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The following names were extracted from a letter written home (Will Co. IL) by 17 year old Joseph FISHBURN during the Civil War. Dated January 14, 1863, Nashville.

Doctor BONE-Wilmington, Mathew BUSH, in convalescent camp, James CHATMAN -in convalescent camp, Albert DEAL with regiment and in fight at Murfreesborough, James HARBY (or BARBY) out of hospital to convalescent camp, Mr. HARDY of Joliet, James HARLEY in convalescent camp, Jim homesick, Mr. MICHEL of Wilmington, Charles NASH in convalescent camp, Cirus PEIRSIN in convalescent camp, John SHOEMAKER has measles at hospital #14, William SHOEMAKER very sick, William at hospital #7, Lieutenant WORTHINGHAM, Laracel(or Laranel) YOUNG at convalescent camp.

posted by Karen Johnson, Feb 6, 2000

Tribute Of Respect. Camp Near Murpfreesboro.
Feb. 28, 1863.

At a meeting held at Headquarters of Co. K, 100th Regt. Ill. Vol., the following Preambles and Resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, In the Providence of God and casualties of battle, we have lost our mutual and respected friend, Morrison WORTHINGHAM, who was 2d. Lieutenant in our company, and was killed at his post in battle, on the 31st of December, 1862.

And, Whereas, he : was a man of many excelent qualities for which he was highly esteemed by us. As a citizen, he was public spirited and was generally beloved. As a neighbor he was generous and kind. As a Christian he was sincere, consistent and active. In social life he was agreeable, courteous, and cheerful. As a Husband he was affectionate and devoted. As a father he was loved and was beloved by his children. As a soldier he was brave and courageous. As a patriot he was true and devoted to his Government. As an officer he was faithful in duty, respectful to superiors, kind and generous to his men and obliging to all. Therefore:

Resolved, That we love and cherish his memory for all his many comendable qualities as a patriot, a citizen, a neighbor, a christian, a husband, a soldier and an officer.

2d. That we feel his loss, and, while we submit to the dispensation, we do so with o profound sense of our bereavement as a company.

3d. That we deeply sympathize with his widowed wife and fatherless children who have been deprived of the best of husband's and kindest of father's, and wish them we fondly cherish the blessed hope that he rests from his labors amoung the blest.

4th. That a copy of these Perambles and Resolutions be presented by our commanding officer to his widow and children, and a copy be filed among the papers of the company, and a copy be forwarded to the Society and Sunday School of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which he was connected, and a copy to the Joliet papers for publication.

Henry W. MORFORD, Pres.
Edwin S. MINER, Sec. (Joliet Signal, Joliet, Illinois, Vol. 20, No. 41, Page 2, March 24, 1863.)

posted by Lawrence B Peet, Aug 3, 2000

At the Joliet Public Library, the other day, A Virginia lady was doing genealogical research. I innocently asked her why she was researching in Joliet, Illinois. Her viperous reply was, "Because the G... damned Yankees burned our court house!"

I would have laughed it off, except at that moment I was deeply engaged in researching the old Joliet papers from 1863. My blood immediately began to turn to vapor. With all the calmness I could muster, I said, "I'm sorry, but You started the war. This is the wrong county to bring that up in." (Inside I was contemplating what I would have done, were I in charge: 1st all Rebel Officers would have been shot. 2nd, all Rebel enlisted men, would have been put on trial for treason and, if found guilty, -- any doubt?-- would have received twenty years hard labor, picking cotton on Federal prison plantations all over the South!)

The conversation ended, we worked side by side, in silence for several hours until she finally left, much to the relief of the librarian on duty, who quietly shook her disapproving finger at me, with a smile on her face.

The following was the very article that I was reading at the time: (Joliet Signal, Vol. 21, No. 17, Page 2, Tuesday, October 6, 1863.)

The 100th Regiment Nearly Annihilated.

Accounts from the battle-field of Chickamauga leave no doubt of the terrible fate of the 100th Illinois regiment, which was made up exclusively from this county.

Capt. BURRELL, of the Plainfield company, and ieutenants PATTERSON, of this city and McDONALD, of Lockport, the two former wounded and the latter sick, have arrived here since the great battle -- and they confirm our worst fears.

The 100th regiment, it is said, charged upon the strongest division of the rebel army, but after a most desperate hand to hand conflict, were compelled to retire before vastly superior numbers. The noble fellows fought gallantly and marched into the very jaws of death, without flinching.

