This is one of the earliest settled townships in the county, the date of its first settlement being almost coincident with that of Chicago. Chicago was laid out August 4, 1830, and the first settlement was made at Reed’s Grove six months later. This grove being situated at the corners of Jackson, Channahon, Wilmington and Florence Townships, has given rise to no little misunderstanding as to the location of some of the early settlers of this vicinity; and we shall not be surprised if some of our statements do not receive immediate indorsement. Several parties, or colonies, who settled in the Grove, though in the immediate neighborhood, since township lines have been established have provedi to be in different townships. This fact also makes the narration of events in one township, without at the same time bringing in the history of other townships, quite difficult; and a small amount of repetition will therefore be necessary.
Reed’s Grove received its earliest white settler in 1831. At that time, Indians were plenty in this part of the State, and the Grove was one of their favorite resorts and dwelling-places. The territory now embraced in these townships was occupied by the tribe or nation called Pottawatomies. The relations between these people and their early white neighbors were of the most friendly character. They hunted, visited and drank together, as peaceably as the more modern occupants of the county.
To Charles Reed belongs the credit of being the first settler, not only of Jackson Township, but of the grove which still bears his name. Reed was a man of energy and spirit. He had a family of grown up children, some of whom were already married; and, being desirous of seeing them settled in homes of their own, such as he was unable to provide for them in the older settled States — he resolved to emigrate to this place.
Accordingly, he with his two sons-in-law, Charles Koons and Eli Shoemaker, and Joseph Shoemaker (brother of Eli), set out for this place in the early Spring of 1831, and reached the grove March 2 of that year. At that time, but few families had settled in the whole section now embraced in Will County. Dwellers at a distance of twenty-five miles were considered neighbors. Joseph Shoemaker, though mentioned here as a member of this settlement or colony, did not in reality settle in Jackson Township. He is usually accredited as the first settler of (Wilmington Township; but this, too, seems to be an error, as his cabin was just on the north side of the line subsequently located between Wilmington and Channahon. Reed, with the balance of his family, removed from the township more than twenty-five years ago, and while the country was yet indeed new. George Kirkpatrick and brother and James Hemphill lacked but a few months of being the first. They came from Ohio, and settled here in May following the advent of Reed. Of these, George Kirkpatrick still resides in the township, but the other two are dead. James Hemphill died in 1863.
During the Spring of the next year, two new companies settled in the township. Wesley Jenkins, Thomas Underwood—brother-in-law of Jenkins—and Jefferson Ragsdale were from North Carolina. Of the “Jenkins Colony,” as it was called, none are left, all having removed to other parts. Jenkins was Buite a character—a very loud and emphatic-spoken man, and a great admirer of Gen. Jackson, whose glory was then at its height. It is related that when the matter of naming the creek, which traverses the township, and from which it is named, was under consideration, Jenkins swore with violent gesture that personage was worthy of the name but the “Hero of New Orleans,” and Jackson it was called.
A Methodist Church was organized in this neighborhood at a very early date, and one of its members felt that he was “called to preach.” Some doubted the genuineness of the calling, amongst whom was this profane Jenkins, who accounts for the preacher’s determination to proclaim the Gospel, by saying that it was his custom to go out early every morning to feed his hogs, and in stentorian tones, which might be mistaken for Gabriel, to call his pigs to their morning meal. On one occasion, he says, while performing this work in the dim light of the approaching morning, he observed running with the hogs, with hymn book in hand, this self-styled preacher, who, he avers, had mistaken his voice for the “call to preach.” Indeed, the conduct of the preacher, as subsequently developed, has gone far toward verifying Jenkins’ story, the preacher having long since fallen from grace. Jenkins was the life of all the house and barn raisings, and enlivened all of the husking and other “bees” with his peculiar, though sometimes profane, jokes.
The Linebarger colony arrived here from Indiana the same Spring with Jenkins. The company consisted of Henry, John, George and Lewis. The last named, however, settled in the town of Florence, a short distance from the others. They were also Carolinians, and had left there years before and had resided for a time in Indiana, near the Wabash. Of these, Henry Linebarger lived here but four years, dying here in 1836. George Linebarger is now a resident of the village of Elwood. He has been a very useful citizen, a leader in the Methodist Church, and one of its most pious members. He is now in poor health, and waits but for a short time to take up his residence in another and better country. John Linebarger, though he came to the township at the date named, returned to Indiana a few weeks later, and did not make the township his permanent home until 1850. He now resides in Elwood, and is engaged in the grain business.
