History of Reed Illinois, 1907

This township, one of the largest in the county, is now the smallest. From 1860 to 1875 it included in its boundaries all of Custer township, including its own. It now has but eighteen sections, or just one-half of an ordinary township. It was called Clinton at first by the county commissioners, but when the supervisors met for the first time in 1850 they changed the name to Reed, in honor of one of the early settlers. The land is very level, smooth prairie, with very little timber, and what there is is of small, scattering growth. There are no … Read more

‘Bennitt’s Boys’ Helped Carve A Piece of History

The History of Joliet – Chapter 26 By John Whiteside of The Herald News (used with permission) Submitted by Nancy Vargo “BENNITT’s regiment lost about two dozen men. More soldiers died from exposure and illness than combat.” By John WHITESIDE of The Herald News Like others who came to Joliet as young men, Fred BENNITT arrived in Joliet as a young man full of dreams for the future. He was just 21 years old when he got here from New York in 1875, arriving with a lawyer’s education and two special interests. He dreamed of playing a role in the … Read more