When the enemy opened fire upon them, the scene was most appalling. The ground was literally covered with the dead and wounded. More than two-thirds of the regiment were either killed or wounded -- Most of the wounded and all of the killed fell into the enemy's hands.

The noble Colonel BARTLESON fell, it is feared, mortally wounded while leading his brave boys into the conflict. His fate is not known to a certainty, as he fell into the hands of the enemy soon after he was wounded. Lieut. Col. WATERMAN was wounded, and had his horse shot from under him as was that of Major HAMMOND. -- Indeed, it is said the air was completely blue with bullets.

It is wonderful that a single man escaped so oncentrated and immense was the fire of the enemy.

No correct account of the casualties has been received yet, but it is hoped the painful suspense will be removed during the week.

Among the killed are reported the names of Daniel LINEBARGER, John B. MOREY, V. D. PERKINS, A. DEAL, Miles SPAFFORD, E. S. MINER, Joseph SLOAN, J. PERRINGTON, G. BUSH, John BARRET, John BES, Henry KOACH and T. L. PARKER.

Lieut. BARTLET, L. L. WARREN, E. MAHONEY, Sergeant Lewis LINEBARGER, Benjamin BEVER, A. N. CHAMBERLAIN, Charles C. SAMPSON and Sergeant HARTER, are dangerously wounded.

One account states that the regiment went into the fight with 360 men and only 83 were reported fit for duty after the battle. But notwithstanding the terrible slaughter we learned that the regiment is yet willing to march to the front of the battle at the command of the proper officer.

A little more than a year ago, the 980 young men who composed the 100th regiment of Illinois Infantry, took leave of their friends at the Alton and St. Louis railroad depot in this city. There was a vast crowd assembled on that occasion, and though there were many tender parting scenes, yet the pride and hopes of the multitude and the gallant young soldiers who were starting for the scene of mortal strife, pervaded over gloomy foreboding.

But how is it now? A little more than a year has elapsed, and the noble regiment that went out from our city 980 strong, is reduced to 83 men fit for duty. Disease and the battle-field have done their work, until there is scarcely a company left of the entire regiment. Ever since the brave boys left here, the work of depletion has gradually but constantly progressed. -- But this last stroke at Chickamauga was the most fatal of all.

We have few comments to offer on the subject of this calamity to the Will County regiment, at present. Many of those who have fallen were our best friends, and, with their bereaved relations, we mourn their loss. Our county, indeed, is almost shrouded in mourning at the fearful result. Those who have prolonged the war by their abolition policy, will be held to a fearful accountability for the bloody sacrifice.

* * * * * * * *

It should be pointed out that the Joliet Sentinel was a "Copperhead" newspaper with a strong dislike of Abraham Lincoln, his administration, Republicans, in general, and blacks, who were constantly referred to in the paper in terms other than the polite "contraband" used by other newspapers.

If the lady from Virginia ever finds this site on the web, I hope that she reads this article. Maybe then she'll spare me the apology I owe her for my over-reaction to her remarks. Daniel and Lewis Linebarger were my great uncles, on my father's side. My mother's family were "Unionists" from Eastern Tennessee, some of whom were ambushed and murdered for the stand they took and some of whom were hung by Confederate courts-Marshall for burning bridges. Many of them were descended from Virginians whose family records were burned in Virginia's court houses. The truth is that a terrible price was paid by America for the institutionalized wrong that was written into the documents that made America the acme of human political civilization in the world. The slate was wiped clean by their sacrifice. In the end, Union troops saluted their fallen enemies and fellow countrymen at Appomattox.

posted by Lawrence B Peet, Aug 3, 2000

Return of Wounded Soldiers. -- Lieut. H. KING, of company B, and Lieut. WADSWORTH, of company F, of the 20th regiment Illinois volunteers, arrived at their homes in this city last week from Vicksburg, both severly wounded in the head -- the former by a minie bullet -- the latter by a bursting shell -- while storming the enemy's works before that rebel stronghold. These Gallant officers, though young in years, are veterans in the military sense of the term. They participated in all the hard fights of the Southwest, and won imperishable laurels on many bloody battle fields. That they may be speedily restored to health, is the ardent wish of their numerous friends here.

(Joliet Signal, Vol. 20, No. 52, Page 2, Tuesday, June 9, 1863.)

posted by Lawrence B Peet, Aug 4, 2000

Report From the 100th Regiment Ill. Volunteers.