Peter Eib, with his three sons, George, Levi and Augustus, was from the State of Virginia. The elder Eib was very fond of his gun, and an excellent marksman. He found here plenty of game on which to practice his skill. It was not an uncommon thing to see from fifty to one hundred deer in a single drove. Turkeys, wolves and other game were so plenty as to make them almost a nuisance. Mr. Eib passed away years ago, but his sons still remain and are amongst the best citizens of the community.
In 1832, emigration to these parts, and indeed to all Northern and Western Illinois, received a very severe check. Previously, the whites and red men had been on the best of terms; and especially in this region there seemed to be no jealousies existing between the two races. Land and game were so plenty, and the white settlers were so few, that the Indians here did not feel as though their rights were being encroached upon. And then again, the tribes dwelling in this part of the State were of a more civilized character than some others. Indeed, some of the leaders or chiefs were so much so that when the proposition to build the Michigan & Illinois Canal was being agitated, they were not only willing to have the improvement made, but gave it all the encouragement they could; and it is said that among the first acts of Congress relating to the project there is a clause permitting the free use of the Canal forever to these people. However, before the completion of the work, the stealthy stroke of the Indian’s paddle, propelling his canoe, had ceased. The causes which led to their removal were just beginning to take shape, when the emigrants whose names have been given had barely completed their journey. Black Hawk, of whom mention is made on pages 74-79, and his followers and allies had become restless and jealous of the white people, who were in that part of the country steadily encroaching on both the real and fancied rights of their red brethren. These jealousies eventually broke out into actual conflict, and the State and national military were called out to quell the deadly trouble that seemed to be rising. Of course, great excitement prevailed everywhere, and in sparsely-settled neighborhoods like this, with no commensurate means of resistance at hand, and with a people in their midst who, though professing friendship, were yet known to be of a treacherous nature, the most serious apprehensions were entertained. In this state of fear and anxiety the inhabitants of this vicinity were living when, about the latter part of May, 1832, news was brought to the neighborhood of the massacre of several families and the capture and abduction of two young ladies near Ottawa. In those days, this was considered only an adjacent neighborhood, and very naturally the alarm created in this place was intense. A meeting of all the citizens was immediately called, and it was quickly resolved that, in consideration of their utter inability to repel an attack, it was best to remove to the more thickly settled country on the Wabash, whence many of them had formerly emigrated. Accordingly, on the following night at 10 o’clock, there were found nearly twenty wagons, and teams gathered at Five-Mile Grove prepared to start. At about the time fixed for their departure they were joined by some parties who reported the Indians approaching. This precipitated their flight, and great confusion prevailed. One man had loaned his ox-yoke, and had sent for it, as he could not harness his cattle without it; but when the announcement was made that the enemy were near, he snatched a rail from the fence, and with a half-dozen strokes of the ax fashioned it into a substitute, which in a moment more was bound on the necks of his oxen with withes of hickory, as quickly cut from the brush, and he was one of the first to start for the Wabash.
It had been intended to take the cattle and all of their household goods; but so great was their hurry that everything of the kind was left behind. The gads were applied to the hides of the oxen, and the flight was as rapid as possible. Their way lay through the townships of Manhattan, Wilton and Rockville, crossing the Kankakee at one of its fords. After traveling some miles, finding that they were not pursued, two of the men determined to return and bring forward the stock which had been left behind. However, when they came to the settlement no stock could be found, having wandered off into the woods. One of the men then bethought him of a bag of maple sugar which had but recently been manufactured from the sap of trees which grew here. Throwing this across his horse, he, with his companion, set out to overtake the main party. They had traveled but a few miles when they perceived, at a distance, two real Indians rapidly following them. They very naturally conjectured that these were only scouts of a large party of human butchers, and put spurs to their horses. On looking back, they found that the Indians were pursuing them rapidly. The bag of sugar was a real burden and difficult to carry, so it was allowed to slip to the ground. Thus relieved, horses and riders dashed forward with increased rapidity. Indians are notoriously fond of sugar, and this was quite a prize, and, as they stopped to examine, taste and eat, the pursued parties left their would be captors far behind. As they came up with their friends, they were just crossing the Kankakee. As soon as the report that they were being pursued had spread to the company, confusion was worse than confounded, and the alarm vented itself in the shrieks of the women, the cries