn              pg0188a.txt

198a  5   Smith          Frances E.       39    NY                pg0197a.txt

172a  28  Smith          Francis          30    Unknown           pg0171a.txt

149a  11  Smith          Frank            2     Ill               pg0141a.txt

129b  6   Smith          George           21    Vt                pg0126a.txt

44a   25  Smith          George           14    NY                pg0043a.txt

85a   39  Smith          Gilbert          25    NY                pg0083a.txt

33b   5   Smith          Hannah           11    Ill               pg0029a.txt

208a  31  Smith          Harriet          35    NY                pg0204a.txt

208A  31  Smith          Harriet          35    NY                pg0204A.txt

174a  4   Smith          Henrietta        4     NY                pg0174a.txt

194a  31  Smith          Henry            8/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

187a  34  Smith          Henry            8     Ill               pg0180a.txt

43b   35  Smith          Henry            71    Md                pg0043a.txt

60b   12  Smith          Henry            16    Ohio              pg0055a.txt

128b  37  Smith          Henry            16    Vt                pg0126a.txt

208A  33  Smith          Henry            15    NY                pg0204A.txt

208a  33  Smith          Henry            15    NY                pg0204a.txt

44a   22  Smith          Hiram            41    NY                pg0043a.txt

84a   5   Smith          Hollis A.        7     Pa                pg0083a.txt

59b   7   Smith          Horace P.        15    NY                pg0055a.txt

58b   16  Smith          Inis S.          2     NY                pg0055a.txt

76b   34  Smith          Ira W.           40    Vt                pg0076a.txt

76b   36  Smith          Ira W.           14    O                 pg0076a.txt

43b   40  Smith          Irene C.         7     Md                pg0043a.txt

171b  40  Smith          Isedore          10    Germany           pg0171a.txt

1b    11  Smith          Issabella        9     Canada            pg0001a.txt

177a  22  Smith          Jackson          15    Ia                pg0174a.txt

3a    8   Smith          Jacob            30    Kentucky          pg0001a.txt

185b  30  Smith          James            6     NY                pg0180a.txt

177a  21  Smith          James            18    Ia                pg0174a.txt

149a  9   Smith          Jane             9     Ia                pg0141a.txt

84a   16  Smith          Jane             20    Me                pg0083a.txt

191a  24  Smith          Jane             17    Vt                pg0188a.txt

83b   42  Smith          Jeremiah         48    NH                pg0083a.txt

149a  7   Smith          Jeremiah         30    Canada            pg0141a.txt

36a   31  Smith          Jerome           19    Vt                pg0029a.txt

1b    7   Smith          John             57    Scotland          pg0001a.txt

174a  1   Smith          John             56    NY                pg0174a.txt

41b   7   Smith          John             50    Germany           pg0038a.txt

1b    13  Smith          John             5     Ill               pg0001a.txt

128b  34  Smith          John             48    NH                pg0126a.txt

185b  22  Smith          John             48    Ireland           pg0180a.txt

58a   7   Smith          John             27    Germany           pg0055a.txt

175b  25  Smith          John             21    Ia                pg0174a.txt

177a  26  Smith          John             2     Ill               pg0174a.txt

145a  5   Smith          John             19    Ill               pg0141a.txt

88a   17  Smith          John             18    NY                pg0083a.txt

84a   18  Smith          John             18    Me                pg0083a.txt

208A  35  Smith          John             11    Ill               pg0204A.txt

208a  35  Smith          John             11    Ill               pg0204a.txt

185b  27  Smith          John             10    NY                pg0180a.txt

84a   4   Smith          John M.          9     Pa                pg0083a.txt

208a  30  Smith          Johnson          35    NY                pg0204a.txt

208A  30  Smith          Johnson          35    NY                pg0204A.txt

194a  30  Smith          Joseph           2     Ill               pg0188a.txt

174a  6   Smith          Josephine        1/12  Ill               pg0174a.txt

179a  6   Smith          Julia            20    NY                pg0174a.txt

134a  5   Smith          Julia            11    Ill               pg0126a.txt

134a  3   Smith          Julius W.        32    NY                pg0126a.txt

33b   6   Smith          Kesiah           7     Ill               pg0029a.txt

58b   13  Smith          Leander          36    NY                pg0055a.txt

134a  6   Smith          Leonard          7     Ill               pg0126a.txt

107b  20  Smith          LeRoy            23    NY                pg0102a.txt

76b   40  Smith          Lois             6     O                 pg0076a.txt

44a   24  Smith          Lorenzt          17    NY                pg0043a.txt

118a  18  Smith          Louisa           28    NY                pg0110a.txt

198a  6   Smith          Lucinda          47    Va                pg0197a.txt

208A  37  Smith          Lucinda          1     Ill               pg0204A.txt

208a  37  Smith          Lucinda          1     Ill               pg0204a.txt

58b   17  Smith          Luther           40    NY                pg0055a.txt

177a  20  Smith          Lydia            40    Ky                pg0174a.txt

187a  36  Smith          Lydia            4     Ill               pg0180a.txt

43b   38  Smith          Lydia            13    O                 pg0043a.txt

185b  29  Smith          Margaret         8     NY                pg0180a.txt

1b    8   Smith          Margaret         45    Scotland          pg0001a.txt

43b   36  Smith          Margaret         25    O                 pg0043a.txt

208A  24  Smith          Margaret         22    NY                pg0204A.txt

208a  24  Smith          Margaret         22    NY                pg0204a.txt

177a  23  Smith          Margaret         12    Ill               pg0174a.txt

1b    10  Smith          Margaret         11    Canada            pg0001a.txt

58b   18  Smith          Mariah           33    NY                pg0055a.txt

174a  5   Smith          Marietta         2     NY                pg0174a.txt

208a  34  Smith          Martha A.        14    Ill               pg0204a.txt

208A  34  Smith          Martha A.        14    Ill               pg0204A.txt

194a  28  Smith          Martin           33    Baden             pg0188a.txt

128b  39  Smith          Martin           30    Vt                pg0126a.txt

135b  9   Smith          Mary             6     Ill               pg0135a.txt

175b  24  Smith          Mary             55    Ky                pg0174a.txt

196b  36  Smith          Mary             34    Germany           pg0188a.txt

76b   35  Smith          Mary             27    NY                pg0076a.txt

185b  24  Smith          Mary             19    NY                pg0180a.txt

66b   7   Smith          Mary             18    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

129b  8   Smith          Mary             16    Vt                pg0126a.txt

76b   37  Smith          Mary             13    O                 pg0076a.txt

194a  32  Smith          Mary             12    Germany           pg0188a.txt

187a  33  Smith          Mary             10    Ill               pg0180a.txt

60b   15  Smith          Mary             1     Ill               pg0055a.txt

196b  38  Smith          Mary             1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

33b   2   Smith          Mary Ann         48    England           pg0029a.txt

128b  35  Smith          Mary C.          57    Vt                pg0126a.txt

55a   28  Smith          Mary E.          5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