The undersigned have been sent to Chattanooga by the Sanitary Commission, to look after the interests, and comfort of Union soldiers, in the army of the Cumberland, and especially of those in the 100th Regt, Ill. Vols. I submit the following statement, to those who have friends, relations, and loved ones in the 100th. As soon as requested we hastened to the front; leaving Chicago on the 24th of September, we arrived in Chattanooga the 29th, traveling the last forty miles of our journey on foot. The battle of the 19th and 20th of September, which took place a little south of Chattanooga was certainly a very severe one, and the number of wounded was very great. But many were slight wounds, causing but little suffering comparitively, and giving hope of a speedy relief. There was, in front but a scanty supply of sanitary goods of any kind, for this reason as well, as for other considerations, an order was given to send to the rear all whose lives were not endangered by it. In ther execution of this order, we saw, what to us was a source of grief, and a matter of surprise. We cannot say who was to blame, we only state what we saw. From Chattanooga to Stevenson, it is about fifty miles, and as bad a road, as was ever used by civilized man. Ambulances and waggons were loaded with wounded men to pass over this road to Stevenson -- requiring most of three days to make the trip and yet no rations were given to these men, except a few hard crackers, of these some got four, some got two, some none. As far as we could learn, (and we took pains to find out) none of the men had anything except, what was furnished by the drivers, who in their kindness divided their rations of meat, sugar, and coffee, with their suffering fellow soldiers. When these men, were moved from Stevenson to Nashville they were sent off in the same manner, without rations, laid thickly on the floor of box cars and no candles furnished, or lights of any kind. We mention these things with the hope, that some one may read it, who will know how to correct the evil, and have furnished on such occasions or least the common soldiers rations. If the surgeons detailed for the trains did anything for the wounded in any way, either from Chattanooga to Stevenson, or from Stevenson to Nashville, we were not able to observe it.

But the men were generally patient and cheerful, showing they were as brave to endure suffering, as they were to face danger.

Quite a number who were able to travel had been moved to Nashville before we arrived and of these we hear of some who had been furloughed, and gone to their homes. With comparatively few exceptions all are doing well -- those of the 100th Illinois, whom we left behind are as comfortable as their wounds and surroundings would possibly admit of. We saw no one of the 100th Regt. die, and as far as were able to judge, all of our regiment may recover, if proper attendance can be given, and no accident should occure.

We are unprepared to give any particulars, in regard to the death of those who were killed, or who died of their wounds. The following is a list of the killed, wounded and missing, as correctly made up as possible.

Commissioned Officers.
Wounded -- Lt. Col. A. N. WATERMAN, flesh wound in arm; Capt. John A. BURRELL, severely; Lt. Samuel KOACH, severly; Lt. M. W. STEWART, company A, slightly in face; Lt. Anson PATTERSON, company E, severly in leg; Lt. R. F. BARTLETT, company K, slightly in head.

Missing -- Col. F. A. BARTLESON, taken prisoner.

Enlisted Men.
Killed -- Co. A -- George STEWART, Alonso JONES, Phillip WHITE. Co. F -- Patrick SCANLAN. Co. I -- Francis P. KELLY. Co. C Theodore DORKENDOFF, Henry KARCH, Thomas PARKER, Sergt. John BEZ. Co. H -- Corpl S. M. LYON, Priv. Ahas YOUNG. Co. E -- Sergt, Milton J. SMITH, Sergt. Stephen M. SPAFFORD, Corp. Chas. P. SPENCER, Corp. Daniel LINEBARGER. Co. K -- Sergt. E. S. MINER, Priv. J. B. MOREY, Albert DEAL, Matthew BUSH, Corp. Gotleib WEDIMIRE. Co. B -- Corp. Justin STEINMETZ, Priv, John BARRETT.

Wounded -- Co. A -- Sergt. E. P. SMITH, severely, Corpl Elias YATES, Priv. Francis BUTLER, Peter BRODIE, Edgar C. BUSS, Peter BURKER, Wm. GUMLY, Wm. HAWLY, Thomas McQUEEN, H. W. CLARK, all severely; James PROSSLEY, James DAWLING, Leroy JEWELL, Roger BRAMDIE, all slightly.

Co. F -- Sergt James GLEASON, in hand; Priv. Joe BUTLER, in thigh; Geb GRANGE, in hand; Edward FLANNERY, in hand; John MALLON, in head; John YOUNG, in arm; Geo. SIMPSON, in arm.

