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Homer Township
Residents in 1873

Transcribed and submitted by Susan Zuiker-Lewis

General Notes:

Parentheses indicates additional information provided by transcriber.
i.e., denotes acreage not noted but calculated assuming standard: 160 acres per ¼ Section
Or name provided with * spelling corrected, or assumed from owners nearby.

Township 36 North, Range 11, Sections 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18,22, 23, 26, and 27
are heavily wooded and some contain small plots, many without names, or with only initials.
?=Reading problems
Homer1MitchellJ.80 acres (N½ of NE¼)
Homer1HomerdingN.60 acres (in NE¼)
Homer1MitchellJ. Jr.80 acres-
Homer1Uren*N.(Uhren) -(E¼ of NE¼ = 40 acres)
Homer1DancerM.70 acres + 40 acres
Homer1YunglesB.(initials are "B.Y.") 20 acres
Homer1WagnerA.30 acres
Homer2ThomasP.P.218 acres (W½ of Section 2)
Homer2AustinA.G.76 acres (N½ of NE¼ )
Homer2RowleyJ.B.(40 acres)
Homer2BlountS(amuel)(40 acres)
Homer2McGregorH.(80 acres)
Homer2FaganT.(40 acres)
Homer2Ulrichnone(Initial is "C") (20 acres)
Homer2FaganT.(20 acres)
Homer3McCouley*J(oseph)(McCauley) 39 acres
Homer3Kittring*W.(Kettering) (80 acres)
Homer3Kittring*S.(Kettering) 78 acres
Homer3Kittring*none(Kettering) 79 acres
Homer3FrankJ.107 acres
Homer3ReedG(eorge)(80 acres)
Homer3Pettyjohn*J(acob)(Pettijohn) (160 acres)
Homer4Schuler*A(lbert)68 acres + 25 +25
Homer4WilliamsB.50 acres
Homer4SmithJ.B.(50 acres)
Homer4TownsendR.E.99 acres
Homer4SoltermainL.107 acres
Homer4FranksJ.(140 acres)
Homer4RitcheyR.(20 acres)
Homer4BetenhauserH.30 acres + 10 acres
Homer4D.L.J.D.L.Jinitials only - 2 plots
Homer4B.B.initial only
Homer4W.R.W.R.initials only - (10 acres)
Homer4WoelfelJ.70 acres (continues in Section 9)
Homer4J.S.J.S.initials only
Homer5DryfusW.39.25 acres (continues in Sect. 6)
Homer5SmithC.A.(NW¼ of SW ¼ +)
Homer5Strawby*F.(Strawberry) 78.50 acres
Homer5SullivanT.39.25 acres(W½ of W½ of NW¼ )
Homer5SullivanT.47.75 acres + 34.5 acres in N½
Homer5MurryL.(E½ of E½ of NE¼)
Homer5WendlingL.(SW¼ of SW¼)
Homer5BelchJ.(E½ of SW¼ )
Homer5SullivanM.(NW¼ of SW¼)
Homer5DodgeA.(SW¼ of SW¼)
Homer5PriorM.(E½ of SW¼)
Homer6ReynoldsM.120 acres
Homer6WhittekillerJ.280 acres
Homer6DryfusW.120 acres
Homer6MulloyP.77 acres
Homer6KinneyA.40 acres
Homer7ClarkJ.77 acres
Homer7ManningJ.(20 acres)
Homer7MyersL.(120 acres)
Homer7WardCH?20 acres
Homer7BoyerS.22 acres
Homer7WilsonS.10 acres
Homer7CowlesL.J.37 acres
Homer7LongC.60 acres
Homer7C.C.R.C.C.R.initials only
Homer7BrandJ.(20 acres)
Homer7E.S.E.S.initials only
Homer7G.S.G.S.initials only
Homer7J.B.J.B.initials only
Homer7BolandA.L.(continues in Section 8)
Homer7Davidson W.G.40 acres
Homer7J.B.J.B.20 acres
Homer7BurnsW.40 acres
Homer8KinneyA.100 acres (in NW¼)
Homer8WardG.H.60 acres (in NW ¼)
Homer8FryT.40 acres
Homer8S&SS&Sinitials only (40 acres in NE¼)
Homer8DodgeT.40 acres (SW¼ of NE¼)
Homer8SundayP.40 acres (SE¼ of NE¼)
Homer8BolandA.I.25.5 acres
Homer8Konerchecknone(40 acres in N¼ of SW¼ )
Homer8Sunday P.40 acres
Homer8A.A.I.A.A.I.initials only - 20 acres