85a   40  Smith          Mary J.          22    Ia                pg0083a.txt

55a   27  Smith          Maryetta         25    NY                pg0055a.txt

149a  8   Smith          Mrs.             28    Ia                pg0141a.txt

43b   39  Smith          Nancy            9     Md                pg0043a.txt

175b  27  Smith          Nancy            19    Ia                pg0174a.txt

118a  17  Smith          Nathan           42    Conn              pg0110a.txt

85a   42  Smith          Nelson           29    NY                pg0083a.txt

135b  8   Smith          Newall           10    Ill               pg0135a.txt

208a  23  Smith          Newtin G.        25    NY                pg0204a.txt

208A  23  Smith          Newtin G.        25    NY                pg0204A.txt

199a  22  Smith          Nicholas         50    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

171b  37  Smith          No name given    50    Germany           pg0171a.txt

171b  38  Smith          No name given    40    Germany           pg0171a.txt

24a   29  Smith          O. R.            10    Ill               pg0021a.txt

60b   13  Smith          Orville          14    Ohio              pg0055a.txt

24a   30  Smith          P. R.            8     Ill               pg0021a.txt

196b  37  Smith          Paul             8     Germany           pg0188a.txt

196b  35  Smith          Paul             40    Germany           pg0188a.txt

60b   9   Smith          Paxton           45    Vt                pg0055a.txt

59a   6   Smith          Persifer         1     Ill               pg0055a.txt

129b  3   Smith          Phebe E.         11    Ill               pg0126a.txt

24a   31  Smith          R. W.            5     Ill               pg0021a.txt

84a   23  Smith          Rebecca          6     Me                pg0083a.txt

129b  5   Smith          Rebecca          51    Mass              pg0126a.txt

33b   3   Smith          Rebecca          23    England           pg0029a.txt

60b   14  Smith          Rena             10    Ohio              pg0055a.txt

59a   1   Smith          Reuben W.        33    NY                pg0055a.txt

84a   22  Smith          Rhoda            8     Me                pg0083a.txt

174a  3   Smith          Richard          12    NY                pg0174a.txt

33b   4   Smith          Robert           24    England           pg0029a.txt

129a  41  Smith          Robert T.        40    Vt                pg0126a.txt

163a  22  Smith          Rosalia          7     Ill               pg0162a.txt

84a   19  Smith          Ruth             16    Me                pg0083a.txt

208A  36  Smith          Samuel           6     Ill               pg0204A.txt

208a  36  Smith          Samuel           6     Ill               pg0204a.txt

177a  19  Smith          Samuel           48    O                 pg0174a.txt

177a  24  Smith          Samuel           10    Ill               pg0174a.txt

174a  2   Smith          Sarah            29    NY                pg0174a.txt

76b   38  Smith          Sarah            12    O                 pg0076a.txt

129b  1   Smith          Sarah Ann        11    Vt                pg0126a.txt

208a  26  Smith          Sheldon          17    NY                pg0204a.txt

208A  26  Smith          Sheldon          17    NY                pg0204A.txt

195b  8   Smith          Silas W.         6     Ill               pg0188a.txt

59a   12  Smith          Silas W.         5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

208a  32  Smith          Sophia           17    NY                pg0204a.txt

208A  32  Smith          Sophia           17    NY                pg0204A.txt

2b    32  Smith          Susan            19    NY                pg0001a.txt

84a   1   Smith          susannah         44    Md                pg0083a.txt

129a  42  Smith          Sybyl            54    Vt                pg0126a.txt

84a   6   Smith          Sylvester        5     Pa                pg0083a.txt

177a  25  Smith          Thomas           8     Ill               pg0174a.txt

84a   21  Smith          Thomas           14    Me                pg0083a.txt

129b  4   Smith          Truman           52    Vt                pg0126a.txt

55a   30  Smith          William C.       1/12  Ill               pg0055a.txt

59a   11  Smith          Wm.              9     Ill               pg0055a.txt

185b  28  Smith          Wm.              8     NY                pg0180a.txt

149a  10  Smith          Wm.              7     Ia                pg0141a.txt

195b  5   Smith          Wm.              61    NY                pg0188a.txt

175b  26  Smith          Wm.              19    Ia                pg0174a.txt

40a   3   Smith          Wm.              16    Ill               pg0038a.txt

171b  39  Smith          Wm.              14    Germany           pg0171a.txt

83a   28  Smith          Wm.              12    Pa                pg0083a.txt

59a   4   Smith          Wm. H.           7     Ill               pg0055a.txt

85a   41  Smith          Wm. N.           1     Ill               pg0083a.txt

24a   27  Smith          Wm., 2nd         29    NY                pg0021a.txt

195b  7   Smith          Wm., Jr.         10    Ill               pg0188a.txt

207A  24  Smitt          Alan             2     Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  24  Smitt          Alan             2     Canada            pg0204a.txt

207a  23  Smitt          Julia A.         26    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  23  Smitt          Julia A.         26    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207A  22  Smitt          Lyman R.         28    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  22  Smitt          Lyman R.         28    Canada            pg0204a.txt

66a   24  Snapp          Abram            56    NY                pg0063a.txt

66a   25  Snapp          Sarah            54    NY                pg0063a.txt

132a  37  Snider         Augustine        5     Germany           pg0126a.txt

132a  36  Snider         Caroline         7     Germany           pg0126a.txt

132a  32  Snider         Caroline         34    Germany           pg0126a.txt

132a  34  Snider         Elizabeth        11    Germany           pg0126a.txt

132a  38  Snider         Emma             1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