of the children and the curses of the men, mingled with the bellowing of the sharply goaded oxen. One team seemed to partake of the excitement, but instead of rushing for the other side, stood stock still, unable to move. The driver, in his desperation, believing the wagon mired, hastily unhitched the oxen from the load, and, placing his wife, who was the other occupant of the wagon, on one ox, he bestrode the other, and, applying the lash with renewed vigor, they gained the other shore and soon overtook the train. The relation of such incidents, at this date, causes no little merriment, but at the time of their occurrence were very serious indeed. Even those who were participants tell the story of “Five-Mile Massacre,” and laugh heartily; though it is said that the hero of the bag of sugar was ever afterward quite sensitive on that point, and, although a man of piety, no man could say “sugar” to him without running great risk of being knocked down. On the evening of the second day, having found that the last incident related was only a scare from some friendly Pottawatomies, the party halted, and it was proposed to have supper and a night’s rest. But here, again, were enacted the scenes of the crossing of the Kankakee. Just as the fires had began to blaze, preparatory to cooking the much-needed meal, a horseman galloped into camp and stopped just long enough to say that the Indians were after them in earnest. Thus, their supper and sleep were dispensed with, and not until three nights and days had passed did they stop long enough to take a nap, or eat, except as they fled. After several days more of travel, during which they received no further alarms, they reached Danville, whence they learned troops had been sent to take care of the savages, and all fear and anxiety were at an end. Soon after, Black Hawk and his people were removed to the other side, of the Mississippi River; and, all fear of molestation having passd, most of the former residents of this neighborhood returned. They found the most of their cattle and hogs, and their crops were unmolested. The cows, however, “had gone dry,” and the corn was sadly in need of cultivation. The wagon was recovered from the bed of the Kankakee, and even the greater part of the bag of sugar was restored by the hand of one of the friendly red men, who had only pursued them to inform them that there was not the least danger. In the Fall of 1832, arrived Jacob and Joseph Zumalt. The Zumalts removed to California some years ago. They were natives of Ohio.
The most systematic and extensive, and at the same time one of the most important, settlements of this part of the county was made in 1834. This colony consisted of R. J. Boylan, Peter Brown and two sonsJohn and Araand Smith Johnson. These parties were from New Jersey, and came well prepared, and with a full understanding of the enterprise in which they were embarking. Most pioneers in those days “pulled up stakes,” as the saying was, and moved with but little previous knowledge of the country to which they were going. In many cases they were guided by unreliable reports, sometimes seemingly by instinct and sometimes entirely by accident. But in the case of Boylan and his company, the greatest care was taken. Maps were consulted, the most reliable reports were procured and read, and all of the information obtainable was procured and used. R. J. Boylan, a practical surveyor and a man of excellent judgment, was sent forward to select, survey and locate the land. He came to this neighborhood, and having located twenty-one eighties, or 1,680 acres, notified the balance of the colony who came on at once, and occupied the land. Hardly a finer selection could be made than this, consisting of land on, and in the vicinity of, Jackson Creek. Of the original colonists, only Mr. Boylan remains. Mr. Boylan has been a very active man, having been identified with almost every enterprise of any consequence in this section of the country. He has held many positions of honor and trust, among which may be named that of County Surveyor and Township Treasurer, the latter of which he has occupied for the last sixteen years. In consequence of this activity, united with strictly temperate habits, he now enjoys, at an advanced age, perfect health and the exercise of his full mental faculties. His house is the only stone dwelling in the township, and is situated on the bank of the fine little stream named in honor of the “Hero of New Orleans.” Though the original Browns and Johnson have passed away, they have left behind numerous descendants and kindred, who occupy the old and original selections, as made in 1834.
Henry Watkins and sons, Henry, Jr., Benjamin and Peter, arrived from New York in 1834. None of this family now reside here, all having moved away. About the last-named date, a schoolhouse was built at Reed’s Grove, land Henry Watkins was employed to teach the first school therein.
Edward Kirk was also one of the oldest settlers in this part of the county. He had come to the county a year or two previous to his settling in Jackson in 1835.
Mrs. Adaline Grant is one of the oldest residents of the county, having lived Ihere about forty-five years. She is now a resident of Elwood.
The Indian scare having blown over, the country began now to settle quite rapidly. Many soldiers who came with Gen. Scott in 1832, to assist in subduing the Indians, afterward came to the State to reside. Through their descriptions of the country, many more were induced to emigrate. The proposed canal doubtless had much to do with the settlement of this region.