Co. D -- Sergt. John FELLOWS, Sergt. Franklin BACKUS, and Priv. Peter PETERSON, Christopher LOOKENTARY, Roswell HARTONG, Charles AMAN, all severely; Corp. Eliea BROWN, Amasa CARTER, Geo. KINES, Joseph COUNTRYMAN, Loudon JACOBS, all slightly. John DECKER died Sept. 30th, of typhoid fever.

Co. I -- Sergt. John HAYS, slightly; Priv. Jerry O. LEARY, Henry PARKENSON, William STONEROCK, George IRISH, Levi C. PRICE, all severely; John ROBSON, John MAHONY, John H. BUTLER, Sam ASPINWALL, all slightly.

Co. C -- Sergt. Henry M. STARN, thigh and leg; Jos. ZELLER, in arm; Corp. Anson DODGE, concussion slight; John HAMMOND, right hip; Priv. B. S. ABBOTT, Benjamin BEVER and Albert N. CHAMBERLAIN, all severely; Martin FISHBAUGH, slightly; Gulhard FREEHOFF, in leg; Christian LONG, breast; Daniel MAST, head slight; Wm. PETERS, head slight; Louis A. BROUSER, bowels, died Sept, 29; Peter SCHMITT, bowels; W. Augustus WELSCHLIEN.

Co. H -- Sergt. Chas. H. RUSSELL, hip; Wm. B. CONNOR, arm; Corp. Wm, STRUNK, foot and side, slight; Priv. John ALBRIGHT, arm; Jos. A. ALBRIGHT, leg; Isaac J. JENKS, face; Henry C. KING, through hips; Barett W. HENNINGAN, leg; Wm. C. MORSE, leg; Deratus T. MORSE, foot and leg; Geo. W. MURRAY, side and shoulder; Washington H. THOMAS, body; Wm. E. TEMPLE, severely.

Co E -- Corp. Van D. PERKINS, supinsed and mortally; Corp. Andrew J. FRIES, slightly, PRIV. Giles DIXON, mortally; Jas. McCUNE, in leg; John MARPLES, Henry BRIDGE, Geo. A. FABRICK, Richard F. SMITH, Patrick McHUGH, Wm. REED, all slightly; Wm. H. BRACE, Malon W. HARRINGTON, both severely.

Co. K -- Sergt. A. W. MORFORD, severely, since died; Privates Francis GREEN, M. C. SNYDER, A. J. PURINGTON, Wm. MUNDY, Orson CHURCHILL, all slightly; A. DAVIS, severely, Jos. SLOAN, leg broke.

Co. G -- Corp. Chas. H. SNOAD, leg, captured; Priv. Frank ADAMS, Enoch DODGE. Decatur GOODNOW, all slightly; John C. BUTTERMAN, Wm. B. HUNT, Frank LAFAYETTE, Alexander MOAT, Jeptha PIERSON, Geo. PRICE, Wm. SHAW, Jos. W. TUCKER, all severely; Simon BARSE, arm; Lewis L. WARREN, leg.

Co. B -- Sergt. Hiram H. HARTER, severely, Sergt. Lewis LINEBARGER, slightly; Corp. Henry SMITH, slightly, Wm. B. BURR, Samuel RODGERS, both severely; Charles SAMSON, mortally,; Samuel WINEHOLD, slightly.

Missing -- Co. A -- Privates John HAY, Warren S. NOBLE, captured.

Co. F -- Chas. H. GREEN, Priv. Phineas McLAUGHLIN, Wm. H. JACKSON, Felix DURC, Sidney S. CAMPBELL, Wm. W. CASE.

Co. D -- Corp. George M. DAKE, Corp. John ROBERTS, Priv. Rufus BOLTON., Albert A. FRANK, John LYMAN.

Co. I -- Wm. JONES, John AUGUSTINE, Owen EVANS, captured; Henry C. NOBLES, captured; Dennis SMITH, deserted.

Co. K -- Erastus RUDD, captured.

Co. G -- Sergt. Jas. J. Harley.

Co. B -- Marquis D. L. DAVIS, Geo. McINTYRE, captured.