132a  35  Snider         Jacob            9     Germany           pg0126a.txt

132a  31  Snider         Jacob            42    Germany           pg0126a.txt

132a  33  Snider         Philipene        13    Germany           pg0126a.txt

200a  35  Snoad          Catherine        5     Ill               pg0197a.txt

22b   31  Snoad          Charles          19    England           pg0021a.txt

200a  30  Snoad          Charles          18    England           pg0197a.txt

200a  31  Snoad          Eliza            17    England           pg0197a.txt

200a  34  Snoad          Ellen            10    Ia                pg0197a.txt

200a  28  Snoad          George           42    England           pg0197a.txt

200a  33  Snoad          Louisa           15    England           pg0197a.txt

200a  29  Snoad          Mary A.          44    England           pg0197a.txt

200a  32  Snoad          Mary A.          16    England           pg0197a.txt

97b   40  Snow           Eliza            9     NY                pg0095a.txt

97b   36  Snow           Elizabeth        67    England           pg0095a.txt

97b   41  Snow           Ellen            4     NY                pg0095a.txt

98a   2   Snow           Francis          3     NY                pg0095a.txt

114a  20  Snow           John             37    NY                pg0110a.txt

97b   37  Snow           John             32    England           pg0095a.txt

97b   38  Snow           Mary             30    Vt                pg0095a.txt

97b   39  Snow           Moses            12    NY                pg0095a.txt

98a   1   Snow           Olive            30    Vt                pg0095a.txt

97b   42  Snow           Wm.              30    England           pg0095a.txt

63a   39  Snyder         Abigail          6     NY                pg0063a.txt

63a   40  Snyder         Deteman          4     NY                pg0063a.txt

63a   37  Snyder         Esther           33    NY                pg0063a.txt

46a   36  Snyder         Henry            20    Pa                pg0046a.txt

89a   16  Snyder         Jacob            17    Germany           pg0083a.txt

182b  6   Snyder         John             46    Germany           pg0180a.txt

63a   38  Snyder         Julius           8     NY                pg0063a.txt

182b  8   Snyder         Mary             15    Germany           pg0180a.txt

182b  10  Snyder         Michael          7     Ill               pg0180a.txt

182b  9   Snyder         Peter            11    Germany           pg0180a.txt

30b   14  Snyder         Richard          22    Pa                pg0029a.txt

63a   36  Snyder         Stephen          32    NY                pg0063a.txt

30b   31  Snyder         Susannah         18    Pa                pg0029a.txt

182b  7   Snyder         Thomas           18    Germany           pg0180a.txt

41b   23  Somers         Frances          11    O                 pg0038a.txt

41b   24  Somers         Jackson          5     O                 pg0038a.txt

41b   26  Somers         Jared            14    O                 pg0038a.txt

41b   25  Somers         Orville F.       1/12  Ill               pg0038a.txt

144b  34  Sote           Boliver          24    NY                pg0141a.txt

144b  35  Sote           Harriet          18    NY                pg0141a.txt

17a   40  Southerm       Robert           26    New Brunswick     pg0010a.txt

52b   28  Sowers         William E        8     Ohio              pg0046a.txt

195a  39  Spafford       Eliza            27    Mich              pg0188a.txt

207A  8   Spafford       Mary J.          16    Ill               pg0204A.txt

207a  8   Spafford       Mary J.          16    Ill               pg0204a.txt

207A  11  Spafford       Moses            4     Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  11  Spafford       Moses            4     Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  10  Spafford       Rachel           22    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  10  Spafford       Rachel           22    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  9   Spafford       Robert J.        24    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  9   Spafford       Robert J.        24    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207a  7   Spafford       S. M.            22    Canada            pg0204a.txt

207A  7   Spafford       S. M.            22    Canada            pg0204A.txt

207a  12  Spafford       Sarah E.         2/12  Ill               pg0204a.txt

207A  12  Spafford       Sarah E.         2/12  Ill               pg0204A.txt

195a  38  Spafford       T. O.            30    NY                pg0188a.txt

184a  30  Spalding       Alferd           3     Ill               pg0180a.txt

184a  29  Spalding       Daniel           9     NY                pg0180a.txt

184a  28  Spalding       Elizabeth        31    NY                pg0180a.txt

184a  31  Spalding       Harriet          1     Ill               pg0180a.txt

184a  27  Spalding       Leonard          34    Vt                pg0180a.txt

41a   12  Spangler       Adam             10    Pa                pg0038a.txt

1b    20  Spangler       Agnes            3/12  Ill               pg0001a.txt

41a   8   Spangler       Ann E.           18    Pa                pg0038a.txt

52a   41  Spangler       Catharine        10    Pa                pg0046a.txt

41a   6   Spangler       Catherine        45    Pa                pg0038a.txt

36a   17  Spangler       Catherine        20    Pa                pg0029a.txt

41a   15  Spangler       Catherine E.     2     Pa                pg0038a.txt

36a   16  Spangler       George           24    Pa                pg0029a.txt

52a   40  Spangler       George           24    Pa                pg0046a.txt

36a   18  Spangler       George           1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

52a   42  Spangler       George F.        1     Ill               pg0046a.txt

41a   9   Spangler       Henry            16    Pa                pg0038a.txt

1b    18  Spangler       Isaac E.         25    Pa                pg0001a.txt

41a   17  Spangler       Jacob            28    Pa                pg0038a.txt

41a   5   Spangler       John             50    Pa                pg0038a.txt

41a   18  Spangler       Lucretia         21    NY                pg0038a.txt

41a   10  Spangler       Peter            14    Pa                pg0038a.txt

41a   11  Spangler       Rebecca          12    Pa                pg0038a.txt

41a   13  Spangler       Samuel           8     Pa                pg0038a.txt

1b    19  Spangler       Sarah            22    Pa                pg0001a.txt

41a   14  Spangler       Wm.              5     Pa                pg0038a.txt

41a   7   Spangler       Zacheus          20    Pa                pg0038a.txt

134b  41  Spaulding      Abram M.         42    NY                pg0126a.txt

51b   23  Spaulding      Jacob            34    England           pg0046a.txt

51b   25  Spaulding      Jacob            1     Ill               pg0046a.txt

134b  42  Spaulding      Jane             33    NY                pg0126a.txt

51b   24  Spaulding      Jane             24    England           pg0046a.txt

135a  1   Spaulding      Lorena           5     Ill               pg0135a.txt

21a   26  Spear          Abigail          23    NY                pg0021a.txt

21a   27  Spear          Sarah J.         3     Ill               pg0021a.txt

21a   25  Spear          Wm. R.           38    Scotland          pg0021a.txt

11b   20  Spelman        James            7     Ill               pg0010a.txt

11b   22  Spelman        John             3     Ill               pg0010a.txt

11b   19  Spelman        Margaret         30    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

11b   18  Spelman        Martin           45    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

11b   23  Spelman        Martin           1     Ill               pg0010a.txt

11b   21  Spelman        Mary             5     Ill               pg0010a.txt

38a   18  Spencer        A. J.            39    NY                pg0038a.txt

14a   31  Spencer        David            10    NY                pg0010a.txt

38a   19  Spencer        Eleanor          45    NY                pg0038a.txt

140a  30  Spencer        Ellen            15    Ill               pg0137a.txt

38a   20  Spencer        Francis E.       16    NY                pg0038a.txt

14a   32  Spencer        Hannah           8     NY                pg0010a.txt

140a  29  Spencer        Henrietta        16    NY                pg0137a.txt

38a   21  Spencer        Hume J.          1     Ill               pg0038a.txt

14a   30  Spencer        Isaac            15    NY                pg0010a.txt

3a    9   Spencer        Isaac            15    NY                pg0001a.txt

35a   28  Spencer        Mary             49    Pa                pg0029a.txt

14a   29  Spencer        Ruth             37    Maine             pg0010a.txt

15b   23  Spicer         Abigail          42    NJ                pg0010a.txt

15b   24  Spicer         David            20    NY                pg0010a.txt

15b   26  Spicer         Franklin         13    Ill               pg0010a.txt

15b   28  Spicer         George           7     Ill               pg0010a.txt

15b   22  Spicer         George           43    Conn              pg0010a.txt

15b   29  Spicer         Jane             7/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

15b   25  Spicer         Lucy             16    NY                pg0010a.txt

15b   27  Spicer         Rachel           8     Ill               pg0010a.txt

147b  24  Spink          Arthur           10    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  23  Spink          George           12    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  26  Spink          Henry            6     Ill               pg0141a.txt