As in all pioneer towns and neighborhoods, so in this, there was that notable feature of roughness, and yet accompanying it was universal kindness and hospitality; so that, while the old settlers are willing to admit an improvement inr the manners and morals of the people, they are wont to disclaim against the lack of sympathy and brotherly feeling as compared with the times when their; nearest neighbor lived miles away. In those times, they say, if any one was sick, everybody within a radius of twenty miles knew and manifested the deepest interest. Did one of the pioneers die, his funeral was attended by every inhabitant of the country, and births and marriages were subjects of universal congratulation. If a house or barn were to be raised, every man in the neighborhood was invited to assist and stay to dinner; and if, perchance, a neighbor were overlooked in the invitation, it was taken as cause for serious affront.
Newspapers were not so plenty as now, and in thepioneer settlements a copy was seldom seen. Indeed only one small weekly was published in Chicago prior to 1835, and it was a number of years after that when a few copies began to find their way to this neighborhood. Not until about 1840, was a post-route established through this part of the county, so that the settlement was in a measure isolated from the balance of the world. As before stated, about 1840, a post-route from Joliet to Danville was established, and an office was located on Jackson Creek. James Gager was first Postmaster, and kept the office at his house. Though a great convenience to the community, it was a great nuisance to its keeper; and consequently it had a precarious kind of migratory existence of about fifteen years, until it was finally permanently located at Elwood, on the completion of the railroad and the location of that town.
The township of Jackson was one of the first to organize in 1850 as a separate precinct. A large number of the present townships contained such a limited number of inhabitants that it was found necessary to attach them to others until they should be strong enough for separate organization. The first election was held April 2, 1850; but who the first officers were, or who have been their successors, is not so clearly remembered that we feel safe in giving them; and as the township records were destroyed in the Elwood fire in 1874, the names are therefore not obtainable.
The names of the present officers are: Henry Spangler, Supervisor; Jonathan Hougham, Collector; Francis Shearn, Assessor; Albert Linebarger, Clerk; P. F. Dooley and Joseph Tehle, Justices of the Peace; Robert Barnes, Constable; R. J. Boylan, Jacob Palmer and Cyrus Hemphill, Commissioners of Highways, and R. J. Boylan, School Treasurer.
From the very first, the inhabitants of this township have manifested more than an ordinary interest in those two reforming and elevating influencesreligion and education. Hardly had the early pioneers unloaded their wagons before religious services of a public character were performed. Like the Puritans, when they had but just disembarked from the Mayflower, they fell down on their knees and thanked God for their safe journey through the trackless waste. As early as 1833, an organization for religious purposes was effected. This consisted of a Methodist class, of which William Thornburg was appointed First Leader. This little organization was what has since developed into the Elwood M. E. Church. From a paper prepared and read before the Elwood Church, by Rev. G. J. Kinne, we are permitted to lay before our readers a complete though brief history of this oldest Church in the township and one of the oldest in the county.
Soon after the establishing of the class alluded to, a schoolhouse was built in the vicinity, and in this services were held for a number of years. Among the old pioneer preachers who visited the place and preached to the people, are mentioned the names of Jesse Walker, John Sinclair, S. R. Beggs, S. H. Stocking and others. Under their preaching, the Church prospered and grew in numbers, influence and wealth until, in 1852, they found themselves able to build a house of worship. The site selected was nearly a mile west of the village and of its present location. The cost of the building was $1,800. In 1866, it was determined to remove the building to the village. It was thought that the location at the Grove, on account of the growing village at so short a distance, was not the most suitable site for an increasing membership. During the migration of the house which so many had learned to love, meetings were held in it daily. Like the travels of the tabernacle, which the Israelites carried from Egypt to the land of Canaan, the journey of the old church was consecrated from its beginning to its end by the prayers and praises of the people. By October of the year named, the house had been remodeled and was Complete for re-dedication. At present, the building, inside and out, presents a neat and attractive appearance, and will afford accommodations for about two hundred and fifty sittings.
The next year after the removal, this branch was made a separate charge. The organization has continued to increase in numbers and importance. The membership is about one hundred, of whom William Clark is present Pastor. In connection with the Church is a flourishing Sunday school, under the Superintendence of William Nicholson. The school numbers about one hundred members.