Homer8Konecheknone(in SW¼)
Homer8KobliskiF.60 acres (in SW¼)
Homer8McLaughlinD.60 acres
Homer8J.S.D.J.S.D.initials only - 20 acres
Homer8A.R.A.R.initials only - 20 acres
Homer9WebsterH(enry)(in NW ¼)
Homer9B.W.B.W.initials only (in NW ¼)
Homer9WoelfelJ.70 acres (continues in Section 4)
Homer9SontagP(eter)(SONNTAG) 20 acres
Homer9WeaverChas.60 acres (in N½)
Homer9ReedN.(E½ of NE¼ )
Homer9ReedN.(W½ of NE¼ )
Homer9GottsS(amuel)(W½ of SW)
Homer9WeaverChas.100 acres (E½ of SW¼+)
Homer9SaltermanJ.80 acres
Homer9IngersollA.A.20 acres + 60 acres
Homer10RitcheyR.(NW¼ of NW¼)
Homer10ReedG(eorge)(SW¼ of NW¼)
Homer10SaltermanJ.S.55 acres (in SW¼)
Homer10IngersollA.A.86 acres (in SE¼)
Homer10BrooksS.A.(in SE¼)
Homer11D.P.D.P.initials only
Homer11PrestonD.P.25 acres
Homer11I.I.Initial "I" only
Homer11C.H.C.H.initials only
Homer11J.B.A.J.B.A.initials only
Homer11JonesS.B.110 acres
Homer11BlountS.118 acres
Homer11ReidO.95 acres
Homer11WeissP(eter)(WIES) 80 acres
Homer11AustinJ.B.(¾ of SW¼)
Homer11BrownI.50 acres (SE¼ of SW¼)
Homer12Hank C.60 acres
Homer12JacksonD.L.(120 acres)
Homer12YunglesB(ernard)60 acres
Homer12SlirF.47 acres
Homer12WagnerA.44 acres
Homer12CallahanM.(40 acres)
Homer12Ziwoner*M.(M. Zimmer)
Homer12BrachleyP.(continues in Section 13)
Homer12YounglesJ.(40 acres)
Homer13WelterN.(80 acres - continues in Section 14)
Homer13BrackleyP.(continues in Section 12)
Homer13ZimmerM.(80 acres)
Homer13GerlachC.(40 acres)
Homer13JunglesJ.(40 acres)
Homer13BeaverM.(40 acres)
Homer13Hamerling*M.(Homerding?) (40 acres)
Homer13WagnerM.(120 acres - cemetery)
Homer13RiterP.40 acres
Homer13Hostret*B.(Hostert) (40 acres)
Homer14OttB.(120 acres - ¾ of NE¼)
Homer14PeckC.(40 acres - NE¼ of NE¼)
Homer14FuchsE.(80 acres - W½ of NE¼)
Homer14WelterN.(40 acres - continues in Section 13)
Homer14BeaverM.19 acres (S½ of SE¼ of SE¼)
Homer14Hostret*B.(Hostert)20 acres (NW¼ of NW¼)
Homer14RowleyF.(40 acres NW¼ of NW¼)
Homer14SperryG.(40 acres SW¼ of NW¼)
Homer14RossJ.(80 acres E½ of NW ¼)
Homer14DammGeo.(160 acres SE¼ of Section 14)
Homer15HoytR.H.(320 acres N½ of Section 15)
Homer15BumpJ(efferson)(80 acres W½ of SE¼)
Homer15BumpL(eander)(80 acres E½ of SE¼)
Homer15DickP.(80 acres W½ of SW¼)
Homer15PeckA.D.(80 acres E½ of SW¼)
Homer16SuttonJ.20 acres (in NW¼)
Homer16G.D.G.D.(George Damm?) initials only
Homer16Ruland Estatenone(74 acres in N ¼)
Homer16CraigA.46 acres (in NE ¼)
Homer16WellsE.(in NW ¼)
Homer16J.S.J.S.initials only - 10 acres
Homer16BowenH.F.(in NW ¼)
Homer16Bowen H.F.18 acres
Homer16DreyfusWm.(in NE ¼)
Homer16PaddockW.105+10+25 acres (SW¼+)
Homer16GottsS.54 acres (in SW ¼)
Homer16BriggsA.35 acres (in SW ¼)
Homer16CorwinN.10 acres (in SW¼)
Homer17KolliskiJ.(in NW¼)
Homer17J.S.G.J.S.G.initials only
Homer17F.K.F.K.initials only
Homer17WhiteR.(in NW¼)
Homer17McLaughlinD.(continued in Section 8)
Homer17TelferG.(in SE¼)
Homer17DodgeA.(in SE¼)
Homer17J.D.F.J.D.F.initials only
Homer17E.R.E.R.initials only
Homer18CowlesL.J.37 acres (NW¼ of NW¼)
Homer18EnglesN.(in NW¼)
Homer18EhrmanG.L.37 acres (in NW¼)
Homer18MilneR.99 acres (in SE¼)
Homer18Ehrmannone(also G.L.?)