147b  22  Spink          John             14    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  20  Spink          Mary             18    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  19  Spink          Mrs.             42    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  18  Spink          Peter            45    Scotland          pg0141a.txt

147b  21  Spink          Peter            16    Canada            pg0141a.txt

147b  25  Spink          Poppmse          8     Ill               pg0141a.txt

79b   9   Spivy          Charles          11    Ill               pg0076a.txt

79b   6   Spivy          Daniel           21    Ill               pg0076a.txt

79b   3   Spivy          Exum             63    NC                pg0076a.txt

79b   5   Spivy          Henry            23    Ill               pg0076a.txt

79b   7   Spivy          Martha A.        19    Ill               pg0076a.txt

79b   8   Spivy          Sarah            12    Ill               pg0076a.txt

79b   4   Spivy          Willey           48    NC                pg0076a.txt

206b  20  Spoon          Edward R.        2     Ill               pg0204a.txt

206B  20  Spoon          Edward R.        2     Ill               pg0204A.txt

206b  18  Spoon          H. H.            29    NY                pg0204a.txt

206B  18  Spoon          H. H.            29    NY                pg0204A.txt

206B  19  Spoon          Sarah            25    Nova Scotia       pg0204A.txt

206b  19  Spoon          Sarah            25    Nova Scotia       pg0204a.txt

160b  36  Spooner        Catherine        11    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  37  Spooner        Edward           8     Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  33  Spooner        Edward           40    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  38  Spooner        Gilblas          7     Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  32  Spooner        Joseph           2     Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  40  Spooner        Joseph           2     Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  39  Spooner        Josephine        3     Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  35  Spooner        Mary             14    Canada            pg0159a.txt

160b  34  Spooner        Mrs.             30    Canada            pg0159a.txt

171a  5   Sporr          Phaelia C.       21    NY                pg0171a.txt

166a  17  Sprague        Addison          15    Mich              pg0162a.txt

166a  19  Sprague        Cassius          4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

59b   19  Sprague        charles          22    NY                pg0055a.txt

56b   6   Sprague        Charles N.       4     Ill               pg0055a.txt

59b   25  Sprague        Edward           6     NY                pg0055a.txt

56b   7   Sprague        Elizabeth        2     Ill               pg0055a.txt

59b   24  Sprague        Ellen            6     NY                pg0055a.txt

166a  18  Sprague        Ester            13    Mich              pg0162a.txt

59b   21  Sprague        Harriet          18    NY                pg0055a.txt

166a  15  Sprague        Henry            42    NY                pg0162a.txt

59b   22  Sprague        John             16    NY                pg0055a.txt

59b   17  Sprague        Joseph           50    Vt                pg0055a.txt

166a  16  Sprague        Louisa           28    NY                pg0162a.txt

56b   2   Sprague        Lydia            32    NY                pg0055a.txt

59b   23  Sprague        Mary             13    NY                pg0055a.txt

59b   20  Sprague        Mellissa         20    NY                pg0055a.txt

59b   26  Sprague        Olive            4     NY                pg0055a.txt

59b   18  Sprague        Polly            45    Vt                pg0055a.txt

56b   1   Sprague        Thomas J.        34    NY                pg0055a.txt

202b  41  Squiers        Deborah          35    Ill               pg0197a.txt

203a  2   Squires        Benjamin         5     Unknown           pg0197a.txt

203a  1   Squires        Laura            8     Unknown           pg0197a.txt

203a  3   Squires        Orlando          3     Unknown           pg0197a.txt

203a  4   Squires        Sarah            1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

156b  11  St. Peter      Adolphus         1     Ill               pg0150a.txt

156a  2   St. Peter      Amelia           40    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  3   St. Peter      Antonine         18    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  5   St. Peter      Caroline         10    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  1   St. Peter      David            39    Canada            pg0150a.txt

77a   21  St. Peter      Henry            25    Canada            pg0076a.txt

156a  7   St. Peter      Joseph           2     Ill               pg0150a.txt

156a  6   St. Peter      Julia            6     Ill               pg0150a.txt

77a   13  St. Peter      Julia            18    Canada            pg0076a.txt

156a  42  St. Peter      Lenore           22    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  41  St. Peter      Mansil           23    Canada            pg0150a.txt

156a  4   St. Peter      Matilda          12    Canada            pg0150a.txt

126b  6   Staffenberg    Catherine        43    Germany           pg0126a.txt

126b  2   Staffenberg    Elizabeth        6     Penn              pg0126a.txt

126a  41  Staffenberg    Henry            33    Germany           pg0126a.txt

126b  8   Staffenberg    Henry            11    Penn              pg0126a.txt

126b  4   Staffenberg    Henry            1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

126b  3   Staffenberg    John             3     Ill               pg0126a.txt

126b  1   Staffenberg    Margaret         8     Germany           pg0126a.txt

126a  42  Staffenberg    Margaret         31    Germany           pg0126a.txt

126b  7   Staffenberg    Margaret         14    Germany           pg0126a.txt

126b  9   Staffenberg    Peter            7     Penn              pg0126a.txt

126b  5   Staffenberg    Peter            39    Germany           pg0126a.txt

129a  23  Stalp          Augustine        20    NY                pg0126a.txt

129a  22  Stalp          Catherine        23    NY                pg0126a.txt

129a  24  Stalp          Edwin            20    NY                pg0126a.txt

129a  16  Stalp          Eliza A.         17    NY                pg0126a.txt

129a  17  Stalp          Ellen            3     Ill               pg0126a.txt

129a  21  Stalp          Lois             58    Conn              pg0126a.txt

129a  25  Stalp          Lois E.          17    NY                pg0126a.txt

129a  18  Stalp          Melissa          1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