The Baptist Church of Elwood was built in 1859, at a cost of about $2,000. Rev. Mr. Renfrew was the first preacher. For some years past, the society has not been in the most flourishing condition, and at times the building has been closed. At present, services are held twice each month, by Rev. Mr. Bradbier, of Gardner. A Sunday school is in operation, with Bateman Lloyd as Superintendent. The membership of the Church is about fifty, and of the Sunday school, about as many.
In 1863, the Reformed Lutherans of this township living in the vicinity of Jackson Creek organized and built a neat little church on the southwest corner of Section 15, at a cost of $1,200. Rev. Rufus Smith, Edward Loomis, S. Bosley, Henry and Christopher Lichtenwater and Christopher Faut were amongst the leading projectors of the work. Rev. Smith was the first preacher, and for a time labored in this corner of the Lord’s vineyard with good acceptance; but, by and by, his opinions in regard to the subject of religion underwent a change, and with him coincided many of his flock, and it was decided to abandon the organization. Accordingly, about five years after the house was built, the congregation assembled and a motion was made and carried that the house be “deeded to the Lord,” and that He look after its interest in the future. The instrument was drawn up in due form and regularly signed, but whether delivered or recorded we are not permitted to know. Since that event, the house has been occupied irregularly by different denominations; at present by the Methodists, Rev. Olif Morse conducting the services.
The United Brethren have held religious services in the northeastern part of the township for over twenty-five years. In 1865, they erected, on the northeast corner of Section 11, their present house of worship, at a cost of $2,000. The building is a neat frame, 30 feet in width by 45 feet in length, and will seat one hundred and fifty to two hundred persons. Rev. Mr. Marglist is present Pastor, and Isaac Overholser is Superintendent of the Sunday school.
On the northwest corner of Section 24, stands the German Methodist, or, more properly speaking, the Church of the Evangelical Association. This is also a frame building, and was erected in 1865. It is 28×36 feet in size, and cost $1,400. It was erected at the instance of William Poleman, John Gise, Isaac Moyer, William Kriemier, Jacob Wible and other prominent members of the Association. Rev. Rieman Snyder is the resident Pastor, and M. Moyer is Superintendent of the Sabbath school. Preaching and other religious services have been held here for over twenty years by this denomination.
Besides the churches named, church service and Sunday schools are held in several of the public schoolhouses in the township.
As intimated, the church and school go hand in hand in their influence for good on the human family; and so we find in this and many other towns many instances where the schoolhouse and the church-building stand adjacent to each other, and many more in which one building answers both purposes. In 1834, the first school was opened in Reed’s Grove, with Henry Watkins as teacher of fifteen boys and girls. School has been maintained in the township ever since; and, from the date named until 1870, there was a continual increase in the number of persons in attendance at the schools. Since 1870, the attendance has remained about the same. We have it on the best authority that the condition of the schools in this township is very good.
As an indication of what is being done for the education of the youth of Jackson Township, a few items are here given:
Number of persons under 21 – 724 Number of persons between 6 and 21 years – 612 Number of persons attending school – 455 Number of male teachers – 6 Number of female teachers – 12 Number of months taught – 88 Number of days’ attendance – 41,278 Number of persons between 12 and 21 who cannot read – 00 Estimated value of school property – $9,000 00 Highest wages paid to any teacher – 60 00 Lowest wages paid to any teacher – 20 00 Total expenditure for school purposes (1877) – 4,736 00
The attention of the reader is directed to the second and third items. A comparison of these two will disclose the fact that nearly 90 per cent of all between 6 and 21 have attended school during the past year; and when we take into account that scarcely any over 18 years of age ever attend, the showing for those of from 6 to 18 is still better.
Another expressive item also appears in the table. There is not one person in the township between 12 and 21 who cannot read and write. In France, Spain, Italy and some other Eastern countries, usually termed enlightened nations, and several of the southern States, from 30 to 60 per cent of the adults cannot even read. The inhabitants of Jackson Township are proud of their schools, as they have good reason to be.
Jackson Township is bounded on the north by Joliet, east by Manhattan, south by Florence and west by Channahon. It is a full Congressional town, and is described as such as Town 34 north, Range 10 east of Third Principal Meridian. It contains thirty-six sections, or 23,040 acres. Most of the land in this township is first-class, of a deep rich soil, well adapted to the production of corn, rye, oats and vegetables.