Homer18EnglesN.(about 80 acres (E½ of NE¼)
Homer18BronickJ.(about 80 acres W½ of NE¼)
Homer18HartwellL.16 acres (in SW¼)
Homer18RowleyJ.B.(in SW¼)
Homer18G.L.H.G.L.H.initials only 20 acres (in SW¼)
Homer18CoreyA.(in SE¼)
Homer19MessGeo.T.NW¼ + about 200 acres)
Homer19NortonL.D.(40 acres in NW¼ )
Homer19Nortonnone(in NW¼)
Homer19ReedO.(60 acres in NE¼)
Homer19JennisonR.78 acres in SW¼)
Homer19RowleyP.81 acres in S½)
Homer19FrazerJ.D.80 acres in S½)
Homer19LanfearW.H.(E½ of SE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer20ReedH.(NW½ of NW¼ = 80 acres)
Homer20MorseC.78 acres
Homer20Rowley J.B.(NE¼ =160 acres)
Homer20LanfearW.H.(40 acres)
Homer20HartwellL.(SW¼ = 160 acres)
Homer21CollinsF.(NW½ of NW¼ = 80 acres)
Homer21CorwinN.(NE¼ of NE¼ = 40 acres)
Homer21C.M.C.M.initials only - 16 acres
Homer21H.D.H.H.D.H.initials only - 21 acres
Homer21BandleJ.79 acres (contains "Townhouse")
Homer21PaddockW.J.(about 150 acres)
Homer21WellsEliza130 acres
Homer22Dunn P.120 acres
Homer22CorvinH.T.40 acres
Homer22KinsellaJ.120 acres
Homer22TowerM.(40 acres)
Homer22BumpJ.45 acres
Homer22Briggs Estatenone35 acres
Homer22BumpL.(65 acres)
Homer22SavageA.24 acres
Homer22W.H.L.W.H.L.initials only
Homer22LynkF.20 acres
Homer22SavageA.66 acres
Homer22RowleyA.G.20 acres
Homer22F.K.F.K.initials only (20 acres)
Homer23Rowley F.14 acres
Homer23RossJ.59 acres
Homer23BumpJ(efferson)20 acres
Homer23D.*Geo.(George Damm) 30 acres
Homer23M.S.M.S.initials only
Homer23J.S.J.S.initials only
Homer23GorhamA.H.(SE¼ = 160 acres)
Homer23GorhamE.D.40 acres
Homer23OttB.12 acres
Homer23G.V.D.G.V.D.initials only
Homer23E.D.G.E.D.G.initials only
Homer23C.K.C.K.initials only
Homer24HomerdingP(eter)60 acres (in NW¼)
Homer24ButcherT(homas)45 acres (in NW¼)
Homer24M.H.M.H.initials only 20 acres
Homer24BumpT(homas)115 acres (in N½)
Homer24TilseyM.(in S½)
Homer24SimpsonJ.(W½ of SW½ of SE¼)
Homer24SimpsonA.(E½ of SW½ of SE¼)
Homer24SimpsonG.(SE½ of SE¼)
Homer25LauferGeo.(in NW¼)
Homer25DancerJ.92 acres (E½ of SW¼+)
Homer25DancerE.(in N½)
Homer25SimpsonG.(E½ of NE¼)
Homer25Allerton Co.A.M.(SE¼)
Homer26E.E.B.E.E.B.initials only
Homer26J.B.J.B.initials only
Homer26E.D.G.E.D.G.initials only
Homer26GorhamE.D.174 acres
Homer26StormsR.25 acres
Homer26J.H.J.H.initials only
Homer26J.Y.C.J.Y.C.initials only
Homer26T.E.T.E.initials only
Homer26SefertL..22 acres
Homer26J.M.J.M.initials only
Homer26A.H.G.A.H.G.initials only
Homer26R.G.R.G.initials only
Homer26B.G.B.G.initials only
Homer26J.B.C.J.B.C.initials only - 12 acres
Homer26LauferG.45 acres
Homer27SavageA.(W½ of NE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer27CollinsF.50 acres
Homer27CollinsH.30 acres
Homer27SharpI.20 acres
Homer27S.B.S.B.initials only
Homer27G.V.G.V.initials only
Homer27BurchJ.20 acres