129a  20  Stalp          Peter            59    NY                pg0126a.txt

129a  15  Stalp          Thomas           35    MY                pg0126a.txt

62a   32  Standish       Emma C.          7     Ill               pg0055a.txt

27a   3   Staphens       C. R.            12    Ill               pg0021a.txt

27a   1   Staphens       Charles B.       34    Vt                pg0021a.txt

27a   2   Staphens       E. A. W.         36    NJ                pg0021a.txt

27a   4   Staphens       Walter           9     Ill               pg0021a.txt

200a  40  Starbuck       C. N.            30    NY                pg0197a.txt

200a  41  Starbuck       Jane A.          26    Pa                pg0197a.txt

200a  42  Starbuck       Wm.              2     Ill               pg0197a.txt

46a   15  Stark          Amos             20    Pa                pg0046a.txt

46a   14  Stark          Elizabeth        48    Pa                pg0046a.txt

46a   20  Stark          Emmanuel         10    Pa                pg0046a.txt

46a   21  Stark          Israel           7     Pa                pg0046a.txt

46a   16  Stark          Jacob            18    Pa                pg0046a.txt

46a   19  Stark          Martin           12    Pa                pg0046a.txt

46a   18  Stark          Susannah         14    Pa                pg0046a.txt

46a   13  Stark          William          50    Pa                pg0046a.txt

46a   17  Stark          William          16    Pa                pg0046a.txt

177a  29  Starkey        Ann E.           9     Ia                pg0174a.txt

177a  35  Starkey        Anna             30    Pa                pg0174a.txt

177a  38  Starkey        Armstrong        9     Ia                pg0174a.txt

177a  27  Starkey        Benj.            31    Pa                pg0174a.txt

177a  40  Starkey        Cluford          6     Ia                pg0174a.txt

177a  33  Starkey        Freeman          10/12 Ill               pg0174a.txt

177a  30  Starkey        Harriet          5     Ia                pg0174a.txt

177a  34  Starkey        Joseph           33    Pa                pg0174a.txt

177a  36  Starkey        Margaret         13    I                 pg0174a.txt

177a  39  Starkey        Marion           8     Ia                pg0174a.txt

177a  28  Starkey        Milly            25    Ia                pg0174a.txt

177a  32  Starkey        Perry            2     Ill               pg0174a.txt

177a  37  Starkey        Robert           12    Ia                pg0174a.txt

177a  41  Starkey        Ruman            4     Ill               pg0174a.txt

177a  31  Starkey        Wm. J.           3     Ia                pg0174a.txt

174b  15  Starkie        Albert           30    O                 pg0174a.txt

174b  18  Starkie        Luther           3     Ill               pg0174a.txt

174b  16  Starkie        Sarah            27    O                 pg0174a.txt

174b  17  Starkie        Wm.              5     Ill               pg0174a.txt

166b  13  Starr          Abijah R.        18    NY                pg0162a.txt

116a  2   Starr          Charles          63    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

116a  4   Starr          Charles, Jr.     26    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

166b  12  Starr          Harriet L.       44    Mass              pg0162a.txt

116a  3   Starr          Paulina          54    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

166b  11  Starr          Wm. R.           43    NY                pg0162a.txt

108b  7   Staulder       Henry            8     Ohio              pg0102a.txt

108b  9   Staulder       Joseph           3     Ill               pg0102a.txt

108b  5   Staulder       Laurence         40    Switzerland       pg0102a.txt

108b  8   Staulder       Mary             6     Ohio              pg0102a.txt

108b  6   Staulder       Rachel           29    Ohio              pg0102a.txt

103a  11  Staye          Ann E.           23    NY                pg0102a.txt

103a  13  Staye          Charlotte L.     18    NY                pg0102a.txt

103a  12  Staye          Reuben           20    NY                pg0102a.txt

103a  14  Staye          Sarah A.         16    NY                pg0102a.txt

103a  15  Staye          Wm. C.           13    NY                pg0102a.txt

115b  34  Steadman       Charles          10    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

115b  32  Steadman       Harriet          40    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

115b  33  Steadman       Leonard          16    Nova Scotia       pg0110a.txt

205B  21  Steadman       Leonard          15    Unknown           pg0204A.txt

205b  21  Steadman       Leonard          15    Unknown           pg0204a.txt

48a   14  Stebbins       Mary             36    NY                pg0046a.txt

48a   13  Stebbins       Silus            38    NY                pg0046a.txt

117b  41  Stedman        Benj.            1     Ill               pg0110a.txt

91a   18  Steel          Chauncy          25    Vt                pg0091a.txt

34b   12  Steel          E. Ann           26    England           pg0029a.txt

34b   20  Steel          Elisa            10    England           pg0029a.txt

34b   18  Steel          George           15    England           pg0029a.txt

34b   17  Steel          Harriet          17    England           pg0029a.txt

34b   22  Steel          Julia A.         1     Ill               pg0029a.txt

34b   21  Steel          Luke             36    NY                pg0029a.txt

34b   15  Steel          Martha           19    England           pg0029a.txt

34b   16  Steel          Mary             19    England           pg0029a.txt

91a   21  Steel          Moses            25    NH                pg0091a.txt

34b   19  Steel          Richard          13    England           pg0029a.txt

34b   13  Steel          Sarah            23    England           pg0029a.txt

91a   20  Steel          Sarah            19    Ill               pg0091a.txt

91a   19  Steel          W. (unable to read) 35 NH                pg0091a.txt

34b   14  Steel          Wm.              21    England           pg0029a.txt

69a   30  Steele         Harvey           47    NH                pg0063a.txt

69a   31  Steele         Lucinda          27    O                 pg0063a.txt

69a   33  Steele         Philander        4     Ill               pg0063a.txt

69a   32  Steele         Sarah M.         9     NY                pg0063a.txt

69a   34  Steele         Wm. N.           1     Ill               pg0063a.txt

171a  7   Stege          Henry            30    Germany           pg0171a.txt

171a  9   Stege          Henry            1     Ill               pg0171a.txt

171a  8   Stege          Sophia           30    Germany           pg0171a.txt

190a  19  Stephen        Angeline         32    Germany           pg0188a.txt

190a  24  Stephen        Catherine        7     Ill               pg0188a.txt

190a  22  Stephen        Eliza            2     Ill               pg0188a.txt

190a  23  Stephen        Harry            1/12  Ill               pg0188a.txt

190a  20  Stephen        John             6     Ill               pg0188a.txt

190a  18  Stephen        Sebastian        40    Germany           pg0188a.txt

190a  21  Stephen        Sebastian        4     Ill               pg0188a.txt

54b   24  Stephens       Margaret         21    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

20a   4   Sterling       Agnes            8     Ill               pg0019a.txt

19b   42  Sterling       Ann              35    Ireland           pg0019a.txt

147b  30  Sterling       Caroline         28    NY                pg0141a.txt

19b   41  Sterling       James            36    Scotland          pg0019a.txt

20a   3   Sterling       James            10    Ill               pg0019a.txt

20a   5   Sterling       Margaret         3     Ill               pg0019a.txt

20a   2   Sterling       Mary             12    Ill               pg0019a.txt

20a   1   Sterling       Susan            14    Canada            pg0019a.txt

147b  29  Sterling       Walter           30    Scotland          pg0141a.txt

147b  31  Sterling       Wm.              1     Ill               pg0141a.txt

180b  32  Steven         Antony           7     Germany           pg0180a.txt

180b  33  Steven         Ellen            4     Germany           pg0180a.txt

180b  27  Steven         John             44    Germany           pg0180a.txt

180b  31  Steven         John             11    Germany           pg0180a.txt

180b  30  Steven         Joseph           13    Germany           pg0180a.txt

180b  28  Steven         Matilda          45    Germany           pg0180a.txt

180b  29  Steven         Michael          15    Germany           pg0180a.txt

78a   38  Stevens        Abner            16    NY                pg0076a.txt

27a   12  Stevens        Adaline          4     Ill               pg0021a.txt

120b  22  Stevens        Adelia           20    Mich              pg0119a.txt

200b  19  Stevens        Albert           9     Ill               pg0197a.txt

78a   34  Stevens        Ansel            49    Vt                pg0076a.txt

56b   30  Stevens        Caroline         3     Ill               pg0055a.txt

75b   21  Stevens        david            27    NY                pg0073a.txt

126a  30  Stevens        David S.         14    Scotland          pg0126a.txt

66b   35  Stevens        Eben.            40    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