Nearly all of the land is well farmed, and the neat and, in many cases, elegant dwellings and other buildings betoken a thrifty and prosperous population. Originally, about one-fourth of the township was covered with timber, but the early settlers cut off a large portion, not only for fuel, but for fencing, house and barn building; and but for the railroad, which now brings lumber for the latter purposes, and the discovery of coal as a substitute for the former, hardly a tree would now be left. As it is, probably three or four sections may, with propriety, be denominated timber land. The township is well watered by Jackson and Prairie Creeks, the former of which flows through the central part, from east to west, and the latter through the southeast corner. The Chicago & St. Tiouis Railroad crosses the township in the western part, entering near the northwest corner of Section 4, and diverging toward the west, leaving near the southwest corner of Section 31.
Village of Elwood

The year 1854 was eventful for numerous localities between Joliet and Bloomington, as it marks the completion of what was then called the Chicago & Mississippi Railroad, now called the Chicago & St. Louis, and the location pf most of the villages and towns along the line. Before that date, a town in Jackson Township was not thought of; and, had it been, any other portion would have been as likely to be fixed upon as its present site. As soon as the road was completed, steps were at once taken to establish a station at this point, and this being accomplished, the village followed as a consequence. A convenient trading-point was at once provided, and the country and its products demanded tradesmen, mechanics and professional men.
The town was surveyed and platted and lots offered for sale in 1854 and 1855, by Messrs. Spencer, Gardner and Myers, gentlemen interested in the road. The first house built in the town was erected by William Turner, formerly of New York, but at the date of which we write, a resident of the township. In this building he displayed the first stock of goods ever offered for sale in the township. Turner was also appointed Postmaster, and kept the office in his store. Joseph Partee, who had also been living in the neighborhood, built the first dwelling, and James Barrett built the second. George Blair built the first blacksmith-shop. To these were added stores, shops and dwellings, and the town grew quite rapidly, so that, in 1869, it was found advisable to incorporate the same. Only a few scraps of the original records and lists escaped the fire of 1874, so that no complete list of its officers or narration of its public acts can now be given. It is, however, remembered with certainty that William Muhlig was first President, and R. Spafford, John Linebarger, William Eversoll and T. A. Mapps were members of the Board of Trustees. W. F. Keith was first Police Magistrate. In 1873, the town was re-organized under the general law of the State. The present officers are: John H. Bridge, President; John Linebarger, C. D. Wickes, Bateman Lloyd, John Pinneo and J. J. Lichtenwalter, Trustees; W. H. Kinne, Clerk; and W. W. Gifford, Treasurer.
On the night of the 28th of May, 1874, a fire swept over the business part of the town, which, for destructiveness, taking into account the size of the place, exceeded that of Chicago of two years before. The fire broke out in the store of William Nicholson, which stood near the center of the business portion, and in a few hours every store but one and the hotel had given way before the fiery element. This was a serious blow to the little town. Prior to this, it had been, though slowly, yet steadily increasing. The loss of property was estimated at $30,000, of which not more than $1,000 was insured. Though some of the burned district has been rebuilt and business is carried on as before, some of the proprietors were so much crippled as not to be able to start again, and the village still feels the loss sustained. The present population is about four hundred. The schools of the village are in good condition. The first term taught in the village was by William Grant, who kept the same in the Baptist Church. The schoolhouse, which is,the same now in use, was built a few years after the location of the town, at a cost of $2,500. In this building Thomas Greenlaw taught the first term. At present the school consists of three departments, of which S. B. Robins is Principal, and Nelson Wickes is Assistant. School is sustained about nine months each year.
Elwood Lodge, No. 410, I. O. O. F., was established at this place October 11, 1870, with William Muhlig, Sidney M. Stevens, Thomas C. Pennington, Charles H. Eddy and J. S. Hughes as charter members. During the time of its existence, but two of its members have died. The number of members now belonging is thirty. The present N. G. is A. H. Linebarger; V. G., G. C. Wickes; Secretary, Nelson Black; and Treasurer, Robert Spafford.
The alarm of war, and that the country’s life was in danger was not unheeded by the citizens of Elwood and of the township of Jackson. Like the namesake of the township, on a former occasion, when the serpent of rebellion raised its ghastly head, the strong men of this vicinity but stopped to utter the well-known and expressive sentence, “By the Eternal, etc.,” and then rushed off to the nearest recruiting office to enroll themselves for “three years or during the war.” The promptness with which they flocked to the standard of the country was not surpassed by any other township, and many of them sacrificed their lives to protect it.