Homer27J.M.G.J.M.G.initials only
Homer27W.M.W.M.initials only
Homer27CollinsH.55 acres
Homer27CollinsS.25 acres
Homer27CollinsA.60 acres
Homer27H.H.H.H.initials only
Homer27MessengerH.118 acres
Homer27GorhamA.H.(continues in Section 26)
Homer28SharpJ.S.(NW¼ = 160 acres)
Homer28KinsellaJ.(W½ of NE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer28SavageA.(E½ of NE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer28MessengerH.I.(about 140 acres - most of SE¼)
Homer28Collins F.(about 20 acres)
Homer28CollinsH.(SW¼ = 160 acres)
Homer29LanfearW.H.(N½ of NW¼ = 80 acres)
Homer29LanfearJ.S. (S½ of NW¼ = 80 acres)
Homer29BirchJ.(NE¼ = 160 acres)
Homer29FrazerH.V.(¾ of SW¼ = 120 acres)
Homer29LanfearJ.S.(SE¼ of SW¼ = 40 acres)
Homer29JonesS.W.(W½ of SE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer29TalferGeo.(E½ of SE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer30CowellS.194 acres (in NW¼)
Homer30FrazerJ.D.(most of NE¼)
Homer30Barnett EstateGeo.395 acres (continuing into Sec 31)
Homer31Barnett EstateGeo.(about 118 acres in this Section)
Homer31GoodingL.E.118 acres
Homer31FrazerW.H.(N1/2of NE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer31WatkinsW.90 acres
Homer31StilmanO.W.(about 20 acres)
Homer31HammondS.(about 40 acres)
Homer31BrinkerhoffJ.160 acres (SE¼ of SE¼)
Homer32KnappS.J.(N½ of NW¼ = 80 acres)
Homer32GrangerA.(S½ of NW¼ = 80 acres)
Homer32GardenG.(NE¼ = 160 acres)
Homer32GrangerA.(SW¼ = 160 acres)
Homer32JohnsonA.140 acres (most of SE¼)
Homer32KerchavalJ.C.20 acres (in SE¼)
Homer33MessengerH(orace)127.5 acres (in NW¼)
Homer33StormsR.112.5 acres
Homer33CollinsA.84 acres (E½ of NE¼)
Homer33GardnerG.(in SW¼)
Homer33LynkZ.(in SW¼)
Homer33CarlN.(160 acres = ½ SE¼ + ½ SW¼)
Homer33Storms R. Sen.(½ SE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer34CollinsA.13 acres (in NW¼)
Homer34CollinsS.67 acres (in NW¼)
Homer34GlimesJ.20 acres
Homer34GorhamB.F.14 acres
Homer34HarmesH.75 acres
Homer34RowleyA.G.120 acres
Homer34GillettI.M.120 acres
Homer34FrankA.(40 acres)
Homer34HammondJ.(S ½ of SE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer35GorhamA.H.59 acres
Homer35BurchJ.B.61 acres
Homer35SearlesF.(40 acres)
Homer35CutlerA.C.74 acres (contains church)
Homer35GorhamE.D.159.5 acres
Homer35CutlerJ.Y.(80 acres)
Homer35HaleyJ.(80 acres)
Homer35HaleyJ.(40 acres)
Homer35Allerton A.M.(40 acres)
Homer36EmersonT.(NE½ of NE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer36HaleyJ.(SE½ of NE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer36HaleyJ.(SE½ of SE¼ = 80 acres)
Homer36Allerton & Co.A.M.(NE¼ = 160 acres)
Homer36Allerton 7 Co.A.M.(¾ of SE¼ = 120 acres)
Homer36Vorce Estatenone(40 acres)

Last Update: Friday, 13-Dec-2024 21:36:43 UTC

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