126a  31  Stevens        Ebenezer         11    Scotland          pg0126a.txt

200b  18  Stevens        Eliza            14    Mich              pg0197a.txt

27a   7   Stevens        Elizabeth        19    Ia                pg0021a.txt

66b   42  Stevens        Elspet           6     Ill               pg0063a.txt

66b   36  Stevens        Elspet           28    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

75b   23  Stevens        Emily            14    Ill               pg0073a.txt

78a   41  Stevens        Epaphrus         6     Ill               pg0076a.txt

67a   2   Stevens        George           2     Ill               pg0063a.txt

126a  33  Stevens        George G.        6     Scotland          pg0126a.txt

191a  31  Stevens        Harriet          23    England           pg0188a.txt

200b  20  Stevens        Henry            5     Ill               pg0197a.txt

200b  16  Stevens        Henry K.         39    Mass              pg0197a.txt

66b   40  Stevens        Issabella        13    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

27a   10  Stevens        James            9     Ill               pg0021a.txt

66b   41  Stevens        Jane             11    Ill               pg0063a.txt

2b    30  Stevens        Jenette          16    Scotland          pg0001a.txt

55b   10  Stevens        Jennetta         15    Scotland          pg0055a.txt

66b   39  Stevens        Jessy            16    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

191a  30  Stevens        John             28    England           pg0188a.txt

78a   39  Stevens        John             12    NY                pg0076a.txt

126a  32  Stevens        Joseph S.        9     Scotland          pg0126a.txt

27a   8   Stevens        Lewis            14    Ill               pg0021a.txt

66b   37  Stevens        Margaret         28    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

78a   35  Stevens        Marilla          46    NY                pg0076a.txt

66b   38  Stevens        Mary             18    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

200b  17  Stevens        Mary A.          34    Pa                pg0197a.txt

200b  21  Stevens        Mary A.          1     Ill               pg0197a.txt

27a   6   Stevens        Nancy            36    O                 pg0021a.txt

123a  17  Stevens        Orpha            20    Vt                pg0119a.txt

78a   36  Stevens        Parmelia L.      23    NY                pg0076a.txt

27a   5   Stevens        Robt.            48    Ky                pg0021a.txt

78a   40  Stevens        Rosina           9     NY                pg0076a.txt

27a   11  Stevens        Sarah            7     Ill               pg0021a.txt

56b   29  Stevens        Sarah            26    NY                pg0055a.txt

27a   9   Stevens        Thomas           13    Ill               pg0021a.txt

75b   22  Stevens        Virginia L.      20    NY                pg0073a.txt

191a  32  Stevens        Walter           2     England           pg0188a.txt

67a   1   Stevens        Wilhelmina       3     Ill               pg0063a.txt

56b   28  Stevens        Zelote           27    NY                pg0055a.txt

78a   37  Stevens        Zenus            21    NY                pg0076a.txt

103a  41  Stevenson      James            26    Ireland           pg0102a.txt

15b   2   Steward        Aurelia          9     O                 pg0010a.txt

15b   4   Steward        Hardwick         1/12  Ill               pg0010a.txt

15a   40  Steward        Isaac H.         38    Conn              pg0010a.txt

15b   1   Steward        L. W.            11    O                 pg0010a.txt

15a   41  Steward        Maria            37    NY                pg0010a.txt

15b   3   Steward        Mary             7     Ill               pg0010a.txt

15a   42  Steward        Sanford M.       13    O                 pg0010a.txt

110b  1   Stewart        California       33    NY                pg0110a.txt

119a  36  Stewart        Cynthia          26    NY                pg0119a.txt

110a  42  Stewart        Daniel           49    Scotland          pg0110a.txt

123a  23  Stewart        Edward           21    NY                pg0119a.txt

119a  39  Stewart        Elizabeth        6     Ill               pg0119a.txt

57b   23  Stewart        Elizabeth        12    Ill               pg0055a.txt

57b   21  Stewart        Emelta           17    NY                pg0055a.txt

119a  35  Stewart        F. D. L.         34    England           pg0119a.txt

123a  24  Stewart        Geo. T.          16    NY                pg0119a.txt

119a  38  Stewart        George           8     Ill               pg0119a.txt

50b   18  Stewart        James            13    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

123a  26  Stewart        James N.         10    Ill               pg0119a.txt

50b   15  Stewart        Jane             58    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

110b  4   Stewart        Jerome D.        2     Ill               pg0110a.txt

123a  22  Stewart        John             23    NY                pg0119a.txt

57b   20  Stewart        Louisa           34    NY                pg0055a.txt

123a  25  Stewart        Malcom N. M.     15    NY                pg0119a.txt

57b   26  Stewart        Melinda          5     Ill               pg0055a.txt

57b   25  Stewart        Nathan           8     Ill               pg0055a.txt

123a  21  Stewart        Peter            66    Scotland          pg0119a.txt

57b   19  Stewart        Peter            40    NY                pg0055a.txt

57b   24  Stewart        Peter            10    Ill               pg0055a.txt

110b  3   Stewart        Peter T.         4     Ill               pg0110a.txt

57b   22  Stewart        Riley            14    Ill               pg0055a.txt

43b   15  Stewart        Rosalid          24    O                 pg0043a.txt

57b   27  Stewart        Sophia           2     Ill               pg0055a.txt

110b  2   Stewart        Thomas           7     Ill               pg0110a.txt

50b   14  Stewart        Thomas           63    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

50b   17  Stewart        Thomas           22    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

43b   14  Stewart        Washington       24    O                 pg0043a.txt

50b   16  Stewart        William          25    Scotland          pg0046a.txt

123a  30  Stewart        Wm.              45    Scotland          pg0119a.txt

119a  37  Stewart        Wm.              10    Ill               pg0119a.txt

123a  27  Stewart        Wm. Zull         7     Ill               pg0119a.txt

108a  2   Stickney       Benj.            48    NY                pg0102a.txt

104b  15  Stickney       E.               30    NY                pg0102a.txt

108a  3   Stickney       Elizabeth        43    Pa                pg0102a.txt

104b  16  Stickney       John             23    NY                pg0102a.txt

190a  12  Stillman       O. W.            36    Mass              pg0188a.txt

190a  13  Stillman       Rosan            25    NY                pg0188a.txt

131a  21  Stillwagener   Henry            1     Ill               pg0126a.txt

131a  18  Stillwagener   Jacob            14    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  16  Stillwagener   Margaret         30    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  17  Stillwagener   Mathias          18    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  20  Stillwagener   Philip           8     Penn              pg0126a.txt