Commissioned Officers -- Killed, -----
" Wounded, 6
" Missing, 2

- - -
Total, 8

Enlisted men -- Killed, 23
Wounded, 111
Missing, 23
- - -
Total, 156

Total loss to the command, 164

A list of names of well men, acting as surgeon, nurses and cooks, in the hospital on the battle-field:
Henry WOODRUFF, Acting Surgeon.
Oliver P. STUMP, Hospital Steward.
Felix CALKINS, Co. C; G. F. SADREIN, Co. H; G. W. HILL, Co. D; W. NEWBERRY, Co. C; W. PETERS, Co. B; Wm. KING, Co. K; Geo. PICKLE, Co. E; John COTTON, Co. H; Enoch DODGE, Co. C; Erastus Rudd, Co. K; Geo. W. McINTYRE, Co. B; Eugene SLY, Co. C.

These were all captured and required to report at Atlanta, Georgia

Van D. PERKINS, reported by his Captain dead, but in the surgeon's report of Sept. 30th, he is mentioned as probably mortally wounded, but still alive. Of his whereabouts we know nothing.



(Joliet Signal, Joliet, Illinois, Vol. 21, No. 20, Page 2, Tuesday, October 27, 1863.)

For comparison, here is the list from George Woodruff's Fifteen Years Ago, published in 1876: (George was Surgeon Henry Woodruff's brother.)

Casualties of the 100th in battle on the Chickamauga, Sept. 19th and 20th, 1873 (sic.):

Co. A -- George STEWART, Alonzo N. JONES, Philip WHITE.
Co. B -- Wm. B. BURR, Samuel RODGERS, Corporal Justin STEINMETZ, John BARRETT, Charles SAMPSON, Sergt. HIRAM H. HARTER.
Co. C -- Theodore DORKENDOFF, Henry KARCH, Thomas R. PARKER, Sergt. John BEZ, Lewis A. PROSSER.
Co. E -- Sergeant Milton J. SMITH, Sergt. Stephen M. SPAFFORD, Corp. Chas. P. SPENCER, Corp. Daniel LINEBARGER, Giles DIXON, Jr.
Co. F -- Felix DURRES, Patrick SCANLAN,
Co. G -- Gotleib WELDEMER, Matthew BUSH, Albert DEAL, George PRICE.
Co. H -- Corp. L. M. LYON Ahas YOUNG.
Co. I -- Geo. IRISH, Francis P. KELLY.
Co. K -- Sergt. E. S. MINER, J. B. MOREY, Amos B. DAVIS, Sergeant H. W. MORFORD.

Commissioned Officers -- Wounded:
Lieut. Col. A. N. WATERMAN, flesh of arm; Capt. John A. BURRELL, Co. D, severe; Lieut. M. N. M. STEWART, Co. A, slight; Lieut. Anson PATTERSON, Co. E, severe in leg; Lieut. R. F. BARTLETT, Co. E, slight.

Missing and Prisoners. Col. F. A. BARTLESON; Lieut. Jerry KENNISTON, Co. H; Lieut. Samuel KOACH, Co. D; Asst. Surgeon H. T. WOODRUFF. Co. A -- John HAY, Warren S. Noble. Co. B -- Geo. E. McINTYRE. Co. C -- Mathias SNYDER, supposed killed.

Co. D -- Corp. Geo. M. DAKE, Rufus BOLTON, John LYMAN. Co. F -- Sidney S. CAMPBELL. Co. G -- Sergt. James J. HARLEY, supposed to be dead. Co. I -- Wm. R. JONES, John AUGUSTINE, Owen EVANS, Henry C. NOBLES.

Captured at Hospital with Surgeon Woodruff:
Oliver P. STUMPH, hospital steward. Co. B -- Geo. McINTYRE. Co. C -- Wm. PETERS, Anson DODGE, William NEWBERRY, Eugene SLY,. Co. D -- G. W. HILL. Co. E -- George PICKLES. Co. G -- Felix CALKINS. Co. H -- James F. LADIEU, John COTTON. Co. K -- Wm. W. KING, Erastus RUDD.