131a  15  Stillwagener   Philip           45    Germany           pg0126a.txt

131a  19  Stillwagener   Wm.              12    Germany           pg0126a.txt

87a   28  Stilts         John             50    Va                pg0083a.txt

87a   29  Stilts         Mary A.          52    Va                pg0083a.txt

87a   31  Stilts         Mary A.          16    Ill               pg0083a.txt

87a   30  Stilts         Nancy            18    Ill               pg0083a.txt

87a   32  Stilts         Wm. H. H.        9     Ill               pg0083a.txt

175b  15  Stingly        Angeline         25    Canada            pg0174a.txt

175b  14  Stingly        John             33    O                 pg0174a.txt

98a   35  Stiver         Almira M.        22    Ia                pg0095a.txt

98a   34  Stiver         Wm. C.           30    Canada            pg0095a.txt

203b  18  Stoddard       Adeline          3     Ill               pg0197a.txt

203b  15  Stoddard       Ellen            12    Ill               pg0197a.txt

203b  13  Stoddard       H. N.            35    NY                pg0197a.txt

203b  17  Stoddard       Henry            6     Ill               pg0197a.txt

203b  16  Stoddard       Major            8     Ill               pg0197a.txt

203b  14  Stoddard       Mary             25    Ireland           pg0197a.txt

203b  19  Stoddard       Mary             1/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

196b  23  Stolder        Elizabeth        2     Ill               pg0188a.txt

196b  21  Stolder        Emily            8     Switzerland       pg0188a.txt

196b  22  Stolder        Joseph           5     Switzerland       pg0188a.txt

196b  19  Stolder        Mrs.             44    Switzerland       pg0188a.txt

196b  18  Stolder        Nicholas         45    Switzerland       pg0188a.txt

196b  20  Stolder        Thomas           14    Switzerland       pg0188a.txt

199b  28  Stone          Abigail H.       24    NY                pg0197a.txt

199b  29  Stone          Albertine M.     3     Ill               pg0197a.txt

91a   13  Stone          Charles          11    Mich              pg0091a.txt

92a   3   Stone          Edward           25    England           pg0091a.txt

91a   9   Stone          Elizabeth        40    NH                pg0091a.txt

91a   16  Stone          George           4     Mich              pg0091a.txt

121b  24  Stone          H.               18    NY                pg0119a.txt

91a   8   Stone          Henry            40    NY                pg0091a.txt

91a   10  Stone          Henry            17    NY                pg0091a.txt

91a   15  Stone          Levi W.          7     Mich              pg0091a.txt

91a   11  Stone          Mary A.          15    NY                pg0091a.txt

70a   22  Stone          Myra             21    England           pg0063a.txt

121b  23  Stone          R. R.            26    NY                pg0119a.txt

199b  27  Stone          S. Wheeler       28    NY                pg0197a.txt

91a   12  Stone          Sarah B.         13    NY                pg0091a.txt

91a   14  Stone          Sophronia        9     Mich              pg0091a.txt

172b  6   Stony          Adam             30    Germany           pg0171a.txt

175b  13  Storer         Isaac            24    O                 pg0174a.txt

8a    4   Storis         Jane B.          29    NJ                pg0001a.txt

8a    3   Storis         John C.          24    NJ                pg0001a.txt

66a   21  Storms         Jane             17    Scotland          pg0063a.txt

113b  19  Stornburgh     Jacob            80    NY                pg0110a.txt

104b  13  Story          A. W.            28    NY                pg0102a.txt

104b  12  Story          Catherine        54    NY                pg0102a.txt

104b  14  Story          Samuel           20    NY                pg0102a.txt

134b  32  Stouder        Francis          27    Germany           pg0126a.txt

134b  33  Stouder        Mary             26    Germany           pg0126a.txt

31a   26  Stover         Augustus P,      6     Miss              pg0029a.txt

31a   24  Stover         Maria            22    Virginia          pg0029a.txt

31a   23  Stover         Seymore          36    NY                pg0029a.txt

117b  37  Stowel         George M.        35    Vt                pg0110a.txt

125b  44  Stower         Ann E.           7     Ill               pg0119a.txt

125b  43  Stower         Chas E.          11    Ill               pg0119a.txt

125b  41  Stower         Chas.            35    Mass              pg0119a.txt

125b  42  Stower         Eunice           34    Mass              pg0119a.txt

45a   1   Strain         Barten           24    Ill               pg0043a.txt

45a   2   Strain         Fanny            19    O                 pg0043a.txt

178b  2   Stratton       Achsah           1/12  Ill               pg0174a.txt

178b  8   Stratton       Delia A.         8     Ill               pg0174a.txt

178b  6   Stratton       Dicea E.         10    Ill               pg0174a.txt

178a  42  Stratton       F. P.            27    Ill               pg0174a.txt

22b   20  Stratton       J. E.            22    Pa                pg0021a.txt

178b  9   Stratton       John W.          2     Ill               pg0174a.txt

178b  1   Stratton       Mamre            25    NY                pg0174a.txt

178b  5   Stratton       Margaret E.      31    Ky                pg0174a.txt

178b  7   Stratton       Merry E.         8     Ill               pg0174a.txt

178b  4   Stratton       Wm. J>           35    Ky                pg0174a.txt

202b  11  Strickland     Catherine        4     England           pg0197a.txt

189b  15  Strickland     Edward           38    England           pg0188a.txt

189b  7   Strickland     H.               32    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

189b  11  Strickland     James            1     Ill               pg0188a.txt

189b  10  Strickland     Jane             3     Ill               pg0188a.txt

202b  19  Strickland     Mary             25    England           pg0197a.txt

189b  8   Strickland     N.               38    England           pg0188a.txt

202b  9   Strickland     Richard          27    England           pg0197a.txt

189b  9   Strickland     Wm. C.           5     Ill               pg0188a.txt

180b  36  Strickler      Abia             52    NY                pg0180a.txt

180b  34  Strickler      Henry            22    NY                pg0180a.txt

180b  37  Strickler      Lucinda          17    NY                pg0180a.txt

180b  35  Strickler      Stephen          64    Pa                pg0180a.txt

180b  39  Strickler      Thompson         13    NY                pg0180a.txt

180b  40  Strickler      Washington       9     NY                pg0180a.txt

180b  38  Strickler      Wm.              20    NY                pg0180a.txt

175b  12  Stringley      Abraham          18    Ia                pg0174a.txt

58a   21  Strong         Albert M.        1     Ill               pg0055a.txt

58a   16  Strong         Alfred W.        17    Ill               pg0055a.txt

193b  2   Strong         Augustus         22    NY                pg0188a.txt

58a   15  Strong         Caroline         39    NY                pg0055a.txt

111a  29  Strong         Caroline         3     Ill               pg0110a.txt

111a  26  Strong         E. H.            30    NY                pg0110a.txt

58a   20  Strong         Emma V.          4     Ill               pg0055a.txt

193b  1   Strong         Jane             43    NY                pg0188a.txt

111a  27  Strong         Lucy             27    Pa                pg0110a.txt

58a   18  Strong         Mary A.          11    Ill               pg0055a.txt

58a   17  Strong         Olive            15    Ill               pg0055a.txt

58a   14  Strong         Robert           44    Vt                pg0055a.txt

58a   19  Strong         Robert H.        7     Ill               pg0055a.txt

111a  30  Strong         Sarah            1     Ill               pg0110a.txt

111a  28  Strong         Warren           5     Pa                pg0110a.txt

193a  42  Strong         Wm.              47    Mass              pg0188a.txt

75b   3   Strother       Joseph           33    Switzerland       pg0073a.txt

75b   4   Strother       Mary             30    Switzerland       pg0073a.txt

189b  33  Stroval        Lucas            23    Germany           pg0188a.txt

99b   17  Strunk         Helen            10    Ill               pg0095a.txt

99b   13  Strunk         John             43    NY                pg0095a.txt

99b   14  Strunk         Martha           36    NY                pg0095a.txt

99b   15  Strunk         Mary             15    NY                pg0095a.txt

99b   16  Strunk         Wm. T.           13    NY                pg0095a.txt

17a   10  Stuart         Ann              38    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

17a   11  Stuart         James            13    Canada            pg0010a.txt

17a   12  Stuart         John             9     Ill               pg0010a.txt

17a   14  Stuart         Mary             4     Ill               pg0010a.txt

17a   9   Stuart         Neil             40    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

17a   13  Stuart         Wm.              8     Ill               pg0010a.txt

196a  37  Stuphler       Catherine        13    France            pg0188a.txt

196a  38  Stuphler       George           8     France            pg0188a.txt

196a  39  Stuphler       Teresa           5     France            pg0188a.txt

196a  40  Stuphler       Xavier           2     France            pg0188a.txt

190a  27  Stutz          Jacob            26    Germany           pg0188a.txt

32b   38  Suddath        Amantha          7     Ohio              pg0029a.txt

32b   36  Suddath        Elisa D.         15    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

36b   34  Suddath        John             24    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

32b   35  Suddath        L. W.            17    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

36b   35  Suddath        Mary             21    Ill               pg0029a.txt

32b   37  Suddath        Preston          10    Ohio              pg0029a.txt

32b   33  Suddath        R.               57    Virginia          pg0029a.txt

32b   34  Suddath        Sarah            46    Virginia          pg0029a.txt

35b   4   Suddoth        R.               23    Va                pg0029a.txt

12b   19  Suits          S. A.            38    NY                pg0010a.txt

191b  22  Sullivan       Catherine        40    Pa                pg0188a.txt

191b  24  Sullivan       John             9     Ia                pg0188a.txt

191b  21  Sullivan       John             40    Ireland           pg0188a.txt

191b  23  Sullivan       Lucinda          12    Ia                pg0188a.txt

129b  9   Sullivan       Michael          18    Ireland           pg0126a.txt

191b  25  Sullivan       Thomas           3     Ia                pg0188a.txt

152b  14  Supernot       Almene           1     Ill               pg0150a.txt

152b  13  Supernot       Mary             4     Canada            pg0150a.txt

152b  12  Supernot       Mary A.          26    Canada            pg0150a.txt

152b  11  Supernot       Michael          26    Canada            pg0150a.txt

3b    32  Surdam         Jane             6     Ill               pg0001a.txt

3b    31  Surdam         Maria            8     Ind               pg0001a.txt

3b    33  Surdam         Mary             2     Ill               pg0001a.txt

97a   7   Sutherland     Albert           4     NY                pg0095a.txt

97a   5   Sutherland     Lucretia         22    Vt                pg0095a.txt

19b   11  Sutherland     Robert           29    Nova Scotia       pg0019a.txt

97a   6   Sutherland     Victoria         7     NY                pg0095a.txt

97a   4   Sutherland     Wm.              30    NY                pg0095a.txt

21a   30  Sutley         Almira           35    Canada            pg0021a.txt

21a   31  Sutley         Ann L.           10    O                 pg0021a.txt

21a   32  Sutley         George F.        7     O                 pg0021a.txt

21a   29  Sutley         Silas B.         37    NY                pg0021a.txt

127b  39  Sutton         ann              51    England           pg0126a.txt

127b  38  Sutton         Henry            55    England           pg0126a.txt

167a  9   Sutton         Hiram            9     NY                pg0162a.txt

167a  6   Sutton         Ira              44    Vt                pg0162a.txt

127b  41  Sutton         James            20    England           pg0126a.txt

128a  1   Sutton         Jane             10    England           pg0126a.txt

87b   41  Sutton         Joseph           17    England           pg0083a.txt

167a  4   Sutton         Laura A.         15    NY                pg0162a.txt

167a  10  Sutton         Lucretia         4     Iowa              pg0162a.txt

167a  7   Sutton         Mary             43    NH                pg0162a.txt

127b  42  Sutton         Mary ann         18    England           pg0126a.txt

167a  8   Sutton         Mehatable        13    NY                pg0162a.txt

167a  11  Sutton         Sarah            1     Ill               pg0162a.txt

127b  40  Sutton         Thomas           32    England           pg0126a.txt

97a   9   Swantrell      Wm.              26    England           pg0095a.txt

18b   10  Sweeney        Hugh             22    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

18b   12  Sweeney        Mary             20    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

18b   11  Sweeney        Mrs.             52    Ireland           pg0010a.txt

102a  31  Sweet          Eliza            18    Unknown           pg0102a.txt

102a  30  Sweet          Geo.             18    Unknown           pg0102a.txt

177a  15  Sweet          George J.        37    NY                pg0174a.txt

177a  16  Sweet          susan            33    NY                pg0174a.txt

56a   34  Swift          Huldah           51    Vt                pg0055a.txt

57b   6   Swift          Nelson E.        1     Ill               pg0055a.txt

56a   33  Swift          Shuball          56    NY                pg0055a.txt

84b   13  Swift          Wm. H.           26    NY                pg0083a.txt

49a   17  Swilly         David            22    Pa                pg0046a.txt

49a   18  Swilly         Joseph           23    Pa                pg0046a.txt

49a   16  Swilly         Margaret         56    Pa                pg0046a.txt

21a   14  Syler          Joseph           27    England           pg0021a.txt

149b  18  Sylvester      B.F.             30    Me                pg0141a.txt

199b  3   Symington      Catherine        10    Ill               pg0197a.txt

199b  5   Symington      Charles          5     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199b  1   Symington      Dorothy          35    Germany           pg0197a.txt

199b  7   Symington      Dorothy          1/12  Ill               pg0197a.txt

199b  4   Symington      Margaret         8     Ill               pg0197a.txt

199b  2   Symington      Sophia           12    Pa                pg0197a.txt

199a  42  Symington      Wm.              38    Pa                pg0197a.txt

199b  6   Symington      Wm. H.           2     Ill               pg0197a.txt

44b   13  Symmes         Eliza J.         17    O                 pg0043a.txt

67a   18  Symmes         Wm. P.           26    NY                pg0063a.txt

164b  35  Syons          John             19    Vt                pg0162a.txt

164b  33  Syons          Lucy             4     Ill               pg0162a.txt

164b  34  Syons          Sally            41    Vt                pg0162a.txt

The complete text of this census can be found at
Last Update: Friday, 13-Dec-2024 21:36:42 UTC

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Will County Coordinator: Dennis Partridge
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Copyright of submitted items belongs to those responsible for their authorship or creation unless otherwise assigned.