Co. A -- Sergt. E. P. SMITH, severe; Corp. Elias YATES, severe, Francis A. BUTLER, left arm amputated; Peter BRODIE, Edgar C. BUSS, William T. BURKER, Wm. GUNDY, William HAWLEY, Thomas McQUEEN, H. W. CLARK, all severe; James H. PRESTON, James DOWLING, LeRoy JEWELL, Roger BRENNAN, Francis J. FISHER, all slight. Co B -- Sergt. Lewis LINEBARGER, Samuel WEINHOLD, both slight; Sergeant Henry A. SMITH. Co. C -- Sergeant Henry M. STARRIN, Sergeant Joseph ZELLER, Corporal John HAMMOND, Benjamin BEVER (died), Albert N. CHAMBERLAIN, Benoni L. ABBOTT, all severe. (The two last named are supposed to have died on the field.) Martin FISHBAUGH, slight; Gothard FREEHOFF, leg; Christian LANG, severe; Daniel MAST, slight; William PETERS, slight; Peter SCHMITT, severe; Agustus W. WELCHLIN, severe. Co. D -- Sergt. John FELLOWS, severe; Sergt. Franklin G. BACHUS, Peter PETERSON, Christ. LOOKENTERY; Russell HARTUNG, arm ampt. (died); Charles AMEN, prisoner, (all severe); Corporal Elias BROWN, slight; Amasa CARTER, George KINES, Joseph COUNTRYMAN, Louden JACOBS, all slight. Co. E -- Corp. Van. H. PERKINS, mortally; Corp. Andrew J. FRIES, severe, arm amputated; Jas. McCUNE, (died); John MAPLES, Henry BRIDGE, George A. FABRICK, Richard F. SMITH, Patrick McHUGH; Wm. REED, (died); Wm. H. BRACE, Mahlon W. HARRINGTON, both severe. Co. F -- Sergt. James GLEASON; Joseph BUTCHER, severe; George GRANGE, Edward FLANNERY, John MALLON, John YOUNG, Geo. SIMPSON. Co. G -- Corp. Chas. H. SNOAD, prisoner; Frank ADAMS, Enoch DODGE, Decatur GOODENOW, all slight; John C. BATTEMAN, leg broke; Alex. MOAT, Jeptha PIERSON, Wm. SHAW, Joseph W. TUCKER, all severely; Frank LaFAYETTE, Wm. BARSE, L. L. WARREN, Wm. HUNT; Joshua BUSH, run over by cannon. Co. H -- Sergt. Chas. H. RUSSELL, Wm. B. CONNOR, Corp. William STRUNK, John ALBRIGHT, Isaac J. JENKS; Henry C. KING, severe; Barnett W. HENNINGER, W, C. MORSE, George W. MURRY, Wash. H. THOMAS; William E. TEMPLE, severe; Deratus T. MOORE, severe, died Dec. 17, 1863. Co I -- Sergt. John HAYS, slight; Jerry O'LEARY, Henry PARKINSON, Wm. STONEROCK, Levi C. PRICE, all severely; John ROBSON, John MAHONEY, John H. BUTLER, Sam. ASPINWALL, all slightly. Co. K -- Francis GREEN, M. C. SNYDER, A. J. PURINGTON, Wm. MUNDAY, Orson CHURCHILL, all slightly; Joseph SLOAN, leg broken.

Albert N. Chamberlain and Benoin L. Abbott, reported missing and wounded in the above list, were seen next day lying dead upon the field with others by some of the regiment who had been captured, and who were marched over the field on the way to Atlanta. But their fate was not certainly known to their friends until about eighteen months afterwards, when these prisoners were released.

(Fifteen Years Ago, or the Patriotism of Will County, George H. Woodruff, 1876.)

Letter from a Soldier.
We are permitted to publish the following letter, which will interest many of our readers:

Chattanooga, Sept, 28.

Dear Mother -- After a storm comes a calm. We are now enjoying a season of comparative tranquility.

Long before this reaches you, the news of a fierce and bloody battle will have come to you through the papers.

I write to you now not with the expectation of telling you anything more than you can read in the papers, but to let you know that I came out of the conflict with out a scratch.

The 100th suffered severely in the two days (Saturday and Sunday) fight. We lost as many as one hundred and sixty-five of three hundred and fifteen, with whom we went into the action. On Saturday we made two charges, but not being properly supported, we were compelled to give way. Our heaviest loss was on this day. On Sunday, we were led right on a masked battery, which opened on us with grape and canister, The regiment gave way and fell back behind the breastworks, but most of our company and company F. We rallied behind a picket fence; Colonel BARTLESON was with us. We lay here for about an hour, exchanging shots with the rebels. Captain BURRELL was wounded on one side of me and Frank BACKUS on the other. Our support having given away, we were in danger of being flanked on both sides and all killed or taken prisoner, so we fell back to the breastworks, expecting to find the rest of our brigade there. But every thing was deserted and everybody in full retreat, so we kept on with the rest.

On Monday night the army fell back to this place.

One thing was forcibly impressed on my mind -- that everywhere where we fought them on the field, we fought twice our number. Men never fought better than ours, but they fought overwhelming numbers.

The 8th Indiana battery, attached to our brigade, was captured by the rebels. It is a small loss, as it generally killed as many of our men as it did of the rebels.

I send you a list of the wounded and missing in our company, and I want you to send me a paper with the account of the battle as soon as you can. I also send you some Confederate money; also a star from our flag, which was shot to tatters almost. Every color guard in the regiment was killed or wounded except Neil PLATTS of company.

We have fortified this place so to render it almost impregnable. Please write soon.

Good bye, J. C. LANG

(Joliet Signal, Joliet, Illinois, Vol. 21, No. 20, Page 2, Tuesday, October 27, 1863.)

posted by Lawrence B Peet, Aug 13, 2000

Capt. Munger's Company.

The following letter from Capt. Munger, discloses the casualties of his company in the late battle:

Chattanooga, Sept. 20.

For the information of those in Will Co. who had friends in Co. G of the 100th Reg., I will submit the following report of casualties that occured in my Co. in the engagement on the 19th and 20th inst. Killed -- Corpl. Gotlieb WEDEMIER; privates, Mathew BUSH, Albert DEAL. Severely Wounded -- Francis LAFAYETTE, shoulder, J. PEARSON, side and leg, Alexander MOAT, face, George PRICE, leg and shoulder, Wm. SHAW, elbow shattered, John C. BATTERMAN, leg broke, Lewis L. WARREN, leg, Joseph W. TUCKER, flesh wound in thigh, Corp. Charles H. SNOAD, shot in leg, W( ). B. HUNT, shoulder hit twice, Corp. ( )n RUSSELL, arm.

Slightly -- Decatur GOODENOW, Simeon BURCE, arm, Frank ADAMS, face, Enoch DODGE, face, Joshua BUSH, ran over by cannon.
Missing -- Sergt. James J. HARLEY.
Killed - 3
Wounded - 16
Missing - 1
Total - 20

All but three, (Shaw, Moat and Tucker) were killed and wounded during the engagement of the 19th. Most of our wounded are now in our own Hospitals. Warren, Lafayette, Pearson, Batterman and Price, were in our Division Hospital when we fell back, and are now in the enemy's lines, but are well cared for, as a detail of Surgeons and Nurses were left to attend to our wounded. Abundant supplies were also left. I have talked with a reliable surgeon who has come from there since we left, he states that all our wounded are well cared for and well treated by the Confederates. All the Federal wounded are together, and beautiful supplies left for them, and used for our wounded only. Dr. WOODRUFF and Stewart STUMPH are among the number detailed, who will not fail to attend to the wants of the boys of the 100th. I have not the time to write more in detail at present. All whose name are not mentioned above are now present with the Co., and ready for another "round," although we think it rather rough to fight the whole confederate army.

Very Respectfully,

Wm. A. MUNGER, Capt.
Commanding Co. G 100th Ill.
(Credit the Joliet Signal, date and page below.)

The Great Battle

Letter from Capt. Godard.

We are permitted to make the following extracts from a letter written by Captain Godard of Co. H, 100th Ill. Regiment, at intervals during the battle of Chikamauga, to his wife of this city:

Sept. 19

The battle so long anticipated is now in progress. As I write I hear the continued roar of cannon on the right and left, the enemy apparently endeavoring to flank us, but as yet without success.

Both armies since our arrival have received large reforcements. The enemy advanced yesterday morning were feeling our lines from right to left all day and last evening just before dark made an attack upon our extreme left, and for a short time drove our men but they soon rallied and drove the rebels back and regained all the ground lost, and took quite a large number of prisoners.

This morning the firing commenced on the left of our line of battle about 8 o'clock and about 11 on our right and has been very heavy ever since. There is something grand and glorious that sends a thrill through ones frame to sit as I do and hear the roll of musketry and the roar of artillery -- how exciting -- how lost to all danger -- yet how many brave fellows are bidding a last farewell to earthly joys and sorrows, and how many loved homes are being made desolate.

Sunday morning, Sept. 20

I write this morning with a sad, cheerless heart. Oh, the horrors of war! At half past 2 our division was ordered into line on the double quick, and marched to the left where the battle was raging with undiminished ardor. Reaching our position a 3 P. M., were immediatly formed behind the 8th Ind. and 6th Ohio batteries. Scarcely had we got into position when the troops in front of us gave way and came rushing through our lines in wild confusion. An aid of Gen. WOOD came up and said to Col. BARTLESON "Colonel, Gen. Wood wants the 100th to make bayonet charge upon the advancing enemy." The word was given and the boys responded with a cheer -- and charging we drove the enemy back across a field in the woods when they rallied and we endured a short but murdering fire. The enemy in turn made a charge upon our troops, and the regiment on the left of the 100th gave way and retreated. The 100th still maintained their ground until all the troops on the right and left retired. Soon we found the enemy were surrounding us -- had flanked our regiment on the left and were pouring in their fire both in front and left flank. We were compelled to retreat, leaving many of our brave boys killed and wounded upon the field. We soon rallied and again drove the enemy and again retreated and again rallied. Every inch of ground was hotly contested by both parties and as night closed the contest both sides had gained no peceptable advantage.

About 4 o'clock this morning we were aroused and changed position, taking our proper position on the left in CRITTINDEN's corps.

The casualties in the 100th, during the three and a half hours we were in the fight were 17 killed 100 wounded and 26 missing. In my company I went into the battle with 23 guns and lost 15 men in killed and wounded, only two killed on the spot, 4 or five I fear are mortally wounded. The rest will get over it. I have now only 7 men in my command.

Only two officers of our regiment were wounded -- none killed. Lt. Col. WATERMAN had his horse killed under him and was himself wounded in the arm. Lieut. BARTLETT was wounded on the back of the head.

How any escaped is a wonder. The bullets fell like hail-stones. Many who escaped had bullet holes through their clothes, yet through it all I have not received a scratch.

Monday morning, Sept. 21

Yesterday was a disastrous day for our cause. We were driven and defeated at all points. Our loss in killed and wounded heavy, the enemy evidently outnumbering us. The 100th suffered terribly. Our Colonel is either killed or captured. The last that was seen of him the enemy were making a charge ohen our lines and were within a few rods of skirmishing party who were with him -- he gave the order to fire and retreat and, we think, must have been captured. Capt. BORRELL and Lieut. KOACK, of Co. D, were wounded. Daniel LINEBARGER and Miles SPAFFORD of Jackson Grove, were both killed.

When the count was taken this morning we had only 89 men and 8 officers in the regiment. Some few have come up since. Our losses thus far during the battle will not fall short of 200 in killed wounded and missing.

The battle raged furiously during the entire day, the enemy continually flanking us and creating panic and confusion in our ranks. We continually rallied and retreated until at last it became a general rout towards Chattanooga. All sort of order, regiments, brigades, divisions, or corps, was entirely lost, yet our men were not panic struck but were gathered together and retreated in good order.

It is impossible for me to give any comprehensible account of the battle yesterday as I only saw the movements of our own brigade and but little of that, as my attention was occupied with my own men and the regiment.

Lieut. WILLIAMS had his pony killed under him and came near being captured, but escaped unharmed by making good use of his legs.

Chattanooga, Sept. 22

I fear that Lieut. KENNISTON is killed. I have seen or heard nothing from him since the regiment made a charge upon a rebel battery. I learn that he was last seen with Col. Bartleson, and that they are killed or, if alive are prisoners, as the rebels were at the time within a few rods of our men making a desperate charge upon our retreating army and pouring in volley after volley of musketry. If they escaped it is a miricle.

I learned that all the wounded in the hospitals that were able to be moved were taken to Chattanooga before the rebels got hold of them, and that surgeons were detached to take charge of those left.

Lieut. Col. Waterman is in Chattanooga doing well.

I am almost fagged out and pretty well discouraged. I feel as if our disaster would prolong the war for a long time.

(Joliet Signal, Joliet, Illinois, Vol. 21, No. 17, Page 2, Tuesday, October 6, 1863.)

George WOODRUFF writes in Fifteen Years Ago, on page 284:

Sergt. GARNSEY, after the battle of Franklin, had a conversation with a rebel officer, (who had been taken prisoner) in reference to the Chickamauga battles, and who asked how many brigades we had at this point. When told that we had but one, he was incredulous, and said that they sent in a fresh brigade each charge.

(It is my hope that genealogists will allow me a little lattitude for transcribing so much on the 19th and 20th of September, 1863, because they are the darkest two days in the history of our county. -- L. B. Peet)

posted by Lawrence B Peet on Sun, Aug 20, 2000

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